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Relics Bring New Equipment to Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure

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@Rubi Bayer.8493 I just have a few questions about current relics. I seem to remember that also the stat combinations will be reduced and not just the relic abilities. 

  1. There are runes that have the same exact stat combinations up to 5 runes and then the 6th rune is different. For example, the runes of the pack, fireworks and surging. Now the rune of the pack actually gives stats (+125 precision) for the 6th rune. But the other two only have the special ability and give no stat bonus. Or does the 25% increase in movement speed count as a stat increase?
  2. And if that's the case will the run of fireworks and surging be merged into one? Or will all 3 be merged into one?
  3. Also will you be taking out some of the stat combinations entirely and what will happen with those runes then, (people will  have some of these in their inventory/bank)?
  4. The rune of mercy gives damage reduction while reviving an ally (rune 4). Is that considered a stat?
  5. The rune of snowfall also has something of a special ability on rune 2 and 4...will those be maintained or will those abilities go?

You answered some questions about relics and for me that's fine. But I really want to know more about how runes will be dealt with.


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2 minutes ago, Vereen Silenthunter.2704 said:

Oh Dear, what a roundabout way of saying "sorry about your leg runes, but you will have to to spend resources to engage with the system for at least a year. Also you might want to spend 350+ gold now to do your 7th rune because that will definitely absolutely help with or the legendary Relic somehow maybe"

The only way that this would be fair to everyone is if the reward for tier 7/7 of the inevitable "auto advance if you have leg runes" achievement that will be created is a close to 350+ gold value item.

Conversely, the sad, paradoxical thing is that there will certainly going to be some fun to have with the collection steps to do for getting the equivalent items to the the 7 tiers but we wont be encouraged to do it because we'll already have them. Think like the LWS 3-4 wvw/pvp reward track short-circuiting the main mastery achievement...


We are going into the new expansion with a lot of frustration, since it feels like a prelude to forced grindery, instead of the usual excitement.

Imagine if they left the runes untouched and instead added the possibility to get a secondary rune effect through the relic? THAT would have been a lot of power creep but so much fun try and explore the different combinations.

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Doesn't answer how we get most relics, will I be forced to PvE? to PvP? What is "significant value"? requiring 7 runes is a comedic joke at best too.
Not to forget, I think it was back in 2014/2015 we had the "you must do x events to unlock your traits to just play the gamemode you were already doing before hand" and it was a disaster, why are we getting a similar thing again.. lessons not learnt with time.

Post tells us nothing of value, try again anet.

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Well, that wasn't worth waiting for.

All that time for ANET to basically say that there won't be a legendary relic until some time in 2024 (and given their track record, I'm not holding out hope for any delivery timeframe they offer anyway). And if you've created 7 legendary runes, it will provide SOME of the progress to getting a legendary relic. And that word SOME is doing some heavy lifting in that phrase. The fact they haven't said HOW much progress suggests that they want to space out the bad news.

So we could have a year or more where we lose the advantages our 6/7 legendary runes give us, and we have no idea how much work is still going to be involved (or how much cost) to get that back once it's finally available.

Honestly, that's worse than the radio silence we've had to this point. This announcement told us nothing apart from the fact that they didn't think this through properly before they made the change, and after all the furore from the players, they STILL haven't thought things through properly. Pathetic.

I expect another riot from the players off the back of this, and another announcement from ANET in the future. Because this was pointless.

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Just now, Gehenna.3625 said:

@Rubi Bayer.8493 I just have a few questions about current relics. I seem to remember that also the stat combinations will be reduced and not just the relic abilities. 

  1. There are runes that have the same exact stat combinations up to 5 runes and then the 6th rune is different. For example, the runes of the pack, fireworks and surging. Now the rune of the pack actually gives stats (+125 precision) for the 6th rune. But the other two only have the special ability and give no stat bonus. Or does the 25% increase in movement speed count as a stat increase?
  2. And if that's the case will the run of fireworks and surging be merged into one? Or will all 3 be merged into one?
  3. Also will you be taking out some of the stat combinations entirely and what will happen with those runes then, (people will  have some of these in their inventory/bank)?
  4. The rune of mercy gives damage reduction while reviving an ally (rune 4). Is that considered a stat?
  5. The rune of snowfall also has something of a special ability on rune 2 and 4...will those be maintained or will those abilities go?

You answered some questions about relics and for me that's fine. But I really want to know more about how runes will be dealt with.


One thing to note, Rune of Fireworks can't be removed since it used as a crafting component. Quite a few runes are - esp festival ones. It's possible they could merge into it as long as it didnt break crafting

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I'm pretty disappointed by this. Over a year before I can even get the opportunity to grind out features I already obtained so that I bring my account back to the flexibility I currently have.  There are other games that do vertical progression much better. One of the selling features of this game is the horizontal progression.  I made the mistake if pre-ordering immediately. This will be the last time I make that mistake with Anet, I will also not be able to recommend people try this game any longer.

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Well, agains all drama and "i want more" opinions. 

I'm curious about the new feature and look forward to it to give my builds more flexibility and options. In long term i think it will turn out positive. 

I will happily play Soto with my friends. 

Vote me up, vote me down... i dont care. 

Enjoy your day. I'm off to do some treasure hunt. Cya ! 

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I'm really disappointed in the way legendary runes are treated. Players invested a lot of time and even money just to have a quality of life that is just gonna be removed without any sort of information on how they are gonna need to grind again. I get that this is your strategy to keep us on board ('cuz yeah even the most dedicated players will have to get all the relic they want, implying time and gold i assume), but you should not mess with that. Give us something and take it back later just to "keep us" is a really dumb move and is not a great ad that can be spread by long time player.

The relic system can be good on its own, but you have to make legendary relic available on lunch (if not given to players who took the time to make legendary runes).

You're taking a dark path Anet, that really is not promising...

Edited by Enawdor.8531
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So just so I understand the situation.

1.  Currently Legendary Runes 6/6 give you all functionality (stats and special effects)

2.  SoTo will remove the special effect function of Legendary Runes, so they are just Legendary Stat runes and then SoTo will introduce exotic relics. 

3. In 2024, some update will be released that introduces Legendary Relics.

4.  For those who have Legendary Runes, you will get "significant progress" toward a Legendary Relic.

What is this statement "Players who have already crafted legendary runes will be compensated with significant progress toward unlocking legendary relics. In fact, each of the seven legendary runes you create will unlock further progress toward these relics. "  Did you mean six legendary runes?  Is there now a seventh rune slot just for stats?


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1 minute ago, MuscleBobBuffPants.1406 said:

So just so I understand the situation.

1.  Currently Legendary Runes 6/6 give you all functionality (stats and special effects)

2.  SoTo will remove the special effect function of Legendary Runes, so they are just Legendary Stat runes and then SoTo will introduce exotic relics. 

3. In 2024, some update will be released that introduces Legendary Relics.

4.  For those who have Legendary Runes, you will get "significant progress" toward a Legendary Relic.

What is this statement "Players who have already crafted legendary runes will be compensated with significant progress toward unlocking legendary relics. In fact, each of the seven legendary runes you create will unlock further progress toward these relics. "  Did you mean six legendary runes?  Is there now a seventh rune slot just for stats?


Aquabreather rune totals it to 7.

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Just now, MuscleBobBuffPants.1406 said:

So just so I understand the situation.

1.  Currently Legendary Runes 6/6 give you all functionality (stats and special effects)

2.  SoTo will remove the special effect function of Legendary Runes, so they are just Legendary Stat runes and then SoTo will introduce exotic relics. 

3. In 2024, some update will be released that introduces Legendary Relics.

4.  For those who have Legendary Runes, you will get "significant progress" toward a Legendary Relic.

What is this statement "Players who have already crafted legendary runes will be compensated with significant progress toward unlocking legendary relics. In fact, each of the seven legendary runes you create will unlock further progress toward these relics. "  Did you mean six legendary runes?  Is there now a seventh rune slot just for stats?


The seventh rune is already available, it's for aqua breathers. You need to have the matching rune on your breather or you lose your 6 piece bonus when entering water.

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Legendary only in next year then, well ,at least i can keep focusing on my Legendary Armor (Light Pauldron, and entire Medium Set), i was going to go for the weapons after getting all armor, but that will have to wait a bit more (since i was going to buy the weapons with gold instead of crafting).

But overall, i like the changes, six gods, i hope we get a "Relic of the Dragonhunter", and it decreases cooldown of the traps to 5 seconds, and they all daze the targets, and summon a pack of pocket raptors when activated.

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I very rarely post, but this has been a topic of interest to me for the last couple of weeks, and I'm disappointed enough in this response that I feel it's worth speaking up.

How in the world are you pretending that it's fair 'compensation' to give me PART of the functionality I already earned back at SOME non-specific future date, AFTER I will have had to already re-earn at least part of the functionality you're taking away from me?  Or am I just expected to run around with an empty relic slot or use whatever basic default relics are given out until... whenever you actually implement legendary relics?

It feels like I bought a Ferrari - I worked my kitten off and saved up for it, handed my money over to the dealership and drove off with my dream car.  Then today I woke up to a note pinned on my door saying "Hey!  We've decided that going forward, cars and engines are going to be separate purchases.  This is great for you, the customer, because now you can customize to your heart's content!  Because of this change, we've reposessed your car's engine while you were sleeping.  But don't worry!  We're going to give you a worse loaner engine, and you'll get part of your original engine back sometime in the next year and a half.  Happy driving! :)"

So now I'm screwed either way.  I can use the crappy loaner engine for the next year, despite the pact I paid for a Ferrari engine, or I can suck it up and pay for a nicer engine immediately to replace the one the dealership stole; but then when I (someday, who knows when) get 'part' of my original engine (that I paid for in full) back, and then pay whatever extra I have to pay to get my original engine actually working again, my interim engine is just going to be a paperweight that I wasted even more money on.

In short, I'm going to be honest: I was on the fence about this expansion already, based on the quality of other content in the last few years.  I'm not coming here to say "THIS CHANGE IS WHY I'M NOT BUYING THE NEW XPAC!1!!1"  But I am going to say that this change was the straw that broke the camel's back for me:  I will CERTAINLY not be pre-ordering, and whether I purchase it at all is up in the air, but leans toward 'no.'  I know that must get said (screamed) all the time on these forums, but in all the years I've been playing, this is the first time I've ever even considered not buying an expansion.  Bad writing and gaudy art was something I could look at and sigh and say "well... at least they tried" about.  Blatant disrespect for my time and effort is not.

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It's utter bs that we will lose a function on our legendary runes and will have to craft another legendary item to get the functionally back.

IDGAF if it means I'm further in whatever achievement crafting hoopla for this new relic because I have 7 runes today. I shouldn't have to craft another item to regain the functionality. 

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How can this be seen as a good thing for any player with legendary runes? Functionality that those players already have is being removed for at least months, possibly as long as a year. Even after this wait, it cannot be confirmed that the compensation will give players back all that they lost, but only some part of it.

Even in the absolute best case scenario, assuming the soonest implementation of legendary runes and highest degree of compensation, this news says that players with legendary runes will lose their functionality for several months and before getting it back - a pure negative for them. The expansion comes with a removal of a feature those players worked for.

Given the wording of the post, it doesn't seem likely that players will be getting the best case scenario. This is extremely disappointing and demotivating.

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4 minutes ago, NoggDog.5486 said:

Aquabreather rune totals it to 7.

You didn't need the aquabreather rune to get the extra stat though. Before you only needed 6 runes (legendary or not) to get the extra stat. Now, at some point in 2024, you will need 7 legendary runes to get the extra stat. noice...

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For a blog that took 14+ days to write so you guys could be as 'accurate as possible' you really left a lot of stuff vague, unclear, and has created a lot of speculation among everyone.

Are Legendary Runes going to be a requirement to acquire a Legendary Relic? Are we going to have to make 7 and then we get the Relic, or is 6 enough in the compensation part? If not, are we going to get a "Gift of the Relic" and then dump that with a bunch of Gifts to spend even more gold?
In a Quaterly Update in 2024. There are 3 Quarterly updates (NA Math), which one will it be? Because waiting 6 months and waiting 14+ months are VERY different things.

These "prestigiouSSSSSSS relicSSSSSSS". Does this mean that there will be different Legendary Relics that will only give a select choice of the effects? Does that mean we'll have a Legendary Heart of Thorns relic, Legendary Core Relic and Legendary Path of Fire Relic, etc?

What a clusterduck.

Edited by Nuunes.5046
2023 to 2024
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2 minutes ago, WeightTrainer.3219 said:

You didn't need the aquabreather rune to get the extra stat though. Before you only needed 6 runes (legendary or not) to get the extra stat. Now, at some point in 2024, you will need 7 legendary runes to get the extra stat. noice...

That wasn't what the person I replied to was saying. They were asking why they were saying 7 runes, and their reply to my response was that they forgot water existed. 

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