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All Balance Threads Should Require VOD


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if someone is going to make a balance thread, a nerf thread usually- they should be required to post a gameplay video or the thread should just get deleted by mods.

it's very difficult to tell legitimate balance issues from L2P issues with no VOD, because those with skill issues will do everything in their power to say it's a balance problem. so there needs to be a VOD requirement so all the bad players can self report, so the devs can give their attentions to real balance issues.

The player skill level is at an all time low, & I am seeing some awful noobstink balance takes here. I wish I was joking, but we had a thread complaining about a warrior using bolas recently.

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gonna make a montage of me avoiding way more important skills of everyone's than they avoid of mine only to lose anyways because they're basically any spec

im taking u all down with me
we're all gonna be playing core only, just u wait

Edited by Shagie.7612
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1 hour ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

we had a thread complaining about a warrior using bolas recently.

💀 ᵃᶦⁿᵗ ⁿᵒ ʷᵃʸ

I agree, post gameplay interacting with what you think is broken. It's always people on defense against weird claims, burden of proof should be on the person saying something is overpowered so they can prove that there was nothing they could reasonably do to win or deal with what they think is broken. 

We used to do this, what happened~


Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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1 hour ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

I wish I was joking, but we had a thread complaining about a warrior using bolas recently.

I still remember this... i read the whole thread and this was basically the build that OP in that thread was complaining about... 


Edited by Zizekent.2398
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5 minutes ago, Zizekent.2398 said:

I still remember this... i read the whole thread and this was basically the build that OP in that thread was complaining about... 


ᵗʰᵉ ᵃˡᵐᶦᵍʰᵗʸ ⁿᵒ ˢᵗᵘⁿᵇʳᵉᵃᵏ ᶻᵉʳᵏᵉʳ ˡᵉᵗˢ ᵍᵒᵒᵒᵒ 💀

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1 hour ago, Eddie.9143 said:

Mf berserk is an 11 sec stun break lmao 

They're spending it to set up burst what do you meaaaaaan 💀

Signet of Fury has a cast requirement and the warrior isn't running cleansing ire on this, so they can't magically get the adrenaline to use berserk and stunbreak as a reaction to being stunlocked, and Signet of Rage won't passively build adrenaline to the point that you can use it to stunbreak react either. They're literally free both before and immediately after the GunFlame. 

I'm thanking your post anyway. For different reasons. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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1 minute ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

its pretty easy to read and use brain to determine if something is legitimate or not. i find threads that want requirements for posting to be a lot worse as something like that would kill discussion and you know, the democratic process of all voices are created equal (perhaps not proven to be after the fact)


I love this post's style the subtext is like... folded in a neat little package with a bow on top

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14 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

if someone is going to make a balance thread, a nerf thread usually- they should be required to post a gameplay video or the thread should just get deleted by mods.

it's very difficult to tell legitimate balance issues from L2P issues with no VOD, because those with skill issues will do everything in their power to say it's a balance problem. so there needs to be a VOD requirement so all the bad players can self report, so the devs can give their attentions to real balance issues.

The player skill level is at an all time low, & I am seeing some awful noobstink balance takes here. I wish I was joking, but we had a thread complaining about a warrior using bolas recently.

Little Timmy upset about dodge not cancelling condition damage would get a voice with every dumb video they record and post, but a seasoned veteran who can't be bothered to record and edit a video would be ignored... what a wonderful way to filter feedback. 😄
Let's just do good old elitism instead: everyone posting in the PvP forums: complete stats visible to everyone. How many total games, class distribution, winrates, highest ever rating, current rating. If that doesn't measure up, your opinion is irrelevant. At least this way of thinking is only half-wrong, while yours being completey <REDACTED>.

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5 hours ago, Master Ketsu.4569 said:

An alternative is being able to choose a title from your game account to show on the forums.

If someone doesn't have a top 250 or tournament win title, then everyone else knows. 

In other words leave balance up to the demographic that are 50% wintraders, ego-maniac tryhards? As if that isn't already the case right now?

I don't like the forums because generally speaking no player tends to give "good" ideas to the game because players are not game designers and the two are completely separate skill sets.

Also what OP and you by extension are asking for, is completely unrealistic and it will never happen given A-net's very liberal/causal leaning stance. This thread in itself is a testament to how stupid the forums can be. 

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18 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

In other words leave balance up to the demographic that are 50% wintraders, ego-maniac tryhards? As if that isn't already the case right now?

I don't like the forums because generally speaking no player tends to give "good" ideas to the game because players are not game designers and the two are completely separate skill sets.

Also what OP and you by extension are asking for, is completely unrealistic and it will never happen given A-net's very liberal/causal leaning stance. This thread in itself is a testament to how stupid the forums can be. 

Well... to be fair there are far worse threads than this one.

Some one QQ'd about DH's 1s stealth, all because "I can't select him when he reappears this is bs".

There are so many individuals who are mechanically challenged in this game... it's kind of surreal.

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On 8/7/2023 at 12:32 AM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

In other words leave balance up to the demographic that are 50% wintraders, ego-maniac tryhards? As if that isn't already the case right now?

I don't like the forums because generally speaking no player tends to give "good" ideas to the game because players are not game designers and the two are completely separate skill sets.

Also what OP and you by extension are asking for, is completely unrealistic and it will never happen given A-net's very liberal/causal leaning stance. This thread in itself is a testament to how stupid the forums can be. 

That's pretty much how it is with most decision-making related to Guild Wars 2, sadly.  The Wiki?  There's a Discord of gatekeepers who watches the Wiki like a hawk.  Balance?  CMC and other balance devs like Roy are in exclusive Discord servers and get feedback only from partners, streamers, and players they like - there really ought to be an employee policy that prohibits ANet staff from establishing ex parte communications outside of official support channels.  ANet's drones control the subreddit.  And the two big Facebook groups are controlled exclusively by ANet loyalists.  You're not going to get a whole lot of free thought and criticism about the game - I mean, shoot, even Aspect.gg is dead - 


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On 8/6/2023 at 3:48 AM, Bunbury.8472 said:

if someone is going to make a balance thread, a nerf thread usually- they should be required to post a gameplay video or the thread should just get deleted by mods.

it's very difficult to tell legitimate balance issues from L2P issues with no VOD, because those with skill issues will do everything in their power to say it's a balance problem. so there needs to be a VOD requirement so all the bad players can self report, so the devs can give their attentions to real balance issues.

The player skill level is at an all time low, & I am seeing some awful noobstink balance takes here. I wish I was joking, but we had a thread complaining about a warrior using bolas recently.

all this would do is cause balance issues to go unreported, it does not take a genious to see that the game is simply playing too fast which means the entire concept of making elaborate combos in combat irrelevant to the point that the only builds that can realistically do anything simply spam invulnerables and high mobility while there is effectively no counter being provided to fight these kinds of mechanics at all.


This wasn't always the case, in the past things like cripple would reduce the effective range of your jumps or charge abilities (by making  them move slower and thus take you less distance) but was then patched out, we also didn't have access to excessive invulnerabiliy like we do now. It is these kinds of things that create balance problems because the underlying concept itself is too powerful.

This, as an example, isn't an issue that requires a video to see that it is a sheer balance issue.

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