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New dailies/weeklies [Merged]

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I agree with most of you.  They could have kept the regular dailies and just ADDED the new one, but eliminating the original ones is a shove to get you to buy the new expansion.  Not very nice, but as much as they 'inform us' and want us to think they are listening to our suggestions...they are a BUSINESS...bottom line.  They don't really care how the players feel about the game, changes or whatever.  And for those of you out there that think we're just sitting on our butts and not willing to get out there and grind, well, not all players like to shoot, kill and grind.  There are other games for that.  I've been playing GW since the original came out and I still love the game.  There have been a lot of changes over the years and I got used to them.  Guess I'll just have to get used to this too, but I doubt very much I'll buy the expansion.  GL to all with the new set up.

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26 minutes ago, Gendalfs.7521 said:

Let me guess: Horn of Maguuma? 😄

Something to do with a rift. She kept going rifts in core tyria and getting frustrated. I had already logged out since my dailies were things like get 3 kills in wvw. That would beat my record of kills in wvw. So I didn't bother trying. Pvp and wvw in this game makes me grind my teeth.  I didn't know about the limit, I always used to check the wvw and pvp dailies because sometimes they are easier. Pvp participation for example is super easy, log in and fool around dying for 10 minutes and get your reward, done.


For myself, my other weekly was awakened kills. I jumped to istan to get some kills and got slaughtered. Clearly my harbinger got nerfed. So I'll wait until new builds are out. 

Edited by SinisterSlay.6973
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I think they would have been better off with giving the full set of tasks (maybe on 3 tabs to keep it neat), but a daily and weekly cap on AA from individual tasks. Also, since they're overhauling it and limiting it to lv80 accounts, they should just make all dailies universal, and add an extra option for each expansion rather than replace items in the pool. They could even have tasks give different AA rewards based on relative difficulty, and unlock the chest based on AA earned rather than number of achievements, so you could do one hard thing or 3 piddly things.

That said, the new system does have its pros -- you can at least earn partial progress even if you don't get 3 dailies, or all the weeklies. And the reward selection is more interesting, and you can focus on the rewards you actually want.

Edited by perilisk.1874
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1 hour ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

My dailies were impossible for me but my wife got one that is for the new area, and of course it doesn't explain that, so she googled it for ages trying to figure out where the heck to go and ended up giving up. Neither of us are logging in for dailies now. And probably won't for several weeks because of this change. We only have a half hour a night. It was possible to do the dailies before in that time. But not anymore.

Now with such a long hiatus planned, and our time not being respected as much. It's going to remove our addiction to this game as we move on to other games that we can still play in that half hour we have.

How can you say you're addicted to this game if you only spends 30 mins a day on it?

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18 hours ago, MieLing.5804 said:

I'm not sure why Anet decided to limit the daily/weekly task options. They appear to be attempting to replicate the daily/weekly structure from mobile games, despite the fact that those games do not need players to complete all of the activities for the final reward. I used to try to promote GW2 to my friends as a laid-back MMO that merely required logging in to progress, but I can no longer do it. Anet has turned the completely okay dailies/weeklies system into a chore, which I hate.

Same feeling for me. I always praised it with friends as one of the few MMOs where the dailies were not chores but just there to give you some hint of what you could do when you logged in, choosing from 12 options. You could pin 3 of them in the same watch list, tiny and tidy, easy.

Now we have this mobile-like panel with 3 huge tabs and big progression bars to track basically the same amount of quests. And it's also very laggy (I get the highlight effect after 2-3 seconds). I feel pushed to constantly open it to check what I have to do next, and pinning them will put the quests into a new quest log, hiding the main one.

I can understand big pictures and mobile design in the page of the rewards, to attract you to farm coins, but the daily tracker? Make it simple. You know... "embrace simplicity". The Asura know their stuff.

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1 hour ago, DarcShriek.5829 said:

Why would you play a game you don't think has fun content?

How did you get that from what you quoted?  No mention was made about the entire game.  The poster he quoted was referring to sPvP.  Also, he specifically mentions PvP multiple times, so it seems likely that's what their conversation is about.

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1 hour ago, DarcShriek.5829 said:

Why would you play a game you don't think has fun content?

Same reason why you reply while being unable to follow the context of 2 posts. Because I can.

Oh, and we were talking about non-pve game modes, and why other people don't play them. Because they don't find it fun, and throwing gold at them doesn't make it fun either.  My own personal reasons for playing the game are irrelevant.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Day 2:

Picked pvp only today. Couldn't be bothered doing content in eod or soto (currently on LS4). Play a match, get top stats, kill 3 players. Easy enough and doable in 1 day. Managed to do it in 1 match was happy for a minute.

Up until I noticed they removed potions from arena?!?!?!?! So are there substitutes for that or are supposed progress through rewards tracks at a turtle's pace? Wtf is this, was this announced and I missed it?

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Daily wise: The choices are limited and the rewards are diminished.

However, with the edition of weekly and special, I could see someone even with limited time being able to rack up a moderate amount of AA.

BUT, the UI i cant make excuses for.  It's clunky and requires more work to check progress and you have to acknowledge you've completed the dailies to collect the AA.  You can add the individual objectives to your watchlist (but not the meta achievment), but it's a new watchlist section that takes up more screen space and appears to overwrite your hero panel watchlist.  It's just a severe downgrade to the old system imo.

Edited by HazyDaisy.4107
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5 minutes ago, HorusLt.4612 said:

Day 2:

Picked pvp only today. Couldn't be bothered doing content in eod or soto (currently on LS4). Play a match, get top stats, kill 3 players. Easy enough and doable in 1 day. Managed to do it in 1 match was happy for a minute.

Up until I noticed they removed potions from arena?!?!?!?! So are there substitutes for that or are supposed progress through rewards tracks at a turtle's pace? Wtf is this, was this announced and I missed it?

Apparently it get auto cosumed and is more then before not sure if its more then the potion tho.

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Yea, I ran into a similar issue where my first set of dailies yesterday wanted me to go to what looked like Cantha... but I've not started that yet. So for now, until they get the bugs ironed out, some days it may simply not be possible to complete 100% of the dailies every day.

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"i do not care if you have several accounts, this is not a discussion about players login for loot" my view set is, they paid dues and got an account without any abuse to the TOS or broken TOS. however i may be wrong but therfore i do not see a problem with a player getting items from guild wars system the right way.

play smart not hard is my term of everything around game and in life.

now back to the topic

I actually enjoy the new reward system however may players complain of the previous reward system because of the several loss towards progression of legendary gear, items

"Losing Mystic coins 20 total"

Losing 55 Laurals total"

Tomb of knowledge (good for end game legendary crafting for those lacking on spirit shards to buy blood stone and scrolls)

(essence of luck 200) SUPER important of third gen legendary crafting 

the rest of the items in last reward track was useless... or not valid however good to have when needed.


Now i like the new reward system given the player options to choose the rewards BUT 5 Astral per login grants you nothing to even purchase in the vault. while the other previous system gave player something to progress towards lvl 80 content eg, spirit shards, clovers, perma accoutn upgrade, mystic coins for crafting, laurals for t6 mats or complete achievement collection that require laurals exchange.

I think the Astral needs to be INCREASED to the daily rewards system,

Login should be 15-20 Astral

Daily chest should be 20 Astral

Weekly should be 60-100 Astral

Special or Monthly should be 500-800 Astral Depending on the requirements to complete.

Please understand, i admire guild wars 2 system alot because it does not require crazy amount of time to complete daily or in my terms " GRINDING MY SOUL"

I have a life, i have a family, i have goals and progress in real life including challenges to over come including death or choice of life. fighting towards a lost dream. my enjoyment is guild wars 2, i feel happy in my zone and environment.  there are times in my life i do not have time to play but a simple login to receive rewards and complete dailys fast knowing its progression towards something in game working on is a big step.

I recently got a job in my field and requires my full attention however during times or overtime working on machines feeding food to families across the globe i need to be focused before becoming ground chicken. The reward system helps players in several ways  accommodating time to complete them being fair with choice. 

The system needs currency daily adjustment, and exchange for items reduced.

be advised. guild wars 2 reward login and rewards in general is a big part of everyone progression.

Please keep monthly Free sub, and honestly i do not mind if you bring a paid battle pass into the game as well BEING Optional NOT mandatory to support guild wars 2.

if this game was ever monthly i wouldn't have the funds and leave guild wars 2 after day one member of guild wars 1 and day one guild wars 2.

thanks you for everything anet, you have saved my life in many ways and decisions.

Love you, Andy

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From the math others have done, that's not the problem at all. On the contrary, you can technically get more. 

The "real" problems is the kitten forced 4/4 dailies when weeklies have 2 extra optional and the system of having to click - every - single - kitten - time - for no other purpose other than huehuehue-mobile-game-style-clicking-is-fun is the absolute worst. As time goes buy you can add the busy work of "managing" your own ingame shop as well since you are capped to 1300 and need to spend it to earn more.

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7 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

It's day 2 of the new system and I already almost forgot to click the finished daily 😐

Someone needs to address what happens if you forget to accept 1, all 4 and the final chest.  I certainly don't want to be at work the next day and be thinking, yes, I did dailies, but DID I do dailies?

Edited by HazyDaisy.4107
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It's not my post and I didn't check the math, but looks okish:

Worth mentioning:
1. Overall values for dailies/weeklies/specials:

[one time completion => total over a full "season", which is ~11 weeks]
Dailies will give 65 AA and 1 gold = 4,940 AA and 76 gold
Weeklies will give 770 AA and 10 Laurels = 8,470 AA and 110 Laurels
Special will give 1350 AA

Note how even if you complete all dailies, weeklies are worth much more, so that's what you should pay more attention to, even if you won't be able to complete some dailies here and there.

2. Second segment (For a "half" run (ie do half of the dailies but all weeklies, and special) to get a more fair number for those that cannot play every day) which points out even doing half of dailies nets you all of the skins and substantial amount of gold. (mind that this is calculating amounts for 11 non-full weeks, which will be available over the full first "season")


Yes, I'd still rather see a set of 6-12 dailies total with completion capped at 4, but the rewards don't look bad as long as you won't count on getting them passively.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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8 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

It's day 2 of the new system and I already almost forgot to click the finished daily 😐

I saw the same system in destiny 2. Every time you complete something you have to navigate through menus find the task, achiev, track reward... and click it. 

Worst system ever. Overcomplicated design. Waste of code. 

And now its here. 

From IBS onwards I suspect the design team has been infested with copy cat designers that are taking their ideas from the worst modern approaches possible. Its not just UI, we have more and more busy grind achievs (cant say for Soto yet), overcomplicated new systems like fishing and jade batteries and jade protocols. Useless busy work

Anet you used to excell in lean, fun design aimed towards player enjoyment. Youre losing it. 

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15 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

From the math others have done, that's not the problem at all. On the contrary, you can technically get more. 

The "real" problems is the kitten forced 4/4 dailies when weeklies have 2 extra optional and the system of having to click - every - single - kitten - time - for no other purpose other than huehuehue-mobile-game-style-clicking-is-fun is the absolute worst. As time goes buy you can add the busy work of "managing" your own ingame shop as well since you are capped to 1300 and need to spend it to earn more.

Maybe I missed it, but what do you mean having to click every single time? You had to click on the chest from a daily to get those lackluster rewards, and also click to get the daily meta reward. I do agree we need 1-2 extra options for dailies, and/or a reduction back down to 3 required.

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24 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

I wonder why the decision to not automatically reward completed tasks like they used to. All other criticisms aside, the UI seems overly clicky.

Some mobile gaming player experience specialist decided players need to tap the screen more in order to be more involved in the game. Needless to say, this is a terrible idea.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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