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New dailies/weeklies [Merged]

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I like the new system a lot and think it has so much potential, but do wish we had more choices like before instead of them picking the 3 we had to do. Or maybe a skip option that we can use once or twice? 
And being able to pick different settings for daily and weekly would be extra nice.

Edited by HighlyCaffeinated.4176
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18 hours ago, Daddicus.6128 said:

"Choices" are the checkboxes. There was literally NOTHING telling you what they did. One had to guess.

I screenshot that welcome text on my alt account.


Welcome to the Wizard's Vault

Help out the Wizard's Tower by completing various Wizard's Vault objectives to
support your gameplay. By completing daily, weekly, and special objectives, you can
earn Astral Acclaim to obtain exclusive Astral rewards from the wizards! If you miss
out on any Astral rewards, check out Legacy Rewards, where you can acquire
previous rewards to expand your collection.

Daily Objectives refresh daily and Weekly Objectives
refresh every Monday

You can customise the type of objectives you receive below.
Select your preferences from these types.
[] PvE [] PvP [] WvW


The text was CRYSTAL clear on what they did, YOU did not bother to read properly and now you are pissy about making a poor choice.

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1 hour ago, Daddicus.6128 said:

I don't need or want build storage or templates. I have 27 characters, all fully equipped with ascended armor, so ascended gear is useless. Upgrade extractors would be worth it, for maybe 4-5 times. Laurels and mystic clovers, I already have far too many of them. I don't know what you mean by MCs. The gold bonus was reduced, so obviously no help there. I have too many vision crystals already. And I don't need any more emotes.
Care to try again, or perhaps just admit that I was right on target?

What you need or don't need is irrelevant here, my list wasn't complete, you can also get various bags of coins, etc. and the rewards are more or less the same as before, with possibly minor changes to quantity or something.

If someone needs to go back and check the comprehensive list of what you got before and what the Astral Vault can give you now, it's probably you. I'm not the one complaining ignorantly without all the facts here.

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27 minutes ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

I screenshot that welcome text on my alt account.


The text was CRYSTAL clear on what they did, YOU did not bother to read properly and now you are pissy about making a poor choice.

Exactly, there's plenty to dislike about the system, but some people here clearly are trying to blaim "their unwillingness to read what's on their screens" on the game or devs.

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6 hours ago, Stx.4857 said:

Now you have to actually play the game to get rewards.  It’s as simple as that.  You will still get rewards for just logging in, but it won’t be as much as before.  

Maybe try a little empathy?  It's a simple as that.

For new and (many) casual players those freebies are a good thing.  For people burnt out on daily chores, they could log in (keep in touch with the game) and make minor progression for when they are ready to play again.  On a single account it takes a long time for the login rewards to add up to something valuable.   

The entire problem is how difficult it is to get some of those items outside of the login reward system.  For a company that loves to create new currency they refused to address that the login reward was more efficient than any other means to get some of the items.  Which lead to the more serious players farming the most efficient option available. 

If the value of coins crashed to a few silver do you think anyone would care enough to farm logins on multiple accounts?  Maybe increase the laurel cost on some of the sellable materials if really concerned about those prices.  The new bottleneck would probably be spirit shards for anyone wanting to make legendaries, which would indirectly encourage people to go do things that earn xp. 

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@OhOkYea.5431 You are totally right about everything you say !!! Thank you that you already made this thread !!! MAYBE one day someone from A-Net will listen.

A while ago i quitted PvP because the duo-queue matchmaking made me too mad and is an exploit imo. From there on i just did my dailies and worked around it without pvp tasks, pretty simple. Now i am getting forced into that game mode. Great solution A-Net XD, i will just not do it.  And yeah dont fix your game just make it worse ... (Blizzard ptsd)  

And btw you cut the gold in half , you only get 1 gold for the daily and i can not decide what i do for it. Why should I ??  

1) Edit: You can choose your dailies, now i see it. So maybe there is hope, still sad for pvp tho.


Birth of a Hero
On the 27.08.2023 i had the daily to absolve the "Valdhertz Crypts" Mini Dungeon. Apparently it was bugged so i was camping it all day and hoping for a solution, in the evening somebody in the map chat said, that all people needed to leave the dungeon so it can reset BUT it is  open world, so it was a hard task to manage. Than it happend, a miracle !!!! Someone else mentioned the LFG and said there is a squad for the mini dungeon, so we ZERGED (50ppl full squad)  this dungeon on a different map instance !!! Dwayna and A-Net bless this Commander who led us and also solved all the puzzles and explained everything, i think he did several runs helping tons of people, sadly i didnt catch his name =(( but he/she surely deserves lots of cookies and a medal for this ❤️ !!! Sorry for wasting your time but i just wanted to mention this and honor this person. 

Personally i dont know if it is a bug or a  feature  intended by A-Net to bring players together but ultimately it was a fun daily-quest experience.  

HOWEVER it would be nice and very appreciated to have at least one Daily-Quest-Reroll or a few more dailys so you dont get stuck on stuff like this. On the other hand though, if the system would be perfect, there would not be a story to tell and a hero wouldnt be born !!!!

SO overall the new DAILY SYSTEM IS GOOD , if you understand it a bit and dont waste your Astral Points on the "trap" items and i am speaking from my/a new player perspective.  

Edited by HFP.1203
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27 minutes ago, suialthor.7164 said:

Maybe try a little empathy?  It's a simple as that.

For new and (many) casual players those freebies are a good thing.  For people burnt out on daily chores, they could log in (keep in touch with the game) and make minor progression for when they are ready to play again.  On a single account it takes a long time for the login rewards to add up to something valuable.   

The entire problem is how difficult it is to get some of those items outside of the login reward system.  For a company that loves to create new currency they refused to address that the login reward was more efficient than any other means to get some of the items.  Which lead to the more serious players farming the most efficient option available. 

If the value of coins crashed to a few silver do you think anyone would care enough to farm logins on multiple accounts?  Maybe increase the laurel cost on some of the sellable materials if really concerned about those prices.  The new bottleneck would probably be spirit shards for anyone wanting to make legendaries, which would indirectly encourage people to go do things that earn xp. 

It’s hard to get more efficient than logging in and instantly claiming valuable rewards.  That’s part of the problem.  And since when is empathy important for an objective discussion about video game mechanics?


I feel the positives far outweigh the negatives of this new system.  The truth is, people just don’t like not being able to instantly get free valuable things, which makes sense, but it also should make you question why you’re playing the game if it upsets you that much.  

This new system will help alleviate the issue of some players buying tons of accounts to make thousands of gold per month just by logging in.  It also gives you access to infinitely more rewards than the previous system and it’s not time gated.  If you want the same rewards as the previous system, they are all there for you to choose.  

Bottom line is, people are upset that they have to actually play the game to get rewards.  I don’t see that as a valid argument in any way.  

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2 hours ago, Iiridayn.6109 said:

This is not a new issue with the new dailies system. My wife and I bought HoT + PoF when I started the game, and progressed through the story without spoilers or early unlocks. There were many days where we could not do the dailies in the old system due to requiring us to go places which would spoiler content. Eventually we got to HoT which helped a lot, and finally got to PoF which enabled us to do the rest of the dailies.

Sorry to contradict you but yes it is.

With 12 choices before, you could nearly always complete the daily. Gathering in different guild halls, killing a warg, dolyak, few npc's.. in WvW even get killed several times in a PvP match if you were really stuck with the options (thank god I no longer needed that).

No choice now = no way out

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I have many problems with the new system (lack of choice, can't choose on a whim to do a WvW or PvP daily, can't do dailies with friends, dailies assigned in expansions you haven't reached story wise, etc).

But reduced awards for just logging in isn't one of them. Logging in is not playing the game. Systems should encourage people to play the game. There are still rewards for just logging in but they are less - I don't think that's unreasonable. Previously the rewards for just logging in were pretty large, counting mystic coins and assigning some laurel value I think they averaged the same or more than the value of doing the 2g for the dailies? Why should just logging in give more rewards than doing three dailies missions.

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16 minutes ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

Previously the rewards for just logging in were pretty large, counting mystic coins and assigning some laurel value I think they averaged the same or more than the value of doing the 2g for the dailies? Why should just logging in give more rewards than doing three dailies missions.

I have a question, (relatively new player here)... How do you get Laurels now? You used to get laurels every so many days, but now? 

Laurels anyone?

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4 hours ago, Dalent.9358 said:

Maybe I missed it, but what do you mean having to click every single time? You had to click on the chest from a daily to get those lackluster rewards, and also click to get the daily meta reward. I do agree we need 1-2 extra options for dailies, and/or a reduction back down to 3 required.

At a guess the complaint is, and I agree, having to open the Wizard Store and then click something to collect.  While I realize that you had to click various things in the old system, you could just right click the chest daily chest to drop the reward into inventory and deal with it later.  The new system just seems a bit more clunky.  There is also the situation, and I have not tested it since I do not want to miss out on AA, that it appears that if you do no not open the tab and click on the completed daily etc you do not get the AA.  I would be happy if when a task was completed the AA was automatically added to the account.

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10 hours ago, CharlusMagnus.1975 said:

I understand why, since it's purely based on greediness, but can't believe it.


What I don't understand though, is how the white knights on this forum can defend this system, we are basically getting MUCH less reward for MUCH more time investment, are you guys serious? Or maybe these are just alt accounts from anet employees to confuse us…


Speaking about alt accounts, I don't have any, i just have my main. But still, i was login in every day since almost seven years, even while i wasn't interested in the game anymore or not available to play it for more than the time needed to log in and out.

But still, I was following GW2 news regularly, buying the expansions + gems, and getting back to the game for a few month here and there.


The daily login rewards helped me to have a great start when I was coming back, although it was still super challenging to get the best content like legendaries and stuff…


This was great and FAIR, probably the best daily login system of the whole game industry, at least to my knowledge.


Now it's gone and you sell it as a "new feature"? 

Your goal is clear, reduce access to the legendary materials (and others) so that we pour more real money into your system and get them from there (hello legendary clovers with mystic toilets).


I don't have the time nor the will to play and do stupid tasks every day to get the items, sometimes I'll do it but mostly not, which means I'll get much less of these stuff than before, for no reasons (except your greediness).


And of course, nobody told us before, nobody thought it would be important to know exactly how this crazy impacting change would work BEFORE the release.


Which i also understand, since nobody would have bought the expansion. Now I'm stuck with it. 25€ isn't a problem, what is sadder is the huge investment in time and money I did since I first played this game in 2012 plus the fact that you are now joining the huge clan of companies that want to milk their customer base as much as possible.

The reason why I spent so much money on the game before was exactly because the system was fair and PLAYER focused.


You can still come back, but please do it before it's too late!

I Applaud You!! Well Said.

Guild Wars 2 PvP and WvW Population is declining, Anet Reputation is Deteriorating, Anet continual ignoring the Community concerns concerning Bad Design and Toxic Philosophy is Backfiring, Anet continual Disregard and Disrespect to the players experience is  creating a Catastrophic Domino Effect which passes on to present to new and potential new players from playing the game, Anet designing and allowing Exploits, Wintrading, Abuse of Bad Design Skills and Mechanics to dictate and control the game at ease, without consequences or penality.....the lists are endless.

Anet answer to their own doing....Anet Payback to the Community for calling out on their behaviors

Make the Community suffer more     for our Loss

First: Sabotage The Community Trust, Than Take Away Their Possessions

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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Not surprised to see this thread...

As a practical effect, this change marks a pretty big disincentive to do WvW and PvP for me. As it was, I could look at the dailies and decide what I wanted to do that day (and would often do more convenient PvP and WvW dailies even if I'd already done PvE dailies because the reward track potions are nice to have), but I could dodge any of the more awkward PvP/WvW dailies that came up. As a result, while I wouldn't play these modes every day, I would still be doing one or both most days.

Now, though... I looked at today's dailies, and opted out of PvP and WvW dailies tomorrow (note that it's now close to reset, so that will soon be yesterday and today). Invasion defender is often a fairly unreliable WvW daily to get - you might get it in a few seconds during a zerg fight, you might spend an hour and not get it if it's off-peak (I'm Australian, so this is a factor). While for PvP... if I don't get three kills in a game, it's usually because I had such a terrible team and experience that I don't want to queue again. 

PvE dailies... can often be fairly awkward themselves, but at least they're usually somewhat reliable on how long they take.

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16 hours ago, Tonny.4952 said:

I totally agree. Old daily system was perfect. You had a big selection of actions to do. You could combine them at your leisure. Now you have to commit to a category before even knowing what it's going to be. Also, one could complete MORE than 3 necessary daily for some extra loot and gratification. Now this is impossible.

I'm indifferent on getting rewards that YOU provide or being able to get currency in order to be able to purchase the reward of MY choice. As long as I can get my 2g along with it - I'm fine with it. Yes, every 2g counts.

I'm not a big fan of new interface for it either. Why daily in one totally separate window but rest of the dailies are under daily achievement tab!?

Please, bring the old daily system back. This new daily system is a downgrade for the players. Especially for casual ones.

P.S. If it's not broken - don't fix it.

Yep 100% the same here! i'm so fed Up I logged out early. 2 gold a day kept me going and the choice of dailies was always fun and fairly easy. Used to do them every morning. Now there's no reason to log on during breakfast coffee. Gutted. 😞

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This post is extremely non-constructive.  

Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it “bad game design”.  

Literally the only sentence in your post that made any sense was the criticism of the selection of daily tasks.  I think everyone can agree that only four to choose from is too few.  But other than that, this system is FAR better than the old, in every possible way.  

The potential total rewards for completing your dailies / weeklies is roughly triple what we had before.  Even if you only do dailies every three days, you will probably get close to the exact same rewards as before, oh and by the way, you can choose so many more things than before.  Skins, ascended items, costumes.  And no FOMO.  


Once they make a few adjustments like making sure you can play with your friends while doing the dailies, the system will be near perfect.  

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39 minutes ago, Joni.7850 said:

I believe it says 'reset' for the dailies is one week, they may have different tasks every day but not resets.

Literally log into the game, press shift+h, press on the cog wheel at the top left, mark/unmark any square and read what the game tells you. You don't need to guess.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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OP,  you are rewarded for any daily you achieve in the form of the new daily currency. It's a little different from the past it's true, but you are able to save up for greater rewards, and you can still use the currency to buy the gold if you wanted to. 
I don't have a strong feeling about it yet as it's only been a couple of days.  I mean I now have the option of  getting new armor skins, mount skins, emotes, or purchasing the gold with the new currency. That is a lot more choice than we had before.

Edited by Obfuscate.6430
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4 hours ago, Kelly.7019 said:

Dear player base, please read before clicking on things. thank you!

You can select which game modes you want to do for dailies. go to the top left gear icon and choose. the default setting is all of them. pve, wvw and pvp. SO if you hate doing  any of these 3 game modes uncheck that box and tommorrow it should go away. 😄 tada!!!!  reading things and just not quickly clicking boxes to get to content faster, is important! lol

Sigh..... You really didnt think this reply through did you..... If I want to only do PvP for my Dailies but want to only do WvW for my Weeklies.... Please in your wisdom explain how I do that with the new system that doesn't currently allow for that..... Indeed reading things and not skipping through posts is important.....

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12 minutes ago, Daddicus.6128 said:

Nope, it didn't work. Unchecking the box removes the entry "with the next reset", which means tomorrow.

What do you mean it doesn't work? What I quoted said dailies are "one week", but dailies are on daily reset and weeklies are on weekly reset. How can you say "doesn't work" and say "which means tomorrow" which is what I say? 😄
Of course it's on next refresh, that's what you keep being told and that's what the game says.

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10 hours ago, SoZo.2864 said:

I am a mother of two and work full-time. I started playing GW2 with my husband a few years ago. I love playing Guild Wars 2 on the PVE side as I love the stories and playing at my own pace. I have never been into playing PVP and have only dabbled in WVW. This new expansion has ruined GW2 for me. I now don't get any rewards unless I complete dailies in all three areas. THIS SUCKS!!! WHY ARE YOU FORCING ME TO PLAY THIS GAME THE WAY THAT YOU WANT ME TO PLAY IT??? You even boast on your website that "Gaming is for everyone", yet you just made that impossible. 

yea you seem like me. i skipped past that box with all the text to get to the new content quickly. little did i know it was an important bit of information. anet clearly tried but their audience still didn't read it and came to the forums of course about it. 😄

Yea the gear icon at the top left you can choose which game modes you want to do. default setting is all 3.

however you do lose the ability to select the 3 easiet dailies. i suppose easiest depends on the player, but often i did wvw and pve, which i can still do now, but i can't preview / see an overview of what they are. i'm stuck with whatever they give me unlike before i could choose that day what i wanted to do. If i thought the pve meta ones were too time consuming i could go to the easier wvw ones. now you are stuck with your selections from the day before and maybe today you just aren't feeling wvw. too bad you gotta do whatever they give. no previews!


Edited by Kelly.7019
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