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Engi changes next week

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Inb4 "updated multiple rifle skills" mean: 2 of the currently existing rifle skills are now also explosions. The End.

-Engineer: We’ve updated multiple rifle weapon skills to better support engineer power damage builds, and we’ve adjusted minimum and maximum ranges on several range-limited traits (such as Aim-Assisted Rocket, High Caliber, and No Scope) so that there’s an effective range in which all of them can function together.


Edited by Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365
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Tbh, the engineer preview sounded the most interesting and exciting of them all to me. (actual changes to underperforming weapons, whooo!)  If they are executed well and deliver, of course. 

I'm hoping for more damage/vuln on auto and 2 , no bleed more damage on 3 (maybe replace bleed with vuln?), and possibly more dmg on 5. And yeah, probably explosions on 3, 4 and 5. 

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Used to play core engineer with rifle. And with the elite specs always the weapon that came with them. (Holo a shield as off hand together with the sword.) For mecha I feel like the mech can be tanky enough to switch to a riflle again for some ranged stuff. (At the moment playing mace + shield with mecha and missing some ranged options.)

I already loved that they removed the self-knockback on skill 4 back then. Explosions certainly would be nice.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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3 hours ago, Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365 said:

Inb4 "updated multiple rifle skills" mean: 2 of the currently existing rifle skills are now also explosions. The End.

-Engineer: We’ve updated multiple rifle weapon skills to better support engineer power damage builds, and we’ve adjusted minimum and maximum ranges on several range-limited traits (such as Aim-Assisted Rocket, High Caliber, and No Scope) so that there’s an effective range in which all of them can function together.


Make turrets scale with player stats but has duration before desummoned.

Also add relocate ability if turret are permanently spawned so mobile bosses meta are viable with turrets.

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3 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

I already loved that they removed the self-knockback on skill 4 back then. Explosions certainly would be nice.

personally I would rather have the self knockback if it meant the skill did full damage in pvp rather than just being a launch, it gave the weapon a little character after all.

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6 hours ago, Stalima.5490 said:

personally I would rather have the self knockback if it meant the skill did full damage in pvp rather than just being a launch, it gave the weapon a little character after all.

I kind of wish that they made it slide our character backwards without hard CCing them. It was great to feel the impact of the shot and to gain that additional distance, but it also was a bit cartoony for our character to always be ill-prepared.

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20 minutes ago, Quench.7091 said:

I kind of wish that they made it slide our character backwards without hard CCing them. It was great to feel the impact of the shot and to gain that additional distance, but it also was a bit cartoony for our character to always be ill-prepared.

Warrior rifle has a CC + evade backwards. It makes sense too, physically, that when you launch a heavy shot at someone you feel heavy recoil yourself.

I don't mind much either way. Staying close / keeping distance both have their advantages for a mid-range class.

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Well ... I generally liked the removal of the movement imparing conditions on skill 4 (they are there - if I remember correctly). Always thought it would be because of that recoil. Glad they stayed - even when the self-knockback got removed. Would not mind if it was an evade like with the warrior - that someone mentioned. (Then again: He is supposed to be stronger physically - as a heavy armor class.)

The ammo thing someone mentioned - sounded nice. Especially for skills like the skill 4 one.1

I really loved the mid-range style of engineer (that it can also have with elite specs but core I felt it the most) - rifle with the skill that does more damage when closer. But a long rangen generel. The knockback ... but also movement skill (on 5) - and then some immobilize with the net shot.

Long time my favorite style in PvP/WvW where I did not like the scrapper/holo (only played them in PvE) - though core was considered noob-ish. (Now I switched to mecha everywhere.) Also in 1-enemy environments (bosses, champs) I loved the CC from rifle 4 which did on unscaled core mobs - for example - almost remove the full cc bar on champs. Never really had been the pistol type.

Now I'd really love to get 2nd set swap in-combat. (Where for a long time we only had 1 weapon set. Cause we are supposed to use the kits ... that take utility slots though.) As 2-h weapon it can't be combined with other stuff. (Might go to using toolkig for the gear shield there - and for melee stuff.) But with the elite specs weapons ... if we want to use them ... we can only combine it with pistol or shield for holo/mecha..

Edited by Luthan.5236
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Hip Shot has been replaced with Rifle Burst. Rifle Burst delivers a quick burst of fire that pierces targets, followed by an explosive grenade. Total damage coefficient increased from 0.65 to 1.0 in PvE only.

Net Shot: Moved from second to third in the Rifle sequence. Immobilize duration increased from 2 seconds to 4 seconds in PvE only.

Blunderbuss: Moved from third to second in the Rifle sequence. Now additionally applies might to up to 5 allied targets within a range of 360. Might applied is 5 stacks for 8 seconds in PvE and 3 stacks for 5 seconds in PvP and WvW. Cooldown reduced from 9 seconds to 6 seconds in PvE and from 12 seconds to 8 seconds in PvP and WvW. Increased minimum power coefficient from 0.5 to 0.87 in PvP and WvW.

Jump Shot: Maximum range increased from 800 to 900. The launch blast is now an Explosion. Animation updated for more bounce. Reduced cooldown from 20 seconds to 18 seconds in PvP and WvW.


Additionally a dev commented on reddit that the autoattack will have a new animation (engi no longer shots from the hip), it shoots two bullets and a grenade, and the grenade counts as an explosion.

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43 minutes ago, santenal.1054 said:

A rifle that shoots bullets and grenades?  Instead of spending time creating a new skill, they could have done alot more good for core engineer with alot less effort, but I cant complain too much, they didn't nerf anything significant for core this time.

It's a shame, because if the DPS of the ability is less than bomb kit auto (which may or may not be true depending on cast time) then it won't get to be used in PvE.


It's good that nothing significant on core got nerfed (although depending on if the reworked Medical Dispersion Field works at full health or not, that might be a significant nerf in all gamemodes), but that does feel like a bit of a low bar. For an update "focused on adding or improving skills, traits, or weapons in each profession, in a way that introduces new builds to try," it's a shame that they only did stuff regarding one of those aspects. Turrets (net turret specifically) are some of the worst utilities in the game, and Tools is also in a dire need of a rework. I keep hoping that this is just a fraction of the actual changes, even if that's never going to be the case.


But yeah, definitely shouldn't complain too much - engineer avoided the short end of the stick this time. Although it is painful to see Mechanist getting buffs where Holo and Scrapper don't, despite it being the best performing spec (for PvE at least, and PvP to a lesser extent).

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23 hours ago, santenal.1054 said:

A rifle that shoots bullets and grenades?  Instead of spending time creating a new skill, they could have done alot more good for core engineer with alot less effort, but I cant complain too much, they didn't nerf anything significant for core this time.

This is actually massive because the rifle will now be to trigger the whole middle row of explosives line, granting perma fury, increased ferocity and possibly bleeding and slowing targets while also being to sync with sanguine array for huge might stacking and then since it is applying an additional condition, modified ammunition will become even stronger for it too, if it is a 3-shot burst then it will also be far more likely to apply sharpshooter.

This auto change is actually sounds crazy for rifle, especially with scrapper.

Edited by Stalima.5490
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10 minutes ago, Stalima.5490 said:

This is actually massive because the rifle will now be to trigger the whole middle row of explosives line, granting perma fury, increased ferocity and possibly bleeding and slowing targets while also being to sync with sanguine array for huge might stacking and then since it is applying an additional condition, modified ammunition will become even stronger for it to, if it is a 3-shot burst then it will also be far more likely to apply sharpshooter.

This auto change is actually sounds crazy for rifle, especially with scrapper.

Weapons/skills should be good without being traited, traits should be a mere nice to have, not a necessity. (balance devs obviously disagree with my balancing principle) I dont know what game mode you play but inventions is a must for condi cleanses in my builds.

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