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This game needs to be more clear about how to earn gold

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3 hours ago, Swordbreaker.8465 said:

In Guild Wars 2, resources you gather along the way don't seem nearly as valuable as they do in other games

That's because for the most part GW2 goes with the "quantity over quality" approach. Sure, individual drops don;t seem to be worth much, but you get them in such numbers, that the gold just keeps piling up. As long as you remember to sell them on TP, instead of just vendoring them.

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It's reasons like this I raise an eyebrow when people say stuff like "farming 300g is easy."

This player in question is someone who actively sought out various gold farming methods and still struggled to do what they are being told is the rate of gain.

Now imagine people who don't even look up guides like that outside the game.

And sometimes I will see in passing this or that "tip" that sounds innocently like it makes sense, but is highly conditional and may make no sense for a newer player. I will not go into specifics, cause I don't want to get hate mail if talking about a tip floods the market and makes it less profitable, but there's one I remember that involves having a certain crafting profession to 500 and having excess of a certain type of material/currency that a long-time veteran player might have, but probably not many else. But you've got these veteran players who may have had 500 in various professions (if not all) for years and years, and metric tons of excess of certain currencies, so it doesn't even occur to them that the tip might be useless for a newer player.

I'm not sure the game can be more clear about how to earn gold, since so much of what is profitable changes over time (except for making sure you know you can go into material storage and take out a lot of mats and sell them).

But I do think players could be a lot more realistic about what gold gain is generally going to look like for someone new vs. someone not, and in general be more mindful about factors that make it easier over time. Even just things like magic find and gold find level, and just playing a build that can tag mobs effectively when doing open world group content... these are factors that may not occur to a veteran player much at all.

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the unfortunate reality of making gold in this game is "sell everything on the tp". That's it. All these "make money fast!" guides almost always rely on already having everything to quickly get around the maps, and the timing of when the items they say to sell are actually selling for the price they say they're selling at (narrator: "They're not").


Just sell everything, and you'll slowly get money. Also, remember that everyone that says that gold is easy to get and they no longer use gold for anything have been playing for 2 hours+ a day on average for 5+ years

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3 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

All these assumptions depend on which game/s a person has played before, so they'll be different for each individual.

For example I've never played a game where it was actually possible to auction off items within the game, it's always been some form of direct sale like GW2 has. Not always the same system as the Trading Post and some are open to various forms of scam, but when I started this game I wasn't at all confused that it didn't use auctions because I didn't expect that.

Likewise my other current MMO is Elder Scrolls Online where selling materials is also quite profitable. The main differences are that there's daily crafting quests which are a good source of materials to sell, and only a limited number of people can realistically sell large volumes of anything because you have to be in a guild with a trader and there's a finite number of those. (Everyone else is stuck with the old fashioned and time consuming method of spamming chat.)

So if I was starting GW2 today and expecting it to be like my last MMO my problem wouldn't be knowing what to sell but that I'm allowed to sell it at all, and that would be resolved when I got to level 7 and got the level up pop-up which explains about the Trading Post.

I played eso before this. I completely forgot about that system. Having to pull up an internet browser to find the item I want and then travel to that city. Hilarious 

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2 hours ago, Zacchary.6183 said:

I grind my job irl and then fastball my wallet at the gem shop a few times before converting. Best method I know of so far.

Yup.  Now that I’m seeing how much it costs to craft legendary items I’ll just skip a few night outs a month. Not a huge deal. 

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2 hours ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:

the unfortunate reality of making gold in this game is "sell everything on the tp". That's it. All these "make money fast!" guides almost always rely on already having everything to quickly get around the maps, and the timing of when the items they say to sell are actually selling for the price they say they're selling at (narrator: "They're not").


Just sell everything, and you'll slowly get money. Also, remember that everyone that says that gold is easy to get and they no longer use gold for anything have been playing for 2 hours+ a day on average for 5+ years

pretty much this -- other than gambling with the vintage black lion weapon boxes whenever i get enough scraps for a ticket and selling the skins, my main way of gaining money has simply been opening unidentified gear (masterwork / rare qualities only) and selling any rare / exotic armor i get on the TP while vendoring / salvaging the rest of it.

It's not exactly the fastest way to get money, but it's consistent, especially if you run metas on a pretty consistent basis.

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There's a pretty big problem with just making an in-game tutorial on how to make gold: basic economics.  Scarcity is the foundation of economic exchange.  Thus, the "price" of anything in this game is determined by supply and demand.  An in-game tutorial guiding players on how to make money is going to do one of two things:

  1. The materials that are gathered to be sold will face immense deflation due to massive supply and no demand, thus making the gold creating method nearly useless as compared to everything else.
  2. If it produces liquid gold, then the supply of gold will causing everything else to over-inflate, thus causing all of the materials in game to scale in proportion to the primary farming source.  This will make it extremely ineffective for producing value relative to the goods that you want to buy.

You can't win.  This game is ultimately resource based, for there are very few true gold sinks and the best materials in the game require crafting to some degree.  For example, gen 1 legendary weapons only have a liquid gold cost of 120g for the runestones and the recipes.  Everything else is either alternate non-tradeable currencies, gathered, or salvaged.  See, the legendary weapons don't "cost" gold insomuch as they create the value for all the materials that constitutes a legendary weapon.

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2 hours ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

This game gives gold for pretty much everything. Kill stuff - get gold. Sell stuff - get gold. Just play the game and gold comes in.  Also, there is so little to buy, that gold just piles up. 😎

Unless you have an unhealthy addiction tied to getting enough gold for a BL key and aught else...

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The only problem comes when you wanna get boxes of materials using a currency, then use another currency to transform it into other thing, while using other currency for X... while farming 1 type of material to be able to do that. Then using all of that to craft legendary stuff and knowing how to properly sell it. THATS HARD af for new and not that new players.

Doing content for gold you learn it slowly and its okaish.

Edited by Izzy.2951
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15 hours ago, Valisha.8650 said:

Linked Reddit post, and the amount of upvotes it received prove you wrong from the perspective of majority of players.

I once saw a reddit post with more upvotes than that saying they're never be another expansion, before End of Dragons came out. A lot of upvotes doesn't mean something is correct. It means a lot of people agree with it.  But people aren't always right.


I'd have upvoted that post too, even though I know how to make gold in this game. The short answer is it's complicated. There's a lot to learn. For many of us that's what we like about this game.

If I wanted to be spoonfed, I'd go back to WoW.

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Guys chill, i dont think the OP in this thread is the OP in the reddit thread. OP only wanted to mention that new players tend to not understand how to make gold.


But, thats like every game. Figuring out is part of the fun instead of mindlessly following instructions. 20g/week is fine for a newbie, later on they can ask guildies for help to get more gold. 


This is not anet's job, this is ours.

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Two LI methods that keep the resources flowing:


1. Silverwaste RIBA groups - check LFG 

2. Drizzlewood coast meta on repeat


-  Get the bonus gathering enrichment for your amulet from your guildhall. Every little bit helps.


- Ask in /m for folks with full home instances to let you harvest.


- Park a couple alts at the end of the K-overlook JP. 

None of this is a fast-track to wealth, but finding ways to get more with less time commitment is a goal.

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I'm not really sure why people have issues with how to make gold in GW2, it is truly that raw gold itself comes in at a much lower rate through general play than something like WoW, but everything in this WoW guide for making gold LINK can pretty much be applied to GW2 as well. Salvaging is probably the biggest difference but that is a relatively simple aspect of the game really.

If anything the process is easier in GW2 as the trading post is global and you can use instant buy/sell, also having the material storage and instant deposit is also very helpful. 

I think my only question here would be if GW2 is more complicated to make gold in then what are you comparing it to?





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1 hour ago, Blue D Phoenix.7260 said:

Guys chill, i dont think the OP in this thread is the OP in the reddit thread. OP only wanted to mention that new players tend to not understand how to make gold.

Not only new players. Many veterans aren't exactly good at it either. On the other hand, if that knowledge was easily available, and nnone had any problem with earning gold, it would lose its value very fast.

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The downside of any MMO that sells gold is that they WILL make it harder to earn gold, to give the gem purchase more value/appeal. The old bauble farm and subsequent nerfs are a perfect demonstration that the playerbase aren't meant to make "that much gold" daily, or at least not that easily
That being said, gw2 is one of the most generous with how much "free gold" you can get. Its not restricted, but obscured behind unclear systems or rules like "each meta/wb gives full rewards only once a day" - and I can't really blame Anet for not making it much more clear, its already nice we have the means to farm it.

To make the problem not as bad for new players, there are many simpler fixes imo : Making waypoints free, have a better explaination of salvaging early on (which underlines selling mats to players > selling unid blue to merch), adding a quest (once per account / common story step around 30?) that demonstrate full personal instances , ...

(I'm curious if anet made more money off expansions / living worlds, or gold sales now)

Edited by Taclism.2406
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Disagree about making waypoints free for anyone.  It seems to me to be a substantial gold sink and healthy for the in-game economy.

New players can already waypoint to starter zones for free.  They won't need to be waypoint-ing all over the place early on, so by the time that they need to move around with waypoints, they should have a sufficient amount of coin to do so.  /shrug

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21 hours ago, Valisha.8650 said:

Linked Reddit post, and the amount of upvotes it received prove you wrong from the perspective of majority of players.

Um, no?  I don't go to reddit.  I'm also not having any problems making gold.  So I'm not sure what your issue is, unless it's "but I've been playing for x and usually I'd be stinking rich by now"?  I've played plenty of MMOs like that, and the problem with that scenario is that the more you earn, the less it's worth, because everyone is earning like that, so prices on whatever their Trading Post like shop is called are through the roof.  This game has, by and large, kept a lid on things like that for 10 years, so I'd say that's a plus.

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4 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Disagree about making waypoints free for anyone.  It seems to me to be a substantial gold sink and healthy for the in-game economy.

would you say so if mistlock / thousands seas pavillon passes (or even S3&4 books) werent a thing? 

I cut it short to "free waypoints" because its mostly a new/poor people tax. The convenience already exist but its locked behind gemstore (or very late in your journey provided you play story in chronological order) / behind obscure features (eg porting to pvp hub to go back to lion arch for free)

I was somewhat ok with 2-3 silver average before eod, but 20 silver to port back and forth from eod to tyria is insane

Edited by Taclism.2406
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