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Secrets of the Obscure - Weaponmaster Training: Revenant


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With the announcement of the new expansion Secrets of the Obscure, all elite specializations and core specs will be able to wield any weapon in their professions kit, regardless of the current elite spec selected. This means and Rev spec can use Shield, Shortbow, and Greatsword with any spec (and the new Scepter) and even together.

Personally, I'm very excited as we can finally have a viable ranged weapon (shortbow) useable on any spec. On the flipside, the elite specs will only bring three specific concepts to each spec - elite spec mechanics, utilities, and traits. For this reason, I can see some specs dying off in some game content - an example would be Renegade in PvP/WvW as it was only picked because of the weapon; it's traits, utliites and mechanics aren't very suited for those game modes. Now that any spec can use Shortbow, Renegade might be relgated to PvE duty now unless changes to it happen. 

Another aspect is that Core specs will probably see ALOT more play, especially in PvP/WvW. With no limitation on weapon combos, this will open up alot of theorycrafting.

Anyway, what's everyone's thoughts on how this change will affect Rev? I'm very interested to hear some opinions.

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I'm looking forward for Herald Great Sword and short bow.  Both a better range, and my fav rev weapon.
I'm also looking forward for shield in general.  

And any condi build is going to ROCK with short bow now.

Still wish we had more condi clears.

Edited by wolfer.7945
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Considering all the professions are getting 5 skills I wonder what’s gonna be the deal with rev.


I’m thinking rev scepter will actually give all 5 skills with the last two be dependent on the spirit being channeled . 

I’m kinda hoping the scepter gives a summoner vibe summoning the spirit we are channeling  and the scepter delivers commands . 

really give that ritualist vibe 

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vindicator and herald are so much better as lines/legends than renegade in spvp, shortbow vindi or herald's gonna be so much better, lol

i will say, it's not that useful but citadel bombardment is fun so i'll miss that

Edited by Shagie.7612
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Bear in mind that the piercing on Shortbow comes from a trait in the renegade tree specifically, so if they don't bake that into the weapon itself it could be pretty underwhelming in some scenarios for Herald, Vindicator, and core Rev.

Edited by Esufer.8762
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Shortbow won't be all that good without the Renegade traits, but the extra weapon choice could be interesting. I kind of loathe taking staff as a defensive weapon in WvW, so maybe x + shield could replace it. Scepter as the mainhand new weapon is interesting, but unfortunately every single scepter skin is unbelievably ugly. I'd say it's the ugliest weapon class, but Warhorns and Maces exist, so it's a close second.

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I mean true. Short bow without the Ren trait is not great for WvW.  But in solo fights its not bad.  And it follow how most other range weapons work.  And most large pve fights are only vs one person its does not help much. unless its the adds.

I mean great sword damage is ok, but then becomes killer with Death drop.  So they all have their up and downs.

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7 hours ago, Esufer.8762 said:

Bear in mind that the piercing on Shortbow comes from a trait in the renegade tree specifically, so if they don't bake that into the weapon itself it could be pretty underwhelming in some scenarios for Herald, Vindicator, and core Rev.

Not having the piercing trait will hurt, to be sure, but for any revenant build that needs ranged, the competition is hammer. Shortbow having conditions means it pretty much wins by default on condition builds. For power builds, the coefficient/second ratio on the autoattack beats hammer, while synergising much better with anything that applies per hit like Impossible Odds, and that's before we consider that conditions without condition damage and expertise do still exist. Last I heard, this combined to make shortbow do more damage than hammer even on pure power builds. Combine that with having a CC that doesn't take the better part of two seconds to land, and generally not suffering from the overall jankiness of hammer, and... well.

Hammer will probably continue to be used in the one mode it was ever actually strong in: WvW. It might get used in niche roles where a ranged weapon with an evade and a projectile block is useful. Otherwise, though, any revenant currently using a hammer because they want or need a ranged weapon is probably ditching it for shortbow at the first opportunity, and it will continue to be dominant until, at the earliest, hammer gets fixed or scepter is introduced. My ectoplasm's on the latter happening first.

Edited by draxynnic.3719
Paragraph break for better readability.
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you'd prolly want the pierce for wvw, and for condi shortbow builds (but even there lol condi rene is pretty bad), but i don't think you'd care that much as a power build, even if you still run staff, you might just put up with it to have herald/vindi as a line

with the CDR traits being made baseline, i think there's an argument that the traits which comprise a large portion of a weapon's power budget or functionality also deserve to be reevaluated
things like Crack Shot or Heartpiercer being stand out ones

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