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The existing Tutorial achievement category has been deprecated and moved to the Historical category for anyone who has already completed them [Merged]


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4 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

Where did I write that achievement points do not matter?

You more than once were completely dismissive towards anyone that thought this set of achievements worth 125 APs mattered in any way. In fact, the part i was directly responding to was another such dismissive statement, saying those were "just a bunch of achievement points". It's clear you either do not value APs in general, or at the very least those specific ones.

4 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

They do matter to me that’s why I completed these achievements a long time ago. 

Ah, so the removal of them is inconsequential to you, because you already have them so it does not impact you, personally. And that's why everyone else should con tomplain because everything is fine with the world.

4 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

If these achievement points were so important you would already have done them, we had years to complete them and they were easy and fast to complete. If you chose to ignore them for years, don’t worry there are still more than enough in the game and new ones will come. 

Oh, i have done all of them. I'm not weighting the issue through the prism of my personal gains and losses, as you seem to do. As such, i am fully aware, that the removal of those achievements, like it was case with earlier historical achievements, gave me another advantage over players that started later than me. Because, remember, not everyone playing this game is a 10 years' veteran. Hint: Steam release brought in a number of players that never had a chance of completing those achievements, no matter how fast they might have tried to do it.

You may think this is fine for you, and it probably is. I am complaining because, while it may be fine to me, it definitely is not fine for everyone.

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3 hours ago, Lama.2735 said:

Same.  Still awaiting that response that I hope to come sooner rather than later.  Honestly, this isn't even the first time this has happened and Anet keeps sweeping it under the rug.  Now that AP hunting is my end game, I will be more vocal about it with my opinions and wallet.  I deem this to be important enough that I've come onto this forum knowing it's a cesspool of white knights.  Many just fail to realize you can love a game and still criticize it for its flaws.  GW2 has been my most played MMO and I dont plan to quit at all.  In the end, the people that are arguing for some change in the AP system just wants to make the game more equitable and meaningful for new players and veterans alike.  

We're probably the minority, but I do hope Anet values us (or at least, our financial contribution) enough to make an effort. I agree with you, I won't be quitting the game any time soon, but I've gladly spent an embaressing amount of money on the game out of a desire to support it's development, and that will change until they show consideration for the conent I care about.

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8 minutes ago, Wonderly.1324 said:

We're probably the minority, but I do hope Anet values us (or at least, our financial contribution) enough to make an effort. I agree with you, I won't be quitting the game any time soon, but I've gladly spent an embaressing amount of money on the game out of a desire to support it's development, and that will change until they show consideration for the conent I care about.

Definitely the minority.  I believe we have a legit concerns but most are just dismissive for all the reasons that have been said already.  And yea... let's not talk about that... I have bad habit of buying extra things like "Character slots", "bag slots", "equipment templates"  to save for a "rainy day" lol.   Used up so many gems because I always try to buy things when they're on sale.   

I do hope we just don't get ignored because we are the minority.  It's just a bad precedent to set and a bit stressful to play the guessing game on what could be next on the chopping block.   New players and 10 year veterans should have the same max AP cap to make it equitable for all.   Super high AP is only achieved right now if you played for a long time or played at the right time.   Last year I got COVID-19 and was knocked out for like a few months and couldn't play at all so I missed out on some quality playtime during the summer.  

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On 8/26/2022 at 6:18 AM, Glacial.9516 said:

I've long been in favor of retired achievement AP being merged with the Daily AP cap. Which is to say when achievements are retired, the Dailies AP cap is increased by the same amount and any of the retired achievements AP that you've earned is added to your dailies total. This way it is technically possible for people to 'catch up' and makeup the missed AP from retired achievements even if it will take some time to get there.

Brilliant. Doubt we'll see it in game, though.

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I didn’t read the whole topic, but the fact that many things in the game can no longer be obtained, simply because for some reason they were deleted, is the main reason why I never buy anything in the gemstore. such as a guild kite, several recipes for rings, a couple of minis for old festivals in real life, novelties that are hidden behind pvp tournaments, while for example infusions can be sold. If something is removed from the game, well, give everyone these items or the number of removed achievement points. The feeling of incomplete collections just doesn't allow me to support this approach with a coin. It works quite simply for me personally.


and this is the main reason why I did not play WoW. because when I found out that a lot of collectible content was deleted with the release of add-ons (and I missed about 2 at the time of the desire to play), then there was simply no chance that I would play WoW


Edited by Arziki.8129
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The removal of these achievement and the AP makes me feel betrayed. I already planned to complete them on new characters instead of doing them on my main and now they just get removed.


No warning before? And AP no longer obtainable? And those people that completed them before can keep the AP? This makes the whole AP idea ridiculous.

It feels like a completely random punishment and the lack of communication by Anet hurts A LOT? No one is hurt if you just left the achievements as they are. Or AT LEAST announce that you remove them and give us the chance to complete them in time.


It makes me feel like my account is irreversibly incomplete now

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To the question "why didn't you do this earlier ? It has been there for a long time", my answer is : these "achievements" are boring, there are other interesting things to do in this game. And they are supposed to be permanent achievements, not like festival or PvP season ones. So the question is : why should I hurry up to do this ? Because the people working on gw2 may decide to remove any achievement at any time ? Well, my life is not about getting gw2 "achievements" as soon as they appear. Should I hurry up to spend hundreds of hours (or more ?) to get all wvw achievements? Or any near impossible achievement to get ? I'm doing achievements that were available 6 years ago (raids), people working on gw2 could have removed them because they're too old ?

Anyway, it just shows that the players shouldn't care too much about these gw2 "achievements"

Edited by Julian.9473
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This whole experience coming onto this forum to voice my concern about AP equality has been enlightening.  I called someone the "D*****' word in one of my posts then I edit it out to "silly" after I realize it wasn't a classy thing to do.  After talking to one of my guild mates, I was ready to move on and ignore the issue but then I saw the red banner.   The post with a lot of my collective thoughts was removed because I was rude to said person.  I take my back what I said in the now deleted post, maybe there are other games on the horizon that I should look at because clearly voicing my frustration on YOUR platform has to be done like I'm talking to a five year old.   I really want GW2 to be successful and play it for years to come but stuff like this really grinds my gear.  So please, Anet, can we please get any type of response from your decision to remove the Tutorial Mastery achievements? 

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The solution to this issue is moving AP from retired achievements to a "pool" of AP that can be filled by recurring temporary achievements, like dailies that currently give no AP.

That or a new category of 'seasonal' or 'quarterly' achievements that are a vastly improved version of the repetitive and boring Monthlies.


For example, they could re-split the Daily and Monthly achievements point pools, increase the "Monthly" cap to 10K or 15K, rename "Monthly" to "Quarterly" or "Seasonal", introduce seasonal achievements for PvE and WvW, and rework the PvP Seasons category into an actual seasonal category that gets new achievements every season instead a bunch of annoying FOMO achievements that can never be done again, and should have been statistics in the PvP panel instead.

Then, whenever any achievement is discountinued and sent to historical, its AP would be sent to the new AP pool.

And after the first player has maxed that pool, whenever an achievement is retired, the upper cap of that pool would be increased by the amount retired, to make sure nobody ever loses AP.

Once that's done, nobody would lose AP or achievements, but new players would no longer feel like they'll never be able to catch up.

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On 9/2/2022 at 2:37 AM, yoni.7015 said:

If these achievement points were so important you would already have done them, we had years to complete them and they were easy and fast to complete. If you chose to ignore them for years, don’t worry there are still more than enough in the game and new ones will come. 

Ugh why do we have to explain on repeat why this is a bad argument?

Choosing to do something else because you make an assumption about the long lived nature of AP isn't ignoring them. These are literally the only AP to be removed from the game since 2016 when they removed PvP season title achievements exclusive to each season. Nothing else has been removed.

They also weren't fast because they had a kitten design where if you deleted the armor without equipping it, the drop chance for another armor was drastically reduced.

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10 minutes ago, MarkoGold.7126 said:

If we are complaining about ap points we can no longer obtain , there are alot of other examples of that for example season1 achievements not all of them are comming back to the game.

Oh, i agree. Those lost achievements have been a sore point for years. Which is exactly why adding 125 AP more to that list was a bad move.

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On 9/12/2022 at 11:02 AM, Wonderly.1324 said:

I really hope, now DoubleTap promises to read the form posts, this concern would at least be addressed by Anet

Me too.  This is the bridge I'm willing to die on.  Four and a half years was a good run I guess.  Anet, please listen to your customer's concerns.  This is not how you keep players for years to come.  

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49 minutes ago, Infamous NX.6349 said:

No reaction from ANET? What are the backgrounds for the removal of the AP?

At this point, I am way beyond the 125 lost AP.  I am now fighting a bigger battle... AP equality.  I am going to keep repeating it but I adamantly believe that day 1 players and 10 year veterans should have the same max AP possible.  When will we see the AP system get treated with the love and care it dearly deserves? 😞


ArenaNet, please update the AP system and make it a system you can boast about instead of this gacha-esque system.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Although the large majority of people that replied to this topic shared the opinion that the unannounced removal of the achievements was a bad move, ANet didn't even reply and communicated their intentions.

So we can assume that any achievement can be deprecated any time without any warning...sadge.😰

Edited by Infamous NX.6349
wrong formating
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On 9/30/2022 at 3:58 PM, Glaurung.1076 said:

ArenaNet can we have an answer if you plan to change this or not?


Maybe after the big class balance patches this year ANet can look into this more and we will get a proper response.   Until then, I will continue to express my opinion/frustration with my wallet.   Confuse face me all you guys want but you all know deep down AP inequality is simply bad game design.  

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