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New dailies/weeklies [Merged]

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Have been casually playing WoW Dragonflight for the last few months but checked back in this week to try some of the new systems. Can't help to notice how incredibly restricted the new dailies feel. In the dreaded Blizzard-MMO I have a plethora of weekly and bi-weekly activities marked on my world map that I may or may not engage in whenever I feel like (yes, it's possible to run out of them if you play all day but for a casual there are more than enough). In GW2 I get four specific tasks each day. If I don't like them, bad for me, see you tomorrow. That is clearly a step down. 🙁

Well, the good thing is, If you want to frame it as such: I don't have to take WvW (or PvP) into consideration any more, when building my character, as checking additional categories doesn't give me more freedom of choice, rather than a different list of four specific tasks. As a PvE oriented player, I no longer have to memorize the myriad of well hidden but important changes to my abilities in WvW just to capture a resource camp...

The good thing is (really this time): you have a lot of freedom when it comes to rewards. As soon as you figure out that you can scroll down in the rewards tab, which isn't immediately obvious and which I learned from a youtube video, there are a couple of really useful things to buy for wizard points (or whatever they are called).  So why not give the players more choice with their tasks? If you want to cap their ability to farm wizard points just deactivate the dailies once they completed enough of them.

Edited by Padrion.7382
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18 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Ive been involved in continuous 30 to 60 minute fights over a keep where I got credit for 100+ player kills, inside the keep, invaders who have damaged the lord, across multiple defend events, without getting credit for even a single defense. Its been reported to ANet countless times. The fact that one person can get credit reliably when others do not is solid evidence that the it is inconsistent.

What I would be most curious about here are we talking zerging where you run over downs or dedicated killing and stomping of individual players? 

My theory is still that just downing is inconsistent  while stomping is consistent. Nothing of what people speculate (like the enemy has to have hit lords or guards to qualify as a "tag" in a defense event) make sense to me because thats not what I see. Just kill and stomp a guy boom event successfull.

It would be rather hilarious though if this is related to the "unlucky" account myth that Anet has never acknowleged. In the early years there where reports of people doing PvE event and got no/bronze credit while doing it fully, then others could go in kill a single mob and get gold. 

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Honestly I've completely lost interest in the game at this point just due to this change (restricting the amount of tasks you can pick from for your daily 3).
Not out of spite or disappointment or anything. Usually I just logged in (almost) every day to do the 3 quickest dailies and, more often than not, continue to spend some more time in WvW or doing other objectives. Sometimes I finished almost all dailies for that day and knowing I get some more WvW or PvP reward potions felt rewarding.
With the current rotations I have always 1 unpredictable task like killing 3 players in WvW, which I have no idea whether I'll be lucky enough to come across a squad/zerg and complete it in 3 minutes or if I'm going to be unlucky and get continuously stomped in 1vX for an hour. This just kills off any motivation to even log in.
To be fair the Astral shop is a nice addition as it allows some flexibility and possibilities, like saving up over multiple days for a bigger reward, but the new restrictions are just idiotic imo.

This decision to restrict the amount of tasks you can select from is absolutely mind-boggling to me. I can't think of a single reason why you'd ever consider this. It's a "take it or leave it" kind of situation every single day and I'm fed up.
Haven't bought soto yet either and at this point in time it seems very unlikely I ever will. Might want to skip the next expansion too or maybe I can finally give up on this mess altogether. I've even pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition for EoD and stuff but Anet just completely lost me with this one.

Edited by DoomNexus.5324
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While still like the new system, I think it has a fatal flaw that lurked below all the new shinies until I noticed it: they randomized the options for everyone (which has its flaws itself, but spreads the players more), but they forgot (intentionally?) to add the detailed limitations that were there before. In game design limitations are super important, they made the players to go around and over to play out them and explore their extents. Limitations aren't gates, their purpose is to entice and direct the players to engage them.

What I mean?

In the old system I had to go out to the maps to meet their varieties (even if I didn't liked them), join the events and do different things that's not the same as the previous day. This caused the imbalanced days where everyone amassed onto the same maps and roflstomped everything in their path (actually, in some cases this behaviour made it worse, because many players didn't had the chance to make enough tags in the events and they had to play more on same map, which caused frustration and boredom). The devs wanted to spread the players more, so in the new system they randomized the dailies for everyone, but they made a big mistake and removed the limitations too.

Now, most of the time, I don't have to go outside of my base camp where I log in. In the last 6-7 days (few weeks maybe) I've done almost every daily just around Amnoon under 10-15 mins: the farmlands always have an easy heart with a frequent mini-event (which has enough veterans too), both nearby HPs provide a mild, non-champion breakbar enemy, an easy vista is nearby, and all the gathering nodes just in arms length. I got more gold (and gems) and useful items from the AA shop than before from the daily chests - and much less unusable items, which still clutters my bank.

There's no urge anymore to go outside of my "safe place": 95+% of the dailies doesn't specify (= limit me) where I have to go to do them. The old maps usually only come into play at the start of the new week then I forgot about them. Every day I log out just after I finished my dailies because I don't feel I have to go somewhere to do something. I'd like to finish all the season and HoT/PoF chapters I skipped before, but I lose my motivation to continue for the day. Easy money - why I should work for more?

Am I the only one who feels this?

PS: As I'm in the Crystal Desert most of my (usually short) playtime, I see that there're much less bounty calls and world boss event notices in the map chat. However, the afternoon casino coins event almost always goes way overboard, because there's a lot of bored player in the city who wants to do something, anything, but they don't know what to do because the game doesn't direct them to something to engage.

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4 hours ago, zistenz.1945 said:

PS: As I'm in the Crystal Desert most of my (usually short) playtime, I see that there're much less bounty calls and world boss event notices in the map chat. However, the afternoon casino coins event almost always goes way overboard, because there's a lot of bored player in the city who wants to do something, anything, but they don't know what to do because the game doesn't direct them to something to engage.

Filled casino meta was always the case, not somehow just post-daily change. At this point people are just grasping for whatever to prove "how bored everyone is" and how much this is totally related to the dailies change. It isn't, pinata was always zerged on many instances at the same time.

Most people who wanted to do bounties for the sake of doing them (instead of it being a daily or for x achievement) probably arrived at the conclusion that they might as well do rifts instead.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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On 9/14/2023 at 5:18 AM, Dawdler.8521 said:

What I would be most curious about here are we talking zerging where you run over downs or dedicated killing and stomping of individual players? 

My theory is still that just downing is inconsistent  while stomping is consistent. Nothing of what people speculate (like the enemy has to have hit lords or guards to qualify as a "tag" in a defense event) make sense to me because thats not what I see. Just kill and stomp a guy boom event successfull.

It would be rather hilarious though if this is related to the "unlucky" account myth that Anet has never acknowleged. In the early years there where reports of people doing PvE event and got no/bronze credit while doing it fully, then others could go in kill a single mob and get gold. 

I rarely stomp, usually dps the target until dead. I dont count targets that are only downed.

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6 hours ago, zistenz.1945 said:

However, the afternoon casino coins event almost always goes way overboard, because there's a lot of bored player in the city who wants to do something, anything, but they don't know what to do because the game doesn't direct them to something to engage.

Everyone does pinata because it's ez and has a minuscule chance of dropping a 7k gold item. It's not boredom that drives us to come there every 2 hours for the meta; it's us gambling on the game maybe blessing us with Hieumongus gains. We know exactly what we're doing.

On 9/14/2023 at 8:18 AM, Dawdler.8521 said:

It would be rather hilarious though if this is related to the "unlucky" account myth that Anet has never acknowleged. In the early years there where reports of people doing PvE event and got no/bronze credit while doing it fully, then others could go in kill a single mob and get gold. 

I've done pinata probably over 1000 times on my main account. Took my alt account (~300hrs, 20 or so MPs, low AP) there because I was online on her at the time. It was my third time taking that account there. I got the infusion. I cannot describe both my joy and my salt. If unlucky account is legit, my main account is definitely it. T_T

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2 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Well there you probably go. Try stomping in every defense situation next week instead and you'll probably find it to be 100% reliable for getting the event.

I dont generally stomp in large group defense fights (the example given in that post), I do in solo or small group defense fights and do not get credit for the defense even reliably even though I do get credit for the kills.

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11 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I dont generally stomp in large group defense fights (the example given in that post), I do in solo or small group defense fights and do not get credit for the defense even reliably even though I do get credit for the kills.

Meanwhile I racked up 7 defenses back-to-back 2 days ago (for the weekly) with not a single one failing (and whether I stomped or not did not matter). Consider recording what you think qualifies for a defense and put it in a bug section?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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I only have gripes with tower defence events. Sometimes keeps. Getting a general defence event is not an issue in my opinion since you can quite easily get them in small skirmishes over camps and such and those are pretty reliable and easy to come by. Tower and keeps are a bit harder to come by because first someone needs to attack it and its often a larger group or a blob so you need to have a blob on your side and its really inconsistent on what actually counts for it. One day you will be getting them back to back for an hour and sometimes you just dont get any (even if you manage to solo kill several enemy players attacking Klovan). But this is not really a big WV issue but specific WvW weekly issue.

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Alright, generally I like the shift to the Wizard's Vault. What I dislike, however, is the loss of specific daily rewards. Like the exotic chests, the black lion rewards that had a *chance* to drop black lion salvage kits and keys, mystic forge stones, etc.  To the extent you have moved these things to purchase options, I don't think reducing the number of things should have been an option. I don't even know where we are going to get mystic forge stones anymore other than the achievement chests. So are mystic salvage kits going to just go away? I realize that this might be nitpicking, but the loss of the ability to get black lion salvage kits (other than through the gem store) really hurts.

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The game is huge, so many events, so many world bosses, so many mini dungeons and jumping puzzles, SO much content.  Why are we doing the same 15-20 things over and over again for our dailies and weeklies.  It's REALLY boring.  Please add more diversity to the dailies and weeklies to make it more fun!

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While it’s a niche situation, it’s even worse for players with multiple accounts.

My alt accounts have up to PoF. My main account has everything but EoD. Last week, I got Dragon’s Stand on my alt accounts. Since DS is long and doing the same meta several times in a week is repetitive, I was relieved that my main account didn’t get DS.

…then the game gave my main account DS as this week’s weekly. 🤣

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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7 hours ago, Moi.5013 said:

Why are we doing the same 15-20 things over and over again for our dailies and weeklies. 

They might as well make all the dailies into weeklies as we seem to get just about all of them, at least once, over the course of a week. 

As an EoD owner I don't think we are allowed to have non-EoD mini dungeons as I can't think of any but I have had the EoD ones multiple times.

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been a while since i posted on this (page 11?). i was wondering if there has been any info on the loss of pvp & wvw reward track potions that previously came from dailes? 

I've feel that wvw seems to be giving a ton of reward track progress recently, though i could be wrong, i think this is coming from the wood/silver/gold etc chests, but not sure if this was always the case.

however pvp seems to be slower than ever. i know they've added potions to the "lvl 80" chest, but that seems so slow to get, and not give any noticeable amount.

am i missing something that has balanced the loss or reward track pots?

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