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A Present for Each Profession

This update is focused on adding or improving skills, traits, or weapons in each profession, in a way that introduces new builds to try. It was important to us that there was something to be excited about in this update for every profession. Here’s a small selection of what to expect on June 28:

  • Elementalist: Tempest will now be able to provide party alacrity, with a rework to their grandmaster trait Lucid Singularity.
  • Engineer: We’ve updated multiple rifle weapon skills to better support engineer power damage builds, and we’ve adjusted minimum and maximum ranges on several range-limited traits (such as Aim-Assisted Rocket, High Caliber, and No Scope) so that there’s an effective range in which all of them can function together.
  • Guardian: We’ve updated guardian’s signet skills, including a significant improvement to Signet of Resolve.
  • Mesmer: Chronomancers will be able to effectively choose to provide either quickness or alacrity based on their grandmaster trait selection and do so more easily, with increased radius and application methods that are easier to keep up with moving groups.
  • Necromancer: Updates to warhorn and the related trait Banshee’s Wail will improve the necromancer’s ability to provide healing to allies.
  • Ranger: Spirit skills have been overhauled to provide boons and allow rangers to opt in to providing alacrity with the trait Nature’s Vengeance.
  • Revenant: Legendary Centaur Stance skills and Salvation traits have been updated to better support healing roles, while herald will now be able to provide quickness to allies with the trait Draconic Echo.
  • Thief: The Shadow Arts trait line has been updated to provide better support options to synergize with specter, as well as updated options for stealth and defensive gameplay.
  • Warrior: Banner skills have been overhauled to provide boons. Through deploying banners, an update to warhorn’s Charge skill, and the Tactics trait Martial Cadence, warriors can provide quickness to allies.

We’ll be releasing the full profession update notes on Friday, June 24, to give you time to comb through them in detail and plan ahead for the new update. Stay tuned for updates on WvW development later this week!

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I love how they tie new Ranger buffs to the spirits, as to make sure these new buffs won't be usable in pvp.

Heal Druid with alacrity will dethrone old Firebrand pve meta though. Heal Druid/Alac will become the new center of party formation in pve, and then every DPS now grants quickness so no prob. Only exception would be groups who are ballsy enough to play without healing, which you do see from time to time.

41 minutes ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

It means that anet is power creeping the game so everyone can have all the boons in pve without having to think about it. It also means that they dont care about pvp balance whatsoever.

This patch is probably going to end up being one of the worst decisions they've made in a very long time. This patch is delivering some unprecedented levels of direct power creep. T4s & CMs are already just not hard anymore with general EOD power creep, but they will officially be "easy content" after this patch drops. Like normal mediocre players will be able to start doing unorganized T4 CM group clears pretty leisurely.

On the other hand, I don't think this patch is going to change much for pvp. Most of those listed changes won't be cohesive to use with anything pvp related. If anything, it's changes like the Engi Rifle buff, that might shake up the meta.

Now I want to read the full list of changes.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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1 minute ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I love how they tie new Ranger buffs to the spirits, as to make sure these new buffs won't be usable in pvp.

Heal Druid with alacrity will dethrone old Firebrand pve meta though. Heal Druid/Alac will become the new center of party formation in pve, and then every DPS now grants quickness so no prob. Only exception would be groups who are ballsy enough to play without healing, which you do see from time to time.

This patch is probably going to end up being one of the worst decisions they've made in a very long time. This patch is delivering some unprecedented levels of direct power creep. T4s & CMs are already just not hard anymore with general EOD power creep, but they will officially be "easy content" after this patch drops. Like normal mediocre players will be able to start doing unorganized T4 CM group clears pretty leisurely.

at this point it seems they just want anybody to be able to clear endgame :d

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They want you to do something other than "DPS everything down before it can breathe".


I'm not a fan of powercreep in general, but support powercreep is very different from damage powercreep, which has been the problem for a long time. Yes, that one infamous February update nerfed all damage across the board, but then they removed most support and bunkering amulets and later added EoD specs and brought it back up again, even making sure supports had damage stats too, and aside from the occasional bunkering sidenoder the game's mostly been a DPS game for the entire run of PvP.


Maybe we'll see something other than Core Support Guard in matchups after this update. But most likely, it'll still be the only support class that's actively played aside from your infrequent HealShout Tempest. Alacrity and Quickness just aren't super useful boonshares in PvP, which revolves mostly around  Might, Fury, Swiftness, Protection, reflects and direct heals/cleanses in the support role.


Unlike PvE, support in PvP is probably still going to revolve around "keep players up for more than 1sec" rather than enabling your party to deal more damage, since the game's already bursty.


The classes getting outgoing healing buffs are the ones most likely to see increased play.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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8 minutes ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

They want you to do something other than "DPS everything down before it can breathe".


I'm not a fan of powercreep in general, but support powercreep is very different from damage powercreep, which has been the problem for a long time. Yes, that one infamous February update nerfed all damage across the board, but then they removed most support and bunkering amulets and later added EoD specs and brought it back up again, even making sure supports had damage stats too, and aside from the occasional bunkering sidenoder the game's mostly been a DPS game for the entire run of PvP.


Maybe we'll see something other than Core Support Guard in matchups after this update. But most likely, it'll still be the only support class that's actively played aside from your infrequent HealShout Tempest. Alacrity and Quickness just aren't super useful boonshares in PvP, which revolves mostly around  Might, Fury, Swiftness, Protection, reflects and direct heals/cleanses in the support role.


Unlike PvE, support in PvP is probably still going to revolve around "keep players up for more than 1sec" rather than enabling your party to deal more damage, since the game is already bursty.

Curious about shadow arts changes as a stealth support spectre is already decent.

Also tempest could make good use of alacrity as a side noder. Im thinking along the lines of a fresh air glyph build, depending on if glyphs are buffed.

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We've decided to gut traits that were only really appealing to PvP players to better dumb down our game for the players who like to stand on top of each other whacking a stationary target.  P.s. new cosmetic kitten in the cash shop 😃 

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10 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Heal Druid with alacrity will dethrone old Firebrand pve meta though. Heal Druid/Alac will become the new center of party formation in pve, and then every DPS now grants quickness so no prob.

Heal mech didn't do that, but druid will (that can't grant party stab)? If you say so.

In 10 man groups, sure ofc., but hfb was an offhealer there anyway.

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Considering anet's track record of spilling the stuff in which they have most pride/confidence first, this is a SUPER BORING patch lmao.  Guardian SIGNET UPDATE, BOIS, LET'S GOOOOO.  Also, banners giving boons is not an "overhaul," but since anet runs on 1yr intern contracts, they have to make whatever the turnovers can do with this game's eldritch spaghetti engine seem like something on the cusp of expansion-tier.

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12 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I love how they tie new Ranger buffs to the spirits, as to make sure these new buffs won't be usable in pvp.

Heal Druid with alacrity will dethrone old Firebrand pve meta though. Heal Druid/Alac will become the new center of party formation in pve, and then every DPS now grants quickness so no prob. Only exception would be groups who are ballsy enough to play without healing, which you do see from time to time.

This patch is probably going to end up being one of the worst decisions they've made in a very long time. This patch is delivering some unprecedented levels of direct power creep. T4s & CMs are already just not hard anymore with general EOD power creep, but they will officially be "easy content" after this patch drops. Like normal mediocre players will be able to start doing unorganized T4 CM group clears pretty leisurely.

On the other hand, I don't think this patch is going to change much for pvp. Most of those listed changes won't be cohesive to use with anything pvp related. If anything, it's changes like the Engi Rifle buff, that might shake up the meta.

Now I want to read the full list of changes.

GW2 was never difficult, and the only thing that gatekeeps anyone from t4/CM statics is generally just a super boring gear grind.

t. 2012 zerk meta

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22 minutes ago, Swagg.9236 said:

GW2 was never difficult, and the only thing that gatekeeps anyone from t4/CM statics is generally just a super boring gear grind.

t. 2012 zerk meta

Things like 98 99 100 CMs were definitely once difficult. But gradual power creep eventually makes everything easy. For example in 98 CM today, the snake clone phase at Siax is very easy due to massively enhanced DPS, but this was not true during say the first year of 98 CM release. There was a time when those clones were actually hard to DPS. If players didn't have full tweaked builds & gear and knew exactly how to rotate DPS cycles, aint no way they were getting past Siax. There was a time when Siax was a very hard DPS check and unless your party was dishing out DPS within the 95th+ percentile of the player base, they were not getting past Siax. But now? any casual group trying out their first CM for the first time can manage that phase.

Same thing has happened to 99 CM at this point, it's just easy now. DPS is so high that bosses get nuked before their phases last long enough to be threatening.

100 CM still has some threat range but it's losing heat fast amongst all the power creep.

Honestly they need to go into fractals and make all CM modes have an adjustment like: +50% damage from all mobs, all mobs gain +50% health, including bosses. These fractals were fun to run when they were challenging enough to be mentally stimulating. Lately though, they just aren't unless you're purposely playing with a mediocre group to see if you can carry.

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2 hours ago, Pimsley.3681 said:


Tempest is already great as it is, probably the best ele elite in pvp (and one of the easiest to play)

This balance team...


This change has nothing to do with pvp.. Its for pve where tempest support/heal is dead. Heal without quick or alac has no place in current pve meta.

Anet actually doing great job here. For pvp nothing going to change with this. Just ignore it and be happy for people who like healing as tempest in pve.

Edited by Luna.6203
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27 minutes ago, Luna.6203 said:


This change has nothing to do with pvp.. Its for pve where tempest support/heal is dead. Heal without quick or alac has no place in current pve meta.

Anet actually doing great job here. For pvp nothing going to change with this. Just ignore it and be happy for people who like healing as tempest in pve.


Hi, thanks for the input. I read that the upcoming WvW changes are coming up soon so I thought this was for pvp. So I guess we'll just hold our breaths for now. I play a bit of  ele - tempest, weaver a bit of cata and feel that tempest is the most powerful of all at the moment. for PVE, the buff sounds great. 


I do get called a degen in-game by other support specs when on my tempest because of my abilities to counter Harb and more.  Support is fun, kinda troll-y if played properly. Anet is more communicative now than the past few years. The return of Josh and Colin was definitely good for the game at least for PVE so far. 


Hardest classes to master to me are power Mesmer and Thief. There was a discord from about a year or two back on how the devs should be careful with Mesmer because of the amount of hate it generates, even if slightly buffed. It's very special and not that many people can play it properly, me being one of them. 

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4 hours ago, Pimsley.3681 said:

Tempest is already great as it is, probably the best ele elite in pvp (and one of the easiest to play)

This balance team...

Okay but that's Aura Share. Putting Alacrity on a different GM trait means Tempest is having to choose between heals, boons, and damage.

Also they may well nerf the Alac/Quickness that a lot of these new things are handing out to 1-2 sec in SPvP.

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5 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Things like 98 99 100 CMs were definitely once difficult. But gradual power creep eventually makes everything easy. For example in 98 CM today, the snake clone phase at Siax is very easy due to massively enhanced DPS, but this was not true during say the first year of 98 CM release. There was a time when those clones were actually hard to DPS. If players didn't have full tweaked builds & gear and knew exactly how to rotate DPS cycles, aint no way they were getting past Siax. There was a time when Siax was a very hard DPS check and unless your party was dishing out DPS within the 95th+ percentile of the player base, they were not getting past Siax. But now? any casual group trying out their first CM for the first time can manage that phase.

Same thing has happened to 99 CM at this point, it's just easy now. DPS is so high that bosses get nuked before their phases last long enough to be threatening.

100 CM still has some threat range but it's losing heat fast amongst all the power creep.

Honestly they need to go into fractals and make all CM modes have an adjustment like: +50% damage from all mobs, all mobs gain +50% health, including bosses. These fractals were fun to run when they were challenging enough to be mentally stimulating. Lately though, they just aren't unless you're purposely playing with a mediocre group to see if you can carry.

Rotations aren't hard.  GW2 was never difficult.  In fact, it was probably harder when the way to kill things wasn't really with rotations or gear but more along the lines of positioning/luring enemies and timing certain abilities (mainly reflects and line-attacks but also Mimic when that skill was actually cool).  The fact that you cited DPS checks as the things by which you're gauging difficulty already shows how braindead GW2 has become.

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In regards to CM content getting easier. I like how Anet is choosing to address that. They're adding more mechanics that you cannot cheese with healing/aegis/stability. We're seeing that with the new Strike CMs, we're seeing this with the Soo Won meta event (which most people STILL fail) You will have to actually respect the mechanics of the fight and play around them. At the same time, they're spreading some of the boons that were previously monopolized by very few classes to more professions. 

I like this direction overall. Hopefully we can get some new fractal CMs as well with that design pholosophy, things which you cannot overcome with raw dps, healing, and boons. 

All that being said, this is a PvE patch not a PvP patch.

We may see some PvP focused changes as well, most likely targeting Harbinger and Willbender. Catalyst may also get nerfs to compensate for the sphere change. Mechanist will probably get nerfed again even though it's already dead. Ultimately though, as a fan of theorycraft, I'm excited for this patch. This is new content for people to sink their teeth into, as opposed to the usual harsh nerfs that only remove content and options from the game. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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