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No weapons. What a huge disappointment.

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Okay I know I am a little late to the party but it turns out Anet is pulling yet another Anet. I was really excited about SOTO but now I find out they aren't even dropping the weapons for another 3-6 months. I think that really kitten. That is so disappointing to me. There goes all of my excitement about the expansion.  How are you gonna drop an expansion without its most anticipated feature? I pre-ordered the expansion back in the beginning and I would not have done that if I had known it wasn't even a complete product.  What a joke. 

Edited by Padra.1678
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1 hour ago, Padra.1678 said:

Okay I know I am a little late to the party but it turns out Anet is pulling yet another Anet. I was really excited about SOTO but now I find out they aren't even dropping the weapons for another 3-6 months. I think that really kitten. That is so disappointing to me. There goes all of my excitement about the expansion.  How are you gonna drop an expansion without its most anticipated feature? I pre-ordered the expansion back in the beginning and I would not have done that if I had known it wasn't even a complete product.  What a joke. 

You still got an hour to cancel preorder.

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4 minutes ago, Zoid.2568 said:

I haven't followed every ArenaNet post on the forums etc. I just read their new blogpost and it's a shame they are doing this to their playerbase.

It's one of the early announcement blog posts. I'm not necs goign to disagree, but its not going to be "fixed" in the next 2 hours. They've spread everything out over the course of the year. I don't like it much - especially 1 map over 3 updates - but they can't commit resources to the game like they used to anymore.

We will at least get access to all the elite spec weapons today

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6 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

How could one know that new weapons were being added for each profession without knowing that they would not be available at launch? Werent the existence and post launch aspect announced at the same time?

Depends. If you just read the initial announcement site and didn't look into the several pages of news on it, it'd be easy to miss. Keep in mind that a lot of players (most?) don't comb through the gw2 news page and/or forum posts.

From the announcement site:



All nine professions will gain access to another weapon from the Guild Wars 2 armory. These weapons will give each profession new skills and fighting styles to go along with all the other combat system changes coming in Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure.

It doesn't say anything about those coming soon™.

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14 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

How could one know that new weapons were being added for each profession without knowing that they would not be available at launch? Werent the existence and post launch aspect announced at the same time?

Yes, the blog posts were released at the same time as the announcement:


Future Update: Expanded Weapon Proficiency

To round off our combat systems updates, we’re granting each profession proficiency with an additional weapon. Like we said earlier: getting to play with a new weapon and changing out your first five skills is one of the most impactful parts of an elite specialization for many players. The weapons and weapon skills we’re introducing to each profession in Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure are meant to satisfy that same itch of a new skillset—we just focused on making these weapons fit in with the existing trait lines.

This is planned for the second major release after launch (and we’re aiming to ship those major releases quarterly).

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Being able to use hammer on soulbeast is a huge gamechanger in WvW and being able to use greatsword on a scourge means power scourge actually has melee range power. Having the ability to use greatsword on herald also means a large increase in WvW cleave potential. The ability to use staff on thieves also means that specter and deadeye in largescale WvW have gained a far stronger power weapon (as opposed to sword or dagger and rifle which is projectile).

The same goes for any kind of condi build in PvE since shortbow was only for renegade , axe was only for firebrand, and torch was only for berserker. For PvE support builds, having mace available to scrapper is a huge deal. In situations where enemy boons are rampant but do not need to be removed I expect dagger mainhand chrono to be a possibility.

We are not getting the new weapon skills yet but it still changes the game drastically for half the build types.

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1 hour ago, Raknar.4735 said:

Doesn't inform themselves about content -> preorders -> complains about things they didn't read about -> blames someone else

No. Just no. Secrets of the obsure was not marketed as a year long arch where content would be dripped in every quarter. Dureing pre-order it was marketed as a full expansion just like they have done with all the previous box games. It wasent untill 1 month before the drop date that they went and said "Well, acutally the content of Secrets of the obsure will be driped into the game over the next year." The expansion was not advertised truthfully, the anet team decided to use deceptive, minipulative and predatory marketing tactics to convince people to buy their game. That is why there is a problem now. If they had been honest and just gone ahead and been honest about what their plans were I would not have pre-order i dont think alot of people would have honestly. So you cannot say im complaining about what i did not read becuase that information was NOT avalible untill months down the line. 

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4 minutes ago, Padra.1678 said:

It wasent untill 1 month before the drop date that they went and said "Well, acutally the content of Secrets of the obsure will be driped into the game over the next year." 

I've literally shared the link above that proves you wrong.

It even directly states in the blogpost "Today we announced Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure™, a new expansion launching later this year."

Every information was there from the start about the new weapons. This isn't Anet's fault, it is just a user error.

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To be fair about the misinterpretation, Anet does a terrible job at homogenizing their information delivery.  Any one announcement could be hidden away on Twitter, some obscure corner of the forums, hidden in a 2 hr YT live stream.  I like to think I pay a lot of attention to the game, but I got blind-sided by the weapons fine print as well.

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To be fair, if you go to the secrets of the obscure official site, it says



All nine professions will gain access to another weapon from the Guild Wars 2 armory. These weapons will give each profession new skills and fighting styles to go along with all the other combat system changes coming in Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure.

I understand that in a blog post and on forums there was some fine print saying "Not at release", but I can definitely see how a casual player would look at the announcement site for an expansion feature and make the mistake of thinking the expansion had that feature. This kind of thing isn't something you see very often. I doubt A-net meant anything malicious by it, but the picture painted to a casual observer would definitely cause some confusion here.

Edited by Ganogati.8963
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16 minutes ago, Padra.1678 said:

No. Just no. Secrets of the obsure was not marketed as a year long arch where content would be dripped in every quarter. Dureing pre-order it was marketed as a full expansion just like they have done with all the previous box games. It wasent untill 1 month before the drop date that they went and said "Well, acutally the content of Secrets of the obsure will be driped into the game over the next year." The expansion was not advertised truthfully, the anet team decided to use deceptive, minipulative and predatory marketing tactics to convince people to buy their game. That is why there is a problem now. If they had been honest and just gone ahead and been honest about what their plans were I would not have pre-order i dont think alot of people would have honestly. So you cannot say im complaining about what i did not read becuase that information was NOT avalible untill months down the line. 

While I agree with your assessment that this is not a legitimate expansion, certainly not a product that any reputable gaming company should ever sell, I think it was pretty well broadcasted on this forum, and through their posts much of this stuff wasn't even available at launch. You should never preorder games. Ever. Buy it the first day it comes out if you want it badly, but whenever silly people just blindly preorder things without seeing the product, this stuff will happen.

I've said from beginning not to preorder this "expansion", and I hate calling it that, because this is not an complete product. People gave me all these funny emotes. 

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24 minutes ago, Padra.1678 said:

No. Just no. Secrets of the obsure was not marketed as a year long arch where content would be dripped in every quarter. Dureing pre-order it was marketed as a full expansion just like they have done with all the previous box games. It wasent untill 1 month before the drop date that they went and said "Well, acutally the content of Secrets of the obsure will be driped into the game over the next year." The expansion was not advertised truthfully, the anet team decided to use deceptive, minipulative and predatory marketing tactics to convince people to buy their game. That is why there is a problem now. If they had been honest and just gone ahead and been honest about what their plans were I would not have pre-order i dont think alot of people would have honestly. So you cannot say im complaining about what i did not read becuase that information was NOT avalible untill months down the line. 

This is inaccurate.

The information regarding a post launch release schedule was announced from the beginning.

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7 minutes ago, Ganogati.8963 said:

understand that in a blog post and on forums there was some fine print saying "Not at release", but I can definitely see how a casual player would look at the announcement site for an expansion feature and make the mistake of thinking the expansion had that feature. This kind of thing isn't something you see very often. I doubt A-net meant anything malicious by it, but the picture painted to a casual observer would definitely cause some confusion here.

Yea, people are not known to be able to read more than a few lines of text. We are in the twitter age, after all.

However, it is still the responsibility of the consumer, especially if they know they don't like reading, to wait and see what is really available when the product comes out. And that doesn't apply to just this game but anything you buy.

7 minutes ago, jul.7602 said:

While I agree with your assessment that this is not a legitimate expansion, certainly not a product that any reputable gaming company should ever sell, I think it was pretty well broadcasted on this forum, and through their posts much of this stuff wasn't even available at launch. You should never preorder games. Ever. Buy it the first day it comes out if you want it badly, but whenever silly people just blindly preorder things without seeing the product, this stuff will happen.

I've said from beginning not to preorder this "expansion", and I hate calling it that, because this is not an complete product. People gave me all these funny emotes. 

Heh, yea. It was pretty clear to begin with, and I made the decision as needed.

Though honestly at this point, OP should really be seeking a refund instead of arguing here. Regardless of who is right and wrong, it is their money.

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3 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Yea, people are not known to be able to read more than a few lines of text. We are in the twitter age, after all.

However, it is still the responsibility of the consumer, especially if they know they don't like reading, to wait and see what is really available when the product comes out. And that doesn't apply to just this game but anything you buy.

In general, advertisements for products will contain some kind of fine print or other asterisk to alert the reader that there is a caveat to what was advertised. That goes far beyond the "twitter age" to back in the 1980s.

If an MMO expansion advertises that the expansion increases the level cap by 10 levels, or adds new weapons or items, it is generally not necessary to then have to fact check that advertisement to see if its telling the truth or not.

While I myself am not upset, because I spend time on the forums and thus knew about this, I think it's pretty silly to say that we're now in an age where you have to go down every feature, line item by line item, and confirm that its truthful or not.

It's kind of like the announcement of weapon master training. It clearly states



Once you’ve unlocked Weaponmaster Training in Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure, you’ll be able to use elite specialization weapons without the corresponding trait line equipped. This will be the case even if you haven’t trained an elite specialization. That means that even if you don’t own the other expansions, you’ll be able to mix and match weapons from the elite specializations associated with them. (You’ll still need to own the appropriate expansion and fully unlock each elite specialization to make use of its trait line—not to mention getting the signature weapon and armor piece!)

Bold emphasis mine. What if the game launched and required that to use the weapon from the elite spec you actually needed the elite spec, and thus needed the expansion, despite this clearly saying you don't need the e-spec's expansion to use that weapon? Would that be on the customer, who read the announcement and made the mistake of believing it without fact checking?

I dunno, its a weird situation. I don't like the idea that feature announcements are now something that you have to do in-depth research to ensure are being honest.

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When was this dissapointing news droped? I'm a pvper so the new weapons is like 80%-90% the reason I only care about this expansion, and now I find out the one feature I was looking forwards to has been removed? Well this expansion gets a 1/10 for me.  


Who puts confusion face on this? What so confusing about what I said? Tou not educated enough to read? Please explain your confusion.

Edited by Eddbopkins.2630
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