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Secrets of the Obscure general feedback [Merged]

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We knew the new weapons wasn't coming until first quarter.  It's a mini expansion. Aka Living World aka Saga by a new name and no longer free. It was as expected. I just hope we get big expansions in between mini expansions, that include new classes , new elite specs, player housing, etc. That hasn't been made clear

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2 minutes ago, gkoogz.3089 said:

Overall, an mitigated, untested, unpolished disaster.

Not sure, seemed like a lot of players ingame where enjoying the release.

Your main gripe seems to be asset reuse, which you rephrase multiple times. Not great sure, but industry standard and imo opinion still sorta well enough hidden this time around. Longterm obviously this won't work.

Wizards Vault needs some tough ups, but as far as the move towards: rewards for playing the game (with actual mount skins now attainable in game) far superior to the previous system. I get this might not mesh well with the "give me stuff for logging in crowd".

Just like past expansions,  seems like there is a forum minority which is unhappy while most players in game are not. Time will tell.

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12 minutes ago, gkoogz.3089 said:

--New daily system "Wizard's vault" is a downgrade in every way, functioning like a knockoff Dollar General cheap gem store . Forces players into another currency and store system instead of the passive background daily system. Decision fatigue anyone?  The old daily system allowed sPVP players to get full completion in just one game mode (complete 3 of 10 tasks to get the full 2g reward). This one gives you basically 1/3 of the reward any game mode, forcing you out of what you want to do and into other stuff you don't want to do. AKA trash. Not only that, but the Wizard Vault UI itself has terrible performance and a discordant graphic design from the rest of the game. It's truly jarring and disturbing that this product shipped.

Definite Downgrade of the old system, We now get less rewards. getting spirit shards is even more of a pain now

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I can't comment on the other aspects as I haven't had the chance to log in and give any of it a fair shake.

Based on the trailers I was worried about the new maps being a bunch of reused assets but I guess I will see later.

Relics as I am reading seem to be a disaster as this was not communicated effectively.

Arenanet said they were going to be making runes function as 1 to 1 with the new relic system and that this would allow for more freedom of design and player customization. Except one small issue. There are 40 relics in the game right now with over 100 runes.

So they are planning to release more relics. Fine.

When is that exactly? Entire builds no longer have a key function to them and with nothing to replace it with. If this was supposed to be about diversifying builds then they have not done well on that front.

Edited by rrusse.7058
typography error
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Im actually quite enjiying the dlc so far! Its kind of really cool and honeslty, yes its asset reuse, but in such a original way, I dont mind at all!!! I think anet did an amazing job for what I have play. My only issue is... they have... commit a crime... they took away MY GOLEM... But the content itself is pretty good.

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19 minutes ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Im actually quite enjiying the dlc so far! Its kind of really cool and honeslty, yes its asset reuse, but in such a original way, I dont mind at all!!! I think anet did an amazing job for what I have play. My only issue is... they have... commit a crime... they took away MY GOLEM... But the content itself is pretty good.

Finally a positive post... 

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I quite like the Vault. The daily tasks are easy and quick. I appreciate that you can do as much or as little as you want and still work toward the reward you choose. The UI is fine, haven't noticed any lag or graphical performance issues. What "decision fatigue"?

Also, "impossible to navigate new maps"... not a fan of HoT maps either, I take it? XD

Edited by Batel.9206
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Without spoiling anything? I genuinely enjoyed this expansion and, while some of these complaints are valid...

The story? Is *excellent*. Good character growth, new characters that I identify with quickly, plot threads that are interesting and genuinely make me excited for the gaming to come. And one of my least favorite characters, through excellent storytelling, explained why they were so egregiously awful before and came up with good reasons why they changed. So in my book? An excellent first chapter.

Do I think that relics need help? The WVW player in me says *absolutely* but then again: What expac hasn't had *HUGE* flaws right away upon release? How many people were complaining that all the new specializations for EoD were awful on release? Or how far PoF or HoT specs came in such a long period of time?

Release day relics are disappointing, but that's also the experience people have with less than 24 hours of playtime. New builds will be found, ideas will form and people will find ways to enjoy the game again. 

All in all I've had a wonderful first day with SotO, and I'm looking forward to what Anet does now that they are getting feedback. 

Also Longbow Willbender go brrrrrrrrrr

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Didn't Cameron Rich leave ArenaNet this year?  He was responsible for much of the design of GW2... He is now sorely missed...  Well, it shows just how good he was. GW2 was a marvelous game that could have gone on for years, but now with this mess, I don't know how GW2 will survive this shemozzle without a LOT of backtracking...

This is not coming from a veteran player, I haven't even played the game for a year yet. This is coming from a relatively new player that has enjoyed GW2, a lot... The way it was...  But what they have done is downgrade GW2 to be just like other tedious and boring games...   

  • The premise of this new expansion had me excited, rifts opening up around the world, fighting demonic creatures, a wizards tower disappearing... all sounds good... until they messed with dailies.  
  • Less reward for more work... Who thought this was a good idea?
  • Relics are a disaster, why weren't they explained properly before the release?  

A PTR (Public Test Realm) may have helped iron out all the issues before release. Instead of releasing first and iron out all the problems later... this just makes people angry and leave.

I LOVED GW2 for being different than other games, not because it was the same as them... I don't want to be forced into content I don't want to do.

How is this better ArenaNet?

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5 часов назад, Cyninja.2954 сказал:

Как и в случае с предыдущими расширениями, похоже, что на форуме есть меньшинство, которое недовольно, в отличие от большинства игроков в игре. Время покажет.

I'm playing gw2 with Open Beta and I'm angry about this update

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Give Anet some slack, there are like 8 people working on this stuff and 5 of those are fresh interns. Sure, the Dailies have been a step back (No more Coop and being forced into 4 out of 4) and that's it for horizontal progression with those relics (Especially since Non-Xpac-Owner didn't even get the compensation relic), but they also took away some of the things we liked to play with (Quite a few Runes actually), so all in all I'd say it could have only been better if they stopped messing with the game at all and send it please into maintenance mode already. (Revert back to before summer tho) 

That the xpac itself is a reused bugFest with a lot of "Oh hey, remember this from GW1 or smth" was known before, but I'm sure it's at least their last expansion :D (Maybe not, there have been quite some fools preordering this stuff [because of addiction mostly tho and not because they've been actually hyped])

Hats off to Rubi tho, she's an angel and it's not her fault everyone else just forked up the GW2 Design lately 🤷‍♀️

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I have not played a lot yet. To me it did not seem too  bad - so far. I like the new daily rewards system. (Might get tweaks and balancing - this is completely new and had no beta. So I doubt it will stay unchanged. They'll accept feedback.) The loss of PvP reward potions is the most annoying - regarding the rewards. The changes might not compensate enough for this - for a player that got most of the potions daily.

I only got to the new map. First story steps. I dislike a bit that they seem to enforce it to aerial/flying stuff - cause it seems "cool". And the whole Zoja explanation ... well it is nice to see hear again. But they "I wasn't fully healed but still somehow healthy enough to travel around and then they suddenly recruited me" felt a bit ... not that good. I do not expect that much from the plot. New enemies and the first instance where you got pulled into the rift - felt nice and creepy.

And I had to laugh when the letter from "Faren" (Cantah news reporter) arrived and the player character commented on it. I really want Bangar ... would fit nicely into that new Astaral guys faction.

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Veteran player here, been playing the game since September 2012.

This "expansion" is a bad joke.

  • Removed the daily achievements, then added a worse version of it back under a new name as the main feature of the expansion
  • Removed the final set bonuses from runes and ... gave us basically useless replacements? And people with legendary runes are basically completely f--d over.
  • The UI/UX of the new features... my god. ANet can't design a UI to save their own lives.
  • The game desperately needs an overhaul in terms of UI, nameplates, LFG, currency creep, game engine, combat systems... but no, we get a worse version of the same daily quests we had before.

I honestly don't even know any more. I've supported this game with all my heart but it's now 100% clear they have no idea what they're doing.

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The new daily system looks like something from LoL or something similar. (Have not played them, only seen other do so)

NO I do not want to dodge 3 enemy attacks for a daily...

The old dailys took me out in the world which resulted in me doing some random event, ressing someone in brisban wildlands or just farm some ores.

Why not bring back the original dailies/monthly from 2012?

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7 hours ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Im actually quite enjiying the dlc so far! Its kind of really cool and honeslty, yes its asset reuse, but in such a original way, I dont mind at all!!! I think anet did an amazing job for what I have play. My only issue is... they have... commit a crime... they took away MY GOLEM... But the content itself is pretty good.

I am too enjoying the map/dlc. I do have few gripes through.

1) dallies,, no choice but have to do it all for max reward.

2) rune/relic,, my legendary rune 😞

Once these 2 are addressed, I will not regret my 25 dollars.

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27 minutes ago, mygodisthesun.1725 said:

NO I do not want to dodge 3 enemy attacks for a daily...

I quite liked this over "go forge and forget something at the mystical forge" and based on the meta events with other people, there are definitely some players who don't know about the magical ability of dodging. I would totally prefer more of such tasks that you can "weave" into your normal gameplay, instead of teleporting to an easy vista on some map, press escape and teleport back to whatever you were doing.

51 minutes ago, Evermore.5649 said:

ANet can't design a UI to save their own lives.

I dont know about the additional stuff that comes laters in the addon, but of all MMO's I really like the UI of Guild Wars and find it quite easy to use and very nice to look at. Not without it flaws of course, but compared to WoW or FF14, the look and feel of the UI is quite superior and does not need a shitload of addons or user input to work properly.

Edited by avater.1746
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 The new daily system is a step in the right direction, but the daily quests needs some tuning to prevent them becoming mundane. I hope Anet is just not trying to increase playtime with the new quests but rather enjoyment. Second the relics are a definite step up from the runes. The older system literally forced us to into a build. With relics, now we can mix and match. It now changes how classes that have the same rune set plays. For instance considering healing builds,  you now have a choice to either improve healing output or give other supportive bonuses. There will be a meta relic builds  later on, but still I like the flavor it adds to the class. 

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