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Fairly new to WvW. I was on my warrior who was in full ascended Knights gear. Is this kind of damage normal for Deadeye? It happened in a matter of 3-4 seconds and I couldn't even react. Next thing I know, I was down. It also happened a 2nd time. Pretty much the same as previously stated. Please tell me this is not the norm. If so, something is seriously wrong here.




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3 hours ago, Solomonlike.7631 said:

Please tell me this is not the norm.


Hahahahaha... It's like the least offensive thing there is. Rifle deadeye one of the easier thief builds to fight and overwhelm due to them often going for full power, thus being inherently glassy. They got nothing on the "normal" dagger/pistol daredevil when it's played by someone that knows their teleports and perma-stealth.

Wait sorry pretend I didnt say anything. Come to WvW where everyone is holding hands and dancing in circles with perfectly balanced builds and no boons at all, you wont regret it!

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29 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Wait sorry pretend I didnt say anything. Come to WvW where everyone is holding hands and dancing in circles with perfectly balanced builds and no boons at all, you wont regret it!

And with no toughness from cele.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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5 hours ago, Solomonlike.7631 said:

Fairly new to WvW. I was on my warrior who was in full ascended Knights gear. Is this kind of damage normal for Deadeye? It happened in a matter of 3-4 seconds and I couldn't even react. Next thing I know, I was down. It also happened a 2nd time. Pretty much the same as previously stated. Please tell me this is not the norm. If so, something is seriously wrong here.





Deadeye main here. The only power the deadeye has is quick 3 sec burst that takes all the initiative and often at least on utility + mark (steal). It's mobile but really fragile. Rangers can do more damage, have more diasables (6+ seconds), have stealth, have pet, better sustain and are more durable.


Deadeye is literally the least played class and in groups you'll often be asked to change character. There is reason for this. 


The reason behind your frustration is because you are new to WvW. Once you get experience only the best deadeye players might present any challenge for you. 

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Know when you're Marked and you'll probably sort that out. 

They probably spent some resource pools on prep to dig through mitigation for raw Healthbar unless you're glass.

And they want to maintain Mark and crits for Malice. 

Edited by kash.9213
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16 minutes ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

When you fight against ranger you can actually see ranger. Deadeye just shoot, stealth, shoot, stealth, shoot, stealth.

The better playstyle is to stack immobizations and fire until they can cleanse it then stealth and repeat. It allows you to engage in toxic gameplay while sucking the fun out if the game for your opponent and getting an ego boost at the same time. Its good game design.

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The reason why people keep saying you're new to WvW is this isn't even as bad as it could have been, and given that this deadeye didn't even follow up their 4x skirmishers shot with a death's judgement tells me they probably weren't a very good deadeye either. Your screenshot also doesn't tell the whole story. The Deadeye dealt you about 17k damage in under a minute, but you've got more than that.


I mean. What are you expecting? To be impervious to damage? Flipping the script, how is it fair for you to be nigh-unkillable?


The harsh truth of WvW is you will get ganked. You'll get ganked by deadeyes, rangers, dragon hunters, harbingers, holosmiths, will benders, etc.


Almost all classes have a way to make your hp go from 100-0 in less than a few seconds, depending upon build, gear, and player skill level. It's going to seem unfair when you have no counterplay. Them's the breaks.


Just as almost all classes can gank you, almost all classes have a way to block/evade/invuln/reflect to mitigate at least some of that damage.


When you see that deadeye's mark on your toon, you have a few choices to make. Close the gap? Open the gap? Get behind a pillar or tree to break LOS? Eat the skirmisher's shots and save your dodges/aegis/block/ reflect/whatever for the death's judgement? Can you blind them from range? I'm not a warrior main so I dunno, but it's on you to learn your class because the tools have been given to you.


Do you think you're the only person in all of WvW that's had to fight a zerker deadeye? Maybe try watching some YouTube videos of good warriors and good deadeyes. Maybe make a deadeye yourself to get an idea of how the class plays. The most important thing is to not get discouraged and to learn from your deaths.

Edited by Phelan.2014
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7 hours ago, Solomonlike.7631 said:

Not sure what being new to WvW has to do with unsuspected crazy damage in a matter of seconds against a target with high toughness. Literally running up the stairs and this happened. It wasn't a 1v1 scenario. Please explain how being new to WvW caused this. I'll be awaiting your response. 


Knights looks good on paper but missing Vit it really isn't. Grabbed my Rifle Berserker War elite wearing Sentinel gear and could beat the numbers shown while tanky. Moved it to PVT and Knights and went further still with a rifle build. Have 4 Warriors for WvW and the one I tested with are the least. And that was against a power build. Condi build Knights does even worse as a heads up.

The skill splits mean your mileage will vary between modes which means we lose on options on using one to practice the other. Agree, dislike that. Same with sPvP, we used to be able to use that to test and practice builds for WvW, now we can't. 

That said though depending on how you are running you need to build to that damage level and more. We are still in a nerfed state of where damage used to be, the numbers you displayed are lower than what used to happen. So build toward that and more.

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9 hours ago, Solomonlike.7631 said:

Deadeye main detected. In case you lack comprehension skills, that was unsuspected damage all in a matter of 3-4 seconds against someone running full toughness. I was trying to figure out what killed me so I pulled up the log. How is this ok? Explain. 

I am not a "deadeye main", I much prefer Daredevil. And if you got killed in 3-4s, I do believe that's a reasonable TTK. Be aware that many veteran have experienced smaller TTK. Your foe was a Glass canon, very likely announced to you that you were targeted through deaeye mark and didn't OS you. You were a warrior and could have had a shield, block, strike damage immunity frame, dodge... etc. You could have definitely extended this fight to 10 or even 20s.

In the vanilla game (you know the thing that people idealize), sometime you just droped dead in an instant due to a 20k backstab. In fact that was more or less what happened until feb 2020. So, seriously, dying in 3-4s? I do not find this impressive, no. You do have more than enough time to react and retaliate in this kind of timeframe.

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Deadeye just doesnt die, thats the most annoying part. I've had some deadeyes try to kill me for 30 min and between the stealth, teleports and superspeed only the bad ones die. Dmgwise they can do dmg but only if you dont push them into hiding and repositioning. I dont know why you keep repeating 3-4 sec, that is plenty of time to dodge, teleport, hide behind terrain etc..

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thief as a class is not balanced in wvw. As a warrior you can litteraly do nothing vs a deadeye (maybe if the deadeye is afk). With knights gear you could not kill a thief even if he would rifle 2 spam you in melee range. Either you can pop some immunities and run into a tower/keep that is nearby or you die. On open field you cannot run, you cannot chase and you cannot fight back... you simply die and there is nothing you can do about that.

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4 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

I am not a "deadeye main", I much prefer Daredevil. And if you got killed in 3-4s, I do believe that's a reasonable TTK. Be aware that many veteran have experienced smaller TTK. Your foe was a Glass canon, very likely announced to you that you were targeted through deaeye mark and didn't OS you. You were a warrior and could have had a shield, block, strike damage immunity frame, dodge... etc. You could have definitely extended this fight to 10 or even 20s.

In the vanilla game (you know the thing that people idealize), sometime you just droped dead in an instant due to a 20k backstab. In fact that was more or less what happened until feb 2020. So, seriously, dying in 3-4s? I do not find this impressive, no. You do have more than enough time to react and retaliate in this kind of timeframe.

Just because it was worse in the past doesn't make it fine. And besides, the initial burst takes less than 2 seconds which is barely enough time (considering stealth) to see where the damage is coming from. And when you have your bearings, you're already down to 10% of your health. So the extra seconds you're doing everything you can to stay alive popping your health skill and dodge, etc. but while you're doing that they just keep shooting from a distance of 1500 range and you're not able to do much dps to them if any at all. And if you do survive, then they just stealth again and wait to do it again and that time you're dcd's and heal haven't recharged yet.

You may feel that it's ok that there are classes that can get your health down this fast from stealth but I think it's not conducive to the WvW experience to not have such classses balanced. I mean stealthing out of combat, highest range, high burst DPS and mobility (superspeed upon stealthing). Yeah, "but they're fragile"...that's got to be the lamest excuse for having all of those things.

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