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I Just got the Skyscale....and It feel Very bittersweet.

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So to start I've played GW2 on and off for 10 years. Hell my first true online gaming experience was GW1. I've enjoyed the GW2's story and the characters immensely through the base game, living world and expansions. Especially characters like Taimi, Canach and ofcourse Tybalt of whom the mention of apples still almost brings a tear to my eye everytime. I've never gotten bored of the combat system even with me using mostly physical range combat (Engineer Holosmith, Thief Deadeye) and the scope to customize my playstyle is greatly apreciated. Finally I gotta say the mount system is one of the best I've seen in any MMO game yet and I have played a fair few MMOs. WOW, FF14, ESO, Fallen Earth classic, New World, (Yes it is an MMO despite amazon's best attempts at bastardizing it) Division 1 &2, etc. Each mount brings its own use and effectiveness to the table that can make a struggling player's life much, much easier. 

But now after all that work. I feel empty, I feel no joy, no dancing desire, no feelings of accomplishment and pride, just a hollow bittersweet victory. It wasn't solely because of the journey I had to do to get the Fraking thing for any who are curious if its that. I am aware of the amount of players who burn out trying to get the mount. My reason is because in less than four weeks, the process of getting the Skyscale will be streamlined for all players. In less than four weeks, If I had known I could just have simply waited for the mount and saved myself the bother and just bought the blasted skyscale. Bad timing on my part I guess...

I can already tell some will judge me as a gatekeeping vet who seemingly only wants noobs to suffer the same pain as he felt to feel like they're part of a special hierarchy. I tell you now that that is not the case. After putting the collection series off for years due to the ridiculous and obnoxious tasks you have to go through to simply get the skyscale. I finally set myself the goal of getting it and having gone through 3/4s of the journey, in the very last stage I find out the next expansion will streamline the process for everyone seemingly without any real consolidations for those who have already unlocked it or are in the process of unlocking it.  So you can understand a little bit at least why I am pissed off at Arena net. Sure we've heard from the news that those who've gone through the masteries will have bonus perks in addition to the extended masteries. Whoop de Fraking do.

Is it too much to ask for a unique bonus for the work I've put in for something? Like would it be gatekeeping if Arena net created a unique skin for the skyscale in the expansion for those who completed the collection series? Just something to make it feel like it was worth the effort. Because right now I feel like I've wasted tons my time for a god kitten flying worm with wings.

I'm honestly happy that the newer players/those who skipped or waited will be able to avoid the tedious and frankly ridiculous quest collection to get skyscale and I'm sure GW2 will have some fun mechanics, stories and worlds for them to explore. After many years the community can all enjoy a cool flying mount with hella useful abilities that makes traversal a breeze.
But for me, at this moment I feel quite burnt out from the grind and it just doesn't have that shine that i expected it would. 

I'll grab what masteries I can and just plod along but Jeez it just doesn't quite feel as satisfying.

Edited by craphunter.5098
Adjusted due to having to get back on the grind again.
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I mean congrats I guess. Is it petty, yes. I got the skyscale some time ago, I don't see new players who we have gotten quite a number and don't have access to LWS4 getting it as a bad thing. I honestly think people claiming the process of getting the Skyscale being hard is massively overblown. It's just time consuming with a some of it being mandatory waiting. It was honestly harder to get the griffon than it was the skyscale.

On a personal point, I don't see it as a negative as there is still something for those of us with one that will get, and a reason for new people to eventually go back to get the older version for the mastery too. I don't consider this protesting, as much as you just don't like to share the ball.

Edited by Ravenwulfe.5360
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It's not about not wishing to share the ball, as mentioned I don't have an issue with new players getting the skyscale. I have an issue that there isn't some acknowledgement for those who got the mount during the time it was harder to get. Like some kind of title or something that makes it feel like the journey was worth it.

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i suppose it is unfortunate that you waited so long.

people who got the skyscale shortly after dragonfall will by now have enjoyed their skyscale enough to not warrant a compensation, especially if the new skyscale will have different masteries, because then their effort like yours is not invalidated. sure you might not care about the current masteries once the new ones are here, but you still have them for the effort you put in.

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2 minutes ago, Mic.1897 said:

I'm sorry to say it but I really don't see this protest amounting to anything meaningful.

It's just announcing that you aren't mature. That's at least how I see it - sorry.

I know a fair few people will view this post this way. This post may not amount to much but surely you can appreciate that spending alot of time and energy for something then finding out near the end you needn't have bothered would probably irritate you to some degree right?

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  • craphunter.5098 changed the title to I Just got the Skyscale....and It feel Very bittersweet.

So now you're just throwing away the effort you put in, instead of enjoying the mount you worked so hard to get?

Just because other players will have an easier way to get it? (also we don't even know yet how much easier)

I mean.. you do you. Seems to me all you achieve by doing it is hurting your own experience and enjoyment. Throwing what you achieved in the trash instead of being proud of it and reaping the benefits. All you gain is perhaps venting some frustration.


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5 minutes ago, Chyro.1462 said:

So now you're just throwing away the effort you put in, instead of enjoying the mount you worked so hard to get?

Just because other players will have an easier way to get it? (also we don't even know yet how much easier)

I mean.. you do you. Seems to me all you achieve by doing it is hurting your own experience and enjoyment. Throwing what you achieved in the trash instead of being proud of it and reaping the benefits. All you gain is perhaps venting some frustration.


As said, I'm not angry at the fact newer players will get the mount easier. Its because it doesn't feel fulfilling at all at this point. It feels like a waste of time and even if I go back on GW2 I'll be reminded for the waste of time i spent every time I use the mount. It's soured my enjoyment of GW2 right now.

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2 hours ago, craphunter.5098 said:

 I have an issue that there isn't some acknowledgement for those who got the mount during the time it was harder to get.

There is. You will have access to bonus functionality for the skyscale that someone who only does the SotO acquisition will not.



On another note: Be careful buying anything. It will almost certainly go down in price over time.

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On 7/27/2023 at 6:39 PM, Omega.6801 said:

That's because the underlying issue is similar.

This is a bit of stretch. Skyscale is not a hard mount to get just time consuming. People keep conflating that. And it was really a mistake to lock it behind the living world paywall.

Edited by Ravenwulfe.5360
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I thought that people who get the Skyscale the new way, would still have to suffer through the original method to get the extra functions.  Otherwise Veteran players will have abilities that new folks can never get.  New players would have a fit.

I am fairly certain that new players will grind and wait exactly as much as the veterans did.  Many of the new folks will want to get those extra skyscale perks.  Some will feel that their skyscale is unfinished if they don't.

I know that it isn't going to make chronological sense to obtain a fully grown skyscale and then raise it from an egg, but I think Anet will hand-wave it.

Temporal shenanigans most likely.  Lots of asura tech.  

If anything Op has gotten a head start, and is suffering from burnout.  Op should absolutely play something else for at least a few months.

Edit: I think I may have misunderstood Op's complaint, or the reason for the complaint.  The additional mastery may not actually be as useful as I assume.

Edited by Zebulous.2934
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OP, others have said this above but I'm not sure they've said it clearly enough:  You *do* get something, better than a title, you get extra skyscale skills that the streamlined process won't grant.  You many not have spotted that information in the tidal wave of blogs that came out regarding SotO.

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5 hours ago, craphunter.5098 said:

As said, I'm not angry at the fact newer players will get the mount easier. Its because it doesn't feel fulfilling at all at this point. It feels like a waste of time and even if I go back on GW2 I'll be reminded for the waste of time i spent every time I use the mount. It's soured my enjoyment of GW2 right now.

But you get extra masteries unlocked that people who didn't do it the hard way don't have access to.  That's absolutely worth it to me. In fact, so worth it, I did it on an alt account before Secrets of the Obscure came out.

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I asume ArenaNet treats the Skyscale the same way they treated the raptor and springer.

You can unlock them both with EoD, but in this way you can't use their masterys. And even if you buy PoF afterwards, you are still forced to play until the point you would "unlock" them, to skill their masterys.

If you want to skill your EoD raptor, you have to finish the first PoF Story chapter. If you want to skill your EoD springer, you have to spent 1 gold to the desert highlands heart.

In this way, even if players unlock the skyscale in SotO, if they want to use the wall climbing, the midair mounting and the rift flying puzzles, they are still forced to finish the LS4 collection.

And particularly without the wall climbing, the skyscale is only mediocre.

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I got the skyscale twice, at release on my main acc, beginning of the year for my 2nd.

The hardest and time consuming part was convincing me to do it again. Once I managed to convince me, it just took me 2 weekends to get it. The map-currencies from the „return to“-achievements are already a very nice shortcut.

I don’t really care how difficult it is for others.

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4 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I dunno...getting to mount your Skyscale in combat is a pretty nice reward to me, not to mention Updraft and Ley-line access.  We will also get to unlock an in-game Skyscale skin. 

Hopefully you will appreciate that when you come back next year. 

I think everyone gets "Mount in combat" right?


But I also think these abilites are much more useful than a skin

We'll see if the bonus wall launch will be worthwhile

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7 hours ago, craphunter.5098 said:

It feels like a waste of time and even if I go back on GW2

Gaming is LITERALLY a waste of time.....unless your an ultimate, top-tier esports player and therefore earn money from ir.  I understand that gaming has some psychological benefits but it's still a gap filler.

I got my skyscale at release.....without all the "Return to...." currencies being thrown at me.....it was a grind but it was a time filler between LW episodes.  It was something to  do in GW2, which means, something to waste time doing.

What would you have been doing if you hadn't done this specific content?  Wasted time in another portion of the game or wasted time on another game or watched YT videos or......... 

It's all down to wasting time......like reading forums about the same *KITTEN* *KITTEN* and then answering posts when my manager is breathing down my neck asking why this report isn't completed.........Ooop! 😯😯

Anyway, can I have your stuffs?

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