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Top 100 in europe is around 1515 MMR

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53 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

Let me tell ya. Obliterating ranked pvp from this world ALONE would bring people back. For one, they don't have to stress about some stupid ranking that does not mean jack in this game.

Yeah that's the thing, it really is just a headache at this point.

  1. When it's there, no matter how much people recognize it's full of corruption, they still judge each other based on relative rating. This means players feel obligated to run ranked and even get lured into partaking in the theater, to show that rating so they can stay relevant.
  2. If they would just remove that rating, people would judge each other based on sheer raw visible performance value alone, and this would be way way way better for the health of the community for every mentionable reason, especially AT team formation.
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The main reason I gave up on Ranked aside from the daily match is because the environment became really toxic to me, I usually place in G2-G3 at the start and climb to P1-P2 by the end of the season, but this season even in the *placement matches* I had players telling me losing the match was all my fault (on support Tempest), because I "do nothing". Literally just singling me out and telling me how and my build is, etc.


(This is just after Earth Shield, etc. had been nerfed, I was experimenting with Alacrity instead of healing auras, etc.)


I'm like hey, I'm just doing placement matches friend, chill out. One player with a "Best of the Best" title told me to look at his title and called me an ape because I said he couldn't peel worth a kitten because apparently getting that title means you're God of Protecting Your Supports (it doesn't).


His main complaint at me: "Why are you dying in center of node with three players on you?", Huh, I guess for nine years I've been doing it wrong and the goal isn't to be fighting on the node with your allies.


I ended up DCing after this happened several matches in a row, something I've never done in the history of the game, which in turn fudged my placements and put me in G1. And you know what? I don't regret it. I've never played at this level before and honestly the players are just so much better. They may make mistakes but they don't constantly blame their support every game for their losses and stuff like that.


It reminds me of how PvP used to be. You know, in the days when you were losing matches you could duel with players from the enemy team at your base instead of them repeatedly spawn farming you?


If I had a choice I'd probably even play in Silver, but unfortunately intentionally dropping is seen as bad behavior. I'm forced to deal with this bad system where progression means playing with mean people. I used to see getting Platinum every season as a badge of honor, now I see it as something to be weary of.


Sportsmanship exists in sports for a reason, because when its absent, you turn from competing against other players for skill and teamwork and instead competing against them for hostility.


I know alot of you won't like this post but its the truth. Maybe not your truth, but mine.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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On 7/22/2022 at 5:50 PM, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

The main reason I gave up on Ranked aside from the daily match is because the environment became really toxic to me, I usually place in G2-G3 at the start and climb to P1-P2 by the end of the season, but this season even in the *placement matches* I had players telling me losing the match was all my fault (on support Tempest), because I "do nothing". Literally just singling me out and telling me how and my build is, etc.


(This is just after Earth Shield, etc. had been nerfed, I was experimenting with Alacrity instead of healing auras, etc.)


I'm like hey, I'm just doing placement matches friend, chill out. One player with a "Best of the Best" title told me to look at his title and called me an ape because I said he couldn't peel worth a kitten because apparently getting that title means you're God of Protecting Your Supports (it doesn't).


His main complaint at me: "Why are you dying in center of node with three players on you?", Huh, I guess for nine years I've been doing it wrong and the goal isn't to be fighting on the node with your allies.


I ended up DCing after this happened several matches in a row, something I've never done in the history of the game, which in turn fudged my placements and put me in G1. And you know what? I don't regret it. I've never played at this level before and honestly the players are just so much better. They may make mistakes but they don't constantly blame their support every game for their losses and stuff like that.


It reminds me of how PvP used to be. You know, in the days when you were losing matches you could duel with players from the enemy team at your base instead of them repeatedly spawn farming you?


If I had a choice I'd probably even play in Silver, but unfortunately intentionally dropping is seen as bad behavior. I'm forced to deal with this bad system where progression means playing with mean people. I used to see getting Platinum every season as a badge of honor, now I see it as something to be weary of.


Sportsmanship exists in sports for a reason, because when its absent, you turn from competing against other players for skill and teamwork and instead competing against them for hostility.


I know alot of you won't like this post but its the truth. Maybe not your truth, but mine.

I still have a lot of fun here with the bad players like me in mid-silver.

Some matches we get queue dodge teams who annihilate us 500-150, sometimes we get afkers, and sometimes a teammate keeps pushing far and dying for no clear reason or hanging out in the middle far from all three nodes.

But we also get enough 500-450 matches and people exhibiting good sportsmanship to make me want to keep playing.


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@Mariyuuna.6508 idk what you mean. I found it pretty solit when I play against someone with something like strength Berserker on mace gs with might mmades right get claped by the other person who play just a build like mechanist (wich is just 1 spam and run basicly) and get noob called for loosing to him. In no way this is toxic xD



To be fair my own mentaly nowdays is like ...... when you play EoD builds your simply most of the time carried by build. Cause that is most of the time true. (Not everytime) But been good with EoD build need like idk letz say 50% less efford than been good on every other build that is in the game xd. Yes this thinking might be somewhat toxic. But also it is just the trueth .... sadly.

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I will farm confused for this....

Most EoD specs are nerfed down to a point, where the sole fact that you are playing them will not carry you anymore.

Yes most of these specs may seem strong, for example willbender and Harbinger are still pretty bonkers...

But there is pre-EoD specs that are WAYY stronger and easier to play.... just saying.

Personally i believe, that alot of people are struggling against the new specs, because they dont know them yet. They dont know what to look out for, In what timeframes they are most vulnerable, what to dodge, yada yada. People have gotten used to the older specs and know what to look out for. But those specs are new.... alot of people have not touched them and thus dont know how to counter them.

Once you played them all... you notice that almost all of them have a pretty obvious counter.

If you want tips for fighting those specs... just ask.. i will gladly explain to you how to behave, to help you beat every single one of them.


Edited by Sahne.6950
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Personally i believe, that alot of people are struggling against the new specs, because they dont know them yet. They dont know what to look out for, In what timeframes they are most vulnerable, what to dodge, yada yada.

That's exactly what I wrote when forum were doing hard mesmer bashing even when it wasn't even good represented in top 50. 🤣

Edited by viquing.8254
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I used to play spvp a lot. I no longer do. Here's why:

  • The builds I **enjoy** playing are not viable - This is the #1 reason. It is so far above every other concern, there's just no comparison. The classes/skills/traits I like to play just aren't good enough to compete with the meta. I know this because I spent a season playing popular meta builds and it is absurd just how much better they are compared to what I find fun. Unfortunately, I don't like playing the meta builds, so I have two choices: play meta and win, but don't have fun, or play what I want and be completely ineffective (and don't have fun). Either way, game no fun, me no play.
  • The player base is not having fun either  - Whether it be people giving up after 30 seconds and afk-ing near spawn, obvious win trading, raging in chat, etc. It is clear that most players are only playing to collect wins. If they're not winning, they just want the match to be over ASAP. This is not a sign of a healthy game. I'm not saying people should be stuck in lost games for half an hour against their will, but if you can't enjoy a loss, or can't be bothered to try and make a comeback, there's a problem.

Really not surprised the population has dropped.

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On 7/21/2022 at 6:00 PM, Buran.3796 said:

   That numbers seem to be entirely deserved given the amount of effort ANet puts at PvP and WvW.

   Don't worry, Riot is gestating a MMO: if has PvP (probably) you'll learn how a competitive game mode receives propper support.

Elite Specs have broken sPvP and unless they're going to hire 10-15 dedicated people for sPvP balance it will never unbreak. A PvP game can not survive with broken specs surviving for 5+ years. 


You are right, the mode should be dead. People are hanging on out of nostalgia and dreams of what could have been. 


The good news is that you can look at FFXIV and it shows that players love a come back story. Provided the devs are open and honest about where the game failed in the past and are willing to explain how they will address the short comings.


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13 minutes ago, Xae.7204 said:

The good news is that you can look at FFXIV and it shows that players love a come back story. Provided the devs are open and honest about where the game failed in the past and are willing to explain how they will address the short comings.


   FF arised from its ashes in the online world due FF already was a huge offline franchise and Square Enix had tons of human and monetary resources to fund a second iteration...   GW2 as a franchise doesn't exist in tha same plane of relevance as FF, Elders Scrolls or WoW, and if the PvP wasn't working when the staff was  ~450 people much less now after losing 1/3 of that number.

   Notice also that in terms of PvP, those 3 huge franchises are really, really bad. You should look at Respawn Entertainment, Riot Games or Steam to understan how a competitive game should be supported for years without losing popularity.

  ANet doesn't even known how to deal with PvE without alienating their own players...

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And to think the studio is called ARENAnet makes it even more ridiculous. I agree with the points made. The moment I seen mechs, harbingers and willbenders I knew thinks are gonna get messy again. So many good pvp streamers left as well. I think the only ones left are grimjack who plays all the time even though he hates it and naru who is just chilling and playing the meta builds, plus a few smaller streamers.

GW1 had several pvp modes, GW2 has one and sometimes a death match for a week (I’m not counting stronghold because it proved to be a miss from the start). How is that possible? After all these years of experience and technological development? And the balance being horrid most of the time. A recipe for disaster indeed.

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I'm on NA but I feel it's pretty much the same. Most recently what I have found that works best for me is turning Team and Map chat off, and only communicating via pings and emotes. At the end no matter what happens I usually try to type ggwp in /say just to promote good sportsmanship.

You would not believe some of the whispers I get sometimes. And for those people I try to never respond, and just block and move on. The reality is, they only want to waste your time, so keep telling yourself that because any engagement is a win for them. They don't want logic or reason, only your time and attention.

Criticism/Feedback is one thing, like "Hey you should have gone mid instead of home" or something like that, kuz everyone makes mistakes, but soon as it results to insults, it's time to disengage.


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On 7/26/2022 at 2:31 PM, coro.3176 said:
  • The player base is not having fun either  - Whether it be people giving up after 30 seconds and afk-ing near spawn, obvious win trading, raging in chat, etc. It is clear that most players are only playing to collect wins. If they're not winning, they just want the match to be over ASAP. This is not a sign of a healthy game. I'm not saying people should be stuck in lost games for half an hour against their will, but if you can't enjoy a loss, or can't be bothered to try and make a comeback, there's a problem.

Really not surprised the population has dropped.

This is possibly the best & most effective summary of what Ranked has degenerated into that has ever been posted in this forum. Excellent description.

Arenanet should take this one to heart as it is short & sweet, right to the point, and 150% accurate.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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