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GW2 should finally add "inspect gear" ability to examine other players' cosmetics

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16 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

The request is for the ability to see the name of the skin. The skin itself is already visible to everyone, the OP just wants to know its name.

I know.
It's just a small step from that to checking gear in the traditional sense so they might as well just go all in on it.

Consent is the only thing that matters either way, nobody is obligated to show you their stuff or even answer your questions tbh.

Politely asking someone is a social norm for good reason, it's just rude to check out peoples stuff without their permission.


Imagine someone came up to you, didn't say a word to you and they just took a picture of your shoes and started looking for them online.. it would be completely inappropriate lol

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7 minutes ago, Teratus.2859 said:

Don't mind me, i'm just curious what you have in your house.

Don't be a snowflake, i'm only browsing. 😛

Comparing real life thievery with an in game option to view someone's equipment. Wow... good one Teratus, you gave me a headache with that one. 

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2 minutes ago, Teratus.2859 said:

It's just a small step from that to checking gear in the traditional sense

No it isn't. They serve two radically different purposes.

People already can "check out" your stuff without your permission, both in real life and in game. When was the last time you were in a grocery store and someone apologized for seeing the color of your shirt, shoes, whatever without asking for permission to see you first?

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1 minute ago, corwin.3495 said:

Comparing real life thievery with an in game option to view someone's equipment. Wow... good one Teratus, you gave me a headache with that one. 

Was just a joke dude XD

Although you're misrepresenting a little, I was just browsing in my joke, not stealing lol

Burglary would have been more apt but again not exactly appropriate considering there's a required intent to steal which there wasn't.

Trespassing would be the more fitting word to use.

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1 minute ago, Ashen.2907 said:

No it isn't. They serve two radically different purposes.

People already can "check out" your stuff without your permission, both in real life and in game. When was the last time you were in a grocery store and someone apologized for seeing the color of your shirt, shoes, whatever without asking for permission to see you first?

That's a difference between looking and inquiring.

I can look at your clothes sure, but if I don't know what they are I have to inquire to gain that knowledge.
The polite way to do so is to ask.
The impolite way would be to walk up behind you and start looking at your labels XD

I would not blame you for your "response" if I did the latter lmao

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  • 6 months later...

I'll try to keep this short:


We just want to ability to inspect other players like you can in WoW.

Add an entry to the drop-down when you right-click on another player's name to inspect them (call it whatever you like) which opens up a window with their equipment and stats listed (including weapon and armor skins) and a tab with their build (traits/skills).


If possible, consider implementing something similar to WoW's Armory (like the Account feature on Gw2efficiency) so we can view and share our account information!


Thanks for all your hard work and keep it up - we love your game!

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Who is 'we' in this context?

You clearly don't mean all players because every time this comes up it's very unpopular and gets a lot of objections. It would be helpful if you could clarify who it is who has nominated you to speak on their behalf as that will be important context for your request.

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10 minutes ago, celestia.3829 said:

issue with a tool like this is the uninformed people who have no idea how builds work will inspect people and berate them for not having the stock snowcrows build, despite the fact that utility/trait changes may be beneficial on that specific encounter.

In GW1 it was common for groups to ask you to ping your build when you joined. I discovered that if I made up names for my DIY builds they'd be accepted largely without question, if I said it didn't have a name because I put it together I'd almost always get kicked. The builds were identical either way so it didn't seem to matter what I was actually using, only that it looked like someone else had chosen it for me.

(The one thing that did get queried was my ranger/elementalist using a skill which only worked if you were doing fire damage, I sometimes had to explain that I was using a fiery bow string as well).

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14 minutes ago, celestia.3829 said:

issue with a tool like this is the uninformed people who have no idea how builds work will inspect people and berate them for not having the stock snowcrows build, despite the fact that utility/trait changes may be beneficial on that specific encounter.

That kind of thing happens anyway and you shouldn't shape your game features around what toxic players will say - instead take that as a sign that toxic behavior needs to be more heavily moderated anyway, independently of new features.

Edited by Aalter.2950
removed page break
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21 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Who is 'we' in this context?

You clearly don't mean all players because every time this comes up it's very unpopular and gets a lot of objections. It would be helpful if you could clarify who it is who has nominated you to speak on their behalf as that will be important context for your request.

A bunch of people I play with that have complained about not having this feature, which is what prompted me to submit this suggestion 🙂

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46 minutes ago, Aalter.2950 said:

I'll try to keep this short:


We just want to ability to inspect other players like you can in WoW.

Add an entry to the drop-down when you right-click on another player's name to inspect them (call it whatever you like) which opens up a window with their equipment and stats listed (including weapon and armor skins) and a tab with their build (traits/skills).


If possible, consider implementing something similar to WoW's Armory (like the Account feature on Gw2efficiency) so we can view and share our account information!


Thanks for all your hard work and keep it up - we love your game!

No, "we" don't want that.

36 minutes ago, celestia.3829 said:

issue with a tool like this is the uninformed people who have no idea how builds work will inspect people and berate them for not having the stock snowcrows build, despite the fact that utility/trait changes may be beneficial on that specific encounter.

Exactly, inspecting gear/build is a weird request, seeing how someone having x build doesn't equal someone being able to play it. I'd rather support things like "official dps meter" since those objetively tell you whether someone does their job or not, regardless of how known or unknown their build is.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Aalter.2950 said:

We just want to ability to inspect other players like you can in WoW.

Speak for yourself. Exclusively yourself.

I definitely don't want that.

If people feel the need to be elitist and be able control what gear goes into their parties, they likely already have external ways to do that.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

In GW1 it was common for groups to ask you to ping your build when you joined. I discovered that if I made up names for my DIY builds they'd be accepted largely without question, if I said it didn't have a name because I put it together I'd almost always get kicked. The builds were identical either way so it didn't seem to matter what I was actually using, only that it looked like someone else had chosen it for me.

(The one thing that did get queried was my ranger/elementalist using a skill which only worked if you were doing fire damage, I sometimes had to explain that I was using a fiery bow string as well).

Thank you for the nostalgia.


Regarding the topic:

I don't see the need for that in most situations. If you require someone to play a specific build and use specific armor you are usually in a setting where you can talk to each other and ask for them to tell you or post their used gear. 

Where I would have liked that option for example is in WvW when I can not whisper an enemy and ask for their build. But most of the time people use similar builds to the "meta" and you can deduct their traits from the used utility skills or weapons. 


IF that option would be in the game I do agree with Galmac:

1 hour ago, Galmac.4680 said:

Perhaps some people won't be inspected??


That means an option like "I don't want to be inspected" something similar to offline/invisible mode where you can not be whispered to and your communication is restricted as well would be necessary.

And that seems to be so much stuff again to be implemented that I doubt the usefulness of the ability and its usage.

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Yeah, ANET I believe has already quashed this idea. In fact they made sure that the much loved arcdps does not do this. Now, asking a player what they are running and them telling you is a completely different thing. I like to help folks with builds if they ask. I don't use arcdps but many of my friends do. If I think I'm performing poorly I'll ask them. I can only imagine WvW with a feature like this - no thanks.


So long story short(long) - we don't need a feature like this and most don't want it. 

Edited by Heibi.4251
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Played WoW for many years.  While this is an interesting feature in that game, it can lead to exclusion from things.  I definitely refused people from raids, and even some dungeons.  

As for the Amory, some people put on fake gear so you couldn't see what they actually used.  So it wasn't always correct.  

If you meet someone who's dps or survivability you admire, or simply their appearance, try just asking if they'll link it for you.  

While it can be a useful tool, it can also be a bit nosy, invasive, and less inclusive.   I don't think it's something the majority of GW2 would like, which are largely very helpful and considerate.

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I don't know why so many people are angry about this request lmao it's pretty obvious why it would be useful and has nothing to do with "being elitist" or something (???)


It's literally about getting to see what weapon and armor skins people are using! And dyes, and other appearance factors.


Including the stats page and adding a tab for build and skills is just an extra idea so that it's easier to look at what other people are running, not to grief them but just to let people share their loadouts with each other.


Would you all be happy if you had to opt into it in settings or something? Idk weird for people to get so mad in the forums about what is a normal feature in many similar games lol


I'd even be happy with one just where you can see what skins and dyes are being used, I don't care that much about inspecting traits but obviously that would have utility and everyone's argument against it seems to be "someone might be mean to me about my build choices", which like...yeah so? Someone will do that anyway, maybe the problem is that behavior like that is accepted and not moderated enough. It's like saying "I can't name my kid something that will get them bullied in school" if your kid is gonna get bullied it isn't about the name, bullies will find something else to bully them for...hence why it's a problem regardless

Edited by Aalter.2950
added context
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17 minutes ago, Aalter.2950 said:

I don't know why so many people are angry about this request lmao it's pretty obvious why it would be useful and has nothing to do with "being elitist" or something (???)


It's literally about getting to see what weapon and armor skins people are using! And dyes, and other appearance factors.


Including the stats page and adding a tab for build and skills is just an extra idea so that it's easier to look at what other people are running, not to grief them but just to let people share their loadouts with each other.


Would you all be happy if you had to opt into it in settings or something? Idk weird for people to get so toxic in the forums about what is a normal feature in many similar games lol

Just here to point out people disagreeing with the change you want to see (while explaining why specifically they don't want it added) doesn't make them "angry", but good effort at trying to reduce contents of their posts to "wow why mad brah" and then calling them toxic. 😄 

Edited by Sobx.1758
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10 minutes ago, Aalter.2950 said:

I don't know why so many people are angry about this request lmao it's pretty obvious why it would be useful and has nothing to do with "being elitist" or something (???)


It's literally about getting to see what weapon and armor skins people are using! And dyes, and other appearance factors.


Including the stats page and adding a tab for build and skills is just an extra idea so that it's easier to look at what other people are running, not to grief them but just to let people share their loadouts with each other.


Would you all be happy if you had to opt into it in settings or something? Idk weird for people to get so toxic in the forums about what is a normal feature in many similar games lol

The thing is. Build or gear does not show your skill level. You can play with meta builds and do far less damage than others using their own build based on their skill level. There is no reason to have a gear check in a game like gw2. Your gear means little compared to your skills.

Adding this will add toxicity and players abusing the system. Opting in and out of it will not help as the option to inspect will be in the game. Making players excluding other players for wanting to hide their gear. Nothing weird about not wanting this in gw2. I know that as a reaper who always played meta builds and had proper gear. I went from 15k to 25k by learning how to play the game. And I still got a lot to learn. Gw2 is not like other games when it comes to gear and will not be as useful as you think.

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