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why are people hating on the patch?

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15 minutes ago, Noenp.2041 said:

If they had nerfed the engi rifle instead of boosting it, your tone would be very different. Also the rifle was already a must have for all engi meta builds so the boost was not needed and wierd to make since Anet said they would be boosting unused weapons, like for example engi's one handed guns...

Isn't it only meta in WvW? As a DPS weapon it felt weak in PVE and I don't recall ever seeing it as a meta weapon there. 

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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In a nutshell, they have communicated through their actions that no amount of backlash or things that make their decision-makers look bad will budge them from going forward with "we're going to do it our way, you can deal with it" and no amount of empty promises about caring about what people think and addressing stuff in the future means anything when their actions (to push forward regardless because delays would be disruptive to their plans) essentially say "we can't make time in our schedule for you."

They will listen when it's convenient for them to listen and benefit from the free labor of people's detailed feedback and not before, and anything more than that is lip service.

Add to this how upsetting the specifics of the class changes are for many, and the state of how balance has been, and you get people feeling pretty glum about the future of this game.

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I like that the engineer's rifle got buffed and a tiny bit reworked. That's nice; I have a rifle on my Scrapper engie for RP purposes, and it'd be really nice to not die instantly in PoF when a sand lion breathes at me.

But that's me. I do open-world PVE (and am terrible at it in most cases). I can't speak for most class changes. Why? 'Cause I don't play them in any sort of competitive game mode. I don't do raids and rarely dabble in PVP or WVW. Other people, who do play those game modes, have every right to be upset or annoyed at class changes that severely affect them. That's why people "hate on" this patch, OP. It negatively affects them, their class(es), and the game mode they play. Just because you are happy with a tiny part of it, doesn't mean the majority is as well.

Edited by Batel.9206
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The pve changes are strange. I just knew they will mess up warrior. Anet you are overcomplicating  banners and quickness. Scrap it and simplify.  

The spvp changes are actually quite fine. Some are a bit cautious, some wont change much but thats ok, generally in the right direction. 

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Most of these changes are completely the opposite to what players want. They even are contradictory to anets intended design philosophy. Classes are all being funneled into the same 2 boon support roles, meaning there is no diversity, not more. People will pick the best alac support (mech) and the best quickness support (firebrand) and refuse to take anything else because they are worse in every way.

People are mad because this has been explained to anet countless times over the years yet they keep making the same dumb decisions over and over again. Sure casual players dont really care, but they will once every class plays the same build and all diversity is gone.

That and they completely butchered banners making them far far worse than they were 10 years ago.

Edited by Paradoxoglanis.1904
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7 hours ago, Stalima.5490 said:

well that's not true for other games, just look at WoW and how garbage the frost death knight development has been over the past 10 years, where removing one passive would fix the whole class yet is somehow still in that game to this day after being universally hated by everyone who actually played the class.


But anyway, people have wanted a rifle update for a while, and guess what we are getting? a rifle update. How is that ignoring the playerbase?

Why are you so focused on 1 little thing while other 99 also exist which u ignoring right now. As if your rifle engi was the only thing in this game

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4 hours ago, Belisaria.8136 said:

There never has been and never will be a lauded balance patch. Happy and neutral people, the vast majority, will just go enjoy the game. Upset people will be the only ones to come post on the forums and be loud in chat. I'm over the moon at the simplified squad building and the increased boon class options this patch brings, and many others are very happy with other changes. You just aren't really gonna see them here cause they're off playing the game, not keyboard smashing.

So everyone who can see the promises anet made were actually not fulfilled are unhappy and negative? I agree most of the playerbase for this particular game are casuals who care mostly about buying skins and some easier content, however the promises anet made were directed towards people who are interested in engame and pvp - since these people actually look at these things obviously. 

Just not too sure given you are happy and neutral, why did you have put your 5 cents here criticising people who are disappointed based on valid reasons. You could be just enjoying the game or doing something else  - such accusations work both ways.

Edited by Mik.3401
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The developers are doing great better than some big company devs like blizzard. People need to stop harassing devs just because something you dont like. Banner warrior  bad ??? i play warrior and never use any banner not everyone plays banner just because someone is mad about something you dont have to be mad to. People need to relax if you dont like the change then go play other games because i know you all are just burned out with all this angry to the devs. 


To me this patch is one of the good patches put out since the expansion alot of changes that was needed

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3 hours ago, Stalima.5490 said:

well I used the rifle and the game seems fine, you get to machine gun so well with the scrapper quickness, I think the haters are just jealous that we got a cool new-old weapon.

How completely disconnected are you? "Well I like this thing and it got buffed, so I don't see a problem with anything else in the patch. You all just sound jealous about it."


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7 minutes ago, Taclism.2406 said:

I'm willing to bet the same people that say this patch is fine were crying about DE's difficulty
Enjoy the game (thats supposed to become harder) when most folks carrying your type are gone.

I doubt that, I think it's just the usual "reaction to the reaction" thing that inevitably happens on the internet any time anyone gets aggravated about anything in significant numbers. You can tell that amidst those that are just confused and out of the loop, there are also often those who feel a sense of superiority for being more calm and detached about such a situation, or disagree with the consensus just to stand out. There's something cultural that goes on where people think you're more rational and reasonable if you don't show emotion, which is just completely wrong. Some of the most irrational things said are said in a monotone and some of the most important rational and reasonable rallying cries in life are said full of emotion.

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Haven't had time yet to try out my warrior with thousands of hrs on him. I'm a PDPS and usually just go with my build without banners, and it seems now banners and warriors will be useless? I mostly PVE/Strikes/Fractals/Dungeons sometimes WvW, once in a while PVP. I don't think playing my warrior now without banners will be an issue if I play PVE/Strikes/Fractals? 

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Some people here i just looking at the negativity as always instead of the positives. The patch has more good balance changes than bad but sure go ahead and overeact just like everyone on just one single changes. i bet some not everyone here plays warrior but just mad at something and just following the crown like always

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4 minutes ago, Rendalmj.3152 said:

Some people here i just looking at the negativity as always instead of the positives. The patch has more good balance changes than bad but sure go ahead and overeact just like everyone on just one single changes. i bet some not everyone here plays warrior but just mad at something and just following the crown like always

They elaborate fairly well on much of the why people are aggravated. Hopefully you understand after reading it.

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2 hours ago, Stalima.5490 said:

thats just people confused at why the guardian damage ratios still make no sense

Actually, no. My confused emojis on your comments have nothing to do with guardians. They have everything to do  with how someone can be so oblivious that they don't even acknowledge why other players are upset because that someone got one tiny change in a major patch that they like. They then disregard the concerns of everyone else. That level of obliviousness is what confuses me about your posts.

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Mechanist is so utterly broken now - does ~25k DPS just auto attacking with Rifle and has all necessary boons. The level of self sufficiency is ridiculous.

Meanwhile, Berserker dropped to ~25k DPS (with full rotation, mind you) altogether.

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6 minutes ago, Rendalmj.3152 said:

Some people here i just looking at the negativity as always instead of the positives. The patch has more good balance changes than bad but sure go ahead and overeact just like everyone on just one single changes. i bet some not everyone here plays warrior but just mad at something and just following the crown like always

You really seem out of the loop to be fair.  This isn't about some people mad about their build doing less dps and it's not just one single change.  Whether you are affected or not, you should really care about what just happened today because it does not bode well for the game's health. In fact I think that's what really has people upset the most, and many of them aren't even affected directly by the changes.  They just understand the ramifications of today's patch.  Before calling sour grapes, maybe get a better understanding first instead of just guessing and assuming.  To wave your hand and say it's an overreaction is naive.  Balance patches will always make someone mad to be sure, but this is a whole other can of worms. 

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4 hours ago, Stalima.5490 said:

well I used the rifle and the game seems fine, you get to machine gun so well with the scrapper quickness, I think the haters are just jealous that we got a cool new-old weapon.

Im certainly jelly. My Poopie teef rifle hits one person unless I immobalize myself for pierce on one skill.

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I waited 6 months since EOD launch and the nerf to sustain to see if they would reverse it somewhat simply because I liked Tormenting Runes on my Renegade and Mirage for open world, and I was happy. 

I see there's been mention of healing to barrier generation and while cool, it's just not what I wanted. 

I don't raid in this game, I'm never going to raid in this game. I waited to see what would happen in this balance patch and I am disappointed. 

As I was only doing daily log ins, I won't even bother with that going forward. Byyyyye!

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9 hours ago, Stalima.5490 said:

They seem to be doing alot of good things in the patch, like updating the engineer rifle into a might monster and making aim assisted rocket actually useful again.


I don't know what people are complaining about.

try maining warrior, play it in all game modes extensively, compettitively and successfully, compare the experience with everything else. that'll answer your question from a warrior main's perspective. play it for 8 years above all else.

Edited by eXruina.4956
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World of warcraft has been bad game for 10 years, alot wowcraft players in my guild dont expect anything good from their next expansion. 


Just like warrior its been bad since game come out. If warrior bad then dont play it, there are more better dps claases in game than warrior. 


Listen warrior bad class, they make warrior bad this patch. So its like no changes 

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