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Are people complaining about mech nerfs? I thought scourge was a lazy class but mech Shows how to Not Play the Game and still be better than the majority of the playerbase.

Should every class be buffed to Infinity that mech gets the lowest DPS/Support etc?

This Game is about active playing and Not an autoplay mobile Game.

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They're complaining because it didn't make much sense.  The condi builds were nerfed exclusively while almost nobody had a problem with them.  Mech condi, especially the Jade Dynamo build, had a piano style rotation that engaged in melee range.  The hot button issue everyone is complaining about is how rifle auto mech is invalidating every other profession in the game while being near AFK, and this update made that issue worse.  

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8 minutes ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

They're complaining because it didn't make much sense.  The condi builds were nerfed exclusively while almost nobody had a problem with them.  Mech condi, especially the Jade Dynamo build, had a piano style rotation that engaged in melee range.  The hot button issue everyone is complaining about is how rifle auto mech is invalidating every other profession in the game while being near AFK, and this update made that issue worse.  

How on earth did they mess that one up?

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4 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

Are people complaining about mech nerfs?

Not really, you barely see anyone complaining about the mech nerfs. The thing people mostly complain about is a 0,5-0,75k DPS buff for the meme gameplay.

4 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

Should every class be buffed

According to A-Net: yes. They explicitly stated (and reiterated) that this is exactly what they plan to do. Engi rifle and various of the traits they want to have synergy with it are just some of the first things they got to.

4 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

This Game is about active playing and Not an autoplay mobile Game.

Well I have some good news for you then: nothing about power mech stands in contrast to it. Using your other skills still gets you a significant DPS boost, mindlessly spamming is never optimal which is why pretty much no one who plays in more demanding environments actually does it as shown by the logs.

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1 hour ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

How on earth did they mess that one up?

My guess is that the confusion stacks were leading to high performance against certain raid bosses.  Also my guess is that Anet has no regard for ease of performance in relation to total overall output (as said by an unnamed dev a few times), so they're fine with having an auto attack spec be better than everyone else.  The fact that so many players hate this is not a deterrent for this idea.  

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11 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

Are people complaining about mech nerfs? I thought scourge was a lazy class but mech Shows how to Not Play the Game and still be better than the majority of the playerbase.

Should every class be buffed to Infinity that mech gets the lowest DPS/Support etc?

This Game is about active playing and Not an autoplay mobile Game.

Because they didn't nerf pmech.

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So much whining about Mech, distracts from larger issues. Like the other two elite specs.

Holo is still weaker than it should be. 

Turrets still dead

Both pistols need work. PIstol OH is barely more dps than shield. Shield has no DPS skills. That's a problem. 

Mortar kit still has placeholder model which was supposed to change 7 years ago. 

All these complaints about "piano rotations should deal more damage" yet I've yet to see one person who whines about mech bring up Holos' underperformance. Should tell you something about people's priorities. 

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1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

So much whining about Mech, distracts from larger issues. Like the other two elite specs.

Holo is still weaker than it should be. 

Turrets still dead

Both pistols need work. PIstol OH is barely more dps than shield. Shield has no DPS skills. That's a problem. 

Mortar kit still has placeholder model which was supposed to change 7 years ago. 

All these complaints about "piano rotations should deal more damage" yet I've yet to see one person who whines about mech bring up Holos' underperformance. Should tell you something about people's priorities. 


I mean, when you look at the Engineer sub section, it is always the same people bringing up ideas on how to improve what to potentially rework and so on. The rest never bothered checking this sub section and we were basically just a group of engineer talking to other engineer.


Ever since Mechanist was added, the engineer sub section became populated with non engineer player screaming that X Y or Z is OP when none of these were ever an issue before Mechanist was added. People now come to the Engineer sub section either to spread bs, to trash other player or to troll. 


And mind you, this is only the forum sub section. Most player wouldnt even bother going to the official forum, let alone a sub section. I can imagine how things must be going on Reddit

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7 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:


I mean, when you look at the Engineer sub section, it is always the same people bringing up ideas on how to improve what to potentially rework and so on. The rest never bothered checking this sub section and we were basically just a group of engineer talking to other engineer.


Ever since Mechanist was added, the engineer sub section became populated with non engineer player screaming that X Y or Z is OP when none of these were ever an issue before Mechanist was added. People now come to the Engineer sub section either to spread bs, to trash other player or to troll. 


And mind you, this is only the forum sub section. Most player wouldnt even bother going to the official forum, let alone a sub section. I can imagine how things must be going on Reddit

Correct.  It was never an issue before mechanist.  Mechanist is the problem.  Of course players who don't play engi are going to focus on that because that's how balance works.  How rewarding a class is to play is relative to other classes.  When you get into engi-specific balance, it's pretty obvious that holosmith is undertuned while mechanist is overtuned.  But someone who doesn't play holosmith is going to focus on the mechanist piece of that puzzle, naturally.

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On 8/26/2022 at 6:06 PM, Tails.9372 said:

Not really, you barely see anyone complaining about the mech nerfs. The thing people mostly complain about is a 0,5-0,75k DPS buff for the meme gameplay.

According to A-Net: yes. They explicitly stated (and reiterated) that this is exactly what they plan to do. Engi rifle and various of the traits they want to have synergy with it are just some of the first things they got to.

Well I have some good news for you then: nothing about power mech stands in contrast to it. Using your other skills still gets you a significant DPS boost, mindlessly spamming is never optimal which is why pretty much no one who plays in more demanding environments actually does it as shown by the logs.

"meme gameplay" aka every squads top dps players are mechs. Okay. There are literally people playing this for the first time in raids and are top 3 dps while getting outdpsed by... you guessed it, some other mech that pushes more buttons. 

I had a training group at adina. They used different dps classes and the overall dps was rather low. After fails and getting outdpsed by a power mech by a huge margin, they all changed to mech, too and the overall dps went up by like 50%++ : )


13 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

So much whining about Mech, distracts from larger issues. Like the other two elite specs.

Holo is still weaker than it should be. 

Turrets still dead

Both pistols need work. PIstol OH is barely more dps than shield. Shield has no DPS skills. That's a problem. 

Mortar kit still has placeholder model which was supposed to change 7 years ago. 

All these complaints about "piano rotations should deal more damage" yet I've yet to see one person who whines about mech bring up Holos' underperformance. Should tell you something about people's priorities. 

The only buffs you can do are in the holo line. Anything else will buff mech too because every spec uses the same core traitlines. Those holo changes must be VERY substantial (laser edge permanently instead of heat dependence, making solar lens useful,...) to keep up with mech. You know, being forced in melee range, having specific burst windows... I mean its legit the third best power dps by numbers, beaten by bladesworn and now deadeye. Does anyone honestly believe that people skip mech for a 2-3k higher benchmark (optimal, most likely unrealistic scenario)? You might call it the best power dps class in the game right now anyway.

Edited by anbujackson.9564
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24 minutes ago, anbujackson.9564 said:

"meme gameplay" aka every squads top dps players are mechs.

No, "meme gameplay" aka. "AA only". Many of the people that take issue with power rifle mech specifically have been adamant about that this is "their problem" with it and not the performance of those who do a proper rotation.

24 minutes ago, anbujackson.9564 said:

I had a training group at adina. They used different dps classes and the overall dps was rather low. After fails and getting outdpsed by a power mech by a huge margin, they all changed to mech, too and the overall dps went up by like 50%++ : )

Yes, people who can't play their class properly will always deliver a noticeably better performance going for LI builds which is especially true for training groups.

Edited by Tails.9372
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1 minute ago, Tails.9372 said:

No, "meme gameplay" aka. "AA only". Many of the people that take issue with power rifle mech specifically have been adamant about that this is "their problem" with it and not the performance of those who do a proper rotation.

Yes, people who can't play their class properly will always deliver a noticeably better performance going for LI builds.

Sure, I bet they would perform just as good as mech with any other LI build. Right...

Besides the fact that I never said they used it as a LI build. Then again the difference to the "real" dps build is barely existent. Calling spamming your rifle skills off CD with the occasional grenades a propr rotation is really pushing it.

No offense but aren't you tired of defending this? How many mechs do you have to see to admit that its too good? 50% representaion? 60 maybe? Instead of 37,x k dps maybe 39 or 40?

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Li build mean LOW intensity : rifle mech isn't even low intensity , you can have a heart attack and still perform with it.

the problem is always the same , more and more people play mech (i do) while other profession are completely left in the garbage can , aka holosmith , which i agree should do a crazy lot more dps than a pmech (seeing his level of difficulty and "heat/coller" mechanic) , it does theorically , but in most scenarios , with a  mech you take 0 risk in terms of dps windows , you can basically runaround , and still be a 30-35k dps.

I know a lot of people wont agree with that , but every class off the game should at least have something like the pmech if anet let it the way it is , a very low ... or afk auto build for every class , and it's not the cheap buffs arenanet gave other specs whos gonna change anything ( i still dont see any htemp in raids , but they have access to aegis and stab now , why ? cause healmech better anyway). 

You removed unique boons ! Now everyone should be equall ! Thats the way it is !

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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People will always complain about the nerfs that their favourite profession suffer.

As for mechanist, when they showcased it last year, I said: "A pet spec? People will never rest until this spec is nerfed to uselessness!" The current situation of the mechanist could be forseen before EoD was even released.

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Personally i don't mind mechanist doing good damage but i know its unpopular opinion amongs some people but to me autoattack build should never do this much damage. To me complex rotations should feel rewarding which currently most do not if you compare it to mechanist.


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