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Big Damage is back!


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Impressive, didn't know Gun flame was back to it's HoT release damage numbers again, even after the 2020 damage nerfs, also got hit quickly with a one two combo of 10k and 12k damage the other day. Might have to take my warrior out of the mothballs and take it for a spin again. 🤭



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17 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Also you should know that most water weapons evaded the 2020 nerf, because nobody remembers water exists.

So big damage still exists underwater. :s

lol and the norn elites bear charge or something, don't remember if it got nerfed later or not

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13 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Impressive, didn't know Gun flame was back to it's HoT release damage numbers again, even after the 2020 damage nerfs, also got hit quickly with a one two combo of 10k and 12k damage the other day. Might have to take my warrior out of the mothballs and take it for a spin again. 🤭



I remember Warrior Profession: Gunflame. All I can say is; the Balance in Guild Wars 2 is a spinning wheel. In other words; Nerfs rotates and comes and goes seasonally, yearly.


Just like the meta; a Bunker Meta, Power Creep Meta, Condition Meta, Invulnerable Meta, Stealth Meta, Exploit Meta, Teleport Meta...the list goes on yet in the end, the Spinning Wheel starts all over again and again


Here is the last video of Good Warrior Profession Player: Gunflame that I have seen.


(It is not the Warrior Profession Player at fault, it is Guild Wars 2 refusal to address Toxic mechanic from repeating/recycling itself itself over and over again at its core root)





Instead of moving forward with Balance, why is this game Balance keep going back in time over and over again?

Everything that is happening today, already happened years ago.

Why hasn't the game balance moved on from its past Toxicity? 

Where Are The Lesson Learned From The Past Balance?

Where Are The Applied Lessons From The Past Balances?

"History repeats itself because nobody listens the first time"


Edited by Burnfall.9573
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7 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


Xen, not you here, its the assumptions that followed.

Don't use meme videos. Why I have an issue with ANet using content providers as a source of balancing because it tells the edited version of one side. Please provide both builds in each fight to continue the discussion. You are trying to be triggered by meme videos, its not a way to balance games. Build the build you think and then record all content and share a full picture if you want balance.

It's easy to be outraged, hard to be inspired, be inspired.

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I wouldn't mind anet making big dmg attacks like gunflame, true shot, grenade barrage and probably more, actually stand out from regular attacks.  Maybe adding some flashy projectiles, or cast effects, so players on the receiving end have something to look for that doesn't disappear in the visual clutter most combat becomes.

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15 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Xen, not you here, its the assumptions that followed.

Don't use meme videos. Why I have an issue with ANet using content providers as a source of balancing because it tells the edited version of one side. Please provide both builds in each fight to continue the discussion. You are trying to be triggered by meme videos, its not a way to balance games. Build the build you think and then record all content and share a full picture if you want balance.

It's easy to be outraged, hard to be inspired, be inspired.


Guild Wars 2 Balance is its own meme. It is its own meme when it continue to allow itself to not be taken seriously.


Calling players gameplay streaming videos 'meme", to hide the Truth is not ok.


Those videos were not poking fun at Guild Wars 2 or at any other players at all. The Warrior Profession Players were using the tool which Anet gave them... to use

These players did not alter Warrior Profession: Gunflame designs nor its damages in any way in their videos.

The only one side is ; nothing was learned from the past

"You Get What You Give"- "What You Put Into Things Is What You Get Out Of Them "


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7 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

Calling players gameplay streaming videos 'meme", to hide the Truth is not ok.

The video had; mere seconds of game play without what happened before or after, a sound track, and labeled itself as meme build. You don't see that as meme video? I enjoyed it and +10 to the content creator, love the song choice and appreciate it after rooming with a visual arts major a couple of decades ago when they had to make an 8MM movie and the soundtrack established a serious role in the impact on the presented film and their top 5 in presentation placement.

That said they also linked the setup, which was glass. Are you surprised glass hits hard? Based on the drops it was hitting glass on glass. Its the job role of it. But that also means it melts fast if it doesn't drop its target. Risk/reward. Going to say it again, you can't balance glass on glass. Miss the rotation or hit a bruiser or tank build and they would be open for being dropped on the counter attack, let alone range, which is why we have no one wants rangers in squad and at the same time glass builds say they need nerfs and the back and fourth you find here.


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4 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

which was glass. Are you surprised glass hits hard?

Exactly that. There is nothing out of balance in this. Just worry about getting out of the fray and learning to run fast, at the right time. ( not for nothing do you see that big two-handed sword as a second weapon, just to ensure the escape ) just because you are made of glass. And if the enemy has the balls to break through the front line, it will be on you, you are dead in a few seconds. guaranteed.

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9 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

That said they also linked the setup, which was glass. Are you surprised glass hits hard? Based on the drops it was hitting glass on glass. Its the job role of it. But that also means it melts fast if it doesn't drop its target. Risk/reward. Going to say it again, you can't balance glass on glass. Miss the rotation or hit a bruiser or tank build and they would be open for being dropped on the counter attack, let alone range, which is why we have no one wants rangers in squad and at the same time glass builds say they need nerfs and the back and fourth you find here.

Meh every one shot build in the last 10 years is labeled as a "meme", and feels like it's done so in order to hide the builds damage potential from nerfs. An all pet necro build is more of a meme to me. BTW that 21.8k one shot damage in my first post, was on a celestial build, it was not a zerk vs zerk situation, and I saw the 30k in the video, his whispers even noted cele would probably be around 20k lol. 

Should a build have that damage potential in wvw? especially one that could hit multiple targets? I'll leave that debate for another current thread. But it's kinda funny how they nerfed single target backstabs to not be one shot anymore with the 2020 nerfs, nerfed a bunch of ground aoes to hit like noodles, but left in some of the multi target skills for one shot potential still. I kinda give warriors a pass on this simply because they've been in a bad spot balance wise for a long while and well they don't use stealth. But typically I don't think any skill should one shot, even in zerk, especially in a tab targeting mmo (it's not even head shots which at least require some personal targeting skills to pull off unless you're a console player lol), but if I wanted one shots I'd load up a fps game for it.

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13 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Meh every one shot build in the last 10 years is labeled as a "meme", and feels like it's done so in order to hide the builds damage potential from nerfs. An all pet necro build is more of a meme to me. BTW that 21.8k one shot damage in my first post, was on a celestial build, it was not a zerk vs zerk situation, and I saw the 30k in the video, his whispers even noted cele would probably be around 20k lol. 

Should a build have that damage potential in wvw? especially one that could hit multiple targets? I'll leave that debate for another current thread. But it's kinda funny how they nerfed single target backstabs to not be one shot anymore with the 2020 nerfs, nerfed a bunch of ground aoes to hit like noodles, but left in some of the multi target skills for one shot potential still. I kinda give warriors a pass on this simply because they've been in a bad spot balance wise for a long while and well they don't use stealth. But typically I don't think any skill should one shot, even in zerk, especially in a tab targeting mmo (it's not even head shots which at least require some personal targeting skills to pull off unless you're a console player lol), but if I wanted one shots I'd load up a fps game for it.

Xen, my friend, 🙂 I took your screen shot as it was, as in information, been working to see what combo they may have used and been testing. What I am not for is people using meme videos to further try and group think things into overall nerfs as we saw happened many times in the past. That's how we have seen some terribad nerfs to elites over time and me and you are both not fans of that, one dodge, WTW. So if you thought that was doubts at you, it wasn't. Besides you know I would have said "Xen, WTW! Dance off noah, frogs, G O !"

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8 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

That's how we have seen some terribad nerfs to elites over time and me and you are both not fans of that, one dodge, WTW.

Yeah but you and I both know it's because Anet swings sledge hammers for nerfs and doesn't bother with small controlled nerfs. Plus they're biased, mirage gets a dodge nerf for 3 years, but vindicator gets theirs changed in 8 months, jaunt gets nerfed in damage, count, cooldown, but willbenders get 8 dashes/ports.

/chieftain dance, pretty much all I can do to some of these specs.

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20 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Based on the drops it was hitting glass on glass. Its the job role of it. But that also means it melts fast if it doesn't drop its target. Risk/reward.

I wonder though whether that applies in WvW as much as in more individual or small scale where you have to be more self-reliant.  In zerg vs zerg there is a good chance that the glass build has more stacks of might and other boons than it could ever self-generate, making it hit harder, and enough support and protection to make it effectively somewhat tanky.  I know that having supports means less characters applying DPS and the target may also gets boons and support but if the end result is enemies being one shot or two very quick shot, that isn't fun for the killed player.  I'm sure that a lot of it is inexperience and just being slow but I really prefer to live long enough to know I'm being attacked before I'm downed.  I guess the other extreme is the tanky builds that can fight indefinitely without killing each other, it would just personally be more fun overall if killing a player took several seconds or more.

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On 3/26/2023 at 3:40 PM, Sonork.2916 said:

I wouldn't mind anet making big dmg attacks like gunflame, true shot, grenade barrage and probably more, actually stand out from regular attacks.  Maybe adding some flashy projectiles, or cast effects, so players on the receiving end have something to look for that doesn't disappear in the visual clutter most combat becomes.

I agree, currently Gun Flame has almost no animation so I never dodge it in time and it hits me for 10-18k.

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On 3/27/2023 at 8:04 AM, Hotride.2187 said:

Lol, this is just silly.


WvW entire balance is a clown fiesta fest. Every Professions at the moment are out of control. Even one of my main Profession: Ranger Profession-Untamed...is overly Outrageously brokered at its core.


I lost Trust and Faith in this game. Anet should just Apologize to the WvW community and call WvW a 10 years failure and also remove PvP too.


Also delete and remove Rune of the trappers; it pass its Expiration date.

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Those numbers are because of Warrior's Cunning. It's a 25% damage increase versus high HP targets, 50% if they have any barrier. These do not stack. Those of course stack with other modifiers. Also comes from a full glass build that blows their entire utility bar to setup the spike. It also needs you to not have protection and to let the Berserker keep 24 stacks of vuln on you.

Gunflame's coefficient is only 1.54 in WvW FWIW, it really just is WC fueling those numbers. Which you kind of want in order to deal with the cele/trailblazer roamers.

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On 3/29/2023 at 4:53 AM, Burnfall.9573 said:

WvW entire balance is a clown fiesta fest. Every Professions at the moment are out of control.

Yeah I dont bother with / care about wvw anymore. Spvp at least gets balance patches, wvw is just forgotten. The few recent balance changes they did was to nerf boonrip... there cannot be a more absurd change for wvw.


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2 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Yeah I dont bother with / care about wvw anymore. Spvp at least gets balance patches, wvw is just forgotten. The few recent balance changes they did was to nerf boonrip... there cannot be a more absurd change for wvw.


Balanced lol! sPvP is not balanced it's about Whack A Mole and controlling 360 units. -1 here. They listened to the content providers hoping for more fast action and failed it's role in the game concept as a pre-battle ground for the bigger WvW fights. 

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On 3/27/2023 at 2:35 PM, Boh.4568 said:

I just tank the gunflame hit with my celestial protection bunker kitten build (TM) while my teammates gank the glass warrior.

This ^ 

Unless you are babysitting the rifle man, any compatent players know what to dodge. 

Funny cause so many hop on gunflame recently and when I am on gunflame, they fall like paper.

I literally play gunflame to kill gunflames.

People don't know how to soak dmg from a gunflame and don't know how to survive on gunflame when targeted.

Honestly, a bit of a meme trashy build, but WvW open field is literally the place you can reliably kill this type of build. 

Soulbeast high power more versatile and potent.

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