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Can we get Airships🛩 like Allod's Astral Ships, or Naval Ships🛳 like Archeage?

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13 hours ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

Skiffs🛶 are a cool prototype for showing that vehicles, especially sea vehicles are doable if the programmers want them. 

I would like to see some larger sea and air vehicles that have combat mechanics. 


*Naval Ships🚢



:These can be introduced into other game modes such as PvE Raid fights with a few Ship pilots and the crew of squad members that have to do some ship jumping🪂 and deck fighting against enemy creatures and boss battle.


:This can have its own form of instanced SPvP game mode similar to what Allod does with its Astral Ship battles but with your own spin to this.


:In a WvW setting, I could see something like this used as a temporary event phase that draws a certain number of players into the sky for an airship battle with offensive ships and defensive ships to protect the territory's skies, with smaller fly craft and skyscales fighting it out to destroy the larger enemy Airships. This could be a multi layered battle mechanic in WvW.  Air to Air battles, Air to land battles and land to Air battles. Would add more gameplay elements to WvW and more fun battle strategy and more fun things to do in general.

air ships sound really fun. however, they would have to redesign every map. my main mount i use is my griffon and i hit the highest point of every map. atm the maps just are not high enough for an air ship.  you could get away with something a couple times the size of the boats we have. but nothing like the cool huge air ships with tons of cannons on them

Edited by trunks.5249
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I'm a big fan of naval MMORPG (Uncharted Waters Online was my first MMO, and I never found anything similar, but less grindy, after that).  I'd really like to have ships also in GW2, not (only) to PvP, but also to adventure and explore the oceans, trading goods from distant lands... like in UWO. It wouldn't work that well here, since we have waypoints (maybe the food/goods could disappear if we use wp, idk), but it would be fun to have these kind of explorations in GW2 (a game that focuses on exploration after all), and sailing is a source of big adventures.

Maybe when we'll explore the Unending Ocean, it could be a good time to introduce ships. But for now... I don't see how they would fit in the current world.

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On 9/6/2022 at 8:49 PM, kharmin.7683 said:

When someone asks "Can we get X like in game Z". 

that's like one of those simple arguments for the masses.

Just LOL that some  PPL think that's clever.

Nothing is new, nothing is original. According to ur Logic, we don't should have Mounts. U know the thing like game X Z has, but Anet made a way superior version. Name one thing GW2 has what not any other game has as well.

What's next, Tesla should not have made an electric car because we already had cars?

Anyway, happy the new Mount Party found a new thing to say NO to, Now it's NO to more Mount types.

And the way how Kharmin is in this Forum every resource he wishes Anet spent on other content, for example what? another game?

Games Evolve by adding more ways to experience it. 

Was thinking people learned from their NO Mount embarrassment, but here we are again.

 Killing creativity on the Forums since 2012.



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3 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

And the way how Kharmin is in this Forum every resource he wishes Anet spent on other content, for example what? another game?




That is simply untrue.  I only state that for many suggestions, I would prefer Anet spend their resources on something that would probably benefit more of the player base than the proposed idea.  Like game balancing.  Like PvP or WvW, whose communities have been begging for help for years.  Those are just two examples of where I believe developer resources would be better spent.

As to the rest of your post, it's nothing more than extreme examples to mock my point of view and not worth addressing.

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15 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

That is simply untrue.  I only state that for many suggestions, I would prefer Anet spend their resources on something that would probably benefit more of the player base than the proposed idea.  Like game balancing.  Like PvP or WvW, whose communities have been begging for help for years.  Those are just two examples of where I believe developer resources would be better spent.

As to the rest of your post, it's nothing more than extreme examples to mock my point of view and not worth addressing.

Blanket suggestions are like we should save the planet.

Noone will disagree but than meh its an blanket suggestion. WHat makes u think that a suggestion like OP can not be used in WVW or PVP? Balance btw is a dream no MMO ever reached. Maybe u can point out game XYZ who did it.

So I can tell u GW2 is not a clone copy of other games


Edited by Balsa.3951
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1 hour ago, Balsa.3951 said:

Blanket suggestions are like we should save the planet.

Noone will disagree but than meh its an blanket suggestion. WHat makes u think that a suggestion like OP can not be used in WVW or PVP? Balance btw is a dream no MMO ever reached. Maybe u can point out game XYZ who did it.

So I can tell u GW2 is not a clone copy of other games


I think you're missing my point.  Blanket suggestion, perhaps.  But I would much prefer Anet to spend the valuable and limited developer resources in fixing things that need to be fixed and/or improving content which has been neglected for years rather than implement something like airships because some other game has them and someone thinks that they'd be cool to have in GW2.

I am no developer so I can't point to any game where balance is perfect, nor do I believe that perfections is attainable; however, the current "balance" in GW2 leaves a lot to be desired.  I think that Anet could do a much better job or even get a better, closer class balance if they could spend enough resources to actively pursue that rather than some niche airship.

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4 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I think you're missing my point.  Blanket suggestion, perhaps.  But I would much prefer Anet to spend the valuable and limited developer resources in fixing things that need to be fixed and/or improving content which has been neglected for years rather than implement something like airships because some other game has them and someone thinks that they'd be cool to have in GW2.

I am no developer so I can't point to any game where balance is perfect, nor do I believe that perfections is attainable; however, the current "balance" in GW2 leaves a lot to be desired.  I think that Anet could do a much better job or even get a better, closer class balance if they could spend enough resources to actively pursue that rather than some niche airship.

Wait, do you actually think the same developers at Anet that work on new gameplay features are the same developers that work on balance patches?

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"I think we shouldn't have X because Y has already done it"


"We want airships, e.g. like in Y" doesn't mean we want a copy of X. It just means we want airships. 


It's like anet hadn't shown their commitment and ability to provide a unique spin on things.



I was so hoping it would be an element of EoD before the details were released. There's so much potential. You could have personal ships, guild warships, air-raid themed encounters in the Mists, attacking the dragon in the sky rather than stabbing his toenails, home and guild mini-instances below deck, flex, completely toggle-able option to view or hide all airships, crewing your own ship with your own chars (visual only) instead of generic, paradrops in specifically designed metas, airship support for specific content such as turret and supply drops and reinforcements, limitations on where ships can go (not enough ley energy, too much let energy, turbulence, too much residual dragon energy,whatever) where staying at station-keeping altitudes conserves fuel burn (fuel recharged on a timer), a flying stable for 5 of your mount skins, your own incredibly shiny inquest cruiser parked in your rata sum home instance charging port, etc. Imagine enthroned on your inquest overseer chair on your inquest destroyer.... I want.


And for the design themes, you could have that human warship from Zh encounter, that cool charr thing from drizzlewood final boss, cool inquest warships or SSDs (I'm sure the anet inquest tech teams will volunteer to do overtime for that. Fingers crossed), some flying blimp shaped liked a beer bottle for the Norn or mebbe a Viking ship or a flying beer bottle-shaped Viking ship, and a broccoli for the veggies I guess.



They could be powered by fill-in-the-blank resource sink, esp the guild cruisers. Imagine your guild cruisers silently (unless it's a charr one) coasting overhead with your guild emblem emblazoned at the bottom for the plebs to see.

Edited by casualkenny.9817
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They'll need to think of something as the big selling point for the new expansion I'm sure, fishing wasn't as game changing as mounts or gliders but Idk how an airship would work either. They're definitely going to add -something- though, there always has to be a big new thing bringing attention and just fixing old content doesn't bring enough attention. Grumpy vets angry about change won't stop any of that from being true. 

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Anet purposefully did not give free flying to the griffon or skyscale so that players couldn't completely skip over map content.  I'd think that any airship implementation would have the same restrictions to flight and if that were the case, then what would really be the point in spending resources to create yet another flying mount that doesn't really add anything to the game that isn't already covered by the existing mount selections.

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9 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

Also yes, send ur confused faces, keep them coming. I saw u before confused when a tiny group on the forum stood up against an Empire of confused Faces screaming NO TO MOUNTS to then fall silent evermore. 

Not every bad idea is comparable to mounts. 
I am not sure but were there confused reactions already in the forum when the mount discussion happened? 

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On 9/6/2022 at 12:03 PM, Farohna.6247 said:

This.  While games all borrow from each other, let's keep what makes each unique.  It's become all too frequent to have people ask for wanting GW2 to look like x from another game.  It's not even a modified idea, it's let's copy and paste.  

Also they haven't touched WvW in... how long?  Lol highly unlikely to add airships and battleships in a mode that they keep in "pending".

Iterative improvement is important though. You look at what other people are doing that fits into your title, you take what they do, and you improve on it.


Improvements in gaming literally comes from that; cloning or copying what other games do is very important as a whole. Otherwise we'd never see improvements from game to game.


Oh, Doom is this style of FPS? Well I guess we can't make that, because we need to be uniqqqque. If game devs thought along these lines, we'd have never seen Duke Nukem or Blood. Instead, we saw the Blood devs improve on the Doom experience and through that improvement create a whole new experience.

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59 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Not every bad idea is comparable to mounts. 
I am not sure but were there confused reactions already in the forum when the mount discussion happened? 

hhhh I was half Sparta joking, in the old days people loved to post a gif of a dead horse which got beaten 

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26 minutes ago, Aplethoraof.2643 said:

Iterative improvement is important though. You look at what other people are doing that fits into your title, you take what they do, and you improve on it.


Improvements in gaming literally comes from that; cloning or copying what other games do is very important as a whole. Otherwise we'd never see improvements from game to game.


Oh, Doom is this style of FPS? Well I guess we can't make that, because we need to be uniqqqque. If game devs thought along these lines, we'd have never seen Duke Nukem or Blood. Instead, we saw the Blood devs improve on the Doom experience and through that improvement create a whole new experience.

Of course they need to improve and learn from each other.  It doesn't mean they all have to borrow every idea.  Also if you read one of my other comments, I agree that it might make for a good storyline or instanced content, like Dragonstorm.  

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1 hour ago, Balsa.3951 said:

says the person who thinks the same guy who would work on game mechanics, works on balance patches.

But I agree, If we could put all resources into balance, Anet could make it. 

Just get the Janitor, who ever does the taxes, kitchen worker, IT, Art department The CEO let them all sit in front of the computer and switch numbers till we reach balance.

By now u just trolling right? What would Airship bring what a Griffon not already does..... hmmm. We would need some Generals from the US Airforce to answer that question,



Don't presume to know me.  I never said the same guy worked on mechanics and balance.  Get your facts straight.

And calling me a troll? Seriously?  If anyone, you could be considered trollish by the snarky replies that you keep making that don't further the thread or your argument.

Anyway, good luck with your proposal.  I don't think it has a chance.

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Airships are probably too big.


id still love a slower than sky scale multi person free flying mount though. 

when I say slow I mean so slow that efficiently getting places would still mean using the other mounts. 

but it’s unlikely. Just think it would create cool gemstone skin potential.


Larger air and water ships would be cool especially if they worked in a player housing system but the maps will probably look pretty weird with 800 airships floating in the sky. 

The housing thing likely wouldn’t work either because they wouldn’t be able to persist in the map after entering/exiting the housing instance. 

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19 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

Airships are probably too big.


id still love a slower than sky scale multi person free flying mount though. 

when I say slow I mean so slow that efficiently getting places would still mean using the other mounts. 

but it’s unlikely. Just think it would create cool gemstone skin potential.


Larger air and water ships would be cool especially if they worked in a player housing system but the maps will probably look pretty weird with 800 airships floating in the sky. 

The housing thing likely wouldn’t work either because they wouldn’t be able to persist in the map after entering/exiting the housing instance. 


it actually depends. there are potential solutions for some of these, using existing mechanics


although airships r clearly too big to fit too many within 1 map, you can indirectly enforce effective limits via a mix of the following: a fuel consumption mechanic that recharges daily, visual size scaling for pragmatic reasons (think of mount size limits for charr), increased fuel consumption rate when at a low altitude, a limitation on ship model counts similar to and smaller than the count for miniatures, options to hide all ships and and hide all ships except in your squad. for sea ships, you could have berthing limits, depth limits, proximity controls etc. there would be different classes of ships (personal assault vessels slightly bigger than a skyscale; personal ships slightly smaller than the carrier from drizzlewood; Glory-of-Tyria-sized guild ship)


it is not meant to replace any mounts, but just for testosteronal purposes - on old maps. it is not meant to be actively used in old open-world map content except as a shiny, but it can be used for specific encounters designed to incorporate it in. just an eg (1) an assault on a citadel where airships take 1 lane to fly thru an anti-air barrage and do a combat drop of griffon riders to break and hold the command center to open the gates for the landlubbers to begin their own assault. (2) an aerial assault on an air fortress, where parties of 5 will accompany pact npcs to infiltrate and take over (3) airships in the mist to chase, grapple and board dragon minions (or ships or whatever) (4) an ocean-based map where players can launch from on skimmers to attack rebel krait/inquest/duck fortresses (5) intercept landing alien pods assaulting whatever


the housing thing could run off something similar to the story instance mechanics. im not sure how that is coded, but it sounds plausible that some tweaking might achieve something believable.


as for design, a significant portion of the gw2 community likes to dress up their stuff. the gem store survives on such players. by incorporating designable/customizable elements and dye schemes, i think enough of the player base might enjoy it to make it worthwhile. obviously, other customer bases will also need their fixes. 

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