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Decade of the Dragons achievement


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22 hours ago, Grishnaakh.2143 said:

Still would have made sense to include Dungeons, Strikes, Fractal, and Raids.

The tasks are 10 events in each core area, HoT,  PoF and EoD maps in general, the maps where we fought the dragons, world bosses and then pvp and wvw. PvE already has a huge chunk of all of the achievements and virtually all of them could be done casually, just very time consumming and repetitive if you don't really have a reason to play there. If you asked for 10 successful raids you'd just like to see the forums burn. Just remember the recent events with the turtle, a hard meta and a single strike.

22 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

It doesn't matter what the player is missing. My point is that if you put it in perspective, the design looks extremely silly. Unfortunately, video game discourse is chock full of excuses being made for design, instead of people holding studios accountable to explain themselves and at least try to justify their design choices. Recently, this game's class balancing actually got held accountable a little bit and the result was that people were listened to some and anet acknowledged a shortcoming or two in their balance philosophy. Something we never would have gotten if people had just insisted anet knows what they're doing with balance.

Not everything can be like that, I don't expect a design doc to be shared for everything made, but when something persistently crops up as a point of contention (such as this style of design of pressuring people to do different game modes with special rewards), I think it deserves some explanation. I think at the very least they should be willing to stand behind what their design philosophy is, openly, even if people don't like it. Because otherwise, it's very easy to get away with doing stuff based on whim, without any overarching design goals, which creates an inconsistent game over time and makes it hard for players to have a clear picture of what kind of game they're playing.

I agree that it's silly that you have to play gamemodes that you don't like, as if everyone liked everything. And it's true they hardly ever justify anything or simply give any answer. I have to wonder if they even read anything here or just wait till there are 20 or 40 pages of people complaining (usually those defending them and those complaining) to finally send a short post as damage control. I simply gave up, since no matter how much I point at something is stupid they'll remain silent and everything will carry on. Related to that class balancing, I left wvw for over a year once the cc = no damage balance patch was released. I still hate it. The only way they could listen is if it hurts their wallet but otherwise to me this just feel like a place for them to have a laught at the drama they've caused and people arguing (you know what I'm referencing). And that last explanation was actually the same thing but said with longer words. No real justification about the changes. It seemed like an improvement, but not really.

16 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It doesn't work even if people are "forced" (well, strongly encouraged) into it. The first seasons of Ascension (when they introduced the SPvP legendary backpack) bought a ton of PvE players to that mode. The end result? After that wave passed, SPvP population massively plummeted down. And it has never recovered since. The same was, btw, when they first made a WvW event ("season 1") back in 2013, and repeated it (with the spring/fall tournaments) in 2014 - which was exactly the explanation given for why Anet has discontinued those.

Each of those heavy handed attempts to pull bigger number of players into one of the PvP modes has always eded in a net loss of players there. Especially for SPvP, for some reason (perhaps WvW is just more capable of taking in some amount of farmers not really interested in the mode itself without disturbing the gameplay of others).

As such, Anet trying to repeat again and again something that has already been proven to not work is mystifying.

For them that's the only way it seems. And don't get me wrong because I'm not defending them. Their tactic to shove people into those gamemodes is to show a shiny and then say "you have to play this specific gamemode that not everyone plays". I haven't done raids for years and I don't feel like doing strikes, being mini-raids. What happened? The turtle, if you want it you have to beat one, and not an easy one. They also posted some time later that they were proud of more people trying them, they've blatantly lured people into them giving as rewards the turtle, legendary chests with clovers from the return achievements, taking away the mystic coins from fractals to give them to EoD strikes, one of the weekly summoning stones... I spent months just needing that strike to get the mount, putting it aside, and I just did it to help a friend. I haven't set one foot into strikes again and probably won't do.

So what could they do to attract people to try a gamemode they want to populate without making those that hate it to have to play it? Not this. It's not the worst they've done though but could be better for sure.

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17 minutes ago, daninumbers.4036 said:

I agree that it's silly that you have to play gamemodes that you don't like, as if everyone liked everything. And it's true they hardly ever justify anything or simply give any answer. I have to wonder if they even read anything here or just wait till there are 20 or 40 pages of people complaining (usually those defending them and those complaining) to finally send a short post as damage control. I simply gave up, since no matter how much I point at something is stupid they'll remain silent and everything will carry on. Related to that class balancing, I left wvw for over a year once the cc = no damage balance patch was released. I still hate it. The only way they could listen is if it hurts their wallet but otherwise to me this just feel like a place for them to have a laught at the drama they've caused and people arguing (you know what I'm referencing). And that last explanation was actually the same thing but said with longer words. No real justification about the changes. It seemed like an improvement, but not really.

Yeah, fair points. Hard to say if they are taking any of this seriously.

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Neither game content nor game design should revolve around your personal anxieties and phobias. PVP is not the end of the world. And it's only ten matches, maybe no more than an hour or two to complete.


The achievement has 18 PVE and 2 non PVE parts. PVErs complaining about a minority of the achievements. That is entitled. On the contrary, the non PVErs should be the ones complaining that they are forced to do 90% PVE for this achievement. Do you have sympathy equally for non PVErs?

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17 hours ago, notebene.3190 said:

I am considering trying out some PvP dailies moving forward, should the open world dailies seem meh to me, and/or WvW doesn't happen to work out that day.

That's how I usually do it. But I already play PvP more than WvW. For PvP I try to finish the seasonal chest - which is possible by just playing a few matches each day (finishing early) ... while for WvW I am not too motivated: Matches are onyl 1 week and it is almost impossible to max the chest (diamond or something - the last) - unless you play only WvW for the whole week ... and a lot of it.

Still not playing tournaments or other stuff. And after finishing the chest I only do 1 daily each day. Or every 2nd day. For the daily 2 gold this can be much more convenient if there are annoying PvE achievements. You usually have the "do 4 events" that can take some time. An easy vista and jumping puzzle. But if there is a dungeon require besides the 4 events I usually try to avoid that as well - means I have sometimes only 2 or 1 (if there is other annoying PvE daily).

In some cases there is the requirement to just play a match (ranked or unranked) - to get 1 daily done. Reward earner also is easy often. The win and top stats ... depends. (If you have a certain playstyle you can easy get topstats. For example just run to cap empty points even if they get recapped fast .... will get a lot of points for the offensive stat.)

WvW can be annoying if you lose participation. (They finally should change that system.) Imagine waiting for that veteran mob ... then after that you have to kill someone to get to 10 minutes timer (I always like to leave PvE with full timer so I am "ready" should I join the next time.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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11 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Good point and it's reasons like this I think people should be asking anet what the reasoning is, instead of speculating and making excuses for them. It could be the case there is a clear through-line of design intention here with this and other like designs. Or it could be they are just making stuff up as they go along and the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. And if it's the 2nd one, I think people would want to know so they can ask for better. And if it is the 1st, well then it gives the chronic defenders something they can quote at people. Really a win-win for the players to just ask.

Because it's a celebration of the game's 10th anniversary, where you actually participate in content across the game instead of sitting in queensdale farming one world boss to get more rewards. Super simple stuff, not much room for "speculation" or "making excuses" here.

10 hours ago, aikatara.3462 said:

Sigh, here we go again. I don't like PvP, I will never like PvP. And making me play 10 matches will not change that. It will just annoy the people who like PvP, since I don't know how to play it. SIGH.

Those people can -and mostly will- easly spam ranked matches, while you won't. No need to try and use other people because you don't want to do something.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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13 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

open world and instanced PVE is all one mode, “PVE”. 

So these achievements have their mode covered. 😄

Correct, they are. But in the same way "ascalon pve events" and "kryta pve events" are both just "pve events" and yet... 🤔


tl;dr bad strawman attempt.

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I mean you do not have the win the matches just play them.  I have a feeling your pain is equal for me having to do the awful hp sponge early zone world bosses, but i am not asking them to be removed. 

Pvp is part of the game, and an all encompassing meta achieve should be a part of it. I am sad they did not include dungeons strike or fractals.

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12 hours ago, Shena Fu.5792 said:

Neither game content nor game design should revolve around your personal anxieties and phobias. PVP is not the end of the world. And it's only ten matches, maybe no more than an hour or two to complete.


The achievement has 18 PVE and 2 non PVE parts. PVErs complaining about a minority of the achievements. That is entitled. On the contrary, the non PVErs should be the ones complaining that they are forced to do 90% PVE for this achievement. Do you have sympathy equally for non PVErs?


This is going to sound harsh: No, I don't really feel any sympathy. There are many, many arena combat games to choose from. 


PvP players in Guild Wars 2 are heavily subsidized by the revenues of PvE players and the thanks those PvErs got from Arena Net? "Go subsidize their small playerbase by paying a 10 game price to get the anniversary item".


Intentions may have been pure with the idea maybe a decent chunk would stick around PvP after trying it but this was a slap in the face to the playerbase. There were no barriers to entering PvP. Why force the issue?


I also played PvP back in 2012-2014. I paid the 10 game price to get the cape skin. When it was over, I decided to comment on the forums to let Arena Net know how I felt about it.


The goal should be for this game to be successful. Cannibalizing your PvE playerbase in some attempt to keep PvP on life support is a mistake. You don't create a PvP community. You destroy the PvE one through attrition when you force them into a mode they actively choose not to play every time they log on.



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5 hours ago, Darkobra.6439 said:

Five pages of "Nobody's forcing you to." I have neither the will nor the time to educate you all on why that argument is redundant and belittles genuine concern.

In the exactly same manner: you're wrong, but I have neither the will nor the time to tell you why. Why even write something like that?

5 hours ago, Darkobra.6439 said:

No wonder they dumb this game down. 

And "dumbing down the game" has nothing to do with these participation achievements. The only reason you can't do them all even as low level character with random build is because they include some maps that require level 80. 

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

If the anniversary cape had required 10 strike missions, I’d be grumpy, so I sympathize with y’all.

But man, “slap in the face” is overused.


You're not wrong there. I would have just said "eff it" and moved on. As it was it wasn't remotely fun, but it's over and I'll never have to touch pvp again.

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Im having a hard time figuring out the Dragonstorm events. Like, I know there is an instanced version of Dragonstorm where you kill the dragons, but i dont ever recall that having events in it. On wiki it states that its also shiverpeak areas, in which i went and did a couple side events in frostgourge and it didnt progress one bit. Any pointers on how to knock these Dragonstorm events out would be greatly appreciated

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3 minutes ago, Vile Vials.6543 said:

Im having a hard time figuring out the Dragonstorm events. Like, I know there is an instanced version of Dragonstorm where you kill the dragons, but i dont ever recall that having events in it. On wiki it states that its also shiverpeak areas, in which i went and did a couple side events in frostgourge and it didnt progress one bit. Any pointers on how to knock these Dragonstorm events out would be greatly appreciated

There are events in the instance. 

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15 minutes ago, Vile Vials.6543 said:

Im having a hard time figuring out the Dragonstorm events. Like, I know there is an instanced version of Dragonstorm where you kill the dragons, but i dont ever recall that having events in it. On wiki it states that its also shiverpeak areas, in which i went and did a couple side events in frostgourge and it didnt progress one bit. Any pointers on how to knock these Dragonstorm events out would be greatly appreciated

Pretty much each phase/part of phase is an event. Slap braham? Event. Slap crystals? Event. Press F on a dragon? Event. And so on. Probably not all of them, but majority of them. If you're active, you complete the achievement in one go.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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49 minutes ago, Vile Vials.6543 said:

Im having a hard time figuring out the Dragonstorm events. Like, I know there is an instanced version of Dragonstorm where you kill the dragons, but i dont ever recall that having events in it. On wiki it states that its also shiverpeak areas, in which i went and did a couple side events in frostgourge and it didnt progress one bit. Any pointers on how to knock these Dragonstorm events out would be greatly appreciated

Can confirm the instanced version does have events that count toward shiverpeaks. And public for the instanced version opens up every 2 hours on the hour, so you can knock it out pretty easy by showing up at the right time.

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