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New dailies/weeklies [Merged]

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47 minutes ago, Arez.7519 said:

Quote from Reddit I like the most: "The best part of the old daily system was that you could pick among many activities to hit the magical 3 and then you could do more if you wanted." Why do I need to choose now? I play mostly PvE, but I like to do PvP or WvW daily sometimes. Maybe let us do daily tasks in all modes (no stupid choice between gamemods) and just give rewards for completing 3 of them? It's just that simple. Same rule for weekly.

Agreed. Having a choice of multiple tasks is much better than choosing a category blindly. Then we would do three tasks we prefer and get the daily reward, and could still keep doing other tasks for small rewards.

That way if the daily is bugged like the today's Valdhertz dungeon we could still get the daily chest. This is the third day of the new system and the daily is not completable for people who chose PvE category without SOTO.

Another thing that I would like back is the jump puzzle. We have entire guilds and communities built around jump puzzles and this requires that everyone has the same JP task.

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14 minutes ago, Tachenon.5270 said:

Well. I've done the all-new, all-different dailies since SoTO launched, and I finished up the weekly today. Had something like 885 AAs or thereabouts, I forget. Haven't bought SoTO yet, so couldn't get any SoTO exclusive rewards. Decided to go for an ascended armor chest on my new Herald, on which I run two builds, one condi, one power, depending on circumstances and/or my mood. Figured I'd get a Viper's piece for the condi build. Cool. But wait! There is no Viper's armor in the chest. Uh... does it say that, somewhere, and I just didn't notice it?

IIRC (I quit GW2 years ago, so I may be wrong), many classic ascended boxes only contain core stats or something. You can use the mystic forge to change the stats, though.

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6 hours ago, DarcShriek.5829 said:

I'm loving the new system.  I find it more flexible and more rewarding.

I like the vault concept and the rewards in it, but dislike the mandatory and randomly assigned 3 selections that Anet made for me.

I would prefer to select 3 from more choices. If the concern is to not have people earn too much AA per day then fine, just disable the rest on the list once 3 are completed.

It can't be that hard to design, and this new system with lack of choice is a major downgrade of the old more flexible system.

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5 minutes ago, Uskok.5923 said:

Another thing that I would like back is the jump puzzle. We have entire guilds and communities built around jump puzzles and this requires that everyone has the same JP task.

There should always be a daily or weekly JP and dungeon (maybe daily JP and weekly dungeon - complete 2 paths, story included). Not as a mandatory task for overall daily/weekly chest but as an additional option for those that like them.

That would be a great way to funnel players into specific dungeon for the whole week and make it more populated and easier to find groups. 

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22 minutes ago, BlueJin.4127 said:

I wouldn't say that it's inferior in every way. The Wizard's Vault rewards are an improvement over the previous dailies (though a huge nerf to daily log-ins). I also prefer weeklies over dailies and the WV gives me both.

If they increased the daily log in rewards to 10 AA at least, gave multiple choices for dailies, and increased the total number of possible objectives (wiki has all the possible daily/weekly objectives and the list is pretty short, which would lead to too much repetition) I would consider it a nice upgrade overall. As is right now, I imagine that some players won't even to bother to log in due to the abysmal log-in rewards. Even after logging in, some players will just log off if the daily choices are awful.

I am more upset with this patch than I am happy, but I love weeklies. I like it when the game gives me bigger objectives that I can do at my own pacing over the week as opposed to minor objectives that must be done that day. I'm actually doing the weeklies on all my alt accounts, which is fun and the rewards are great.

The title is hyperbolic... I'm sorry. When I wrote this post earlier, I had been thinking about the changes over the past days and I was annoyed. The gap between expectation vs reality of the relics alone leave me slightly exasperated. All of my characters got nerfed by the lack of useful relic options, but that another topic entirely. Almost everyone is in the same boat with relics and how badly they were miscommunicated before launch.

If ANet implemented your suggested improvements to the dailies it would be great. Agree with all of the suggestions you made. It would make the world of difference.

I intentionally did not mention weeklies in the post, since its a new addition that did not replace any existing system. We will have to see given time how the weeklies pan out. It's still the first week so I think we need more data before drawing any conclusions, but the concept is fine.

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1 hour ago, Arez.7519 said:

Quote from Reddit I like the most: "The best part of the old daily system was that you could pick among many activities to hit the magical 3 and then you could do more if you wanted." Why do I need to choose now? I play mostly PvE, but I like to do PvP or WvW daily sometimes. Maybe let us do daily tasks in all modes (no stupid choice between gamemods) and just give rewards for completing 3 of them? It's just that simple. Same rule for weekly.

Maybe focus on weekly instead of Daily as you get more reward (more AA which you can spend on Gold instead of wasting time with daily or waiting to reset of daily). The reason is that when you finish a weekly you will get a new one, so don't have that limitation as you have for daily. Weekly here means you a week to finish objectives before they refresh, but if you finish it before that you will get a new one, so you will get more out from doing weekly then daily.

The important part here is which "pool" you pick for PvE, PvP and WvW as here you need to set a pool that will have an impact on weekly as well as for daily.

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9 minutes ago, Vecta.3475 said:

The title is hyperbolic... I'm sorry. When I wrote this post earlier, I had been thinking about the changes over the past days and I was annoyed. The gap between expectation vs reality of the relics alone leave me slightly exasperated. All of my characters got nerfed by the lack of useful relic options, but that another topic entirely. Almost everyone is in the same boat with relics and how badly they were miscommunicated before launch.

If ANet implemented your suggested improvements to the dailies it would be great. Agree with all of the suggestions you made. It would make the world of difference.

I intentionally did not mention weeklies in the post, since its a new addition that did not replace any existing system. We will have to see given time how the weeklies pan out. It's still the first week so I think we need more data before drawing any conclusions, but the concept is fine.

I understand completely. Like many, I was infuriated with this patch. It wasn't until I spent some time with some of the positive changes that I calmed down a bit, but I'm still pretty upset about this patch.

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12 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

There should always be a daily or weekly JP and dungeon (maybe daily JP and weekly dungeon - complete 2 paths, story included). Not as a mandatory task for overall daily/weekly chest but as an additional option for those that like them.

That would be a great way to funnel players into specific dungeon for the whole week and make it more populated and easier to find groups. 

Exactly. One JP, one dungeon, one meta, one map for events. Something like that, at least for PvE. Maybe bounties too.

Funnelling players to the same place is almost always a good thing. And some maps, metas, etc. are often underpopulated and this would be a great way to make them relevant, and their achievements possible to get.

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I like the new system better but everyone has their own opinion. What is objective is the value is massively increased, contrary to what a lot of early posts were claiming. I'm looking at the gem store items that are worth hundreds of gold. Now obtainable with dailies/weeklies. For context, a laurel is worth about 51 silver. For the most extreme comparison, a mount skin is worth about 700g that you can get in a couple weeks. Not that I cared about mount skins (except the WvW mount) but that's what, 5.7 YEARS worth of laurels? In gold value.

Most importantly, they are putting gemstone utility upgrades like build slot expansions in there. Having at least a few of those are almost mandatory IMO and I would never have imagined being able to get those from dailies. Just maxing a single character with those template storage slots cost something like 2k gold in terms of gems. 

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14 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

Even that isn't so easy for some of us - I own EoD but am only up to HoT. I'm quite story focused so I don't even want to exist in Cantha for another few months...

The dailies needs to take into account your actual story progress and avoid giving you any dailies in maps you haven't visited yet.

Well, it's still easy, it would just involve spoilers that you'd prefer to avoid. Probably has a simple resolution - instead of basing PvE dailies on expansions owned, base it on whether the account has a waypoint unlocked in that expansion. If you've never visited an area, you won't get dailies that require going there.

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Just a bigger selection like we had before would fix all of these issues. Sure, we'll do only 3 for the reward, the rest can then lock/small reward but allow us to choose which 3 to play together.

If nothing else, it would be very good to know which jp is daily/weekly for other people because a lot of us like to just help or port them. I guess same goes for bounty/meta dailes where we need commanders.


Edited by Oktarina.2530
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The rewards are much better but the means of acquisition are worse (for me). Unfortunately better rewards will not mean as much as they could if the system continues to discourage me from acquiring the currency.

Dont get me wrong, I think that the WV is a fantastic idea and I am happy for those getting full advantage of it. I hope it expands over time, but until the dailies themselves get an overhaul my engagement with the system is going to be limited.

Honestly, I thought ANet had indicated that they wanted to use the new daily system to increase engagement with the content, give people something to do, but dodge three attacks, identify gear, salvage gear? Reducing the number of camps required in WvW? Entirely too many of the options seem less like a direction for fun things to do in specific content and more like actual chores. What is the point if not to drive engagement?

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I wanted to give feedback on the new dailies. I think it is a good step moving forward and i have been mostly enjoying the changes. however, i would recommend adding an additional daily, because having to do a daily you really don't want at the day kinda sucks. I'd be fine with each daily giving slightly less as a result.

Other than that, i believe the new dailies are a great success, just a little bit of finetuning and polish needed.


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This was disappointing.

1. The structure is okay. Forcing players to do 3 specific dailies is stupid af. If it's to limit the amount of daily AA to 35+30, the solution is obvious without resorting to dropping 12 options to 3 requireds, with minimal additional work. If it's to force players to try new things, bruh, your main player demographic isn't gradeschoolers. Don't you know what happens when you try to stiffarm adults who have options?


2. When I chose to buy EoD for my 2nd and 3rd ACC's (tho not my 4th and 5th), it was after noting that it wouldn't affect the daily set, and had its own dailies category. I thought that would be the GOOD direction forward, and I was thinking GJ anet. Thanks anet, I was wrong, it was a mistake on my part, I won't repeat it again. 

Did I mention that the dailies for my 4th and 5th (who only have hot pof) was so much easier?


3. The reward structure for non-sotos. I get that the system will be designed to entice players to get soto. But every new special redeemable (new skins) is locked behind the new expansion, though I do appreciate that the 2 build storage and template things and ASC chests are available at least. I understand the rationale? But I think you overdid it. Some players will give in and buy-to-unlock the full function of the vault system rewards, but you would also have players who hate being blackmailed. You should be progressively baiting people in, not this.


4. It is a bad idea to have a global system (dailies) be gutted and subconsciously linked to the release of a new expansion. What's with the extreme reduction in the 28day daily chests morphing into a pathetic 140AA. 


5. You would occasionally insert dailies that lured players to try new zones/meta's/contents, while still maintaining options if they didn't want to. That was good. But yesterday's echovald minding.... Was locked behind some achievement. I crawled from the first map to echovald, thinking it would be like other minidungs, only to wiki further and discover that I need to find some npc to unlock an achievement that I would need to get. That was the first time I experienced being directed to a DAILY (ignoring the part where there is no alternative) that was gated behind another potentially long content. So I closed the game and went to do other things.

This was the second day of the feature release, and the first day clearly didn't count since anet intentionally made it easy for players to get used to it. Does not bode well.


6. Dailies used to be little stuff that you did to add some random flavour to your daily game life, and gaining you a little liquid gold and 10ap progression, before you went on to do other things. Please remember this and don't make dailies/weeklies overly tedious.



7. Change happens. But it's gotta be improvements otherwise why bother? Unwarranted change can  lead to change-in-response.

If you are currently discussing this behind closed doors, it would be advisable for you to let us know asap if it's under review. Disengagement can happen quickly, and is usually very hard to reverse. I know that any changes would take time to work out and implement, as long as the timeframe is decent.


I'm just gonna state how I think you should go forward with this. Previously I would have assumed that the team responsible could figure it out easy. Obviously I am not thinking that this is the only nor the right nor the best way to go forward, this is just feedback. It is similar to what others have suggested in this thread (I read up to page 8 of the merged thread and gave up)

1. Bring back 12 daily options (90% of the negative feedback would disappear immediately). Give each option a nominal 2 AA

2. A progress bar that gives 5+8+8+(8+30+theotherstuff)

3. Do not include gated stuff in the dailies

4. Include some old skins into the pool of redeemables for non-sotos, the stuff that ppl dun really buy

(The rest is non-vital but I think would be good)

5. Make it easier to get completion AA instead of having to open the interface to click them.

6. Balance the login AA to at least be a comparable fraction of what the rewards used to be OR create a separate pool of rewards that specifically requires the daily login OR a weekly that contains a smattering of the old stuff as a reward for logging in 5 days a week or something.




I do appreciate how the wizards vault incorporates a number of old feedback from players. It's a nice concept that ppl can get used to. But it's execution is lacking something, ESPECIALLY dropping from 12 to 3 dailies.


Edited by casualkenny.9817
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On 8/23/2023 at 4:31 PM, Deihnyx.6318 said:

It's not less unless all you used to do was log in and nothing else. Then yes. And I'd argue that it's a good thing.
Otherwise if you do all dailies / weekly / special it can give you more.

In another thread someone calculated that you need 2950 for the 2% gold, laurels, coins and clovers (which you would get in 28 days)

65 AA per daily > 455 / week > 1820/28 days
770 AA per weekly > 3080/28 days (or 2760/28 days if it locks you at 6/week)

That's 4580 right there assuming 6 weekly. And that's not counting the specials.

For potions, I've read in many places that they were changed to be instant track reward instead, so it's still happening.


The problem is not the rewards. It's the bad communication that makes people freak out.
And it's the removal of choice for dailies.

I will tone down my prior post a bit in saying that I've already done two dailies, one weekly, and one special and maxed out AA where it wouldn't let me get more until I spent some. So I bought like 50 Mystic coins and one legendary box. So, yes, over the course of the season, I'll probably be able to buy all it will allow me since they cap it. (I'd have to see what the cap is again and see how that number fits into what you would have gotten from the same time period as a season)


However, I've been looking and I do not believe anything is tied to instant reward track. The only instant reward track I've been getting is what I would have gotten from Mithril or Diamond chests anyways. When I did my daily or weekly WvW stuff, I am almost 100% positive reward track did not change. 


However, you are very right that the biggest problem in all this is the changes in SOTO are not explained very well. This is not only a problem with the wizards vault but also a huge problem with Relics. It all feels VERY phoned in. 

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I don't know why new daily system isn't accessible from Hero panel. The reward shop can be as it is. 

Just discovered that daily/weekly pve/pvp/wvw aren't same for others. My wife (only PvE) had: gathering, HoT event, HoT kills and I assume I would get one of these (PvE+wvw ticked), but I get "craft 10 items" for PvE. Even her weekly is different than my, so we can't do daily/weekly together. 

Also missing option to choose from 12 tasks. Once you complete 4 (3), the others could be disabled (not gaining any loot AA etc.. )

Get back auto-collecting completed tasks as is normal for other achievments.. once you completed you get chest over minimap or massive popup. This was (and is) the way in GW2. Why is Anet discovering wheel again??


OT: Its sad that new system is only for 80 lvl chars. I get it, they want break daily farmers, but newbies are affected too. I remember my first days.. guite bit forcing ppl to get lvl 80 asap, i found usefull to have a bit laurells, coins once I get to lvl 80.



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Having taken a look at the list of possible PvE dailies on the wiki (not sure if it's complete yet), one thing that stands out to me is the extreme difference in effort required between the various tasks. Some are completely trivial and practically finish without even looking at them, and then there are things like "Complete the Spirit Vestibule mini-dungeon in Seitung Province" that takes a lot of time and effort and "Loot the Chest of Grand Valdhertz Riches in the Valdhertz Crypts Minidungeon" that's effectively pointless to even try unless you're alone and no one drops in while you're doing it. Doesn't feel right.

I've been lucky and haven't taken more than 5 minutes to do my dailies so far, but I know I won't finish a day if I get one like the ones above.

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33 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

Having taken a look at the list of possible PvE dailies on the wiki (not sure if it's complete yet)

I think, It's not possible as no one get same daily (or weekly) objectives. My wife got 3 different PvE daily and my PvE daily didn't match at all. Got different objective.  I have ticked PvE+wvw. I'll tested tomorrow with only PvE.

But guessing result -> It's random selecting threw account.

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So I got the WvW defend daily today. Jumped into WvW, as I do most days, and started playing. Had a tower under attack that I helped defend. Killed a few enemies. No reward. Never mind, carried on playing, got involved in another tower defend. Killed a few enemies. No reward. Finally got a group together, took one of the enemy towers and just as we took it they hit the EWP. 40 reds come flying in just after we've taken the tower, and we wipe the lot of them. I don't know how many I personally got credit for, but easily 10 to 20. Imagine my surprise when despite killing that many right around the freshly taken lord, I STILL didn't get any credit.

Finally got it defending SM later. But this is one more reason why these new dailies are so stupid. If there were choice, having a bugged option wouldn't matter so much. As it is, the fact that there are so many bugs in the defend process in WvW means I'm probably going to have to take WvW dailies off the rotation entirely.

Not good enough.

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15 hours ago, Arya.3628 said:

Personally, I do not understand all those who complain. You can orient your choice according to your game mode which is personally the pvp. And what a joy to know that I can now do the entire daily / weekly section just in pvp.

I don't understand your "joy" because previously, you were also able to do your entire dailies just in PvP, as you had to chose only 3 tasks out of 4 pvp tasks. So no improvement at all. Instead you now have a set list of 3 tasks and you could find yourself not liking/being able to do one of them. For me, that's a big downgrade.

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2 hours ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

 "Loot the Chest of Grand Valdhertz Riches in the Valdhertz Crypts Minidungeon" that's effectively pointless to even try unless you're alone and no one drops in while you're doing it.

When I did that several other players had already done two or three of the rooms, but it still counted when I got to the end.

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17 hours ago, Krajtin.8956 said:

I have been playing for 2 days and I have been able to buy the new Griffon skin, I have obtained 50 gold and 20 mystical coins.
This system is for players who really play and not for those with multi-accounts who with 5 minutes a day in 1 month obtained hundreds of golds


How many hours a day have you been playing... Really..

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