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I Will Never Understand PvP/WvW


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Walk in as a Renegade:
First, Maguuma has the ENTIRE map on lockdown.

Second, a solo player is basically camping our front door. And winning.

Third; I can't do 5% of his HP with all five 1-5 skills, yet he somehow downs me with one skill. ONE SKILL. The rapid-fire arrow skill of the Shortbow as a Ranger. Nevermind how he out-ranged me when we both had shortbows. That's another question.


So, looking at the power disparity (I can't do 200 damage, he can do 24,000 in one skill).

The absolutely broken teams (Maguuma owns the entire map and can steamroll anyone who logs in)

And how I'm basically unable to play it..


...HOW do people find this fun?

I'm genuinely curious. Because I've never, in the history of GW2, ever won a 1v1.

It's never been a close fight, either. No matter what happens; I get facerolled in about 2 seconds or less and I'm left wondering why I never saw their HP bar move a pixel while they sneezed on me and killed me.

Ranger? Tried it.

Warrior? Turned to paste.

Renegade? Can't even leave the MFing spawn fort TO ONE PERSON.


Great fun. 🙃

Edit: I should add, if you enjoy it; cool. I have just never had a fun time in WvW. It has never been anything short of me getting destroyed in a matter of seconds, even 1 on 1. Heck, with today, that one guy literally killed me with ONE SKILL.

He pressed ONE button and did 24 thousand damage.

Edited by Akisohida.8963
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rapid fire is a longbow skill and is 1500 range, and the fact that you didn't know that even though you supposedly played ranger pretty much answers why you get blasted instantly when you step into wvw: you don't have enough game knowledge to play the pvp modes yet

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1 minute ago, Ruru.1302 said:

rapid fire is a longbow skill and is 1500 range, and the fact that you didn't know that even though you supposedly played ranger pretty much answers why you get blasted instantly when you step into wvw: you don't have enough game knowledge to play the pvp modes yet

K. So I messed up a skill. I've been boucing between my Ranger and my Revenant in PvE. Both use bows, so I messed up which bow my Ranger has.

Please explain how Rapid Fire did 24 thousand damage in less than 2 seconds.

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Just now, Akisohida.8963 said:

K. So I messed up a skill. I've been boucing between my Ranger and my Revenant in PvE. Both use bows, so I messed up which bow my Ranger has.

Please explain how Rapid Fire did 24 thousand damage in less than 2 seconds.


you are glass and he is glass and he pressed sic em on you then shot you with his longbow 2 also you did not dodge

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3 minutes ago, Ruru.1302 said:


you are glass and he is glass and he pressed sic em on you then shot you with his longbow 2 also you did not dodge

I am incorrect; he was a Warrior. He did the Greatsword spin attack to stop the person who tried to rez me.

I never used the GS at the Ranger, or as a Warrior, so I thought Ranger's moveset contained the twirl. TBF; not knowing the moveset meant it could have contained the Thriller dance, and I would not have known the difference.


So he probably hit me with Fan of Fire, but it just looked like a vomit of arrows that I associated with Rapid Shot.

Either way; having 24k DPS seems...absurd. Moreso when I could not do a fraction of a fraction of that damage with my entire weapon skillset.

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2 minutes ago, Akisohida.8963 said:

I am incorrect; he was a Warrior. He did the Greatsword spin attack to stop the person who tried to rez me.

I never used the GS at the Ranger, or as a Warrior, so I thought Ranger's moveset contained the twirl. TBF; not knowing the moveset meant it could have contained the Thriller dance, and I would not have known the difference.


So he probably hit me with Fan of Fire, but it just looked like a vomit of arrows that I associated with Rapid Shot.

Either way; having 24k DPS seems...absurd. Moreso when I could not do a fraction of a fraction of that damage with my entire weapon skillset.


greatsword 3 does do a lot of damage, but generally people don't run a longbow combined with a greatsword on warrior because the longbow is primarily a condi weapon and greatsword power. are u sure u are not misremembering something

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Just now, Ruru.1302 said:


greatsword 3 does do a lot of damage, but generally people don't run a longbow combined with a greatsword on warrior because the longbow is primarily a condi weapon and greatsword power. are u sure u are not misremembering something

I'm fairly sure.

He shot a spread of arrows that made me think 'Ranger' from outside my Renegade Shortbow range. This spread literally oneshot me. I was down before the animation ended.

Then he pulled out a GS and twirled over to me to chase off my ally and Finisher me.

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1 hour ago, Akisohida.8963 said:

Walk in as a Renegade:
First, Maguuma has the ENTIRE map on lockdown.

Second, a solo player is basically camping our front door. And winning.

Third; I can't do 5% of his HP with all five 1-5 skills, yet he somehow downs me with one skill. ONE SKILL. The rapid-fire arrow skill of the Shortbow as a Ranger. Nevermind how he out-ranged me when we both had shortbows. That's another question.


So, looking at the power disparity (I can't do 200 damage, he can do 24,000 in one skill).

The absolutely broken teams (Maguuma owns the entire map and can steamroll anyone who logs in)

And how I'm basically unable to play it..


...HOW do people find this fun?

I'm genuinely curious. Because I've never, in the history of GW2, ever won a 1v1.

It's never been a close fight, either. No matter what happens; I get facerolled in about 2 seconds or less and I'm left wondering why I never saw their HP bar move a pixel while they sneezed on me and killed me.

Ranger? Tried it.

Warrior? Turned to paste.

Renegade? Can't even leave the MFing spawn fort TO ONE PERSON.


Great fun. 🙃

Edit: I should add, if you enjoy it; cool. I have just never had a fun time in WvW. It has never been anything short of me getting destroyed in a matter of seconds, even 1 on 1. Heck, with today, that one guy literally killed me with ONE SKILL.

He pressed ONE button and did 24 thousand damage.

lol  The logical power creep is that you enter wvw and explode.

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sounds like you got shot by glass berserker with rifle or longbow.

but can just tell you to learn the game at all.

i mean you come here on the forum and ask other players how you could get downed but change your own story in between and you dont even know what skill hit you and you dont have any screen shot of your fightlog either so we could look at that and you tell us that you never won 1vs1. *scratch*

we dont have a magic glass ball to just know what happens everywhere xD

i can just recommend you to use the fight log or arcdps plugin to analyse your fights if you want to improve.

lots of players also record their gameplay with free tools like nvidia shadowplay or obs and make a review of their fights later to spot where they did errors and all this.

if you would have recorded your gameplay you could have loaded the video up on youtube and show us what happened.

thats what i can recommend to you. dont give up!

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Never say never. Once you get more experience and knowledge.. this post will look quite funny to you, you can look back on it in the future and giggle and possibly feel even abit embarrassed. Or of course if u will stop playing then u'll never know. 

Edited by Carnifex.3275
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Personally WvW can be a decent bit of fun. And it's usually less stressful if you get a commander/zerg to follow.

Facing Maguuma kills all fun. I concede that point. Get passed wood boxes and wait until next week (I'm currently in that waiting week).

I've played for a while now, mostly to get my legendarys done (GoB and reward tracks for S3 and S4), and still get 1 shotted now and then. It just sort of happens. Some classes can have really great burst under the right circumstances. Get some Marauder gear and spec into some defensive traits until you get better at playing the glass cannon type. You'll still die. That happens in the best of circumstances. But find a group and follow along and it can be pretty enjoyable.

And since the exact scenario that happened to you isn't known, I would just recommend dodging more often. A single well placed dodge may have completely bypassed that character's attack. You're new so would likely still lose 1v1 (or even 2 vs 1 sometimes) but you'd have a fighting chance.

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If you are into Revenant, drop Renegade and play power Herald or Vindicator. It will take time and practice, but eventually you'll learn how to stomp enemies. With Renegade you are just being carried by the class and therefore barely learning, in which case better drop Revenant and play condi Harbinger.

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Don't play PvE builds in WvW.


Start with celestial stats and dura runes. Get some decent traits and skills from metabattle/gw2mists. Work up from there until you can land your skills and actually do some damage.


Note: ALL PvE builds are useless in everywhere in WvW, all blob builds are useless at roaming and all roaming builds are useless at blobs. The split didn't use to be nearly this big in the past but it is just how it is these days..

Edited by Riba.3271
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3 hours ago, Akisohida.8963 said:

Walk in as a Renegade:
First, Maguuma has the ENTIRE map on lockdown.

Second, a solo player is basically camping our front door. And winning.

Third; I can't do 5% of his HP with all five 1-5 skills, yet he somehow downs me with one skill. ONE SKILL. The rapid-fire arrow skill of the Shortbow as a Ranger. Nevermind how he out-ranged me when we both had shortbows. That's another question.


So, looking at the power disparity (I can't do 200 damage, he can do 24,000 in one skill).

The absolutely broken teams (Maguuma owns the entire map and can steamroll anyone who logs in)

And how I'm basically unable to play it..


...HOW do people find this fun?

I'm genuinely curious. Because I've never, in the history of GW2, ever won a 1v1.

It's never been a close fight, either. No matter what happens; I get facerolled in about 2 seconds or less and I'm left wondering why I never saw their HP bar move a pixel while they sneezed on me and killed me.

Ranger? Tried it.

Warrior? Turned to paste.

Renegade? Can't even leave the MFing spawn fort TO ONE PERSON.


Great fun. 🙃

Edit: I should add, if you enjoy it; cool. I have just never had a fun time in WvW. It has never been anything short of me getting destroyed in a matter of seconds, even 1 on 1. Heck, with today, that one guy literally killed me with ONE SKILL.

He pressed ONE button and did 24 thousand damage.

it's ok. over time you will improve, just be patient with yourself and don't get discouraged!

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If they were camping your spawn, then they probably had a good idea of what kind of builds would hang around there and get farmed. 

I'm sure you're looking up a few guides and videos about WvW, but also, it's all basically the same stuff as pve. You can review your combat logs and you can see what icons they have up at any time, that could be a lot of the mitigation you're not punching through yet and could need something more deliberate and surgical. How you figure out how to dismantle stuff in other modes will carry over, just remember to factor in that human players like to be pleased with themselves and will be plotting or flexing and either should be data for you to use. 

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Thanks for the advice and words of encouragement, everyone. 🙂

I mean, I went into it expecting to die (I am not good at PvP) but when the dude literally deleted me in one button press, and when I saw the map was 99% Maguuma...I just got frustrated.

Like, I did not expect to be some sort of amazing person who would walk in and own everyone...But I thought a 1v1 would last more than one second, you know? It felt like my opponent had an 'I win' button.


Edit: I've seen here, and elsewhere, that Maguuma is pretty infamous in WvW. Why?

Edited by Akisohida.8963
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Spvp is actually pretty good overall. Some bunkering and support builds make it kind of slow more often than not, but its still pretty fun. For an MMORPG, the amount of action game genre fun you can get is surprisingly high.

In spvp you'll also be playing with others that have similar lack of experience, at least at the start.

Wvw is the go-to place for large scale fights. From what I read on the forum, you just had bad luck with the matchup - you are against some kitten world. Technically you can also do small scale fights in wvw and also roam solo... but that is mainly done on cele bunkers or broken power specs. Maybe you can find fun in it, I dont.

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14 hours ago, Akisohida.8963 said:

Walk in as a Renegade:
First, Maguuma has the ENTIRE map on lockdown.

Second, a solo player is basically camping our front door. And winning.

Third; I can't do 5% of his HP with all five 1-5 skills, yet he somehow downs me with one skill. ONE SKILL. The rapid-fire arrow skill of the Shortbow as a Ranger. Nevermind how he out-ranged me when we both had shortbows. That's another question.


So, looking at the power disparity (I can't do 200 damage, he can do 24,000 in one skill).

The absolutely broken teams (Maguuma owns the entire map and can steamroll anyone who logs in)

And how I'm basically unable to play it..


...HOW do people find this fun?

I'm genuinely curious. Because I've never, in the history of GW2, ever won a 1v1.

It's never been a close fight, either. No matter what happens; I get facerolled in about 2 seconds or less and I'm left wondering why I never saw their HP bar move a pixel while they sneezed on me and killed me.

Ranger? Tried it.

Warrior? Turned to paste.

Renegade? Can't even leave the MFing spawn fort TO ONE PERSON.


Great fun. 🙃

Edit: I should add, if you enjoy it; cool. I have just never had a fun time in WvW. It has never been anything short of me getting destroyed in a matter of seconds, even 1 on 1. Heck, with today, that one guy literally killed me with ONE SKILL.

He pressed ONE button and did 24 thousand damage.

Yo buddy, i can smell that you are quite new. You are probably playing a power renegade, which is.... i am dead serious... in a HORRIBLE spot right now.  Also its not really a build that shines in 1v1. If you want to feel strong and win 1v1 fights, you need to a) play a duellist and b) you should run cele.

Playing a good build is almost as important as playing good.  If you have a good build but play like a monkey.... your already better than 50% of people you meet.

Two weeks ago they buffed Tempest in WvW quite alot. If you are running the Celestial stats with it, you will win 1v1s by simply smaking your butt on the keyboard. 

I linked you the Dagger version of this build, as its alot easier to play.


The build has alot of reflects... The next time someone shoots 24k Damage at you.... The arrows will fly right back and he eats that Damage.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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22 hours ago, Akisohida.8963 said:

Walk in as a Renegade:
First, Maguuma has the ENTIRE map on lockdown.

Second, a solo player is basically camping our front door. And winning.

Third; I can't do 5% of his HP with all five 1-5 skills, yet he somehow downs me with one skill. ONE SKILL. The rapid-fire arrow skill of the Shortbow as a Ranger. Nevermind how he out-ranged me when we both had shortbows. That's another question.


So, looking at the power disparity (I can't do 200 damage, he can do 24,000 in one skill).

The absolutely broken teams (Maguuma owns the entire map and can steamroll anyone who logs in)

And how I'm basically unable to play it..


...HOW do people find this fun?

I'm genuinely curious. Because I've never, in the history of GW2, ever won a 1v1.

It's never been a close fight, either. No matter what happens; I get facerolled in about 2 seconds or less and I'm left wondering why I never saw their HP bar move a pixel while they sneezed on me and killed me.

Ranger? Tried it.

Warrior? Turned to paste.

Renegade? Can't even leave the MFing spawn fort TO ONE PERSON.


Great fun. 🙃

Edit: I should add, if you enjoy it; cool. I have just never had a fun time in WvW. It has never been anything short of me getting destroyed in a matter of seconds, even 1 on 1. Heck, with today, that one guy literally killed me with ONE SKILL.

He pressed ONE button and did 24 thousand damage.

You literally ran into to epitome of the biggest problems in WvW.  Oppressive servers (over population) and oppressive  builds. Learning how to avoid both is important in this game mode.

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23 hours ago, Akisohida.8963 said:

Walk in as a Renegade:
First, Maguuma has the ENTIRE map on lockdown.

Second, a solo player is basically camping our front door. And winning.


...HOW do people find this fun?

Because TC (and other servers) don't play on EBG during Mag week. Seriously, just ignore that map and you'll have more fun. Because nobody is on that map, Maguuma has massively more gankers on that map, end up capping everything, and then spawn camp the folks who refuse to play on any map but EBG (and then those being camped whine about how nobody wants to save EBG).

Edited by Bristingr.5034
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