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For inactive players, is there any point in logging in any more?

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17 minutes ago, gousgou.5438 said:

What tooltip? The chests have no tooltip for me. If that is the case this is another fail by Anet ! When I see tooltips in my game I will recalculate.

PS: Even so what is the role of the xxx/1300 AA on the top right? Is it amount that you can store? Is it maximum per month? Is there a tooltip for it that doesn't work for me?

To the right of the weekly progress bar that counts to 6 is a chest. Its tooltip shows the rewards for completing 6 weeklies.

Edited by Manasa Devi.7958
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3 minutes ago, gousgou.5438 said:

I see 3 x 10 AA dailies plus 5 AA for the login. Where are the other 30 AA from?

If it is a tooltip at the chest as Manasa Devi said, I cannot see a tooltip at all for the chests.

So above those 4 dailies you have bar showing how many you completed 1/4, 2/4, etc. Once you do all 4 you can click on the chest at the end of that bar and it gives 1g, luck and 30 AA. Same for weeklies. It is very easy to miss unfortunately and game doesnt explain how it works.

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Just now, Cernoch.8524 said:

So above those 4 dailies you have bar showing how many you completed 1/4, 2/4, etc. Once you do all 4 you can click on the chest at the end of that bar and it gives 1g, luck and 30 AA. Same for weeklies. It is very easy to miss unfortunately and game doesnt explain how it works.

There is no tooltip for me there, and I cannot complete today's dailies (I am on vacation on mobile internet and I cannot engage in WvW over my internet line here).

So I dearly apologise if I screwed up the calculations, and a big bravo for Anet for broken tooltips and poor checkboxes for daily and weekly selection!

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2 minutes ago, gousgou.5438 said:

There is no tooltip for me there, and I cannot complete today's dailies (I am on vacation on mobile internet and I cannot engage in WvW over my internet line here).

So I dearly apologise if I screwed up the calculations, and a big bravo for Anet for broken tooltips and poor checkboxes for daily and weekly selection!

Not sure, maybe a bug then. If I hover over the chest it says what I will get. 

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22 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

To the right of the weekly progress bar that counts to 6 is a chest. Its tooltip shows the rewards for completing 6 weeklies.


10 minutes ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

Not sure, maybe a bug then. If I hover over the chest it says what I will get. 

OMG you guys are right, I just watched a few Youtube videos and there is indeed a tooltip with extras.

@Manasa Devi.7958 you are absolutely right I suck, I should have suspected there should be a tooltip there. So here are the new calculations corrected (thank you for your input):


28 days give you:

dailies -> 28 x 65* = 1820

weeklies -> 4 x (6 x 40 + 450**) = 2760

specials are 75 days long so about 3 x 28 days (we will divide the total by 3 for 28 days) -> 1350 / 3 = 450

Total 980 + 960 + 450 = 5030 per 28 days

There is only the matter of the counter at the top of the ingame panel that shows xxx/1300 AA. Is this a monthly cap of AA? Is it per 3 month cycle of the vault? Is it maximum stored?

My only real issue with the new system is that players do not have the same dailies anymore and the number of choices make it very difficult to consistently get 4/4 dailies done (for me personally if there is a JP I will never touch it for any reason and weeklies are fine even if they suck there is enough time to manage achieving them).

PS: Please check my math because I am at the beach at the moment 😛

* 5 login + 3 x 10 dailies + 30 final chest

** 450 from the final weekly chest

Edited by gousgou.5438
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6 minutes ago, gousgou.5438 said:

There is only the matter of the counter at the top of the ingame panel that shows xxx/1300 AA. Is this a monthly cap of AA? Is it per 3 month cycle of the vault? Is it maximum stored?

I really hope it is maximum you can store, I dont understand why is it even there. I mean, it would be bad if its cap right? They want us to do dailies EVERY day but at the same time, why to have maximum you can store if it should wipe every new season? Weird.

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7 minutes ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

I really hope it is maximum you can store, I dont understand why is it even there. I mean, it would be bad if its cap right? They want us to do dailies EVERY day but at the same time, why to have maximum you can store if it should wipe every new season? Weird.

I think it's the maximum you can store.

I've seen that done with some currencies in other games. One example some GW2 players will know is Elder Scrolls Online's event tickets: you can often earn 30+ in one event but you can only hold 12 at a time, so it encourages players to spend them, or to stop doing the activities to get them if they don't have anything to spend them on. I think the main reason they do that is so players can't farm loads in one event then use them to buy the rewards from another event without having to participate.

Here I guess it's so players don't hold onto AA indefinitely waiting for a hypothetical must-have (or just absurdly expensive) future reward, or so we can't buy everything from a new cycle as soon as it starts.

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4 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I think it's the maximum you can store.

I've seen that done with some currencies in other games. One example some GW2 players will know is Elder Scrolls Online's event tickets: you can often earn 30+ in one event but you can only hold 12 at a time, so it encourages players to spend them, or to stop doing the activities to get them if they don't have anything to spend them on. I think the main reason they do that is so players can't farm loads in one event then use them to buy the rewards from another event without having to participate.

Here I guess it's so players don't hold onto AA indefinitely waiting for a hypothetical must-have (or just absurdly expensive) future reward, or so we can't buy everything from a new cycle as soon as it starts.

That would make sense but if I think about other "battle passes" in other games, everything always reset, unspend currencies/levels are deleted. So there is no need for the cap imo. Maybe it is to dont have huge amount of items coming to the market at the end of the season when everyone spend AA for MCs and laurels? I dont know

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22 hours ago, BlueJin.4127 said:

I haven't actively played GW2 for a while, but I still logged in sometimes on all my accounts for the daily log-in rewards. On multiple occasions, the mystic coins and laurels I accrued from logging in actually resulted in me to returning to the game because I had enough of them to make legendaries. From a quick glance it seems like the daily log-in rewards got a significant nerf. I haven't actually calculated, but it seems like the rewards from simply logging in are about 1/3 of what we used to get (gold value wise, from mystic coins and laurels). Anybody done the math yet?

I have no interest in the new expansion until legendary relics and open world legendary armors, but I was pretty excited for the Wizard's Vault and even got up early for it. Unfortunately, the Wizard's Vault doesn't seem interesting enough to make me return to the game. Worse yet, it seems like for inactive players, there's no point in even bothering to log in at all, now.

Far be it from me to just jump in with a criticism, and I too go through periods of inactive playing, but countering that the only motivation to actively play was after you had accumulated enough from farming login rewards to craft a legendary is hardly a solid argument to denounce the new vault system.

This may come as a surprise, but if that's how you play the game then you are not the target market; no developer is going to go out of their way to appease people who don't play, or play really infrequently, or people who just farm free stuff and never put a dime back into a game - that's pretty unrealistic.

And no, it isn't counter-intuitive because the old system encouraged a few people to log in after they amassed enough freebies - consistently active players are the target market, ergo they are who Anet listens to and worries about.

I won't say the vault is perfect, and since the games launch I have racked up 13 accounts from friends and family who have moved on plus my own, so  I'd be lying if I said I didn't farm those accounts when the whim struck me or I was impatient to get something, BUT first and foremost I am an active player so easy come, easy go /shrug.  I have full stacks of repair canisters and revive orbs and merchant expresses rotting away in my precious bank space, pitch to me a new system that allows me to delicate my energy specifically to gold, laurels and clovers without getting the crap my days of rpg-ing will not allow me to delete "just in case", then buh-bye farm accounts and hello vault.

Most of my guild mates and RL friends feel pretty similar in that.


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On 8/22/2023 at 12:12 PM, BlueJin.4127 said:

I haven't actively played GW2 for a while, but I still logged in sometimes on all my accounts for the daily log-in rewards. On multiple occasions, the mystic coins and laurels I accrued from logging in actually resulted in me to returning to the game because I had enough of them to make legendaries. From a quick glance it seems like the daily log-in rewards got a significant nerf. I haven't actually calculated, but it seems like the rewards from simply logging in are about 1/3 of what we used to get (gold value wise, from mystic coins and laurels). Anybody done the math yet?

I have no interest in the new expansion until legendary relics and open world legendary armors, but I was pretty excited for the Wizard's Vault and even got up early for it. Unfortunately, the Wizard's Vault doesn't seem interesting enough to make me return to the game. Worse yet, it seems like for inactive players, there's no point in even bothering to log in at all, now.

One of the dailies was to login on one of your characters.

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I am in this boat.

Inactive but used to log in every and then

GW2 has some the best miniquests, so I come back for those and play alittle for those.

Holiday events usually have them. Racing, JP. Fun stuff like that.


I didn't buy the expansion, I bought ever other expansion but this one just lacks fun content.

Does it have racing? Nice JPs? Doesn't like it to me, and probably no does it.


I miss that big racing event a couple years ago, first time they put in racing in Wildlands and the volcano zone, etc. 30+ people show up.

Racing reward tracks, on same rewards as WvW/PvP, I'd probably be around a lot more than just showing up to login every now and then.

Fishing thats kinda fun too. New expansion got a lot of groups of people fishing? They seem to do these minigames they're pretty good then they forget about them.

You know like PoF, it had bounties. Forgot about them too.



GW2 has a trend of making pretty cool stuff, and then forgetting about it. Pretty depressing not gonna lie.

btw I don't even know what relics are, sounds like something fractals already does, fractals is something I do when I play more than usual GW2, I'm content with whats there, relics? nothing exciting about relics.

Edited by uberkingkong.8041
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Instead of doing the correct thing and ya know, having both systems active at the same time... they did the incorrect thing and forced this on everyone, killing hundreds possibly thousands of peoples chance to return to the game as they cannot login and get their dailies anymore and log out. 

By forcing everyone to be active, all that's done is cause the people who were already playing to have to now do the dailies. 

Its like everything about this expansion release and new system updates is against people Returning to the game or even playing the game at all. Its a rather confusing concept to me. 

GW2 has been a game where you could play first year, then return 10 years later and pick up exactly where you left off with no disadvantage or fomo or true grind requirements. Now its moved away from that pure and simple concept cause of Anet's new idea's. They are making it like other mmo's so people have started comparing it to other mmo's. 

Stuff like this, will kill this game. Which is sad really. 

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On 8/23/2023 at 4:23 AM, Stx.4857 said:

Now you have to play the game to get rewards.  A bit of a shock to some, but it’s a good thing.  

Logging in every day still makes you an active player by the way. 

This is such a bad concept, Arguments like this just prove that people don't want the game to be alive and want it to die. I can tell this person wants GW2 to shut down and the servers turned off. 

Ignoring what people are saying and just stating your own opinion helps noone. 

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On 8/22/2023 at 8:12 PM, BlueJin.4127 said:

Anybody done the math yet?

Simple log in gives close to nothing now so I would not bother. Doing daily+ weekly gives more then previous system gave. So you could log for 25-30 min daily achievs or wait for relics

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1 hour ago, Polar.8634 said:

Simple log in gives close to nothing now so I would not bother. Doing daily+ weekly gives more then previous system gave. So you could log for 25-30 min daily achievs or wait for relics

When buying gold for aa, one login is around 83 silver. 28 days is a bit more than 23 gold. Is it "nothing"? Probably depends who's asking.

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I suppose it might be worth logging in, but considering it's now a currency that you need to farm and before it was something more tangible like 1 mystic coin or whatever. That's a key difference to alot of people.  I really don't think it matters if it's actually more with just the 5 currency. It will still feel less. 

Not that I think logging in because then you get rewarded is a good concept anyway. That's something for addicting mobile games, who have no actual content, if you ask me. Sure it works to keep players tethered, but is it really worth anything if they still don't play? I dunno, seems rather silly to me. In my opinions, you should come back because there's nice things to do, fun to have, not anything like "I want my 5 breadcrumbs to feel validated for the day".

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