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New dailies/weeklies [Merged]

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I've been playing for about two months. Previously, I was getting useful rewards for logging in, like laurels, bags of luck or items from the gem shop. Now I get 5 astral login points a day, Oh really? What is this supposed to be? Is this supposed to motivate me to do anything?

To people who play a million years and have a million laurels for example. I don't have them and the developers have deprived me of the ability to easily obtain them.

I hate so much the new way of daily reward.

To the developers, I want to get my daily rewards the old way.

P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.

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Why would you hate it? You can buy more laurels with the Astral coins, without it even being gated behind log in days needed. They did not deprive of it from you, they finally give us the ability to purchase laruel, along with mystic coins, ascended gears, and even cosmetics.

You have daily, weekly, and special to do, and I only completed weekly few days ago without even noticing as I was doing SotO meta, which got me over 1k Astral coins.

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The old daily system gave a lot of people something to do. Tasks to fulfill and a purpose, a structure to play the game. The dailies did not cover the entire gameplay, but they were a good starter. There was enough variety to pick something suitable for almost everyone, a combination of enjoyable tasks.

The current system gives very few options to pick from. If you select PvE and WvW for example, you are given PvE tasks and two WvW tasks only. If one of them sucks or all of them, you either have to force yourselves through them (= not fun) or accept that you will not get the daily reward today - which is quite frustrating. If I had my old 4 tasks per mode I have selected to pick from, it would be significantly easier to get the daily 4 done.

In addition, they have added an AA cap. Which indicates that you are not supposed to complete all tasks given. This also means that you may run into a situation where completing these tasks does not give any results. I guess that is the reason why we have to manually click the rewards? Anyway that is another motivation-breaker. 

For the hardcore farmers, this system is genius. They save a lot of time and get straight to their desired loot. I was already told multiple times that you can get a better time/gold ratio than before. But the average 'casual' player, who also did those tasks for fun, this is not a good solution.

In general I am tired and frustrated to see adjustments being done to the game to satisfy mere minorities of the playerbase. We face drastic changes to our gameplay with every bigger patch, because of those 2-5 % elite pro-gamers who play for a living or those who abuse our systems with hundreds of alt-accounts. The only players you harm are the ones who kept you alive for the past 10 years. The others adjust their methods within a few days.

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4 minutes ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

The old daily system gave a lot of people something to do. Tasks to fulfill and a purpose, a structure to play the game. The dailies did not cover the entire gameplay, but they were a good starter. There was enough variety to pick something suitable for almost everyone, a combination of enjoyable tasks.

The current system gives very few options to pick from. If you select PvE and WvW for example, you are given PvE tasks and two WvW tasks only. If one of them sucks or all of them, you either have to force yourselves through them (= not fun) or accept that you will not get the daily reward today - which is quite frustrating. If I had my old 4 tasks per mode I have selected to pick from, it would be significantly easier to get the daily 4 done.

In addition, they have added an AA cap. Which indicates that you are not supposed to complete all tasks given. This also means that you may run into a situation where completing these tasks does not give any results. I guess that is the reason why we have to manually click the rewards? Anyway that is another motivation-breaker. 

For the hardcore farmers, this system is genius. They save a lot of time and get straight to their desired loot. I was already told multiple times that you can get a better time/gold ratio than before. But the average 'casual' player, who also did those tasks for fun, this is not a good solution.

In general I am tired and frustrated to see adjustments being done to the game to satisfy mere minorities of the playerbase. We face drastic changes to our gameplay with every bigger patch, because of those 2-5 % elite pro-gamers who play for a living or those who abuse our systems with hundreds of alt-accounts. The only players you harm are the ones who kept you alive for the past 10 years. The others adjust their methods within a few days.

The rewards aren't the problem. They're vastly superior. The lack of choice is an issue though. I know I will have skip days when the offered dailies suck. The cap is only for the amount of AA you can hold. Just spend it before the cap becomes an issue and there'll be room for more.

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If your looking for laurels do the weekly and you get 10.  Spend those astral you got doing the weekly (40 x 6 = 240 + 450 = 690) on them in the shop.  If you just want to do the login each day for 5 you can then spend 6 to get gold.  You literally get almost enough for 1 gold a day just doing the daily login.  They might have made doing dailies harder but you get more rewards for playing less in the new system.  I think I completed the weekly in like 2-3 hours of playing, some do it faster.  It's really not that bad. 

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1 hour ago, Darves.6798 said:

What is this supposed to be? Is this supposed to motivate me to do anything?

It's a start to motivate you to complete the daily.

The difference is that you can choose what you want to get with the astral currency.
You want laurels? Finishing the daily gives you 65 astral from which you could buy 6 laurels, every day.
I bought myself the missing 15 mystic clovers I needed for some legendary piece.  Finishing 4 dailies and the weekly = 15 clovers. I am delighted

From the reward I love the new system because I have the choice and I have good choices.

However, I don't like the new dailies system because I am presented with 3 tasks and I can no longer choose what 3 tasks I want to do. And so much clicking is also unnecessary.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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9 hours ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

Having taken a look at the list of possible PvE dailies on the wiki (not sure if it's complete yet), one thing that stands out to me is the extreme difference in effort required between the various tasks. Some are completely trivial and practically finish without even looking at them, and then there are things like "Complete the Spirit Vestibule mini-dungeon in Seitung Province" that takes a lot of time and effort and "Loot the Chest of Grand Valdhertz Riches in the Valdhertz Crypts Minidungeon" that's effectively pointless to even try unless you're alone and no one drops in while you're doing it. Doesn't feel right.

I've been lucky and haven't taken more than 5 minutes to do my dailies so far, but I know I won't finish a day if I get one like the ones above.

Honestly those are not mini dungeons; and they should never be used as dailies.
Vestibule is so abandoned even when jade runestones were 1gold no one did it.

Maybe we should all start putting in support tickets to have our dailies rerolled when we get something that shouldn't be a daily.

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9 hours ago, melisek.6089 said:

I think, It's not possible as no one get same daily (or weekly) objectives. My wife got 3 different PvE daily and my PvE daily didn't match at all. Got different objective.  I have ticked PvE+wvw. I'll tested tomorrow with only PvE.

But guessing result -> It's random selecting threw account.

Dailies are based on two criteria. The exact content you own (not sure if that includes seasons or not) and the dailies you choose (pvp, WvW or pve). Source? My wife and I both have 18 accounts, and they all have the same dailies with the same layouts. I have two accounts iwth everything, and so does my wife. All four accounts get the same daily. We have 6 accounts wiht everything but soto and they all get the same stuff, but it's nto the same stuff my soto accounts get, even if I could have done them.  We have acccounts without EoD or Soto and they all get the same dailies.

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50 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Dailies are based on two criteria. The exact content you own (not sure if that includes seasons or not) and the dailies you choose (pvp, WvW or pve). Source? My wife and I both have 18 accounts, and they all have the same dailies with the same layouts. I have two accounts iwth everything, and so does my wife. All four accounts get the same daily. We have 6 accounts wiht everything but soto and they all get the same stuff, but it's nto the same stuff my soto accounts get, even if I could have done them.  We have acccounts without EoD or Soto and they all get the same dailies.

We are at same level of this game. No soto. Only difference was that I choose also WvW. So my set was: kill 3 enemies in wvw, escort dolayk in wvw and craft 10 items (pve).

She had 15 axe gathering, 1 HoT event, x kills in HoT map.

I would assume I'd get 1 PvE from her pool as she ticked only PvE. 


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Dude, laurels and other things you mentioned are all obtainable through the Wizard's Vault, just play the game, earn astral acclaim and use them to get what you want.  You only get 5 per login but you earn more if you do a few tasks that don't really take a lot of your time.

Edited by leila.7962
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2 hours ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

The rewards aren't the problem. They're vastly superior. The lack of choice is an issue though. I know I will have skip days when the offered dailies suck. The cap is only for the amount of AA you can hold. Just spend it before the cap becomes an issue and there'll be room for more.

If I understand it correctly you can select just one game mode and then the next day you will get enough for that game mode alone to do your dailies.

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21 hours ago, Vecta.3475 said:

The important thing is that the new daily achievements offer theoretically higher rewards, but due to the lack of choices (4/4 compared to 4/12) the realizable rewards will be lower than the maximum amount for most players, as it is not feasible to complete some of those dailies in the time many players have available to play.


I'm not sure this isn't a matter of focus. The new system has shifted the weight of the rewards off completionist, and on to accumulating individual awards. It looks to me like I can get more rewards doing 2/3 dailies and 3/8 weeklies each week, without ever doing daily completionist or weekly completionist (?). Doing either of those will be icing on the cake in the new system, because I'm accumulating 10 AA/daily and 40 AA/Weekly which should add up to enough AA to get all the gold and rewards I got under the old system.

It looks to me like they purposely took the rewards away from completionist to actually decrease the burden of having to do it.

But we're so used to 2g/completionist and rewards for 28 logins and getting barely anything meaningful from the individual achievements that its hard to switch gears. Individual achievements pay out quite well now, compared to the old, but logins don't, and completionist is halved.

Under the old system, if I did 2 dailies every day for 77 days, I would have gotten 60 MCoins and 21 MClovers, and no gold from daily completionist.

Now, if I do 2 dailies every day for 77 days, I'll make 1,925 AA, and can get 60 MCoins, 20 MClovers, and 30 gold.

That's worse case scenario. It'd be pretty easy to get a few of the easy weeklies done in there as well. Say 2/week, for another 880 AA over the 77 days, and I can get the other 60 gold and still have 520 AA left over for some of the other things.

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13 minutes ago, Spiral.3724 said:

I'm not a fan of how there is no choice in the dailies. They give you 4, you have to do all 4. I wish there were 6 to choose from. 

There isn't much choice in Weekly either as those are connected to what you pick when you first log into Wizard's Vault (that is really the only difference that you can control as the pool is the same for what you will get).

You will have PvE, PvP and/or WvW depending on what you ticket or unticket and here you have the same number of objectives which is a total of 6 where there is 8 total (I have two JP - one for PvE and one for WvW).

If you pick all PvE then you will have 8 PvE, if you pick PvE and PvP/orWvW now you have 4+4 and so on.


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28 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

If I understand it correctly you can select just one game mode and then the next day you will get enough for that game mode alone to do your dailies.

I know, that works fine, but every game mode has dailies that are just terrible and you have to do all 3 you're given for the day. No more just picking a 3+ out of a daily offering of 12.

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1 hour ago, idpersona.3810 said:

Not entirely disagreeing, but I would like spirit shards through the Vault. They are not currently available and we used to get 90 of them/month for dailies.

Unfortunately I can't give much to this because spirit shards have never been an issue for me after my first year within gw2. I genuinely wander what people put their spirit shards to because I have too many to even account for. 

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29 minutes ago, costepj.5120 said:

Or just spend some time in WvW and you'll soon be swimming in ToMs 🙂 I exchange them by the stack!

That's how I get (or was getting) the other 2/3 of spirit shards needed. It takes a bit more than 300 to craft a legendary and so I was getting 90 from dailies and most of the rest from WvW. I've been consistently crafting about a legendary a month for the last few. This change is just going to seriously alter that pace.

29 minutes ago, Dreams.3128 said:

Unfortunately I can't give much to this because spirit shards have never been an issue for me after my first year within gw2. I genuinely wander what people put their spirit shards to because I have too many to even account for. 

Legendaries mainly. Otherwise spirit shards are worth about 70s-1g each with a minimal amount of work. I've sold off excess when I had them to fund other wants/projects in the past.
Oddly, spirit shards and obsidian shards are currently the bottleneck for my legendary crafting. I used to have way more of both than I knew what to do with.

Edited by idpersona.3810
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1 hour ago, costepj.5120 said:

Or just spend some time in WvW and you'll soon be swimming in ToMs 🙂 I exchange them by the stack!

Ive been saving them for years. If GW2 ever raises the level cap to 9000 I am set!

Edited by Ashen.2907
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I don't like when you complete one of the dailies or weekly, you have to click on the icon. Open up the daily window click on the one you just completed to claim your reward. Also if you forget to do this you lose it at reset?

Why not use the old way. You complete it a chest appears about the mini map click on it and done. no extra steps.


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