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More Prosthetic Skins

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How about that, I think it would be great to see more prosthetic armor skins, not necessarily Jade themed, I know we got the Jade Tech outfit, but like all outfits it doesn't allow for a lot of customization so you either like it or not. It was a cool idea, and it's a shame Anet didn't invest more time into developing more skins like that.

Well, I can't know if the ones they made already where actually worth it, or if they even already are working on something like this. I just want to know if I'm alone in this or not. 

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I think more prosthetics would be neat.

We do have a couple (like the Jade ones you mentioned, also the pirate peg leg and hook hand) but the more the merrier. Wouldn't mind some Asuran magitech, aetherblade hologram, or even 'improvised' prosthetics made from unexpected materials like the weapon set of the same name. Releasing these with L/R and both-side versions (like the Oni arms) would definitely be a plus as well. With how dangerous Tyria is, I'm surprised we haven't seen more NPCs with missing pieces and clever ways of replacing them.

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10 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

I want prosthetics that allow to pick which limbs you want, aka, standalone left and right skins for legs and arms. Mayb some variety like hand/foot, forearm/lower leg or the whole thing.

Sounds good, the last part seems like a little too big of a leap to make from what we're used to, but having the left/right or both choice would be great. 

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Real world people, players, come in different shapes and sizes whilst some have a disability.

Peg-legs and hooks are all well and good but they don't cater, well enough, for disabilities and are more of a gimmick for pirates.

I don;t know how many GW2 players, with a limb disability, play or would want their disability catered for, aesthetically, but in the whole "inclusiveness" of the game feel that it's something ANet could look into.

We have the LGBTQ+ scene catered for so  how about disabilities?

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4 hours ago, Marshall Sed.8643 said:

Real world people, players, come in different shapes and sizes whilst some have a disability.

Peg-legs and hooks are all well and good but they don't cater, well enough, for disabilities and are more of a gimmick for pirates.

I don;t know how many GW2 players, with a limb disability, play or would want their disability catered for, aesthetically, but in the whole "inclusiveness" of the game feel that it's something ANet could look into.

We have the LGBTQ+ scene catered for so  how about disabilities?

Dont people play games to escape the real world why would they want to be reminded of their disabilities in game?

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4 hours ago, Marshall Sed.8643 said:

Real world people, players, come in different shapes and sizes whilst some have a disability.

Peg-legs and hooks are all well and good but they don't cater, well enough, for disabilities and are more of a gimmick for pirates.

I don;t know how many GW2 players, with a limb disability, play or would want their disability catered for, aesthetically, but in the whole "inclusiveness" of the game feel that it's something ANet could look into.

We have the LGBTQ+ scene catered for so  how about disabilities?

Well, it's not exactly the same, when I first made the post I was thinking more of prosthetic upgrades, rather than replacements, because the prosthetic jade tech gauntlet for example would be something that you'd replace with your arm willingly, because it's supposed to be better. 

I get what you mean, but let me tell you, I'd gladly replace my body parts if someone can assure me that what I'd be getting would be much better. 

Edited by jason.1083
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8 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Dont people play games to escape the real world why would they want to be reminded of their disabilities in game?

Not everyone plays games to escape their real life, and some people (probably even some who do like the escapism) like their character to look like them, or at least to share some features.

I'm always adamant that my characters are not me (if they were they wouldn't be in half the situations they are because there's no way I'm fighting monsters) but I tend to give my main character the longest hair available (mine is waist length and it's extremely rare for a game to have anything longer than that). But hers is black and straight whereas mine is brown and frizzy, which I suppose is a bit of wish-fulfilment. I couldn't tell you why that's the one bit of myself I carry over, but it is. Also if I had the choice I'd make her left-handed, but it's extremely rare for a game to offer that as an option.

Also sometimes it's just nice to see yourself represented in a game world, especially if it's not something you see often.

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1 hour ago, Linken.6345 said:

Dont people play games to escape the real world why would they want to be reminded of their disabilities in game?

I don't play games to escape real life. I play for the challenge, social aspect, and because some video games are a fun, interactive works of art.

I can't exactly escape my physical disabilities when I play video games because they require adaptation of gaming peripherals to be able to play at all. I try to maintain the attitude that I'm fortunate to be living in a time when I not only have medical care to lengthen my life and improve its quality, but am even able to play video games with some accessibility modifications. It's fun to play a character that represents some aspects of who I am in real life in a fictional setting. Role play that involves overcoming adversity isn't depressing to me.

Also GW2 is set in a world with a ton of magical-technology. Some people, whether disabled or not, like designing their characters with body modifications.



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8 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Dont people play games to escape the real world why would they want to be reminded of their disabilities in game?


I enjoy seeing blind characters, as long as the writers are accurate in their depiction of blindness.  I don't feel the need to escape from my blindness, nor can I.  I actually use head armor skins that cover at least one eye, such as the eye patch and blindfold.  I don't have a right eye, and I have a tendency to try to create the same aesthetic for my characters in any game.  GW2 already has an eye patch, which is awesome.  For games that allow scars, I try to pick scars over the right eye like I have.  


Don't underestimate the value of representation in popular culture.  As I'm writing this, I'm curious to know why I have these tendencies to project my blindness and missing eye onto my characters, even though I design my characters to be different from me and do not project myself in them (i.e., I don't see myself as my characters nor do I see my characters as reflections of myself).  This warrants further investigation with a psychologist.  I'll probably search PubMed for research into this behavioral phenomenon. 


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8 hours ago, Rogue.8235 said:

Don't underestimate the value of representation in popular culture.  As I'm writing this, I'm curious to know why I have these tendencies to project my blindness and missing eye onto my characters, even though I design my characters to be different from me and do not project myself in them (i.e., I don't see myself as my characters nor do I see my characters as reflections of myself).  This warrants further investigation with a psychologist.  I'll probably search PubMed for research into this behavioral phenomenon. 

If you find anything could you share it?

I've wondered about this too. The strangest one for me was finding out Jaime Lannister in Game of Thrones is dyslexic. For some reason I found that exciting, even though I don't like Jaime and would rather not have anything in common with him. Although I did like the way it was presented. They didn't have a name for it, he just described his experience learning to read and write and I started thinking "Hey, that sounds familiar!" Also the only person who held it against him was his father, which was part of showing him being a bad father (that was one, relatively minor, item on a very long list). Everyone else seemed pretty indifferent like, "Eh, he's good at stabbing, not so good at reading, no one's perfect".

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I'd love to see some Tyrian takes on the Jade-tech prosthetics from Cantha. I assume from how excited Taimi was when she found out about the Canthan tech it's not something anyone in Tyria (the continent) had considered before, but Tyrians are very good at building on innovation and adapting it to new purposes, look at all the stuff they've done with hard-light holograms and air ships since they were invented around a decade ago.

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5 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

I like that idea.

There's one female Charr face that has one damaged horn, one damaged eye and one damaged/missing fang. I'd like to see a paw/claw prosthetic on her.

I use this face for my engineer and have a prosthetic jade arm....she looks fantastic, like a grizzled veteran who has been in dire situations and lived to tell the tale.  I would love to be able to have a paw shaped prosthetic, and be able to choose the arm ❤️

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I love the idea of adding more prosthetics. I would also like to add that I'd love to see them (at least 1 version of each) available all the time.  It was disappointing to see that I had to wait for the gem store rotation to come around to be able to purchase the prosthetic arm skin. In the meantime I had used the Oni arm skin as a stand in, which was purchasable from an in game vendor. The last bit was just my personal experience with it though, which I understand may not reflect on anyone else's feelings about availability. It just seems like time locking disability representation is an odd marketing choice.

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17 hours ago, Farohna.6247 said:

I use this face for my engineer and have a prosthetic jade arm

That looks too jade'ish for my taste. I more want Charr style. Like some metal claw from iron legion. Maybe even just a 3 "fingers"/claws replacement.

The wraith masque adds bit to the creepyness of that face.

Before: https://i.postimg.cc/65vkSHFK/gw360.jpg

After: https://i.postimg.cc/Pf9GSG3K/gw374.jpg

As claws I currently use the clawing shadow gloves. All ugly parts get hidden by the country coat. https://i.postimg.cc/BZV8N6fy/gw375.jpg

That out of metal :3 (for one paw)


Edited by Lucy.3728
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I bet the charr could create some interesting prosthetics.

I thought Tyblat Leftpaw had a prosthetic hand, but I was misremembering. According to the Wiki the accident damaged his right hand, fusing two of the fingers and leaving him heavily scarred so he mainly uses his left (hence the nickname) but he didn't lose it entirely.

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2 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

That looks too jade'ish for my taste. I more want Charr style. Like some metal claw from iron legion. Maybe even just a 3 "fingers"/claws replacement.

The wraith masque adds bit to the creepyness of that face.

Before: https://i.postimg.cc/65vkSHFK/gw360.jpg

After: https://i.postimg.cc/Pf9GSG3K/gw374.jpg

As claws I currently use the clawing shadow gloves. All ugly parts get hidden by the country coat. https://i.postimg.cc/BZV8N6fy/gw375.jpg

That out of metal :3 (for one paw)


It's very jade....it works with my engi with the big jade bot, but not really right on my other characters.  I would like if it had some claws, and was less human. 

Wraith mask is a nice touch!

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