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Maguuma needs dealt with.


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.... especially when the new fad is an unkillable vindicator that constantly pulses projectile hate lol.

I understand that people don't want to run meta builds, but it seems like they go out of the way to make their builds as useless as possible. I mean, would the game be any less fun if you could leave spawn?

Certainly abusing a "overpowered" build is worth a few seconds of pride against defeating people you dislike so much? This is war.  Don't bring a knife to...


Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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22 hours ago, Ashlin.3708 said:

For real, they need to do something about maguuma, the entire server is way out of line, for the 4th time we are against them as a smaller server, for the 4th time they have a full capped zerg all of cheese builds, new broken elite specs, and condi bombs, literally spawn camping ANYONE who tries to do ANYTHING in WvW, every time my server goes against maguuma, they are such TERRIBLE sportsmen about the game that wvw just DIES on my server. is this REALLY how anet wants their game to be played?

Maguuma on its own without a link is already over stacked with WvW players. If you are unlucky enough to be in the same Tier as them, it is very common that the whole of EBG map is their colour. You will get ganked outside your spawn camp most of the time when that happened.

And yet... Maguuma gets a link this relinking LOL ANet ??

Whenever I see them in my Tier, I will not play WvW till the next reset. I want a fair fight and not always running away from them because we are 10 vs 80.

Edited by MintyMin.2718
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I find it funny how people think the reason mag is farming them is cause of broken builds when reality it's a player skill issue and how you just w key  and run comped grp if it doesn't work then  there playing broken builds but it reality it's a player skill issue and maybe you should get better  or stop doing w keying ove over  and find out why your doing but most of playerbase don't and just complain when a meta comp doesn't work :D

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7 hours ago, TwoTongues.5163 said:

As a Mag player I never get why this is a shock to anybody. Literally 10 years playing this way. And people ask Anet to do something................ people are so myopic with this stuff. We are literally confused in team chat why you guys, either of the servers we are up against, literally just stack up and don't move. What to you want us to do, /clap for you while you guys figure out what to do. On Tuesday NA prime, I cant ever remember the server at this point, did the same thing for 2.5 hrs straight. Busted down their spawn keep door, stacked up in the doorway, got farmed to your spawn, Mag went back inside the keep and you guys just kept doing it. We were literally laughing at you. We have done hunger games runs where we only equip gear that drops from kills and still farm. LEARN.TO.PLAY.THEN.COMPLAIN. I'll be the Charr necro /rockout every time we one push your groups. Why is it that BG and RAWR have figured out that the way to deal with Mag is to comp up and double team and absolutely no other server even tries. Everybody just wants the free ride. I'm gonna go yell at my green-hands now. OP owes them an apology.

Mag has some skilled strategic minds on it to an extent, that is evident, but overall skill by individual player? there's nothing skillful about greatly outnumbering the enemy because you just have so many more people on so much of the time. If you really want to challenge yourself, then swap servers to somewhere where you are greatly outnumbered most of the time and see how you fare. See how well it works rallying people to keep trying when you get stomped everywhere you go. People go out the same exit because it's the path of least resistance and the easiest to organize when there's no skilled commander around. Good luck getting people to rally to another BL or a non-standard exit with a bunch of pugs who are already way outnumbered and demoralized. Like seriously, go to a server that is not a main WvW server gathering and prove your skill by building up the server into something strong while being greatly outnumbered and demoralized on a regular basis. That'd be some impressive bragging rights. Showing up as part of the winners circle and laughing at people who have the odds stacked against them is an odd thing to brag about.

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12 hours ago, TwoTongues.5163 said:

As a Mag player I never get why this is a shock to anybody. Literally 10 years playing this way. And people ask Anet to do something................ people are so myopic with this stuff. We are literally confused in team chat why you guys, either of the servers we are up against, literally just stack up and don't move. What to you want us to do, /clap for you while you guys figure out what to do. On Tuesday NA prime, I cant ever remember the server at this point, did the same thing for 2.5 hrs straight. Busted down their spawn keep door, stacked up in the doorway, got farmed to your spawn, Mag went back inside the keep and you guys just kept doing it. We were literally laughing at you. We have done hunger games runs where we only equip gear that drops from kills and still farm. LEARN.TO.PLAY.THEN.COMPLAIN. I'll be the Charr necro /rockout every time we one push your groups. Why is it that BG and RAWR have figured out that the way to deal with Mag is to comp up and double team and absolutely no other server even tries. Everybody just wants the free ride. I'm gonna go yell at my green-hands now. OP owes them an apology.

given that I am in eu and I have never raced in na. but you mag guys have to have the face like your kitten , after a week that literally exceeds so much your enemy with the number of players, you still have the illusion of coming here as mr universe and everyone else just has to learn to play. poor deluded. someone advised him and I'm starting to think he's right. 6 months or 12 months without a link could only do you good.

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8 hours ago, lotus.5672 said:

Are you really saying that the server that stacks rangers, mesmers and thieves is the one abusing broken builds and not the ones that only leave spawn when they have a minstrel blob to follow?

Nope, minstrel blobs are another annoying/boring WvW issue. Cant say what is worst.


Ty for adding mes to the list, its a fact that there is some out there using moa just before a ranger and/or a mech get you down from a safe distance, then the thief come for the safe stomp and we go again, back to spawn!


Being from HoD I fought them alot lately and its another fact that individually they are just players, as a weaver I won most of my 1vs1. The problem is when u meet a bunch of these broken class playing together, its just too insane!

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I haven't fought against Mag in a long time, but the big thing that set them apart, IMO, was their veteran puggers.  Every server (with exceptions) has tight guilds and great duellists, but Mag's pugger's make stuff happen.  Where must puggers (me included, I ain't special) stand around the blob waiting for that one big kill, Mag's pugger's run off and cap a camp, start building a cata on a T3 tower, and see how far they can get.  Or they circle to spawn and spend a few minutes killing people running to the fight.


I know there are individuals on any server that does these things, but I think Mag's puggers make more happen than any other server, and I think that adds up over time.

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42 minutes ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:

Please put an end to these stupid threads already. It gives mag a bad name.


this is a very friendly server that enjoys the next level gameplay. Catch up.


edit ~ obs

1st, mag got a bad name since a very long time ago! What do you mean by the next level game play? Let go of our favorite builds and main character and lets all play the broken one because ANET dont care about a fair balance in the game?

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35 minutes ago, manu.7539 said:

1st, mag got a bad name since a very long time ago! What do you mean by the next level game play? Let go of our favorite builds and main character and lets all play the broken one because ANET dont care about a fair balance in the game?

Wait…. So in the name of fairness you are going to play core ele, core thief, core necro, core warrior, core guard and core Mesmer?


Because if you are talking ‘broken builds’ then throw out all of the expac builds.  

Or, continue to beat your head against the wall playing substandard builds that the can farm.


Or..  now this is a really radical solution, group up, comp up and fight back.  

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22 minutes ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

Wait…. So in the name of fairness you are going to play core ele, core thief, core necro, core warrior, core guard and core Mesmer?


Because if you are talking ‘broken builds’ then throw out all of the expac builds.  

Or, continue to beat your head against the wall playing substandard builds that the can farm.


Or..  now this is a really radical solution, group up, comp up and fight back.  

well, show me an ele spec that is broken... weavers been broken few years ago and ANET responded to it very quickly by removing stab from weaver stances (except that one I'm not using because its barely useful). I wished they were as fast to do the same with their favorites classes.


And yes fight back and group up could be great but when you are pushing solo with your melee toon its just a waste of time. Too many scared/lazy players out there using 1111 at range. Now you'll probably tell me to use staff and fight from range but I'll stop playing instead of getting bored to death! Anyway ele staff is a big joke when it come to do any damage. You must go glassy to do damage but then rangers only look at you and you die instantly 😕

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1 hour ago, manu.7539 said:

1st, mag got a bad name since a very long time ago! What do you mean by the next level game play? Let go of our favorite builds and main character and lets all play the broken one because ANET dont care about a fair balance in the game?

Copium overdose

ps. I can smell you play stone heart ele


Edited by lotus.5672
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21 minutes ago, manu.7539 said:



And yes fight back and group up could be great but when you are pushing solo with your melee toon its just a waste of time. Too many scared/lazy players out there using 1111 at range. Now you'll probably tell me to use staff and fight from range but I'll stop playing instead of getting bored to death! Anyway ele staff is a big joke when it come to do any damage. You must go glassy to do damage but then rangers only look at you and you die instantly 😕

So..  continue to play a class that is not prepared for the task at hand?  Please tell me how that makes sense.  🤦‍♂️

Or, you can just complain about every other spec ‘being broken’ because you are too ‘good’ to play them.

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6 hours ago, manu.7539 said:

1st, mag got a bad name since a very long time ago! What do you mean by the next level game play? Let go of our favorite builds and main character and lets all play the broken one because ANET dont care about a fair balance in the game?


I know all about the bum rap people give mag. It’s mostly salt from “Omg I diEd iN I VidEo GeAm!!?!” So they stay mad. 

next level game play is get off your boon carried spam fest nonsense. Get out there and play a fun build and enjoy yourself. Without being nut to butt for 3 hours sponging boons.


As for playing cheesy builds. Ones man’s cheese is another man’s treasure.


enjoy I do think your decently skilled so some might not apply directly to you.


your pal obs

Edited by moutzaheadin.4029
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Everyone piling on mag, but its not inherently a mag problem.  People like to play with others they mesh well with.  It happens on EU servers, too.  Everyone is just looking for a home to stay at and that results in unbalanced concentrations over time.


It just comes down to, do people want fair, challenging matchups or to be carried by their community?

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5 hours ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

So..  continue to play a class that is not prepared for the task at hand?  Please tell me how that makes sense.  🤦‍♂️

Or, you can just complain about every other spec ‘being broken’ because you are too ‘good’ to play them.

Dont worry about my class, I'm doing fine with it when it come to 1vs1 😛 The problem happen when a server like mag abuse of the so called broken classes. By broken I mean classes having too many gimmicks and overpowered skills compare to other classes.


Everyone should be able to have fun and be competitive with their favorite toon, its not to you (or ANET) to tell what classes to play or not. For example these days there is very few competitive warriors and burn guards in WvW. Is that fair for those who spent months/years to master their favorite toon? Are you asking them to restart from scratch and play classes they dont even enjoy?

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23 hours ago, Mike.3196 said:

I find it funny how people think the reason mag is farming them is cause of broken builds when reality it's a player skill issue and how you just w key  and run comped grp if it doesn't work then  there playing broken builds but it reality it's a player skill issue and maybe you should get better  or stop doing w keying ove over  and find out why your doing but most of playerbase don't and just complain when a meta comp doesn't work :D

They probably abuse elite specs. If somebody play elite spec you know that he isn't that good.

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Yep, as long as the ANET devs FAVOR mag nothing will happen. ANET favoritism is very plain and simple to see when it come to Maguma. 

To truly see if mag deserves to be #1 they should be denied any sort of link.

Edited by Heibi.4251
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1 hour ago, Heibi.4251 said:

Yep, as long as the ANET devs FAVOR mag nothing will happen. ANET favoritism is very plain and simple to see when it come to Maguma. 

To truly see if mag deserves to be #1 they should be denied any sort of link.


Not on Mag. ANet doesn't favor any server, that's been seen overtime. It's players that make a difference on a server. Players create coverage. Players create content. Players come back to a fight, starting a fight, finishing a fight, over extending and moving the fight to new locations are going to move the fight around. Ask yourself if you lost any fight, why did you and do different next time. Sadly we don't have access to ANet's stats and player counts versus potential players so it an unknown factor there. Could be they are overstacked but it could also be people choosing not to show who are fighting them because they believed in propaganda that they can't win versus changing the way they fight and group. Fought Mag many times, fight them where you choose versus where they choose. But no I don't think there is any bias for Mag among the devs. 

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23 hours ago, manu.7539 said:

1st, mag got a bad name since a very long time ago! What do you mean by the next level game play? Let go of our favorite builds and main character and lets all play the broken one because ANET dont care about a fair balance in the game?

Drop WoR on top of PoF and u see all mags damage getting reflected and set them on fire...

Mag has huge range pressure, issue is most players dont want to play counter gameplay, same thing with boons but if anti/boon gameplay gets in effect anet Devs will QQ and nerf more chrono and spellbreaker and add more farting boons to the game in hope players will stack necros  and scrappers... fckn lamers.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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