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Humble Request for upcoming PvP patch: Please End DuoQ


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Removing duo q will be the single mist effective way to improve pvp.

Here is why:

No more tank accounts.

No more off hours duo q.

No more sync duo throws. (Unplayed alts(

No more manipulation of match ups because of how the mm works, example, 1800 queueing with 1100 or below smurf.


These tactics work at all levels because they simply work.

But they are not competitive nor healthy for the game.

No rule except removal will eliminate this crap which makes the majority of players hate the game.


Smurf  tank accounts ruin games at lower levels because they are tanking their alt, which throws games.




There isn't a justification to keep duo anymore.

Cycle in full team seasons but duo really needs to go.

The last duo removal changed the face if the LB, just the shakeup the game needs.


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13 minutes ago, Shinigami.6580 said:

This is an MMORPG, rather than getting rid of duo queue, I'd rather have full teams re-eanabled in ranked. Social aspects should come first over perceived "fairness". If someone wants a truly fair and competitive game they can play chess or something like that.

I used to think like this, but experience tells me that without some rules and losing individual titles in a team arena, this will be duo cheat on steroids.


They can cycle it in a few seasons to confirm it, but duo certainly by design has ruined the game mode.

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37 minutes ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

Smurf  tank accounts ruin games at lower levels because they are tanking their alt, which throws games.

If you think about it, alt accounts may be the only source of money from PvP-only players.

I have a quote from 2018 GW2 reddit:




ANET have a business model on buying boxes and we do everything to make that happen.

We BAN people so they buy second box.

We make the match making a hell for players with thousands of match and easy for the new second BOX.

We make power creep in expansion, so that when you get a second box, you need to buy all the expac again.

We give you dishonor so you can buy a second box.

MONEY did destroy SPVP. And it's continuing on the banning of 1 account. You need to get better ANET. Thank you.


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Solo only queue would be nice. 

I also would not be opposed to 5v5, or perma 3v3, but with better maps. Being able to fill up your entire team with people means that throwers cannot sabotage your team.

Wintraders will still be able to grind elo off of each other, but at least they wont ruin our games. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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9 hours ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

Removing duo q will be the single mist effective way to improve pvp.

Here is why:

No more tank accounts.

No more off hours duo q.

No more sync duo throws. (Unplayed alts(

No more manipulation of match ups because of how the mm works, example, 1800 queueing with 1100 or below smurf.


These tactics work at all levels because they simply work.

But they are not competitive nor healthy for the game.

No rule except removal will eliminate this crap which makes the majority of players hate the game.


Smurf  tank accounts ruin games at lower levels because they are tanking their alt, which throws games.




There isn't a justification to keep duo anymore.

Cycle in full team seasons but duo really needs to go.

The last duo removal changed the face if the LB, just the shakeup the game needs.


Well all of this canbe solved be simply Not allowing people to que With Others  that have 100-150 Rating difference.

Desozialising the Game doesnt attract it for more Players.

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Removing duo queue is a low-effort step that would do a lot to combat abusive practices in ranked, like using a low-rated smurf account to carry someone up the ladder. 


We already have ATs with excellent rewards for people who want to play as a team.  I wouldn't be opposed to offering more rewards for ATs and spreading the rewards out slightly (but none to afk teams) to further incentivize participation.

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1 hour ago, Avatar.3568 said:

Well all of this canbe solved be simply Not allowing people to que With Others  that have 100-150 Rating difference.

That would be a very good start, but its not some magical be-all and end-all fix to the problems DuoQ brings.

Mind that until a few weeks ago most people were still spewing lies that a DuoQ's rating difference didn't even matter at all, and people still hated it even completely ignoring that.

1 hour ago, Avatar.3568 said:

Desozialising the Game doesnt attract it for more Players.

DuoQ no effect on the social aspect of PvP. Most of them don't even talk to eachother.

Even as a solo you're still playing with other people, all while Unranked and ATs continue existing

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6 hours ago, ResJudicator.7916 said:

Removing duo queue is a low-effort step that would do a lot to combat abusive practices in ranked, like using a low-rated smurf account to carry someone up the ladder. 


We already have ATs with excellent rewards for people who want to play as a team.  I wouldn't be opposed to offering more rewards for ATs and spreading the rewards out slightly (but none to afk teams) to further incentivize participation.

The Problem of at's is, New Players that Play With their Friends, will get farmed every time With No clue how to improve and quit the Game. There is No way that at's are a real replacement for teamq, because people are facing Teams that they will never Beat, while in Team q a matchmaker does at least the Job and searches for teams/players With "similar" Rating.


5 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

That would be a very good start, but its not some magical be-all and end-all fix to the problems DuoQ brings.

Mind that until a few weeks ago most people were still spewing lies that a DuoQ's rating difference didn't even matter at all, and people still hated it even completely ignoring that.

DuoQ no effect on the social aspect of PvP. Most of them don't even talk to eachother.

Even as a solo you're still playing with other people, all while Unranked and ATs continue existing

I Play Duo With my friends, the only way to Play with them atm, because they don't want to Play at for the reasons above. And unranked is lacking rewards, any competition and again a matchmaker.


33 minutes ago, Poledra Val.1490 said:

Honestly the best way to go about this in my opinion is remove the ability to duo que when a player hits plat 3.


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They should add "Elite-Queues".

Smash Ultimate is doing a similar system with their "Elite-Smash".

As soon as you have reached the top ~15% of population you will unlock "Elite-Queues".

Here you will only meet people that are in "Elite-Queues" also. Queue times here will be alot higher, but it stops the matchmaker from putting p3 people in Gold games, should they DuoQ with a silver account.

Longer Queues for the top% is pretty normal in every game, even with thriving populations. The top% in LoL wait 10 minutes+ for their games... and thats okay because they will get a enjoyable experience inside of their game, and dont ruin the fun for the average people.

We have to stop sacrificing matchquality for faster Queues.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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17 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

Well all of this canbe solved be simply Not allowing people to que With Others  that have 100-150 Rating difference.

Desozialising the Game doesnt attract it for more Players.

The ol' "rating difference when grouping" doesn't really work when matchmaking and ratings are completely busted.


Desocializing is a negative, yes, but what are the costs that grouping/socializing bring? Unfairness and reduced match quality for anyone not grouped. That must be reckoned with.


A solution for this is to simply create a solo queue option (or separate group and solo matchmaking behind the scenes, so that solo players never face groups). I and many others will readily sacrifice a few minutes of queue time to not have to deal with coordinated groups stomping us. Yes, I got into that stomp match quicker, but it was a terrible experience, so what's the point?

Edited by gateless gate.8406
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My son and I play together for fun. We are mid-silver. We've been playing PvP for a couple seasons now, so still fairly new.

If duo queue is removed just for higher ranks, we can keep playing together.

If duo queue is removed for all ranked, we'll have to either play without each other or give up on progressing toward the Ascenscion and leggie armor.

If unranked rewarded progress toward those, we could move to unranked, though getting stomped by 5-person teams would definitely make PvP less enjoyable.

Overall, I understand how duo-queue distorts the game mode, but by and large, it's helpful to players like us down in the lower ranks.


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Removing DuoQ would be a big incentive for me to play ranked more. It greatly evens the playing field. It's incredibly stressful / unfun to babysit 4 players solo at high rating. DuoQ provides too much of an advantage in that respect and enables shady behaviors, as many others have said time and again.

Edited by bethekey.8314
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14 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

They should add "Elite-Queues".

Smash Ultimate is doing a similar system with their "Elite-Smash".

As soon as you have reached the top ~15% of population you will unlock "Elite-Queues".

Here you will only meet people that are in "Elite-Queues" also. Queue times here will be alot higher, but it stops the matchmaker from putting p3 people in Gold games, should they DuoQ with a silver account.

Longer Queues for the top% is pretty normal in every game, even with thriving populations. The top% in LoL wait 10 minutes+ for their games... and thats okay because they will get a enjoyable experience inside of their game, and dont ruin the fun for the average people.

We have to stop sacrificing matchquality for faster Queues.

I come home from work, I have like 1 to 2 hours to spend on the game... LETS WAIT FOR THE GAME TO START FOR HALF AN HOUR! Hey it was a onesided boring stomp, but if I skip on some sleep, I HAVE TIME FOR ANOTHER!

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4 minutes ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

Yes, then we'll have 10 less players to duoQ, problem solved lmao.

Well actually yes, we don't have many at p3 but If they can't Duo anymore , night q's get terribly Harder, so they are forced to Play in Primetime, which translated into better Match quality Overall.

On the Otherside, Jesus and dra qued in their Mains 4am, deleted everyone and got both R1 over 2 seasons

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17 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

I Play Duo With my friends, the only way to Play with them atm, because they don't want to Play at for the reasons above. And unranked is lacking rewards, any competition and again a matchmaker.

May as well run through the entire script, right?


That's very good for you then, you already have your way to queue.

Would a separate SoloQ; free from all the bull kitten, be too much to ask for?


And now this is the part where you say the population is too low for me to queue the way I want, yes?

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