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What would happen if anet made a pvp/wvw event where every profession had their pve balancing?


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21 hours ago, Serperior.6541 said:

since nearly every skill would get a damage buff and which profession would be the strongest?

Soulbeasts would straight up oneshot everything with a single Rapidfire.

Every Guardianspec would also be S+ tier.

Mirage would be near unkillable, as it still has 2 dodges in pve.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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16 minutes ago, semak.7481 said:

Having 2 evades means unkillable? So, every class is unkillable by default but current mirage/vindi? And drd has ascended beyond immortality with 3 evades?

haha:D nooo... was overexxagerating.

But it is miles stronger than with only 1 dodge. Try fighting a Celesignetmirage in Guildhall... you will know what im talking about 😄

They are not unkillable... was overexaggerating you are right. But they produce significantly more damage and they can chain 2 evades back to back even when CCed, which is something that other classes cant do with 2 evades. This makes them incredibly resistant to CC followed up by a bigger burst, which helps them in duells with pve setting.

PvE rules is just: who oneshots the other one first 😄 and having 2 evades that you can use while being CCed HELPS A TON.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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20 hours ago, semak.7481 said:

Having 2 evades means unkillable? So, every class is unkillable by default but current mirage/vindi? And drd has ascended beyond immortality with 3 evades?

Yes, this was well established when it had 2 dodges.

Ducking stop acting 😲 


BTW, are you capable of playing core mesmer?

Edited by Crab Fear.8623
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13 hours ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

Yes, this was well established when it had 2 dodges.

Ducking stop acting 😲 


BTW, are you capable of playing core mesmer?

Simple and pure logic doesnt exist for you, apparently, just like for the most people here, at least @Sahne.6950 was joking, thats what I asked, if he was srs.

What core mesmer? Core condi ? Core-power aka FML its boring and garbage PU "le burst" build? Technically, I can play any mesmer build but what the point of playing dead/bad/weak builds? 

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49 minutes ago, semak.7481 said:

Simple and pure logic doesnt exist for you, apparently, just like for the most people here, at least @Sahne.6950 was joking, thats what I asked, if he was srs.

What core mesmer? Core condi ? Core-power aka FML its boring and garbage PU "le burst" build? Technically, I can play any mesmer build but what the point of playing dead/bad/weak builds? 

Logically, when Mirage had two dodges it was toxic and broken.

Only a few can't seem to let go.

But, good riddance with that dumpster fire.

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2 hours ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

Logically, when Mirage had two dodges it was toxic and broken.

Only a few can't seem to let go.

But, good riddance with that dumpster fire.

I mean, ofc its broken for you, you cant even beat power mirage that has 1 evade with a thief 🤡

Edited by semak.7481
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