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Thank you for the tattoo skins

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i too am happy to see the tattoo sets being added.

FINALLY my male norn can be bare chested!

2 things i'd like though:

first i feel like the loincloth is way too high up on female characters,

it looks like they've been on the receiving end of a super-wedgy!

for reference here is the gladiator set, and here is the recently added savage scale loincloth, as you can see they sit nicely at hip height, it would be GREAT if the loincloth from the tattoo set sat at the same height!

i mocked up an example here!


secondly could we get a version without the tattoos?

it would sell SUPER well, as i said above i've been wanting to make my norn male bare chested for ages and i know a lot of us enjoy the more savage looks for our warriors! and the loincloth is perfect for that!

Edited by Liewec.2896
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1 hour ago, Liewec.2896 said:

i too am happy to see the tattoo sets being added.

FINALLY my male norn can be topless!

2 things i'd like though:

first i feel like the loincloth is way too high up on female characters, it looks like they've been on the receiving end of a super-wedgy!

for reference here is the gladiator set, and here is the recently added savage scale loincloth, as you can see they sit nicely at hip height, it would be GREAT if the loincloth from the tattoo set sat at the same height!


secondly could we get a version without the tattoos?

it would sell SUPER well, as i said above i've been wanting to make my norn male topless for ages and i know a lot of us enjoy the more savage looks for our warriors! and the loincloth is perfect for that!


I would love to get and buy a version without the tattoos too.

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6 minutes ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:


I see some complaining about the actual "armor" parts but those are pretty dang good IMO and while the tattoos are great, lore-wise, my character have no reason to have tattoos.

None of them want to be hipster coffee baristas?

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31 minutes ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:


I see some complaining about the actual "armor" parts but those are pretty dang good IMO and while the tattoos are great, lore-wise, my character have no reason to have tattoos.

I think most of my characters would need a reason not to haven tattoos, they're all pretty impulsive (which is part of how they keep getting themselves into all these situations in the first place).

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35 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

None of them want to be hipster coffee baristas?


12 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I think most of my characters would need a reason not to haven tattoos, they're all pretty impulsive (which is part of how they keep getting themselves into all these situations in the first place).

mine is a noble who kinda go cray-cray after 10 years of drinking dragon blood and eating the flesh of fallen gods but I still I fail to see why she would want snake tattoos all over her body.

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1 hour ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:


I see some complaining about the actual "armor" parts but those are pretty dang good IMO and while the tattoos are great, lore-wise, my character have no reason to have tattoos.

     All my char have a reason to get tattoos. They are all basically witches and magic users, so having tattoos and runes is part of the tradition even if they come from a higher noble blood. Tattoos transcend all classes and positions. What they don't have a reason to do is wear just bra everywhere they go looking like an alley worker.

Edited by Doctor Hide.6345
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Would be nice to get a version without the tattos, my norn already have one, having both be on top of each other is big turn off from the skin...that and looking like a Yakuza menber with those tattos but wearing loincloth that matches some conan the barbarian kind of character just dont fit well in my opinion.

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1 hour ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

yeah, let get all our body covered in tattoos then let just wear clothes that cover every bit of skin so nobody can see them...

     Again like I said to the last poster, there are lot of armor pieces that don't cover the arm and legs up that look good, but are not too revealing in which the tattoos would work showing them off still. No one said cover everything up. Every armor weight has a few options like that. Not every piece is cover every part of your body up.

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On 3/7/2023 at 6:07 PM, Mimizu.7340 said:

Wondering if you have noticed the two reported art bugs on these tattoo skins?

Male chests have z-fighting/z-flicker unless very close and directly facing.

Female norn largest shape has the back of the loincloth glitching into buttocks.

Can you tell me which character race shapes you  have tried them on (without either of the above issues)? 

Would save me going through all the shapes to check.

The one bug I've noticed is on female charr, medium armor, Bestial tattoo.  When equipping the Bestial chest piece, the loincloth belt thickens out until it's like she has a toilet seat around her waist.  The Fire and Serpent chests look fine.  I did not apply it to see if this happened once transmuted.  I filed an in-game bug report on it.

The bugged piece: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1076539635762737182/1082862665526943804/TattooBestialCharr.JPG

And the Flame piece for contrast to see what the belt *should* be doing: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1076539635762737182/1082863360581828698/TattooFireBloomCharr.JPG

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20 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:


I see some complaining about the actual "armor" parts but those are pretty dang good IMO and while the tattoos are great, lore-wise, my character have no reason to have tattoos.


19 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:


mine is a noble who kinda go cray-cray after 10 years of drinking dragon blood and eating the flesh of fallen gods but I still I fail to see why she would want snake tattoos all over her body.


Yup! I'm on the exact same boat as you. I hope ANET would release a version of this armor skin without the tattoo, at least for the chest piece. 


I just took a picture of my thief and did some photoshops to remove the tattoos. https://imgur.com/a/qeFra7P

Personally I think my thief looks better this way, at least I feel like I have more options for mix and match at least for my medium armor profession toons without the tattoos. 

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2 hours ago, SilentJay.1342 said:

I hope ANET would release a version of this armor skin without the tattoo, at least for the chest piece

gotta love the chest piece. It covers absolutely everything (no cleavage at all) but without unnecessary straps or addons.

I still want a simpler lower part similar to the default underwear tho.

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2 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

I still want a simpler lower part similar to the default underwear tho.

The norn underwear right?

I can't imagine anyone wanting the default human underwear.  Default sylvari underwear would look interesting on the other races though...

Edited by Zebulous.2934
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4 hours ago, Krexen.9057 said:

On Bestial Tides Tattoo Chest, what is the last dye channel for?


On female characters it dyes the bra. I guess there's no way for Anet to change how dye channels work based on gender.

(Now I'm wondering if that explains some of the unused dye channels on other skins, but I can't log in to check now.)

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I was excited to try these out when I saw the post while at work. But after getting home, I found the tattoo skins to be pretty disappointing overall. But it's easy enough for me to ignore them and just not spend gems on them. They seem pretty expensive too but that's obviously relative.

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8 hours ago, Meridian.4983 said:

I gave the Bestial Tides pack a try; when I saw it I thought it may look good with the Snow Diamond infusion, I really love the result!

front - https://imgur.com/FlM0nt5

back - https://imgur.com/3reMlqR

I hope they design more!

You can also get some great affects with the Polyluminescent Undulating Refractors or hylek hue potions combined with Polysaturating Reverberating Infusion (gray).  Just remember you have to make sure the reverberating infusion loads last (easiest way is to put a reverberating on each weapon set so they load every time you swap - the reverberating infusions have to be of different stats, though)

Hylek Potion

Teal Infusion

I also saw a really nice one with the khan ur infusion but did not get a screen shot

Edited by Mattahood.9423
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