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How do you feel about each of the controversial new features?

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Open World Legendary Armor:
I dont really care here. It was inevitably going to happen eventually.

Easier Skyscale:
I assume they are making the skyscale integral to movement in this expansion so this makes sense. The alternative would have been to force everyone to buy the entirety of season 4 to get skyscales so they could even play the expansion.

More Weapon Choices for All:
Cool, this is going to open up some interesting build options. 

Runes and Relics: 
Not entirely sure about this one. It does seem to open for them to add a huge variety in relics as they add more gear. Which may be good or bad. If they add something like a ridiculously powerful relic and locks it behind challenge mode or equivalent as to push people into doing that stuff this is just going to be a way to add a gear treadmill. If the relics remain relatively easy to get it should potentially open up a lot of possibilities for builds. A new relic effect is likely to be more interesting than gear with another slightly altered stat layout after all. Time will tell how it turns out.

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Open World Legendary Armor: Bad; raid scene will take a hit, and there will be a lot of people that previously didn't go for leggy armor because they don't raid who now see the grind required and will just yeet out of the game. Massive Fs.

Easier Skyscale: Mandatory feature, surprised it took them this long.

More Weapon Choices for All: Interesting. But they *really* need to bring up weapon-interacts-with-espec thing a lot. Holo heat, anyone?

Runes and Relics: Nice. 

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Open World Legendary Armor:

idc, I have it.

They should add a legendary Breather, even if the new expansion goes up into the air and not down under water.

Easier Skyscale:

idc, I have it

New Mastery for Skyscale: I want it as fast as possible 🙂

More Weapon Choices for All:

While I like to get e.g. a staff/rifle thief, I wonder how much it will disturbe balance.

Runes and Relics:

Probably a good idea to separate stats and bonus effect.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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Don't care about the legendary armor. Probably using the mats I gathered from PvP (enough for all 3 sets) and make some pieces once I have the time to farm (the gold or mats) needed for the normal other gifts that are needed as well.

Skyscale: Okay. Don't really care.

Weapons: Nice addition.

Runes/Relics: Best imo - this will add a lot. (Also the option to give jeweler maybe a grandmaster tier to level to 500)
Lots more interesting combos ... when you don't just take the runes with the best stats (and out of them the one with the most appealing extra effect) ... but instead can go for real good extra effects. (That now maybe might be tied to runes with stats you maybe don't really want.) Separation here is pretty good.

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Open World Legendary Armour: I don't care about this. I'm perfectly happy with Exotics and a few bits of Ascended Gear.

Easier Skyscale: This is just terrible and shouldn't happen. This means either that Arenanet either ran out of ideas for semi-meaningful masteries, or they simply gave in to whiners. It could also be both combined. And both of these possibilities aren't exactly positive for the game and its future.

More Weapon Choices for All: Giving Specialization weapons to the whole profession means that some profit more from this than others, which is bad. For example, Necromancer can combine Pistol with Torch and but Greatsword in the other weapon set to swap in combat. Engineer on the other hand cannot combine any of the specialization weapons, because they all are main hand or two-handed and Engineer can't even swap weapons in combat to use two of the specialization weapons.

Runes and Relics: If Rune of the Trapper's effect will be purged from sPvP, this is a good change. Otherwise, I'm indifferent to this.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Open World Legendary Armor: This is good as long as "open world" does not mean easier.  I never really needed legendary armor as I had about 30 sets of ascended before legendary was released.  I have avoided getting legendary because I am not very good at combat and don't want to ruin other players' fun.  So I am looking forward to this - it really should have been done much sooner.

Easier Skyscale: I got the skyscale on three different accounts, one of them before the time gating was drastically reduced.  Nevertheless, I think this is a very good change and really should have been done soon after the skyscale was added to the game.  The original design was just bad and the developers should have fixed this much sooner.

More Weapon Choices for All: This one worries me.  It feels like we are getting back to the mistakes that tanked guild wars 1.  Everything just got so complex that combat and builds got out of hand. 

Runes and Relics: Same as for the weapons.  In some ways it seems good but it also seems to be moving in the direction of power creep and unnecessary complication.

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Open World Legendary Armor:

I don't care personally because I have 3 sets of legy armor. But a lot of players asked for this and I think it is a good addition.


Easier Skyscale:

There is nothing wrong with the actual way of how to get the skyscale. But more options for players to get something is often a good thing.


Adding more Skyscale skills/features:

I think you forget that one, this is also important. Being able to use updrafts with the skyscale means they are starting to mix things/features from HoT/S3 (gliding into updrafts) and PoF/S4 (mounts, skyscale).  That could be a fun little addition. Maybe we will see more of this in the future. 


More Weapon Choices for All:

I don't care.


Runes and Relics:

I have to see how it works to make my mind up about this.


Playable Wizards Tower as a map:

The Wizards Tower is an iconic mystery in GW1 and GW2. Sure, some players have asked to go to the Wizard Tower in the past. But some mysteries are better left unexplained because the moment they are explained they become boring and uninteresting. 

Because of this, I don't yet have a positive emotional connection to the new map based on the announcements. Maybe the map is fun. Maybe the map will be a big disappointment. But the great mystery of the past will be gone forever.

Edited by Zok.4956
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Open World Legendary Armor: Nice. Different option for a different set. Will probably be my first legendary armor since I'm not into raids/PvP. I would've chosen to go for WvW legendary armor in the future, but maybe Open World legendary armor will be a more fun option.

Easier Skyscale: Very nice. People should enjoy playing the game, and since apparently a lot of people have trouble enjoying the Skyscale collection, it should have a different way to complete it. I already got it and enjoyed the collection a lot, this change doesn't affect me.

More Weapon Choices for All: Not sure yet if it kills the class fantasy for some of the classes. I'm not sure about Guardian with guns. Guess it will be fun to play. I'm curious about the new weapon skills. 

Runes and Relics: No idea, I never put much thought into those.

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10 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Relics and rune changes are just change for the sake of change.

Yeah that one came across (to me at least) as a, "well we are paying these systems and UI designers so we might as well come up with something for them to do."

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I'm fine with most changes, but I question two of them, specifically

The rune/relic thing, doesn't feel like it was actually necessary, if anything I think rune levels should be removed and every rune on the Exotic level. There is no point for masterwork and rare runes, none use them. If relics are too limited to craft or gated like ascended stuff, it's going to throw a fair amount of players in build reset hell for a fair amount of time, which feels unnecessary.

The second change is more specific, I dont mind removing the specialization weapon lock, and I can appreciate adding more weapons to classes, but I Seriously question some of the weapons picked for their given classes. Rifle for mesmer ? Dual maces for ranger ? You're sure you dont have those reversed ? There is Range in Ranger right ? how do we not have a rifle for a hunter setup yet ? Axe for thief ...? That is literally the least delicate weapon beside hammer... Longbow would have made much thematic sense. There are no specializations to carry and justify those weapons now, they have to fit with core. I struggle to see how Core Thief can work with an axe....

I dunno, some of them feels alright : Guardian with Pistol can work with a Shield as a tactician type of warrior, along with shouts. Warrior Staff works for martial arts, dual swords for necromancer kinda make me think of dervishes, which is cool. But then... Axe thief and rifle mesmer...

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3 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

To me the new expansion screems: "Buy me now"

New legy armory: All of them looking for real good ( I also Like the medium and light ones of the old legys but the heavy one was Just pure Trash to me) i rly wana Grind them even while i do not like to grind things at all (PvP Main)

Easier to get Dragonscale: Was just needed even while I get it allready. The old way was just pure stupid things to do (3 Times running though a big Map and find things was the meant stupid thing) so making this easier to get is a big plus

New Rune Mechanic: hmm idk it open the window for more build crafting. Aside this it will maybe going to Power creep the Game. I gues we need to see.

More Weapon Choices: Love it! New Builds incoming. Means more Build Crafting and stuff. (But also more things to Balance out)


I feel great about everything. Let's hope this expansion attracts new players. I want GW2 to be more popular. 

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I just can't agree with anyone having negative feels about any of this. Some comments here aren't having any problem tossing insults - what happened to this community. 

How many players - ever, do you think truly care about any of the self perceived status symbols you've so desperately earned to satisfy your ego? Probably not a single player cares about anything you've accomplished.

This games foundation is based on players playing together one way or another - even if you want to play solo. I'm not understanding why some of you feel so strongly about standing out when you just don't stand out at all anyway. And with your attitude - pssh, you don't deserve a platform for your ego.

If another player being able to get a Skyscale easier than you, or legendary armor easier than you hurts you - it's definitely not the games fault, or the games problem. 

Players just want to have fun adventuring in this world that was created for them. And if the scope of that has become broader and that bothers you - maybe your time in Guild Wars 2 has come to and end. 

As a player with a couple thousand hours in GW1 and a couple thousand in GW2 - I've accomplished tons of difficult tasks, just like any other long term, dedicated player. I don't feel like I'm better than any other player who has done less because some stuff is too difficult. I feel like now I will be able to fly along with other players and have fun TOGETHER.

And legendary armor - gimme a break. There is simply no good reason why this shouldn't be a thing. It should not be too easy to earn, but it should have already been in the game a long time ago. 

Get over it, and get over yourselves. There is too much stress in being upset over something like this. Calm down and have fun. 




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23 minutes ago, Jianyu.7065 said:

I just can't agree with anyone having negative feels about any of this. Some comments here aren't having any problem tossing insults - what happened to this community. 

How many players - ever, do you think truly care about any of the self perceived status symbols you've so desperately earned to satisfy your ego? Probably not a single player cares about anything you've accomplished.

This games foundation is based on players playing together one way or another - even if you want to play solo. I'm not understanding why some of you feel so strongly about standing out when you just don't stand out at all anyway. And with your attitude - pssh, you don't deserve a platform for your ego.

If another player being able to get a Skyscale easier than you, or legendary armor easier than you hurts you - it's definitely not the games fault, or the games problem. 

Players just want to have fun adventuring in this world that was created for them. And if the scope of that has become broader and that bothers you - maybe your time in Guild Wars 2 has come to and end. 

As a player with a couple thousand hours in GW1 and a couple thousand in GW2 - I've accomplished tons of difficult tasks, just like any other long term, dedicated player. I don't feel like I'm better than any other player who has done less because some stuff is too difficult. I feel like now I will be able to fly along with other players and have fun TOGETHER.

And legendary armor - gimme a break. There is simply no good reason why this shouldn't be a thing. It should not be too easy to earn, but it should have already been in the game a long time ago. 

Get over it, and get over yourselves. There is too much stress in being upset over something like this. Calm down and have fun. 




Other people's feelings aren't there for you to agree or disagree with.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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2 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Other people's feelings aren't there for you to agree or disagree with. Making others' emotions about you demonstrates that they may not be the only ones with an ego.

You didn't read what I said. Be sure to do that next time so you don't jump to a conclusion. 

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Just now, Jianyu.7065 said:

You didn't read what I said. Be sure to do that next time so you don't jump to a conclusion. 

I did read it. I jumped to no conclusion.

You stated that you disagreed with others' emotions about all of the expac's supposedly controversial features. By definition this means that you are casting the contents of others' emotions in the light of your own preferences.

I agree with the ideathat making a bit of content, skyscale acquisition for example, easier over time is a good thing.


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Just now, Ashen.2907 said:

I did read it. I jumped to no conclusion.

You stated that you disagreed with others' emotions about all of the expac's supposedly controversial features. By definition this means that you are casting the contents of others' emotions in the light of your own preferences.

I agree with the ideathat making a bit of content, skyscale acquisition for example, easier over time is a good thing.


Well, then you're not comprehending it. This is a public forum of discussion. People post their feelings on everything and they don't do it and walk away - they're seeking validation. In this way, agreeing and disagreeing is simply a product of the environment. 

But I didn't make it about me. My comments are primarily about them and the foundation of this game. 

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15 minutes ago, Jianyu.7065 said:

Well, then you're not comprehending it. This is a public forum of discussion. People post their feelings on everything and they don't do it and walk away - they're seeking validation. In this way, agreeing and disagreeing is simply a product of the environment. 

But I didn't make it about me. My comments are primarily about them and the foundation of this game. 

Clearly you are struggling to understand that I am commenting on what you said rather than what you meant. If those two things are different then I will leave it to you to address your choice of wording.

I agree with much of what you say, if not how you say it, regarding acquisition of in game elements, etc. 

Edited by Ashen.2907
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4 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

You started with comments about yourself as regards to their feelings before you bothered to move on to countering their arguments. That is making their feelings about you.

I agree with much of what you say, if not how you say it, regarding acquisition of in game elements, etc. 

Call it what you if you just want to be right. I dont care. Way to go, guy.

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16 minutes ago, doomer.6095 said:

I see you are actively being obnoxious and hostile to opinions in every other thread. Go touch some grass, little guy.

Do you make it a point to follow people around the forums? Go touch some grass? Grabbed that comment from the hive-mind, I see.


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27 minutes ago, Jianyu.7065 said:

Do you make it a point to follow people around the forums? Go touch some grass? Grabbed that comment from the hive-mind, I see.


Ah right, couldn't just open the thread from the main page, must've followed you 🤡

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Open World Legendary Armor:

While PVE already had legendary armor, it was the only set legitimately gated behind challenging content.  This makes sense, as legendary should be a reward for reaching the highest peaks of your game mode, but I think there is still room left for them to implement an open world legendary that has similar levels of effort involved.   After all, WvW and PvP sets are simply gated by time playing the mode, so it doesn't really bother me.

Easier Skyscale:

I already own skyscale, and I think this was overdue.  What was once a prestige mount (a legendary of its own, if you will), has become a staple.  As time has gone on, the difference between those with and those without has become larger (Kaineng comes to mind), and they are increasingly having to come up with workarounds (zip lines).   And yet still, having a flying mount enables skipping vast amounts of map design that the designers are doing, because they have to design for those restricted to the ground.

Given that the new maps are built around flying navigation... this is a necessary change.   So, they make access to the mount more open, and instead give bonuses to those of us who went through all the effort.  I think that's a good thing, and a reasonable compromise.

I wish there was a killer awesome feature for those that maxed both mastery lines, but that's currently not slated.

More Weapon Choices for All:

Cool.  Elite specializations were becoming a bit thin in EOD.  While I see plenty of room left and mechanics to play with, the espec system wasn't coming up with those.  Rather than a new unique way of playing a class, they've focused on increasing buildcraft options, which will have some fresh and new implications to the existing especs.  It works for this xpac, future ones will need something new.  Plus I finally have a ranged option on non-renegade Revenant other than the abysmal hammer.

Runes and Relics:

Separating the effects is nice for when a rune had the effect you wanted, but a useless perk wasting a lower level, such as 10% burn duration when you don't do any burning.  However, it seriously depletes Legendary Runes to the point of uselessness unless something is done to compensate.  So.... good change overall, but a serious slap in the face to veterans.

Edited by PixelHero.5849
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OW Leg armor needed to happen. We had Leg armor for all other play styles (WvW, PvP, Instanced), but ya let's complain about that last group getting access via their play style.

 Skyscale usage is becoming more and more needed...ya this needed to happen as well.

More weapon choices....yes please!

Rune/Relics........That could be a disaster.


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Too many changes at once that might impact combat to make valid judgement (we have beta in 24 hour - so we will at least have more information after that).

Main problem will be how crafting and trading material will be less needed with more legendary weapon and a relic system. Will demand for Charm just vanish or still be at same level as before this expansion when it will go into release in August 22th?

My main Gold source are from selling mats and crafting, and all these changes looks like they might cause issues for us who are gathering, crafting and selling our mats and items that we have crafted.

There is no mention about how salvage of Runes will work or relics when SoTO will be permanent part of game. Will it be possible to Salvage Relics or will those have their own trade/exchange system?

What impact will all those changes have on in game economy?

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