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Warriors getting Staff in Expansion 4!! Whats your ideas for it?


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9 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I bet they are rolling all the banners into Staff, put Battle Standard into F1 but without the rez/finish. Would be pick middle finger to warriors. But hey, you could take banners and shouts then so... It would work in the end.

I'm putting my money on them recycling the old banner pickup skills.

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On 6/29/2023 at 10:16 AM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

You know what I bet Anet is doing with Staff?

I bet they are rolling all the banners into Staff, put Battle Standard into F1 but without the rez/finish. Would be pick middle finger to warriors. But hey, you could take banners and shouts then so... It would work in the end.

If gw2 is stupid enough to do that AND ask for 25 bucks, you WILL see an exodus of players leave this game. Guaranteed.

They'd better a beta lined up in the works instead of trying to pull a fast one.

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You can already predict what the staff will do by looking at other warrior weapons at this point.

because there's a general power level.

such as if one of the weapon has teleport, then you can expect a skill similar level to teleport.

so by that logic

i'm saying it right now, auto just does power damage, 2 is just bigger power damage, 3 is aoe cripple, 4 is like a block, 5 is like a mobility dash.

and that's it.

basically what other warrior weapons always did.

Edited by Lighter.5631
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Warriors learn to project their adrenaline energy through a magically infused staff and cast protection and healing spells by drawing inscriptions on the ground (think, guardian symbols).

1: Melee auto attack chain. 3rd strike increases adrenaline gain.
2: Inscribe a circle of life, giving all those within regeneration.
3: Spin your staff, knocking down foes around you.
4: Inscribe a circle of protection, pushing foes away and granting aegis and barrier to allies.
5: Inscribe a circle of death and rebirth, sacrificing 50% of your HP to instantly refill your adrenaline bars.

Burst: Channel and release your adrenaline, burst healing nearby allies.
Primal Burst: Channel your rage and release your adrenaline, burst healing nearby allies and removing 2 of their conditions.

I dunno, something like that. Then paired with shouts and banners we may have a viable support class.

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I'd like the staff to support a physical skill playstyle like for eg you plant the staff in the ground and use it to kick people back. 

Think more daredevil but without the jumping around evades more like a solid wall that can parry.

And if they want to make skill 5/burst a tether like scorpion wire that would just be perfect.

I know people want a support weapon but after seeing the banner disaster and the shout nerfs I think we need to accept warrior goes brrrr and that can be ok if it's done well.

Anet can not balance our sustain/boons.

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On 7/1/2023 at 1:49 AM, JTGuevara.9018 said:

instead of trying to pull a fast one.

for the past years, thats all they been doin'.


only this last october and february did they put out a few significant and impactful changes, but thats it. 2 patches.


and with the coming weapon changes, every other class will be power crept to new heights, except warrior, in that gamestate warrior will be even more garbage than it is now, its feb 2020's second coming.


i just can't find it in me to endure more of this garbage. its too much. 🥺😓

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10 hours ago, eXruina.4956 said:

for the past years, thats all they been doin'.


only this last october and february did they put out a few significant and impactful changes, but thats it. 2 patches.


and with the coming weapon changes, every other class will be power crept to new heights, except warrior, in that gamestate warrior will be even more garbage than it is now, its feb 2020's second coming.


i just can't find it in me to endure more of this garbage. its too much. 🥺😓

This "weapon master" change is simply just giving warrior the finger. That's it.

Opening up elite spec weapons simply benefits and enhances the other classes since their weapons integrate with their elite specs much better than with warrior. A lot of warrior weapons suck and most of our traits are a mess. There is also the 'class identity' thing in this supposed "RPG"! "Master of weapons" means nothing now. And oh yes...this will make people WISH for that infamous 2020 update.

Heh! Yeah...I'm basically on the Steam forums trying to steer people away from gw2. Sorry, gw2 it's NOT 2012 anymore...they don't get to BS a new generation of players.

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19 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

This "weapon master" change is simply just giving warrior the finger. That's it.

Opening up elite spec weapons simply benefits and enhances the other classes since their weapons integrate with their elite specs much better than with warrior. A lot of warrior weapons suck and most of our traits are a mess. There is also the 'class identity' thing in this supposed "RPG"! "Master of weapons" means nothing now. And oh yes...this will make people WISH for that infamous 2020 update.

Heh! Yeah...I'm basically on the Steam forums trying to steer people away from gw2. Sorry, gw2 it's NOT 2012 anymore...they don't get to BS a new generation of players.

they have been giving warrior finger since HoT, when they released the berserker that's basically a core warrior but has a button that gives a temporary stat buff, just with some fire effect, and still plays and function exactly like a core war.

and also condition torch.

berserker was the weakest-designed elite spec release for HoT. (weakest not as in number performance)

Edited by Lighter.5631
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11 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

they have been giving warrior finger since HoT, when they released the berserker that's basically a core warrior but has a button that gives a temporary stat buff, just with some fire effect, and still plays and function exactly like a core war.

and also condition torch.

berserker was the weakest-designed elite spec release for HoT. (weakest not as in number performance)

Oh I remember HoT. Berzerker ended up being garbage when it released compared to everything else. Chrono, Druid, DH. I called it out even then. It couldn't do damage and it was as you say 'pushing a button'. However, berzerker nailed the classic warrior aesthetic even if the design was lazy.

Spellbreaker, to this day, remains the most creative spec warrior has ever had. 'A warrior with counter magics'. A warrior/mesmer hybrid in practice.

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On 7/1/2023 at 6:08 AM, firedragon.8953 said:

Warriors learn to project their adrenaline energy through a magically infused staff and cast protection and healing spells by drawing inscriptions on the ground (think, guardian symbols).

1: Melee auto attack chain. 3rd strike increases adrenaline gain.
2: Inscribe a circle of life, giving all those within regeneration.
3: Spin your staff, knocking down foes around you.
4: Inscribe a circle of protection, pushing foes away and granting aegis and barrier to allies.
5: Inscribe a circle of death and rebirth, sacrificing 50% of your HP to instantly refill your adrenaline bars.

Burst: Channel and release your adrenaline, burst healing nearby allies.
Primal Burst: Channel your rage and release your adrenaline, burst healing nearby allies and removing 2 of their conditions.

I dunno, something like that. Then paired with shouts and banners we may have a viable support class.

Do we really need Necro Staff again but for allies?

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25 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

Oh I remember HoT. Berzerker ended up being garbage when it released compared to everything else. Chrono, Druid, DH. I called it out even then. It couldn't do damage and it was as you say 'pushing a button'. However, berzerker nailed the classic warrior aesthetic even if the design was lazy.

Spellbreaker, to this day, remains the most creative spec warrior has ever had. 'A warrior with counter magics'. A warrior/mesmer hybrid in practice.

berserker could easily just be the core war, for how lazy it was.

tbh spellbreaker was also lazy and was copied from anime, everything else is still core war except having full counter.

and the concept of full counter was copied from the anime seven deadly sins, the main character uses an ability called "full counter" that reflect all magical attacks and he also got an ultimate called "revenge counter", doesn't that sound familiar.

and end up in a big let down, given how awesome and powerful full counter in the anime was,

until this day, the entire bar of spellbreaker utility is barely used, in the end, spellbreaker is still just a core war with an extra CC/block.

The only decent one is bladesworn in terms of diversification from core war, i guess they can't get away with another core war with an extra dash or something on f2 no more.

but it still has not jump over the usual warrior limitation with unsatisfying weapon/utility skills

Edited by Lighter.5631
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3 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:

concept of full counter was copied from the anime seven deadly sins

i thought that was pretty cool, wish it was escanor they modeled warrior around though, now that would've been somethin'. 💪🔥


also some berserker moves and traits were named from fighting games, i played alot of guilty gear in college and i felt it was really cool. 😁


yeah sorry i'm geeky af, i remember a guildie refering to me as a weeb and didn't know what it meant, he was spot on. 🤓

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On 7/2/2023 at 2:03 AM, SkyRight.2370 said:

Real talk tho. If it could be some kind of Paragon Ranged spear throwing-staff that just happened to have some support stuff on it, that you yank back on a chain or it teleports back Kratos 2022 style that'd ROCK.

This actually reminds my of one of the first theory writeups I ever did. The full post is viewable on reddit here.

The TL;DR is that most of the skills would actually be 3-hit chains or series of skills-that-flip-over that don't reset until you do the next step. So you could essentially weave in and out of combos kind of like DMC.

----- Relevant Skills Taken From Post:

Weapons Skills: Spear

1.1 - Thrust - Thrust your spear forward in a line & apply bleeding.

1.2 - Gouge - Sweep your spear in a small cone in front of you applying bleeding & vulnerability.

1.3 - Rip & Flip - Flip over your spear forward closing a small distance & applying slow (0.5s) to your enemies & swiftness (1s) to yourself.

2.1 - Engage - Throw your spear & inflict cripple (0.5s) & bleeding.

2.2 - Ensnare - Throw 2 spears in succession, the first inflicts vulnerability, the second inflicts poison.

2.3 - Impale - Wind up & then throw a spear with such force that it pierces & inflicts burning.

3 - Pinwheel - Spin your spear around your head reflecting projectiles & applying vulnerability to enemies in melee range. (15s cd)

4 - Harpoon - Throw a spear with a chain attached. If it hits an enemy this skill becomes. (“Reel Em’ In) (20s cd)

4.2 - Reel Em’ In - Pull your target & any targets they hit on their way to you.

5.1 - Seismic Strike - Slam down with your spear causing magma to burst forth from the earth that cripples & burns foes in an area around you.

5.2 - Volcanic Wave - Pulse the ground again causing a 2nd eruption in a slightly larger aoe that also releases volcanic smog that poisons foes.

5.3 - Eruption - After a brief delay strike down with such force that it causes a pillar of fire to erupt from the surface that burns & launches nearby foes. (Finishing this whole chain has a 45s cd, similar to the thief elite skill.)


I strongly push at least the idea of a Thrown Spear and/or one with both a melee as well as a ranged auto attack. 😄


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I'm sure it'll have some sort of healing. I mean look at necro staff - we get a 100% regen uptime on that thing!
And warriors have 3 burst levels so that might even be 300% regen uptime!

I'm calling it today - warrior heals will be busted! Our necro ones are. You see staff necro? Run, cause you won't be killing anything within 1200 radius vicinity of that thing!

Edited by ZeftheWicked.3076
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Im guessing it’ll basically be a better banner back when banners were carry-able. Some melee autos with aoe buffs/heals around it maybe as it’s 4 or 5 skill, and it’s 2 and 3 skills being more targeted based from range that are also heals. 
Against enemies maybe just inflicting vulnerability and/or weakness from range with some damage. 
The basic idea being something like this:

1- Auto melee attack chain. The final hit heals allies in an aoe and grants regeneration.

2- A ranged heal skill that also grants 5 stacks of  might to Allie’s and 5 vulnerability to enemies. Single target and does damage. 

3- Another ranged heal skill that grants fury and swiftness, and regen in a 360 aoe that can effect up to 3 Allie’s. Also weakness/slow to enemies. Also does damage ofc. 

4- Roll backwards with an evade, granting vigor to yourself and nearby Allie’s in a 600 radius. Removes cripple immobilize slow and chill. Grant yourself super speed at the end of the dodge roll for 3 seconds.

5- Massively heal Allie’s in a 600 aoe radius, also granting  quickness, 5 stacks of might, and protection for 5 seconds.


f1- Grant stability/aegis/ and regen in a 600 radius around you, while also healing. Level 1- stability is 2 seconds with less heal. Aegis 1 second, regen 3 seconds. Level 2- stability is 4 seconds with more healing. Aegis 2 1/2 seconds, regen 6 seconds. Level 3- stability is 6 seconds with max healing. Aegis 5 seconds, regen 8 seconds.


This is not necessarily what I want, but what I think it’ll be like once they show off the weapon. For the record I’d love a melee martial arts power staff, kind of like sun wu kong in SMITE. Healing staff will fill the niche though with additional buffs to Tactics and even shouts if possible.

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I expect it to be a support weapon with some.. effects. Even if its half decent, you still only have tactics as support traitline which is still a mess. There is too much at once in each tier that you want at the same time.

It will probably be just a melee dps weapon since I dont know how else that burst would scale. 

Sorry Lan, but I dont know if staff would end up as condi weapon. Maybe some weakness and vulnerability but thats it.

Edited by anbujackson.9564
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24 minutes ago, anbujackson.9564 said:

I expect it to be a support weapon with some.. effects. Even if its half decent, you still only have tactics as support traitline which is still a mess. There too much at once in each tier that you want at the same time.

It will probably be just a melee dps weapon since I dont know how else that burst would scale. 

Sorry Lan, but I dont know staff would end up as condi weapon. Maybe some weakness and vulnerability but thats it.

Same way we can make our CC's bleed. Warrior magic.

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I already posted this somwhere else but it will be more visible here.

This what i would like too have for staff and i give what would be the most logical piece of lore to tie warrior to it.


My in-lore reason for warriors to use staffs. 

Spellbreakers are a branch of the Sunspears, an organization with Dervish and Paragon traditions. This means they have the potential to reopen these traditions after Living World Season 4. 

they want to reform a united Elona. But they can't walk around with lances as it would reopen old wounds. So they use only the shaft of the lance to retain the techniques without the symbolism. And because the only real enemies now are the desert beasts and traps, they attach scented herbs and incense to the staffs to keep them at bay and support their allies.


Incencing Staff: healing boons and condition damage.

Conditions given: Poison, Confusion, Torment, Burn.

Boons given: Fury, Might, Regeneration, and defensive boons.


1 - Throwing Incense: Throw the staff, piercing and sticking to the enemy, causing conditions on them. The staff acts as a unique debuff for the target (similar to Warrior Sword 4) and while it is piercing the enemy, it pulses conditions to other foes around them and provides healing and boons to allies nearby.

2 - Smoke Breath: The warrior blows on the incense (similar to Guardian Torch 5 but with smoke), cleansing conditions, healing, and applying soft crowd control to foes.

3 - Swift Throw: The warrior throws the staff in quick succession, causing confusion and poison.

4 - Planting Strike: The warrior forcefully plants the staff (blasting combo), causing an AoE knockdown and granting stability in the area.

5 - Peculiar Incense Blend: Grants a unique 2-stack ammunition buff to allies (similar to Thief's Scale Venom) and provides regeneration.

Burst - Guiding Embers: Creates a smoke field around the warrior that pulses boons, barrier, blindness, and burning.

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