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"Frozen Ground" or what is wrong with the balance team


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Feb 14 patch:

  • Frozen Ground: This skill now grants frost aura to allies in the area when the field is created.

Before the patch that skill was a combo ice field that need to be blasted for the frost aura to proc. The 2012 dev knew this fact and added a finisher on the same weapon in the same attunement. Yet for some reasons, the 2023 dev thought that was not enough and decided to proc the aura directly.

What used to make the difference between a good player who times his skills to abuse the kitten out of the combo field and the newbie who randomly smash button is no longer apparent. Just imagine if every combo field was working like this. A default blast finisher when you activate the combo field. Imagine Thief being able to stealth just by pistol #5, this is how dumb this buff is. An unneccesary powercrept dumbing down buff.

Good job anet👏👏👏

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Oops. I thought about BP(aka pistol5) but still, what I have said is true, ini is being depleted instantly and it has cast time that you can interrupt. And on top of that you have to be in 130 range, like its way harder to HIT than just throw an AOE under ppl, so yea, in essence, it doesnt change what I wrote.

Comparing apples and oranges

Edited by semak.7481
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Just now, semak.7481 said:

Tell me you are new without telling me you are...

Ini cost, cast time, you could interrupt it once or even few times preventing him from stealthing, unless its DRD bound cuck, then you cant do anything.

Ah, yeah, i'm soooo new. I must not know ANYTHING i'm talking about based on the fact that I made such a simple kittening comparison. 🙄

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More frost aura means more damage reduction. I'm a fan of auras but damage reduction noo. No thankyou. I feel a scary amount of straight up damage reduction comming about. Which I don't understand cuz that's like a toughness attribute to reduce physical damage. But we get instead of the use of our attributes we're giving flat rates of damage reduction instead. I'm am not a fan. 

It's a cleaver, but lazy way of fixing big damage instead of the underlined issue of usless attributes.

Edited by Eddbopkins.2630
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14 hours ago, Eugchriss.2046 said:

What used to make the difference between a good player who times his skills to abuse the kitten out of the combo field and the newbie who randomly smash button is no longer apparent.

well.... the good player will be able to get 2 or even 3 auras out of this field now. 

They basicly just added 1 free aura ontop. Good players still want to blast the field.

Also lets not pretend that Staff is in any way shape or form viable in pvp.   For WvW its a nice buff.... but pvp... meh

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When I saw this I didn't think "Wow I don't have to blast anymore" 

I thought "Cool I can double up on my auras in water attunement. This is a good buff to tempest staff healing". 

This also allows you to give auras to allies at longer range without worrying about people kiting out of the AoE before the ice spike hits. It can be difficult to land the aura when you are not casting this delayed combo directly over yourself to share via Powerful Auras. 


Still going to blast those fields, all this does is make frozen ground a  useful skill instead of a minor inconvenience with a combo field on top. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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2 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

When I saw this I didn't think "Wow I don't have to blast anymore" 

I thought "Cool I can double up on my auras in water attunement. This is a good buff to tempest staff healing". 

This also allows you to give auras to allies at longer range without worrying about people kiting out of the AoE before the ice spike hits. It can be difficult to land the aura when you are not casting this delayed combo directly over yourself to share via Powerful Auras. 

Not to mention if someone decides to trait elemental shielding, it'll be way easier to give a whole team perma -43 dmg negation. 

Edited by cyberzombie.7348
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8 hours ago, cyberzombie.7348 said:

Not to mention if someone decides to trait elemental shielding, it'll be way easier to give a whole team perma -43 dmg negation. 

It (should) be -40%, damage reduction isn't meant to stack additively. Let's say a skill does 100 damage.
-33% from protection, it does 67 damage
-10% from Frost aura, 67 / 10 = 6.7. This gives 60.3 as the final damage.
Adding Right of the Great Dwarf at -50% would halve that final value to 30.15.
It doesn't matter the order you calculate them, you get the same value.

This is to stop someone being able to stack all this and get immunity to damage, protection, frost aura, and RotgD if they stacked additively these would be 93% damage reduction and result in damage of 7. On tempest with protection being -40% damage taken it would be -100% damage reduction with all this if damage reduction stacked additively and they would be effectively immune for that time.

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17 hours ago, cyberzombie.7348 said:

being able to give perma -40 reduction to a team will def be broken. 

i am just going to quickly mention that EarthSupportTempest has:

-39,99% https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hardy_Conduit

-7% https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stone_Flesh

-10% https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Geomancer's_Training

-10% https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Frost_Aura

*Happy Bunker noises*  


Edited by Sahne.6950
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