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Show your got dang tags cmon people!!


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This is honestly something ANet should straight up change. Make teammates visible on the map regardless of distance. Other games of this sort of style do that already. (Planetside 2 comes to mind.)

If you're a commander and have a huge zerg, show the tag please! It makes the experience for everyone on your team not in the tag a lot more enjoyable. I've heard various counter-arguments and they are all pretty weak, but I will do my best to address them for the sake of fairness.

1. We're trying to be sneaky. ; Ok sure, I guess that makes a sort of sense, IF your squad is doing portal bombing / stealth pushing enemy squads. Very few squads actually do this, though, and if you're reading this it is unlikely the squad you've been playing does it regularly enough to justify it.

2. We're concerned about spies. ; Also arguably valid but a spy can just as easily run along side you or better yet be in voice chat without your knowledge. Also, as someone who's usually the default visible pug tag I can rest assured that this is rarely ever an actual problem. Far more often it's just getting spotted by scouts, and hiding the tag does nothing there.

3. We're doing stuff as friends and don't want random plebians loitering around us. ; Not a great reason IMO. First, I'm mostly addressing squads of like 25+ people with this post. There's no way you have 25 close friends. I don't mean that as insult, I mean that as a limitation of our brains. Secondly, though, it is helpful to treat those on your team as people worth playing with. You might get more people wanting to join your guild this way, instead of transferring off the server like I saw today.

4. Similar to #3, we're doing guild missions. ; Not a real reason, full stop. It will make zero difference whether non-guild people help you complete the mission. If anything showing the tag would make it easier.

5. We want to get better / prove ourselves are good / bragging rights / etc. ; I will begrudgingly admit this is actually a good reason, in a selfish way. Just be mindful that it makes the experience for the rest of your own team less enjoyable as a result.

6. It's bugged ; This one is actually a good reason lol. I've seen it before and had it happen to me and it's impossible to know it's happening unless someone else tells you. I do not know how to fix it other than reforming the squad and hoping for the best. Another thing ANet needs to fix really.

I think there are other reasons I've heard but I can't remember them. If anyone is able to post an actually good reason I'm willing to change my mind on this.

TLDR : show tag, more fun 4 non-squad teammates.

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4 minutes ago, Blockhead Magee.3092 said:

Everyone gets to play how they want and not how any one of us want them to play. 

7. Blockhead Magee.3092 ; Paraphrasing but: Apathy. Not a reason lol. Sorry but not caring what others think has its own set of consequences. I have legit seen tags have this as their stated reason btw, so you aren't alone in that they don't give a kitten about people not in their guild. That's a fast ticket to getting people to quit wvw / guild wars 2 / their server for good. Which is I guess the ultimate point of me actually making this post in the first place so thanks for proving this is an actual problem that exists.

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1 & 2 Are both about tag watching.

As for w/e other reason is there that you want to be able to see tags, I just wanna say you don't need a tag to do anything in WvW.


11 minutes ago, exeggcuter.8394 said:

That's a fast ticket to getting people to quit wvw / guild wars 2 / their server for good

Please stop blaming players for people leaving the game mode. Is ANET's fault. They failed to do proper introduction of how the game mode works to new players in game and now they think the only way they can be useful is to follow someone with a tag.

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Practice what you preach.

Leading excuses for why players don't:

1- I don't have the funds. Get them.

2- I don't know what I'm doing. Learn.

3- Chat is toxic to me. Turn off chat.

4- No one follows. Then keep at it until you get a following.

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22 minutes ago, exeggcuter.8394 said:

Sorry but not caring what others think has its own set of consequences.

That goes both ways tho. And you don't seem to care a whole lot about others ...

Overall the game mode would be better if more players would show some proactivity and get out there and try to create "fun" for themselves instead of always relying on random other people to make the game fun for them without showing willingness to give anything in return. Because if everyone does the latter - nobody would have fun.

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I guess I need to provide some context to make it make more sense. Earlier today a guild on my server who I will choose to not say who, had a hidden tag. A person was considering swapping servers since there was never anyone around during their time of playing WvW. They actually specifically mentioned the same hidden guild who was actually online as he typed that.

That is good advice that chaba is providing. However, asking a more casual player to do those things you advise is questionable advice at best. This post is more about advocating for the casual players that make up the vast bulk of Guild Wars 2's playerbase. I hope that makes more sense.

Also, specifically to chaba's point 3: just block people who are there only to be a nuisance. It's actually surprising how few players it really is who do that. They just type a lot.

Another related point: it is unreasonable to simultaneously complain about a lack of numbers on your team while also being unnecessarily disdainful of your own team's newer players. Try to remember that moment when you had no warclaw yet. If that moment never happened to you, try to imagine starting WvW for the first time and being among the few without a warclaw. Now try to imagine looking for a huge group of friendlies you can follow around to see what WvW is really all about. Now imagine being unable to find one because the frikken tag was hidden. Non-rhetorical question: in those shoes, would you still choose to give WvW a try after getting flattened by an enemy zerg several times?

My answer was yes, yes I would. And I tagged up pretty much my first day. Not even sure whether I had my warclaw yet. I very well might not have. Did people in team chat decide be absolute degenerates about me tagging up and trying to learn the game? Yes, yes they did. I'm lucky (unlucky? idk) that I am so absurdly stubborn that I chose to give WvW a genuine try despite my own team deciding to be nasty. Most people would choose not to put up with that and simply never play it again. Which is why tags tends to be in short supply, and new players also tend to be in short supply.

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1 minute ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

That goes both ways tho. And you don't seem to care a whole lot about others ...

Overall the game mode would be better if more players would show some proactivity and get out there and try to create "fun" for themselves instead of always relying on random other people to make the game fun for them without showing willingness to give anything in return. Because if everyone does the latter - nobody would have fun.

I am almost always my team's default pug tag because there rarely are any. By no means do I rely on others here lol. I saw a void and filled it the same week I started playing WvW. I'm simply emphasizing that it would be nice if it didn't have to be that way as often as it is. If you've ever played with EBay then you've seen me tag at least once, most likely.

Pinecone Grenade is the name.

Also, I'm well aware there are limitations in my own empathy. That's among the reasons I made this post, since I want to understand. I've yet to see a good reason that makes sense to me for this hidden-tag nonsense I've seen.

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1 hour ago, Blockhead Magee.3092 said:

Everyone gets to play how they want and not how any one of us want them to play. 

It'll be nice if everyone thought this way, especially when it came to armor sets, choosing to defend or join a big guild or the type of food they use.

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44 minutes ago, exeggcuter.8394 said:

I am almost always my team's default pug tag because there rarely are any. By no means do I rely on others here lol. I saw a void and filled it the same week I started playing WvW. I'm simply emphasizing that it would be nice if it didn't have to be that way as often as it is.

Then maybe it would make sense to try and incentivise likeminded players that also want open tags to take initiative, instead of wanting those that have already found a different way of enjoying the game to accomodate to your desires, potentially making it less fun for them and discouraging them to tag up at all.

Ultimatively it doesn't matter why players run hidden tags. They have a reason to do so, whether you agree with that reason or not. Otherwise they wouldn't do it.

Also being toxic towards new players and hidden tags are completely unrelated. I have actually witnessed quite some toxicity towards other's when hidden tags didn't exist and players were regulary told to not follow a tag in a not very nice manner. Visible tags alone also don't make the game mode more accessible or fun for new players, because even if they could see all tags, they woud still struggle to get there and keep up, while having no clue what's going on.

The best way for new players who want to get  into wvw but feel lost, would be to ask for help. There is no guarantee that it works, but it certainly increases the likelyhood of actually getting help. And it might even come from someone with a hidden tag.

Edited by Zyreva.1078
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42 minutes ago, exeggcuter.8394 said:

Another related point: it is unreasonable to simultaneously complain about a lack of numbers on your team while also being unnecessarily disdainful of your own team's newer players.

Has nothing to do with tags. Anet isn't going to social engineer a solution for player irony.

Also, Anet isn't going to social engineer a solution to players who would rather transfer than tag up themselves because they just want to leech off others.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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While I fully agree with your reasons, it is up to the commander to make the rules of their group.

If the rules or behavior of the comm is stupid, don't follow and find yourself a different group (or) get a tag up yourself.

Having said this, I always appreciate commanders to have their tag visible and their squad open.

Edited by TheQuickFox.3826
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hmmm I'm not sure if I have anything productive to add to the most recent replies except this: Keep in mind that the sort of players I'm currently advocating for are the same sort that rarely if ever use these same forums. There were 2 points to me making this post:

1. An apparently failed attempt to convince private tags to show their tag for the sake people not in their squad.

2. To understand whether there is a good reason why a tag might choose to be hidden, or at least hear a reason I've never seen before.

I wish I could understand but it makes little sense from someone looking from the outside. I've seen intensely powerful fight guilds happily make their tag visible. They are honestly the better ones since they are aware pugs can do things members in their own squad cannot. You know, like use siege, or other such incredibly disruptive shenanigans that can disorganize an enemy squad if they aren't expecting such things. I dunno, I'm seeing pretty weaksauce arguments here besides "I don't wanna".

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42 minutes ago, exeggcuter.8394 said:

...I dunno, I'm seeing pretty weaksauce arguments here besides "I don't wanna".

For me, "I don't wanna" is the single best argument for continuing to give a commander the option to run an open or private tag. Trying to force others to play the way you want them to seems pretty ugly to me. The WvW guild I play with runs for two hours a day, seven days a week. The tag is usually visible and the squad is usually open so anyone can join it. We have several regular commanders and they are all very noob friendly, answering questions, marking those without a mount so the rest of the squad can make sure to stay close enough to give them the speed boost, and so forth. That's our squad's choice though. I'm not going to try to strong arm other squads into playing the way we do. Nor am I going to demand explanations from those with a different play style.

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1 hour ago, exeggcuter.8394 said:

This is honestly something ANet should straight up change. Make teammates visible on the map regardless of distance. Other games of this sort of style do that already. (Planetside 2 comes to mind.)

If you're a commander and have a huge zerg, show the tag please! It makes the experience for everyone on your team not in the tag a lot more enjoyable. I've heard various counter-arguments and they are all pretty weak, but I will do my best to address them for the sake of fairness.

1. We're trying to be sneaky. ; Ok sure, I guess that makes a sort of sense, IF your squad is doing portal bombing / stealth pushing enemy squads. Very few squads actually do this, though, and if you're reading this it is unlikely the squad you've been playing does it regularly enough to justify it.

2. We're concerned about spies. ; Also arguably valid but a spy can just as easily run along side you or better yet be in voice chat without your knowledge. Also, as someone who's usually the default visible pug tag I can rest assured that this is rarely ever an actual problem. Far more often it's just getting spotted by scouts, and hiding the tag does nothing there.

3. We're doing stuff as friends and don't want random plebians loitering around us. ; Not a great reason IMO. First, I'm mostly addressing squads of like 25+ people with this post. There's no way you have 25 close friends. I don't mean that as insult, I mean that as a limitation of our brains. Secondly, though, it is helpful to treat those on your team as people worth playing with. You might get more people wanting to join your guild this way, instead of transferring off the server like I saw today.

4. Similar to #3, we're doing guild missions. ; Not a real reason, full stop. It will make zero difference whether non-guild people help you complete the mission. If anything showing the tag would make it easier.

5. We want to get better / prove ourselves are good / bragging rights / etc. ; I will begrudgingly admit this is actually a good reason, in a selfish way. Just be mindful that it makes the experience for the rest of your own team less enjoyable as a result.

6. It's bugged ; This one is actually a good reason lol. I've seen it before and had it happen to me and it's impossible to know it's happening unless someone else tells you. I do not know how to fix it other than reforming the squad and hoping for the best. Another thing ANet needs to fix really.

I think there are other reasons I've heard but I can't remember them. If anyone is able to post an actually good reason I'm willing to change my mind on this.

TLDR : show tag, more fun 4 non-squad teammates.

I admit to being an advocate for hidden tags before we had them and still see it as a good feature. I understand your points that some people use them to better control who runs with them. Have seen people use them to make sure people get into voice and have seen them where people try and force people into builds that meet their expectations of builds so that they can get what they think is the most optimal group together. Could I counter both those arguments, yes, but that's their own cost of trying to organize others and if that's the price other players need to pay to run with them, then its up to players that want to join the group to decide to say yes I will do that, or no not joining your group. To your point that then leads part of the map out of the action. But that is up to those players to then create their own path forward to make a difference. Example is what I have seen you do which is go ahead and tag up for others to help rally other people. So again its up to each player to decide do I do what they want, or do I do something else.

Now why do I still advocate for hidden tags? It's to allow a group to organize and gives a better indicator on the map and mini-map where people need to head. Without it its just a bunch of dots and you can't tell which one is the one to follow. Translation, chaos. It's also to allow for situations where there is already a main tag or multiple tags and your group is not following them but you want your people to understand where your group is headed. Back in the day (2012-2014), as we are starting to see again pre-WR , there are also tags that ask people to get on tag or get off map. That was a one of the issues in the past, ok if tagging while havocking is distracting to the main tags but small groups still want to also be more efficient then hidden tags could, and did, solve that. The other reason havoc groups were looking for hidden tags was to try and not pull people from public tags so that the public tags could focus bigger disparate groups in a more organized or directed manor and it allowed for various sized guilds to be in the same space without creating additional politics to come into play as they did in the past. If you have never been on a server where guilds followed different tactics and clashed over the differences, you saved yourself some headaches and since you should be playing to have fun, good on you.

I get where you are coming from since the advent of the tool also would come with people looking to use it as tool to better manage how others play, but if a player is willing to act as both a director and guide for others that's up to each player joining them to decide are they willing to follow those requirements. Public tags face a lot of distractions and get a lot of second guessing from general map chat, they may also face issues in confidence in directing which can result in people asking for fighting and then running versus following a tag into a fight. A hidden tag faces less of that second guessing and those requiring voice can better ignore map chat and also spend less time typing and more time directing. But that then leaves out those not willing to either follow, those not willing to listen and those that just want to move in a group out of the action or with the  feeling of less direction and potentially loss as they haven't taken time to understand what an individual can do. Add to that mix a group under this situation against a server that has larger guilds which already enforced these requirements and that can leave players with thoughts of why is this so imbalanced, how did this happen thoughts.

Hidden tags also allow for people not looking to manage a guild but would want to enforce be on tag and on voice and potentially tell them to be on these builds with options to still gather people together to get things done. They may still allow people that are not be guilded or in disparate guilds to still join a group without joining a guild since they can get the same requirements from them that some guilds might require to allow them to run together. Why they don't to want create their own guild to draw these people in? No idea especially since once the WR system drops in they are back to square one in forming a single group from varied guilds, but that's an example of long term stability in trying to use a hidden tag in that fashion. Again each to their own there on what reasons they do what they do.

Others may feel they can only drive if they are on voice else why bother so a hidden tag might act as incentive to get people on a common voice. Typing while playing is a ton harder than just talking, I get this so again if people are not willing to get in voice to better to be able to follow along with a plan of action that makes sense why a tag may be hidden so that they can encourage others to be in voice. I admit that's why I may not often join a squad since I might already be in one or two voice channels already and my brain can not listen to three channels at once. Tried that back in 2012-2014 and when a tag asked who was throwing down siege where as I was instructing an off-havoc that was keeping an enemy zerg busy and off our main tag so they could complete the objective realized three was too many. So if a requirement to be on tag is on voice, the choice was easy, can off-havoc and aid ourside's tag by simply watching their movements and typing/whispering or just helping them silently while they have no idea we were even there to lend them a hand from the side lines. If anything that's where hidden tags also impact friendly havocs as we also can't see them so then its learning to follow via map actions and predict action to aid your main invis tag. Since we still have no reasons to win, its not as efficient but it can still work out.

So why do I run invis tags, it's to still lend a direction to people I may be grouped with when some are in voice and some not. It's to not pull people from a public tags since I may have us join a bigger group for actions and then we may break off again when actions don't call for the number requirements or we can havoc and cause issues with the other sides. It's also to not have to tell map that the tag is havoc and we don't want to get people killed when we might head off in what may seem like odd directions. Example, Rule#2 hit the side that holds SMC, if the main tag is hitting the side that doesn't hold it but is trying to take it, we will probably be going somewhere else. Mind you closed and hidden are not the same. I am sure I have confused a number of people that have joined and then had to follow via map or by typed commands, hence also why at times might be in multiple voice channels already. Old people like to ramble and banter and distract each other which doesn't lead to great voice commanding either. And its to skip the politics of all one tag or get off the map. I am old and and our guild motto is stubborn kittens, you get off my lawn. 

/ramble off, hope that makes sense.


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1 hour ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

While I fully agree with your reasons, it is up to the commander to make the rules of their group.

If the rules or behavior of the comm is stupid, don't follow and find yourself a different group (or) get a tag up yourself.

Having said this, I always appreciate commanders to have their tag visible and their squad open.

Well put in a much more succinct manner than my tl;dr version did.  Exeggcuter, Pinecone, does actually follow that thought, added them when our servers were linked and tried to lend aid where we could  when they were running public tags for that reason. Hence why I also see where they are coming from and have been sided with large groups that run hidden as well and seen the impact when it does get to a certain mass and people that are used to following are tag are then in worse shape. The roamer side of me though can also see this as plus since it also leads more people to just know what to do and makes them also play more actively since they need to figure out the mechanic and take more direct action. It also leads to more public tags that say, fine I will do it, and that create more space for people to learn other roles. So again positive and negative to both sides.

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5 hours ago, exeggcuter.8394 said:

2. We're concerned about spies. ; Also arguably valid but a spy can just as easily run along side you or better yet be in voice chat without your knowledge. Also, as someone who's usually the default visible pug tag I can rest assured that this is rarely ever an actual problem. Far more often it's just getting spotted by scouts, and hiding the tag does nothing there.

Well then so could the person complaining about this, if it's that easy then there isn't a problem finding them. There are legit tag watchers to hide from *cough* honeymoon alts *cough*.


You can already see everyone in your squad no matter where they are.

Join a squad.

If a squad is running private that's their prerogative.

No one is obligated to lead you around in a game, or provide fun for you, it is the same in reverse.

Create your own squad, you don't actually need a tag, you can have a squad of 10 with no tag, 50 with the tag.

It's pretty easy to see where hidden squads will usually be, at the orange swords.

Lastly, learn wvw, learn to read the map, enemy movements, check places that have been recently capped or ready to be capped.

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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5 hours ago, exeggcuter.8394 said:

2. We're concerned about spies. ; Also arguably valid but a spy can just as easily run along side you or better yet be in voice chat without your knowledge. Also, as someone who's usually the default visible pug tag I can rest assured that this is rarely ever an actual problem. Far more often it's just getting spotted by scouts, and hiding the tag does nothing there.

It's easier for the alt to sit in spawn, if they are trying to run around with the group they can't be in the ambush group. I find it hard to believe you're running open tags and "this is rarely ever an actual problem" We see it consistently in every tier, the same large group magically showing up where ever we are headed and making the tag private magically makes it so they can't track us any more.

I agree though it does suck because we like taking people along with us, but there are many servers that even if they are winning by 2x will still spy and cheat and make sure that we can't.

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You would need time to sort your problems as a server. With server linking system and most server communities being dead, there just isn't the time and investment to deal with all the pugs and their aversion to coordination. For example every server linking there are new pugs to teach that you're a closed tag and they should stay away. Another is for example server conduct what coloured tag is closed and what is open, and what is voice only.

I agree with you that guilds, servers and open tags should face their problems face on by communicating and having visible tags but it just wouldn't work with frequent server linkings (< 6 month interval) or alliance system. So for them to consider making all tags visible, they would need to go back to monoservers again... So you have time to deal with the problems and they don't reset too often.

Foolproofing edit: Because there is always some forum genius that always thinks I mean going back to having 24 or 27 servers, no, much less than that.

Edited by Riba.3271
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Tags are one of those that was going to be coming up as new suggestion. It would be good idea to start thoughts now on Alliance only tag that could be visible to all guilds in an Alliance. That way groups can come up with meanings and get back to common group of what color/shape means to other groups to better be able to cordinate.

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When I do group up, I group up with some guild and other usual pugs and that usually has to turn into a hidden tag. There's no way we wouldn't cause rage with how we move around if a bunch of randos tried to run with it. We're also not trying to poach effort from other parts of the map if we just don't need that many more people to hit something or pull aggro. 

People really do get all up in your radius if they see anything that looks like a squad rolling around so you really do have to hide from allies sometimes or they'll light you up or stumble all over what you're trying to set up. 

There does need to be more tag options because while it's necessary to hide the tag sometimes, it's not all of the time and often that hidden tag is messing with someone else's effort instead. It would be nice to have more specific tags that don't need to be hidden to specialize so they can still ping the map and people can get a read on how the map is breathing. 

There could be more incentive and legit reasons to use the squad lfg on the WvW maps and that feature could be expanded to let people know what you're doing and so that people can find what they want to do more readily, but that feature needs to be more prominent so people actually know it's there and actually want to use it. 


Edited by kash.9213
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17 minutes ago, kash.9213 said:

When I do group up, I group up with some guild and other usual pugs and that usually has to turn into a hidden tag. There's no way we wouldn't cause rage with how we move around if a bunch of randos tried to run with it. We're also not trying to poach effort from other parts of the map if we just don't need that many more people to hit something or pull aggro. 

People really do get all up in your radius if they see anything that looks like a squad rolling around so you really do have to hide from allies sometimes or they'll light you up or stumble all over what you're trying to set up. 

There does need to be more tag options because while it's necessary to hide the tag sometimes, it's not all of the time and often that hidden tag is messing with someone else's effort instead. It would be nice to have more specific tags that don't need to be hidden to specialize so they can still ping the map and people can get a read on how the map is breathing. 

There could be more incentive and legit reasons to use the squad lfg on the WvW maps and that feature could be expanded to let people know what you're doing and so that people can find what they want to do more readily, but that feature needs to be more prominent so people actually know it's there and actually want to use it. 


Yeah the positive to not having ANet define roles to colors and shapes was that it allowed players to do so. That was also its worst flaw as people made it mean a million different things. Add in catmander and adds in more varied ideas. May make an interesting pole to see what if any meanings people associate to what, or if anyone still does these days. I think its now grab whateverism rule of thumb.

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Dear Anet,

I'm wondering why commanders don't just give everyone they see 100 gold. It would improve the experience for everyone if they got 100 gold. (Especially for me, they should give me 1000 gold). It would definitely stop me from leaving the server if they did this. All I've been hearing are these weak counterarguments, and I don't think any of them are convincing.

1.) "I don't have the gold". I feel like this just not a good excuse. Most commanders play WvW a lot, and they should get a lot of gold just from playing the game. Also they have a commander tag, meaning they had gold before they got it. That's just an excuse. You can easily make 30 gold an hour doing fractals. 100 gold is nothing.

2.) "I only give gold to friends". That's also just a weak excuse. You can't possibly have friends. This is an MMO, and we all know nobody likes MMO players. This is just a blatant lie, and even if you did, what's another 100 gold?

3.)  Similarly, "I don't want to give gold to you plebs." Well first off, I am not a pleb. I am a very important player.  I'm mostly addressing commanders that lead huge squads. They should easily get enough donations from their guild. You might get more people to join your guild if you give them gold, or they might just leave you for a more generous server/guild

4.) "What if spies get the gold". Spies will find some other way to steal your gold anyways. You should give it to me first so it can't be stolen.

5.)  "You just want my gold! Get your own!" That is simply false. I would never write a self serving post that incidentally might benefit other people and then painting it as helping the community.

See, you guys can't give me an actually good reason. You just can't. Because even if you did, I would just dismiss it.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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(EU Based for discord tags/guilds)

Commander does open discord tag to fight enemy.

He advertises squad with purpose of everyone coming in and get proper support parties, relay faster commands/better positioning via voice. 

People (pugs) won't join whatsoever.

During the fight they die cause no support/ facetanking dmg/ kitten position and ending up rallyboting.

No matter how many tries it comes down to enemy reviving cause pugs die like flies. (Amongst other things).

Commander at disadvantage remakes the squad discord only so he gets players who will try more, having better results cause no random rallyboting.

He maybe show tag with the intention to show where fights are or get people in discord so he can work with some more people. IF It's gona be harder fights, they want every player advantage they can get.

You either coordinate your gameplay with the squad to the maximum advantage to get through tough encounters, or be solo random dying 1 Vs 50.

It's all in commanders conditions ,that includes showing tag or not for whatever the purpose. 

Circumstances might be different from server to server.

People that don't want to join squad , won't join it, doesn't matter how PMA or inviting the squad/server is, it's the nature of said players.

This lack of this bare minimum to not even join the squad , (god forbid comping it properly or coordinate with rest of players), or even finding like minded gamers is the reason why commanders a lot of times go private squads.

Then again you see randoms gaming with the mentality "I  play Condi d/d core thief, I dive bomb in enemy squad and die " completely ignoring basic game mechanics 

And then you question why commanders chose to go invis tag, to filter all these randoms...


That being said , If this is about completely open squads, I agree they should show tag , so new players, especially, can join and have a team experience in their server regardless of circumstance, as well as getting to experience of the mass fighting and chaos and in general to have a good time for themselves. 


Guilds tho? To show tag? Why? So every fcking random player in existence interrupts fights in alpine scrim spots?? Or they randomly add in every fight like it's their business? 

And you want them to show tag on top?

Imagine scrims with 20 random clowns stacked on enemy guild, essentially making it 40 v 20, so ends up "OS for us tonight boys, forget the border" ??

Guild raids are entirely private matter. As well as gvgs.

Not every fight is your business. Just because you can add in a fight too, doesn't mean you should.



Edited by MysteryDude.1572
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