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Soo.... i was tanktesting with the buffed tempest..... Yeah....  guess whose unkillable, unless your highly outnumbered.

Yesterday, the first thing i did when i logged in... was to literally jump into 6 people to do a tanktest with my CeleSignetTempest........ i killed them all(they where obviously garbage, cuz who dies in a 1v6.. come on!😂)...   So i went ahead and did some further testing.... 


I equipped fullminstrel and choose the aurasharetraits..... I saw a bunch of enemys capping a camp and just jumped right into the fun.   I was simply doing my 0815 rotation that i would do in a zerg. I was not reacting to anything.....   after multiple minutes... they just left.....   Those 4 people couldnt do ANYTHING against me. I was running thru them spamming /laugh and eating a sandwich in Reallife.....     Do we really want Healers to be this tanky!?


I did some further testing. Again in Fullminstrels, rocking this specific build right here: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Tempest_-_Aurashare   But without invigoration torrents, instead i took harmonious conduit, because your gonna take this trait in a small 5 man havocgroup.  

I had my buddy hit me with his DPSReaper. Not only is reaper one of Tempests hardest counters, the build that i am running also has 0 Protection. This build is the "Anticondition" version of the aurashare.

So i was fighting my hardcounter, while also rocking the build that is the least suited for fighting power....  AAAAAANDDDD he cant hurt me whatsoever. I was facetanking him straightup, i stood in everything and ate every possible damage. Yet my hp didnt dip below 80% for long. Everytime he managed to get some damage into me, i would simply sustain right back up within 2 seconds.   I wont even mention how this test looked when i actually went and took Stoneheart........   There currently is NO WAY a supportempest can be killed by a soloplayer. Its just not happening.


TEMPEST SUSTAIN IS ABSURD CURRENTLY.  Did anyone already test the maximum potential healing in a zerg? im a pleb and only have exotic minstrels... so im missing quite a bit of healingpower from ascended with infusions. I also think Monkrune will be meta now, instead of Trooper... i also dont have that, so i cant make any 100% true statements on the potential maxhealing in a GvG.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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Of all the balance devs we've had thus far, these are the ones who are supposed to know what they're doing. Of course, it's an impossible task because the core mechanics of each class are so random and wildly different. It's those core class mechanics that cause the problems, and they never get touched.

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Before weaver specialization I used to do about the same with my tempest. Got to admit tempest can be  stupidly tanky! I dont know how it changed but I had a hard time to find a good balance between dps and sustain. Increasing dps enough to kill others meant being super squishy so it didnt felt like I really had the choice to go tanky..

Weaver fixed that issue nicely but its still hard to find the good balance since they removed the stab buff from stances. Its still much funnier to play weaver than tempest imo! Being unkillable can be fun for a while but not being able to kill anyone isnt that fun!

Edited by manu.7539
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What nonsense...."I made a full minstrel water ele and randoms couldn't kill me in wvw"...like and?...right now you can run a minstrel virtuoso and tank a whole bloody zerg....or a minstrel vindicator healing through even direct nuke bombardment...or etc etc...

Go and make a MARAUDER tempest and come back to us....yeah a minstrel healer gloating how tanky he is...kitten...is this 2015?

I see full minstrel/cele trolls all the time in wvw...always sitting next to the closest tower, ready to run when they face an actual roamer on a ...roaming or oneshot build...great accomplishment 

Edited by Arheundel.6451
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Breaking news: player uses tank stats/minstrel with tank traits and becomes a tank just like all the other classes when they run those stats/full defensive traits. Astonishing!!!!

Nerf elementalist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Not acceptable! Nerf elementalist!!!!!!!!

ELEMENTALIST is NOT allowed to be equal to the other classes! ONLY I AM allowed to have a good class. Nerf!!!!!!!!!

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20 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

"I made a full minstrel water ele and randoms couldn't kill me in wvw"

bro... i was standing in a full dps Reaper that did a pve rotation and i just tanked it like its nobodys business.... I know this guy, i roam and play with him everyday. He knows what hes doing, and a powerreaper is literally the worst nightmare of a support tempest... also i was rocking the fireVersion which is weak to power.... and there was no way for him to even make a dent into my sustainwall....    Do you think its fine that there is no possible way to kill a supporter unless you 1v2 or even 1v3 him?     I was literally standing in 4 people spamming /laugh and they couldnt do anything beside running away in shame.   I was literally standing in the camp and they couldnt get me out. They had to leave the camp without capping it.   Now keep in mind that "healing to others" will be even more compared to the selfsustain.....

4 People unable to kill someone that is just standing there.... menacingly...while eating a sandwich..... That kind of stuff is dumb and shouldnt exist.  No build should be able to facetank multiple other people. period.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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18 hours ago, solemn.9670 said:

Breaking news: player uses tank stats/minstrel with tank traits and becomes a tank just like all the other classes when they run those stats/full defensive traits. Astonishing!!!!

Nerf elementalist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Not acceptable! Nerf elementalist!!!!!!!!

ELEMENTALIST is NOT allowed to be equal to the other classes! ONLY I AM allowed to have a good class. Nerf!!!!!!!!!

your aware that i am a ele/Tempest main?  This is coming from a tempest main, and not from some Scrapper that fears for his spot in the zerg.

Just to put it into perspective...   Before feb2020, Ebastion would have a 0.55 scaling, and because of the damage nerfs they also nerfed this trait to a 0.415 scaling....  Because as we all know, if you nerf the damage you also need to nerf healing, because otherwise no one dies....    right? are we on the same page still?

oh.... so they reverted it back to 0.55 scaling, just how it was before the big damagenerf?   NOPE!

THEY NOW RAISED IT TO 0.8x SCALING....    That is even higher than pre feb2020.... but the damage nerfs from feb2020 are still there...   the healing is alot higher than it ever used to be..... But the Damage didnt increase at all..... humm......    i have no clue how that can go wrong.... /s   


They literally ported the pvp value over to WvW, without finetuning it, which is just plain lazy.  You can have 3 times the ammount of healingpower in WvW and you can have alot more healingmultipliers aswell... PvP Tempest is already healing a good chunck with 500 healingpower.... with the x0.8 scaling It is already surpassing Guardian in terms of healing BIGTIME so it pushed coreguard out of the meta completly... People already complain that Tempest is healing to much with 500 healingpower.... Well..... now we have the same scaling in WvW...... But WvW has 1500 healingpower and even more multipliers.

Its not like Tempest wasnt already a staple of every good Zerg anyways....  They just increased healing for no apparent reason. Druid buffs? OKEY! it doesnt have a foot in the zerg, so buff that.... But Tempest was already there... they just flatout increased healing inside zergs.


I just think its completly bonkers that Tempest can facetank multiple people with ease.   No dodging, no kiting, nothing.  Just standing there, rotating auras and your unkillable.      I dont think thats good design for any support or game in general.      SupportFirebrands cant do this btw.... neither can support scrapper. The second they stop kiting, they wil inevitably melt.  Tempest... can spam /laugh in 4 people, while i eat a sandwich.

Solemn i really like your vids... but this post was a big, biased brainfart at best. 

Edited by Sahne.6950
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21 hours ago, manu.7539 said:

I had a hard time to find a good balance between dps and sustain. Increasing dps enough to kill others meant being super squishy so it didnt felt like I really had the choice to go tanky..



Signet Tempest is your answer. Thats the build i am running in WvW and PvP(Sage/Forge Smoldering/Doom) for a long time now.

Personally speaking, this is how you get the maximum performance out of Tempest, in terms of "Damage <-> sustain"

Just try and root>stun>root>stun someone in a firefield or a overload and they melt, while you are a literal bunker.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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14 hours ago, God.2708 said:

No vid or clickbait showcase?


haha 😄 i wanted too, but in the current version of Geforce experience, every shadowplay data that is over 20 seconds will get corrupted for some reason.  maybe its just me, but shadowplay is not working since almost 2 weeks.

I was literally screaming when i  opened the file of the 1v6  and it was just 19 seconds of gameplay and after that a blackscreen xD

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1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:


Signet Tempest is your answer. Thats the build i am running in WvW and PvP for a long time now. works wonders. 

Just try and root>stun>root>stun someone in a firefield or a overload and they melt.

Faced a few of these this week, cele is so broken good on ele's.

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18 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Faced a few of these this week, cele is so broken good on ele's.

^^ yeah the people are finally starting to pick up this build! Especially after the Ebastion buff its incredible with Cele.  Yesterday i fought it in my pvp ranked aswell!

i see it more and more. ❤️


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23 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Some classes have access to too many defensive tools.

Too bad my favorite classes aren't favored by the biased balance devs.


Laughs in extremely tanky unkillable full glass mega DPS soulbeast

Laughs in any class that can play full marauder/dragon and not be instantly deleted by dev favouritism on non-ele classes

Cries in wet noodle because that's what we are practically forced into playing


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On 12/1/2022 at 6:15 PM, Sahne.6950 said:

Soo.... i was tanktesting with the buffed tempest..... Yeah....  guess whose unkillable, unless your highly outnumbered.

Yesterday, the first thing i did when i logged in... was to literally jump into 6 people to do a tanktest with my CeleSignetTempest........ i killed them all(they where obviously garbage, cuz who dies in a 1v6.. come on!😂)...   So i went ahead and did some further testing.... 


I equipped fullminstrel and choose the aurasharetraits..... I saw a bunch of enemys capping a camp and just jumped right into the fun.   I was simply doing my 0815 rotation that i would do in a zerg. I was not reacting to anything.....   after multiple minutes... they just left.....   Those 4 people couldnt do ANYTHING against me. I was running thru them spamming /laugh and eating a sandwich in Reallife.....     Do we really want Healers to be this tanky!?


I did some further testing. Again in Fullminstrels, rocking this specific build right here: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Tempest_-_Aurashare   But without invigoration torrents, instead i took harmonious conduit, because your gonna take this trait in a small 5 man havocgroup.  

I had my buddy hit me with his DPSReaper. Not only is reaper one of Tempests hardest counters, the build that i am running also has 0 Protection. This build is the "Anticondition" version of the aurashare.

So i was fighting my hardcounter, while also rocking the build that is the least suited for fighting power....  AAAAAANDDDD he cant hurt me whatsoever. I was facetanking him straightup, i stood in everything and ate every possible damage. Yet my hp didnt dip below 80% for long. Everytime he managed to get some damage into me, i would simply sustain right back up within 2 seconds.   I wont even mention how this test looked when i actually went and took Stoneheart........   There currently is NO WAY a supportempest can be killed by a soloplayer. Its just not happening.


TEMPEST SUSTAIN IS ABSURD CURRENTLY.  Did anyone already test the maximum potential healing in a zerg? im a pleb and only have exotic minstrels... so im missing quite a bit of healingpower from ascended with infusions. I also think Monkrune will be meta now, instead of Trooper... i also dont have that, so i cant make any 100% true statements on the potential maxhealing in a GvG.

They didn't test this because they were to busy NERFing Mech and FBs!   I know... 

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