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How do you feel about each of the controversial new features?

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Open World Legendary Armor:

I'm glad it's coming. Not everyone is a competitive player and not everyone enjoys raiding with all it's kinks (like toxic pugs).
Open world players are players too, and they need their build freedom. Glad they'll be getting their way into legendary goodness.

Easier Skyscale:

Not a problem for me. I got mine ages ago and what I got outta it is mine. Easier method of getting it does not invalidate profits I got from it already.

More Weapon Choices for All:

Very dicey decision. Freedom is great, but this move will require balance team on steroids.

Runes and Relics:

Lotsa fuss over nothing if you ask me. Obviously rune set owners (owning all 6 runes or more of given type) will receive their corresponding relic. If someone has a full legendary runeset - legendary relic should be given out.

Only problem i have here is the relics may be nerfed due to stats no longer restricting them.
Imagine pure dps runes being matched with strong supportive relic. A-net will want to curb such things, so the relics may end up weaker than current rune effects.

Edited by ZeftheWicked.3076
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Open World Legendary Armour:

I'm interested to see how this will be implemented. Right now it says the armor won't actually come through until the second content drop, though the masteries can be leveled up at launch. Overall, I think this is a good change and will hopefully add longevity to the new content.

Easier Skyscale:

100% makes sense. Tons of players got the skyscale the current way. And we've had it for years now. It will be good to see new players get to fly around the new maps.

More Weapon Choices for All:

I think balance is going to be a nightmare, but I am looking forward to playing around with this.

Runes and Relics: 

This is the biggest negative for me. I don't know how this will interact with current legendary runes. And some of the steps lately don't inspire confidence that it will be handled in a way that won't kitten off everyone who crafted them already.

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Open World Legendary Armour:

A great idea. A huge selling point of this reduced expansion I think and a great long term goal for people this will keep this expansion relevant for quite some time. I have one set of Legendary armour already from WvW but from the looks of the concept art I think I'd like to get all of these three sets too.

Easier Skyscale:

Makes perfect sense to me, it sounds like the Skyscale will be pretty much required for this expansion and expecting newer players to have to go buy a previous expansion and the LS4 episodes in order to unlock it before they can go into this one would be a terrible idea.

More Weapon Choices for All:

Looking forward to this. Will be interesting to try out. I'm curious if we can use these unlocked weapons before level 80? Would be fun to possibly level a thief with rifle, for example.

Runes and Relics:

Don't like the sound of this so much. Moving some of the functionality of runes onto a new slot just seems like item bloat to me. The fact that I have crafted Legendary Runes already makes this extra annoying to me. Not looking forward to having to farm Relics now. The reason I crafted my Legendary Runes (and Sigils) was so that I could freely swap my build around and that freedom will be seriously hampered by this change.

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The easier Skyskyle just undermines the whole game IMO. Isn't one of the core design principles that things you do actually has long term viability? Like if I opted to grind the Turtle, the Griffin or some legendary that would still be true for those. But instead I chose to put my limited time into the Skyscale instead and now I just feel cheated.

It just sours me on the whole game tbh. (And it's no wonder those Skyscale threads got locked because Anet know they're on VERY thin ice with this)

Edited by pocky.7468
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7 minutes ago, pocky.7468 said:

The easier Skyskyle just undermines the whole game IMO. Isn't one of the core design principles that things you do actually has long term viability? Like if I opted to grind the Turtle, the Griffin or some legendary that would still be true for those. But instead I chose to put my limited time into the Skyscale instead and now I just feel cheated.

It just sours me on the whole game tbh. (And it's no wonder those Skyscale threads got locked because Anet know they're on VERY thin ice with this)

I'm curious why you feel cheated by other players having access to the skyscale as well. It literally doesn't take anything away from you. I don't get that reasoning at all. We've had the skyscale for years now and have gotten countless hours of use out of it.

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I dont feel great about having to do a month or two of farming for open world legendary armor per piece just to get the heavy and medium glam. 


Relics are an awful idea unless they completely rework the 6piece bonuses that are the new relic slot AND runes as a whole.  Not only does it make runes a lot worse, and give you, at best, 2 possible options for any spec (and this is essentially "Do i need to pick up any precision / duration on runes, or am i good with gear"),  the relic slot itself is just going to be a second very short flowchart simulator without changes.  Are you mostly fighting things with a defiance bar? Run Thief if you're power (10% strike damage).   Otherwise run whichever conditional you can meet for  Spellbreaker / Flame Legion / Ranger (7% damage), or Renegade (7% condi damage) / Berserker (5% damage + 5% condi damage).


Healer? Haaaave you met Monk?  Or maybe you're in content that doesnt need the healing bonus and you can take the "my team cant stop getting 1shot" one. 


Not a fan of skyscale changes, it should either be a new mount or glider skills. 


Weapon choices?  It'll cause a lot more wrong builds, and make some things a little overly good.   Itll be nice to finally have Condi willbender on a weapon that isnt the base game power weapon, but for every instance of "Why didnt you just make scepter not garbage and solve some issues for multiple specs", you're going to get things like every necro build running either Greatsword, because power options suck, or torch, because its the best condi offhand by far.   And then you get stuff like trap mirage dagger, or the arguably worse for the class to have it equippable outside the one spec that has any interaction with it warrior torch. 

Edited by Barraind.7324
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Runes and Relics: This is huge concern for me, at the moment I feel very negative. The way developers handle this situation will determine my in-game decisions regarding any more Legendary items ever.

I like the idea of being able to choose different stats with different Special bonus, in theory. But I would prefer that Runes remain as they are currently - every rune set I use has suitable stats with 6th bonus for my playstyles by default.

I crafted 6 legendary runes, and I technically could craft 7th right now. It was all done for the convenient access to any special Rune bonus in the whole game, not for simple stats. So I need Legendary Relic to be added to my Armory if update happens - only then I would be satisfied.

I can't even think about the ways to properly compensate players with few sets of exotic runes runes though 🙁 Give them a Relic with special effect for every set of Runes they have? And this won't help with increased inventory problems.

Open World Legendary Armor: This would be welcome addition for me. I did lot of PvP for 2 sets of armor, backpack and rings. I'm very tired of that and burned out of PvP at the moment, but if situation with Runes is resolved positively, I would still need to complete 3rd armor set someday. I would really prefer to do it by casual overland adventuring and resting from competitive environment 🙂 Of course, if overland grind will include very tedious and timegated parts and lot of tasks in EoD maps, I would be back into PvP after some rest. I don't like to be in EoD maps for anything except Griffon flying.

Not to mention that this might remove some number of AFK players and botters from PvP matches.

More Weapon Choices for All: I'm not sure how many nerfs it can potentially cause (which is very negative, I don't like nerfs)... But I really like more weapon options for just one thing: now there would be even more reasons to craft certain Legendary Weapons!

With more characters using same weapon, I would be able to enjoy certain weapon skins more often. And some weapons would be moved higher in my Legendary weapons priority craft list. But of course, all this excitement is relevant only depending on how the situation with legendary Runes will be handled...

Easier Skyscale: I suffered very much during Skyscale collection, and I almost abandoned the game back then. So I had to remind myself that I must keep going for it, to comfortably navigate the world afterwards + unlock Griffon, get to high places easily and do stunts like all those people from videos on Youtube. If there was no awesome Griffon mount to look forward in GW2, I would never finish my Skyscale unlock, and I wouldn't be here now...

So I both like and dislike possibility of easier Skyscale unlock 😄 If I could endure all the suffering, anyone can. But then, not everyone loves Griffon (or something else) as much as I do - and those players might give up without their dragon mount to help them travel the world. I guess, I'm indifferent!

And I would even agree to make Skyscale free to unlock, if my Runes would be left alone as they are 😆

I really like improved masteries for legacy Skyscale owners, but it would be very nice to additionally get a special Skyscale skin or a title. Even something funny like "Dragonfall ace", "Dragon rescuer", "Skyscale keeper", "Skyscale (Rider) of Patience", "Walked a path of the Dragon" etc.

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Open World Legendary Armor:
Good option for those not able to raid or WvW/PvP. Solid extra PvE option.
I believe that there should be ways for everyone to get Legendary Armor. I expect it to be a grindy way, but valid option nevertheless

Easier Skyscale:
Good, depending on how easy. Plus the fact that having both masteries done (the new one and the PoF one) giving more abilities is nice - that is asuming that you have to unlock the PoF Mastery track by doing the PoF achievements for Skyscale. (meaning you still have to mostly get the old way as well to benefit from the 2 tracks bonus effects)

More Weapon Choices for All:
I want pistol/pistol reaper. 😄 just kidding, but yes more choice is always fun. Wonder how the imbalance team gonna look at it though... (not a typo, I am sour about them wilingly pushing through the changes while acknowledging some classes will be dead untill at least the next patch... just ... wow.

Runes and Relics:
I would say that if relics as described take over the extra part of the 6th bonus, everyone that owns a full set of legendary runes should get UNLIMITED access on ALL characters to those bonuses as we have NOW. Otherwise it is a bait and switch tactic. Gimme a vendor that sees you have at least 6 legendary runes and gives you a 100% free legendary Relic.
If not... done with this constant changing the conditions of the game. I made a set of legendary runes, armor, trinkets etc to never EVER have to worry about buying stuff to change anything in my build. Relics should not Nullify this achievement 

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Open World Legendary Armor:  Good. Only have 1 piece from WvW at the moment so more ways to get it the better

Easier Skyscale: Alternative acquisition had to be done since not everyone will have POF. Providing bonuses to people that do both mastery tracks is a good compromise.

More Weapon Choices for All: I like it. Provides new game play and an incentive for people to go and those other expansions so they can train the associated traits.

Runes and Relics: The idea is good. More flexibility and build variations is good. Implementation around compensation for leg runes etc will determine the level of push back on this one.

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Open World Legendary Armor:
Sure. The Skins look good, imo.
Probably won't get them myself, as I dislike grind and prefer to run my raids for fun.
But its not a negative.

Easier Skyscale:

Sure. Plenty of people suffer for the skyscale. Its a good change and might help newer players. Just make sure its still something people work towards. Its one of the most rewarding things in the game to unlock after all.

More Weapon Choices for All:
Madness. Absolute madness.
Anet doesn't manage to balance existing stuff. Just look at the current mess.
It would be a reasonable change, if the weapons would be on a somewhat level playing field, but as is, they differ vaastly in effectiveness. Partly, because it was attempted to balance the weapons specs through those weapons.
The idea in general is fine, but it will not work as it is right now, and I fear it will hurt the game.

Runes and Relics:
Unnecessary. Runes work as they are right now.
Focus on the broken kitten, instead of introducing more broken stuff. Please.

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Open World Legendary Armour: Cool, could actually get me playing regularly again. I was never going to raid (what's the point of playing a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER game if you're going to limit yourself to playing with only 9 other people?!?), I don't do PvP, and I get bored of wubwub real quick.

Easier Skyscale: Excellent; I already have mine, but I don't begrudge other players having an easier time getting it. The original Skyscale unlock was stultifyingly boring.

More Weapon Choices for All: Well,  Elite specs have been eating away at the idea of the Warrior being the "Weapon Master" profession for aaaggges now, so I can't really feel angry about this, just disappointed. But on the flip-side, more build variety is always welcome.

It will completely throw balance out of the window however. ANet struggle to balance the current amount of combinations, and this will just make it worse.

Runes and Relics: I like the core idea of allowing any stat combination to be combined with any 6-slot effect, but if I have to grind out a legendary relic after I ground out 7 legendary runes, I'm going to be... quite annoyed.

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OW legendary armor:

Ive got legendary for all three weights but the new medium and heavy art looks nice so I may go after them (depending on the acquisition method). 



Not interested. I dont care for the mount and dont want it. If ANet is willing to pay me to use it I can provide them with info for deposit into my bank account. More power to those whove wanted easier access though.


Expanded Weapon Access:

Ive seen no indication that ANet are remotely capable of balancing what we have. This feature is a nightmare come true in light of that perception.



Taking away something that your players have paid for in order to sell it back to them is sleazy AF.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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The game is dying, this is what the expansion says, it will just be a matter of time until skyscale will be the first mount that you get when you make your account, Anet no longer cares about our time invested and just want to satisfy the lazy mass because in their little heads is what will bring money, while they could bring new content to PVP, rework the kitten Raid system and bring a meaning to the loot drop instead of just "drop 50 armors to dismantle and stack the poop to sell on market" thing, there is a lot of stuffs to be reviewed, selling skyscale for money is not the answer.

They can't even manage to balance stuff anymore, now everything is "press X to alac or quickness".

So RIP Anet i guess.

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Open World Legendary Armor: No real opinion on this… haven’t made a single legendary item to date… i find the process to get them too tedius and the TP cost to buy from others is absurdly high…

Easier Skyscale: I’m excited about this… I’ve been irritated from the start about how needlessly complicated it is to get roller beetle, griphon, and skyscale…. Making skyscale easier is a good start…

More Weapon Choices for All: My opinion on this has been known to many on these forums since HoT came out… I couldn’t be happier that this is finally happening. The weapons never should have been locked to especs… locking them behind them is fine… but once unlocked they should have always been unlocked…

Runes and Relics: this is a great change… currently I have a few builds that want a certain Rune for the final effect, but they want a completely different rune for stats… with this change I will finally be able to make these work.

Edited by Panda.1967
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On 6/28/2023 at 1:11 AM, ericpeggy.8206 said:

Open World Legendary Armor: If Anet can make it remain competitive with other legendary armor,  fair enough. But I can only see End of Raids.

GW2 has always offered multiple routes to get at equivalent items.  It was always part of the philosophy.

Raiding is already dead.  This change wouldn't make a difference.  The vast majority of the player base isn't playing GW2 because they want to raid.  Even if they wanted to try it there are no raid teams up 99.99% of the time and 0.01% of the time when there is one it's extremely toxic and intolerant of new players to raids.  So the barrier to entry is almost insurmountable for the average player.

The only thing allowing for PVE legendary armor crafting will do is lower the number of semi-afk people in WvW trying to get their tick rewards because they're forced to do it to farm for the WvW legendary armor.  Those people end up taking up slots in WvW maps and don't even want to be there, but to them, there's no alternative.  This PVE legendary armor implementation solves that problem.

Edited by DeathPanel.8362
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On 6/28/2023 at 9:40 AM, A Hamster.2580 said:

Using this template:

Open World Legendary Armor:

Easier Skyscale:

More Weapon Choices for All:

Runes and Relics:


For me:

Open World Legendary Armor:

This is good because there will be less afkers/semi afkers in WvW and PvP that only played for legendary armor. The raid scene will take a hit, but it was already declining anyway. I do a lot of WvW so actually looking forward to this.

Easier Skyscale:

This is probably good. I just can't see my casual friends/families committing to the current skyscale grind if they were to start playing gw2. Let's be honest, they would lose interest and just quit.

More Weapon Choices for All:

I am neutral on this. The try hard min maxers like myself will just gravitate towards the new top builds following the meta as usual while the casual role players have more options. Happy for them. Reminds me of GW1.

Runes and Relics:

This is bad in my opinion. It is most likely a power creep and raises the monetary ceiling on "maxing out a build" for everyone. That goes against the original game philosophy I think.

Open World Legendary Armor: I love the idea, open world has missed out on loot for too long.

Easier Skyscale: I love the idea, i own my Skyscale but if new people get it easier great for them, more skins sold by Anet. This was a large reason i didn't buy into the Steam version as i didn't want to go through that grind again..

More Weapon Choices for All: I love the idea, GW1 more choices are the best choices.

Runes and Relics: I don't know yet too early to tell.

Edited by Dante.1508
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14 minutes ago, solzuul.6294 said:

People really complaining about free skyscale? We've all heard the cries in drizzlewood to spare the cache keepers a few seconds for our flightless friends to arrive, but we all know how that goes. 

Certain people don't like seeing others get things easier than they did.. I have no idea why but its not for good reasons.

Edited by Dante.1508
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