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New dailies/weeklies [Merged]

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3 hours ago, jason.1083 said:

From my understanding people who are complaining are mostly people with dozens of alt accounts for log-ins. They are the only ones seriously affected, otherwise the dailies are about as easy to do as the original ones (some being even easier), they just decreased the the log in reward value drastically while also halving the value of completing the required 3 dailies in exchange for A) letting us choose what game mode we want our dailies to be in and B) letting us choose our rewards from a, (small in my opinion) selection. 

It can definitely see improvements, but it's not a big deal for people who actually played the game anyway. 

Some people are complaining because their dozens of alt accounts have been nerfed. I think those are the minority and personally I disagree with them, logging in wasn't playing the game and I can see why Anet might reduce the reward for that style of non-play.

However, a much larger portion are complaining because the new daily system is outright worse in many ways. To recap some of them:

  • Very limited daily choices, instead of 3 out of 12.
  • No ability to mix a *little* bit of WvW or PvP in with your PvE
  • Daily missions are assigned based on expansions owned rather than parts of the story unlocked, so for eg players who have hit HoT or PoF in the story will be assigned missions in EoD and SOTO maps which they haven't visited and don't want to visit. Due to the aforementioned very limited choices you can't just pick other dailies to work around this.
  • Can't do dailies with friends and families any more because your dailies probably won't match theirs.

As someone who plays mainly with my friends and family, we do dailies together, we are all only up to HoT (or even still on Core), I supported Anet by buying SOTO* for all my family members meaning we'll be getting SOTO missions way before we get to the maps in the story and we venture into WvW occasionally to finish off our dailies, the end result of the above issues is a disaster for me. One of the main ways my friends and family play the game together has essentially been removed. In their current state it's likely impossible for us to ever find a day when we can complete 4 dailies together, it seems we're going to be very lucky if one daily every lines up.

Why would Anet not want me to be playing the game with my friends and family?

*tho I intend to wait a few days and then if things aren't improving ask for a SOTO refund for all of us as essentially we are being punished for buying the expansion by giving unachievable dailies (within SOTO which we won't be visiting for 6 months). Obviously we were only meant to buy SOTO when we reach that point in the story.

Edited by Mistwraithe.3106
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29 minutes ago, jason.1083 said:

The old dailies had some days where it wasn't super easy to get all 3 effortlessly. I also used to go for the easiest ones like Vista Viewer, Mystic Forger, Big Spender etc. 

But from what I've seen here so far from dailies people got, they are also super easy. I've seen stuff like, "dodge 3 attacks", or "preform 3 combos", I got the "loot 10 enemy kills". This stuff is trivial at best and can be done in less than 1 minute. 

Yes you had more choices before, but you never had a lot of easy ones, so you never went for the harder ones. Plus with the weeklies being in the same tab you use both your daily and weekly efforts towards rewards of your choice, which I admit it's a little limited, and I'd like to see more stuff there. 

I am terribly sorry but I decided to go for a mix and I will not be completing 2 of my daily tasks. I had never, and I mean never had any problem finding 3 dailies to complete in like 20 mins. Sometimes the WvW ones had me jumping from map to map, unless it was a day dedicated to WvW in which case they were completed automatically as I was doing my thing for the day.

The new system is seriously insane. There is literally NO CHOICE about what you might complete in a day. NONE!

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14 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

The stated goal of the daily system revamp was to promote engagement with the content. Jumping into a camp and dodging once as all of the guards attacked and then hitting my rotation once in order to get daily dodges, guard kills, and camp captured all at once in a period of about 30 seconds does not do this. Not allowing me to choose dailies that look fun or interesting does not promote engagement with content either. Assigning me different dailies than my guild mate so that we cannot work on shared dailies does not do this either. By Anet's own stated goals, and your description above, the new system is an abject failure on day one.

Well then it's more complicated because you guys want the best of both worlds, super easy dailies that respect your time and get you quick rewards as well as dailies that give you the insensitive to do content and expirience the game in full. You can't have both, if you want dailies that make you expirience the game in full then those dailies will be more difficult to do than viewing a vista. 

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6 minutes ago, jason.1083 said:

Well then it's more complicated because you guys want the best of both worlds, super easy dailies that respect your time and get you quick rewards as well as dailies that give you the insensitive to do content and expirience the game in full. You can't have both, if you want dailies that make you expirience the game in full then those dailies will be more difficult to do than viewing a vista. 

The old system was just that. And even if we do the stupid dailies as they are now, we are getting nowhere near what someone would get by simply logging in!

28 days give you:

dailies -> 28 x 35 = 980 AA

weeklies -> 4 x 6 x 40 = 960 AA

specials are 75 days long so about 3 x 28 days (we will divide the total by 3 for 28 days) -> 1350 / 3 = 450 AA

Total 980 + 960 +450 = 2390 AA per 28 days

Then there is the matter of the counter at the top of the ingame panel that shows xxx/1300 AA. Is this a monthly cap of AA? Is it per 3 month cycle of the vault?

That means that if you try to buy everything the old daily system gave you in a 28 day period (including the 2% increase in amount of gold account wide, laurels, clovers and legendary mats, mystic coins, tomes of knowledge, essence of luck, transmutation charges and random black lion utilities) you are kitten out of luck my friend (because you need 2000 AA for the 2% increase in amount of gold account wide, 350 AA for the 35 laurels, 180 AA for 20 mystic coins and 420 AA for 7 clovers for a total of 2950 AA - while you apparently get a maximum of 2390 AA per 28 day cycle - and you get NOTHING else).

That is not even close to the login rewards we were getting if you count in the chests from each individual daily (and you could complete all 12)

I mean seriously???


Edited by gousgou.5438
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Just now, jason.1083 said:

Well then it's more complicated because you guys want the best of both worlds, super easy dailies that respect your time and get you quick rewards as well as dailies that give you the insensitive to do content and expirience the game in full. You can't have both, if you want dailies that make you expirience the game in full then those dailies will be more difficult to do than viewing a vista. 

You might want to double check the, "you guys," part. I want the ability to choose dailies that seem fun to me. Some times that means playing in PvE zones that I find aesthetically pleasing. Other times it means trying to pry a keep from Mag's cold dead hands. What I don't want is to be bored or railroaded during my play time. If it looks like I won't have enough backup to get that keep then yeah, I might grab a vista before I log out....but I never start there.

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3 hours ago, Daddicus.6128 said:

No. It was one. I used to get it by accident, occasionally, by doing the cheat method you describe. But I would NEVER willingly choose it unless all other options were worse because I hate playing against other players. This is supposed to be a COOPERATIVE game. I despise playing against other players. I'm way too old to be able to compete against teenagers with optimized builds.

Invasion Defender has always required three enemy player kills. 

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1 minute ago, Ashen.2907 said:

You might want to double check the, "you guys," part. I want the ability to choose dailies that seem fun to me. Some times that means playing in PvE zones that I find aesthetically pleasing. Other times it means trying to pry a keep from Mag's cold dead hands. What I don't want is to be bored or railroaded during my play time. If it looks like I won't have enough backup to get that keep then yeah, I might grab a vista before I log out....but I never start there.

I'm using it as a more general term, you might want that but someone else wants to do their dailies in 10 seconds while blindfolded, and well out of the possible daily you get to do you often have jumping puzzles, or renown hearts, so it can still get you to do more complicated content than "press V to dodge". 

And also, it's still early so I find it entirely possible that more dailies/weeklies will be added later on, as well as make the special tab not SotO exclusive.

This system seems to be easily editable so they can add more to give us the options you're talking about. 

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52 minutes ago, gousgou.5438 said:

The old system was just that. And even if we do the stupid dailies as they are now, we are getting nowhere near what someone would get by simply logging in!

28 days give you:

dailies -> 28 x 35 = 980 AA

weeklies -> 4 x 6 x 40 = 960 AA

specials are 75 days long so about 3 x 28 days (we will divide the total by 3 for 28 days) -> 1350 / 3 = 450 AA

Total 980 + 960 +450 = 2390 AA per 28 days

Then there is the matter of the counter at the top of the ingame panel that shows xxx/1300 AA. Is this a monthly cap of AA? Is it per 3 month cycle of the vault?

That means that if you try to buy everything the old daily system gave you in a 28 day period (including the 2% increase in amount of gold account wide, laurels, clovers and legendary mats, mystic coins, tomes of knowledge, essence of luck, transmutation charges and random black lion utilities) you are kitten out of luck my friend (because you need 2000 AA for the 2% increase in amount of gold account wide, 350 AA for the 35 laurels, 180 AA for 20 mystic coins and 420 AA for 7 clovers for a total of 2950 AA - while you apparently get a maximum of 2390 AA per 28 day cycle - and you get NOTHING else).

That is not even close to the login rewards we were getting if you count in the chests from each individual daily (and you could complete all 12)

I mean seriously???


Note that you get an extra 30 AA when completing all the dailies, meaning you get 28 x 65 = 1820 AA for dailies

But yep, that's nearly not enough. It's not that they nerfed the daily login reward "to promote actual gameplay". It's that they nerfed every single reward, daily achievement and not. Even if you complete all of your astral vault tasks, you can't get nearly as many rewards as you did pre-patch.

Also previously you could get WvW/PvP reward track potions by *also* playing the game, and they also took this out. So it sounds like they actually went against favouring gameplay.

They seriously need to buff the rewards. Either decrease the AA price of stuff, or increase the awarded AA from tasks. And add more variety to daily tasks, it's frustrating you can't choose what content you want to play.


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I dislike the new daily because it strips away choice. Before you could choose what you liked or what you could do and easily get the 3/3. But now if there's even 1 thing you can't do or don't like doing, then you can't get the 4/4 reward for that day. Personally this probably won't motivate me to do more but instead I might just skip the dailies. Give us more options.

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6 hours ago, Daddicus.6128 said:

Did they seriously remove most incentives to log in daily if you don't purchase the new expansion?

Seems the case, no more jumping puzzle, no more gathering, no more vista view, no more events is xxxxxx map, how you are forced to do 1 pvp, 1 www and 1 pve,  at least let us choose what to do, i do not like to waste my time in pvp and www, i want to do my 3 daily pve achievements, my 2 gold reward and such.

I will never do pvp and www tasks, is  a waste of time.


For what i understand, i need to wait tomorrow to remove the pvp and www tasks and have 3 daily pve tasks? i just uncheck pvp and www in the wizard vault but nothing happened so i guess need to wait tomorrow reset? Anyone can confirm this

Edited by Miporin.3529
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I totally agree. Old daily system was perfect. You had a big selection of actions to do. You could combine them at your leisure. Now you have to commit to a category before even knowing what it's going to be. Also, one could complete MORE than 3 necessary daily for some extra loot and gratification. Now this is impossible.

I'm indifferent on getting rewards that YOU provide or being able to get currency in order to be able to purchase the reward of MY choice. As long as I can get my 2g along with it - I'm fine with it. Yes, every 2g counts.

I'm not a big fan of new interface for it either. Why daily in one totally separate window but rest of the dailies are under daily achievement tab!?

Please, bring the old daily system back. This new daily system is a downgrade for the players. Especially for casual ones.

P.S. If it's not broken - don't fix it.

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New daily system is primitive and you finish it just by playing game for few mins. Like daily stuff is really easy. I even finished weekly stuff just by playing and not even focusing on it.

2 hours ago, Lanfear De Noir.9127 said:

I chose PvE in the Wizards Vault, ticked the box and unticked PvP and WvW...


I have to do PvP and WvW in my dailies...

Is this a bug?  Why do I have to do these things when I didn't choose them? Did I do something wrong?  Looks like I won't be completing my dailies or my weeklies. 

I am angry

That seems like bug. Question is when you did it. You get selection window to select PvE, PvP or WvW before you open Wizard's vault for first time and based on your selection selection daily and weekly stuff is selected. After that you can change it anytime, but change will be seen after next reset so next day.

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4 hours ago, Daddicus.6128 said:

"Choices" are the checkboxes. There was literally NOTHING telling you what they did. One had to guess.

It doesn't matter if you left all boxes as those where ticket as default as the only difference would be that you would see all game modes daily in that view. The main difference now is that you can not do more then three daily (the fourth is automatic from log in), so when you have done all three independent of which mode you would be locked until next reset for daily. With the old system you could continue (you would only get 2 Gold for three) and get some potions or mats.

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2 hours ago, jason.1083 said:

Not saying that they don't play the game, they are the ones mostly affected by the removal of log in rewards though. For most people log in rewards are not the majority or even a considerable portion of their in game income. 

And yes log in rewards are only one thing, but it's the only thing that got totally nuked, dailies are still here, changed, but still here. 

No, it’s not the only thing totally nerfed. If log-in rewards were the only thing badly changed, I wouldn’t be this upset.

1) Legendary runes functionality is gone. People got legendary runes for the 6th piece effect. Legendary relics won’t be added until 2024 (assuming it doesn’t get delayed). Fine, I’m not happy with it, but undesirable changes happen in games. It is what it is.

2) Daily log-in rewards are significantly nerfed, too. Wow, double punch. Fine, whatever. There was always a possibility that the system would change. I knew the risk. I don’t like it, but I’ll put up with it. Hopefully, the Wizard’s Vault has some fun objectives to make it worth returning to the game.

3) WvW potions are gone, too. Kitten triple punch… I despise WvW, but still did the dailies for WvW potions to get GoB instead of just complaining about the old method on the forums. Now, even that is gone… Having 3 awful changes is a pretty big gut punch. I don’t think I’ve ever been truly upset with any game’s patch before this.

4) Oh yeah, dailies have less choices now… and they’re just as unimaginative and boring as before. Are you kidding me? What the… This is just… wow… I’m pretty much boiling over at this point…

5) Too many more minor issues that all add up to a truly infuriating update.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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6 hours ago, KryTiKaL.3125 said:

You can actually play the game and earn the points and then buy them yourself. The story step one I mentioned rewards 500, otherwise every day you can earn 35 points from completing the individual dailies and then another 30 from the reward chest from doing all 4 tasks per day. Weekly tasks are 40 points each and fairly simple and easy.

Also the system quite literally does let you select the rewards you want, you do just need enough points which are attainable. Is the issue instead just that you actually have to engage in the game now instead of log in, log out?

Have you actually thoroughly looked at and tried to understand how the new system is working?

So expansion story steps in special section award 12 and a half times more then the free weekly tasks.

How often do those reset nate?

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I had a question - I have an alt-account I bought a while back (I don't even remember why now), and I surprised to notice the Daily tasks are different for that alt- account than they are for my main account.  Does every person in game have different Daily tasks?   Does this apply for Weekly and Special tasks as well?

Sorry if this has already been noticed, but if this is the case, it is a ridiculous change.   People should be able to log in with friends and do their Dailies *together*.  Assigning different tasks to each account eliminates that shared experience.

Also I very much disagree with removing WvW potions, but mostly because I never agreed with the implementation of the Gift of Battle (or PvP requirements) to 'induce' people to play WvW.  Now I love WvW - it is the GW2 game mode I enjoy the most by far, but I don't want to be playing WvW with people who hate it and are only doing that game mode because designers think making players doing something they hate somehow improves gameplay.

The real issue is that there should be an option to not need to do WvW or PvP or ANY activity a players does not find it entertaining.  The great strength of MMOs is appealing to a broad range of players, not trying to push them into gameplay they don't want to do. 



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If you have multiple accounts that you just used for the daily log ins, yes your loss (I have 6 alt accounts that I generally dont do the dailies so I'm losing some income). But while that affects people, it isn't like you were actually playing.

Now - complating the daily gives you 5+10*3+30 doing all dailies. so 65 AA +1gold and 1 essence of luck.

The weeklies give 40AA each. There are 8 but I don't know if you can do all 8 or just 6.

When you complete 6 weeklies you also get 10 Laurels and 450 AA, 1 celebration booster and 1 tome.

so 240+450= 690 AA + 7*65 = 1145 AA every week. 4580 AA and 40 Laurels per 28 days

Plus the special stuff.


The bigger problem imo is that you only have 3 choices of dailies, way lower than the 12 before.

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7 hours ago, Acewings.6872 said:

This decision was stupid and it really sucks. I'm at 74 mystic clovers and was just a few days away from unlocking the final mystic clover I needed to create my Kraitkin. It's an actual slap in the face. What were you thinking???

For all the terrible things about the new daily system, it's about even with the last system. Getting specific things should take significantly less time. It's bad luck for you for sure given the timing, but there's 20 clovers available over less than 90 days. That's not too far off the 21 you'd get over 12 weeks. Just spend your AA. 


The lack of choice is annoying. I'd actually like them to just expose all objectives across all game modes instead of narrowing it down for you. The weeklies are slightly better than the dailies, but I'm concerned about being stuck with objectives I don't like no matter the emphasis chosen. They should just cap the AA you can earn from dailies or weeklies but give you all the options.


It's crazy WoW is backing down from dailies and anet is going all in. WTF. The only thing that'd suck about sticking with WoW now is the treadmill. 

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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1 hour ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

New daily system is primitive and you finish it just by playing game for few mins. Like daily stuff is really easy.

So were the previous dailies, but that's not the point. The point is, that now you have to complete them doing some specific activities that you might not find enjoyable, or even feasible, while before you had many other options.

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