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Poll: Do you have more or less fun in the game because of relics?


Do you have more or less fun in the game because of relics?  

394 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you have more or less fun in the game because of relics?

    • Since the introduction of relics, I'm having more fun overall because of the relics.
    • Since the introduction of relics, I'm having less fun overall because of the relics.
    • I've dealt with the relics, but I have neither more nor less fun through relics. Some things are more fun, some things are less fun, but overall it's balanced.
    • I haven't dealt with relics yet

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I don't see how relic is going to make the game more/less fun. 
Relic issue isn't related to game's fun to begin with, yet people keep throwing out non-related issue to tie it to the real problem of Relic. 

The problem with relic is like the problem with people finding out items they have earned have been removed. 
People finding out they have to retrain their skyscale even thou it is said that they are going to get somekind  "Extra" invisible skill for their skyscale, redoing everything that they/we have already done.

Edited by babana.7521
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On 9/5/2023 at 12:42 PM, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

Them being soulbound on use just...it was already bad, the implementation of relics, but that killed them for me. I can't move them between chars.

So, yeah, I'm just going to use my free ones.

I think that's the only thing that bothers me about them.  That and I miss my ravens from the Mad King runes, but Im hoping they'll be  available as a relic in October.  I like that I'm no longer tied to a particular set because I love the set effect that can now be switched out at will to different runes, or I want the set stats but want a different set effect.


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9 hours ago, tyler.1653 said:

I'm more dissatisfied with the weapon master addition, most builds that work utilizing it are inferior to full elite spec builds with the exception of a small few. It feels like a waste of time putting any time into a weapon master build when I could be steamroller on something meta. 

This was an often requested feature here on the forum. Maybe a case of "be careful what you ask for?"

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On 9/5/2023 at 2:50 PM, Stx.4857 said:

These options are a bit odd.  But overall as far as building a character goes, I like the new system better.   Being able to use chronomancer runes on condition builds for instance is something that wasn’t possible before.  Obviously some things were removed that shouldn’t have been, like the summons rune bonuses, but the new options are fun to play with.  

I'm hoping they bring them in during events, Like the ravens for Mad King, the snowballs for Wintersday , and the parrot for Talk Like a Pirate Day.  It would be a god opportunity to introduce new summons as well.

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On 9/6/2023 at 11:30 PM, Defias.5193 said:

Dissatisfied overall, I think they said that they'd bring back all the effects eventually, but with the current ones we have, combat feels less satisfying.  We went from pretty impactful Rune set bonuses to 5-10% damage boosts, regen and stuff.  Not only are the Relics very underwhelming at the moment, its just another thing to keep track of, if you are running Thief or Fireworks.

Oh sweet summer child they never said they would bring them all back eventually.

And even if they do you wont recognize some of them anyway for proof look at relic of fireworks.

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3) I've dealt with the relics, but I have neither more nor less fun through relics.

If Anet had not announced it, I would not have noticed that something is missing :x
The chars of mine with runes that spawn something as a 6th rune effect are not the ones I play regularly.

I have tested some relics in WvW and use the speed relic on my herald and the eye beam one on my renegade. I don't like the too visible effect of the latter. Today I caught myself not using my elite skill because I just didn't want the oversized eye looming over my head like a big arrow doing its thing.

I'd test out more, but what am I supposed to do with all those soulbound relics? Runes weren't soulbound, why are the relics?

Edited by Lucy.3728
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The introduction of relics completely RUINED my Daredevil build! It left my character useless. I made a separate post about Scrapper Runes.

I was using scrapper runes for my Thief to giver her some open-world survival, with my setup I was able to do decent damage while being able to solo a lot of content. Now, my thief is back to being a useless paper canon that dies at the first sign of damage.

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I am a healer - I picked up being a support ever since the release of HoT and druid on ranger. Ever since then all I've been using is monk. Monk monk monk monk - the new relic system has potential - but currently the best is GUESS WHAT - monk! I'm sick of monk! It's a boring stat increase! I want the Relic of Lyhr to be viable - or something fun along those lines! Mechanical changes!

Edited by score.2561
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It just feels like 90% of the relics added are worthless; almost everything is tied in to an elite skill with a 60/90s cooldown. It just feels like Anet's half-assed it again to get our money while giving us an expansion that really feels pointless if you already had a skyscale and aren't interested in making the newest legendary armor.

EDIT: Also the fact that the relics won't stack and are soulbound is wreaking total havoc on my vault. I've got one tab already half-full of relics that I've earned through the reward tracks (thus not the starter relics) that are taking up space until I can decide whether they're worth saving or not.

Edited by Ronin.4501
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Relic system need to be a bit polished , in the long run i think it will be really better than the 6th bonus rune effect , actually we miss some relics like scholar and even summoning relics , but i hope in few months anet will add more "text" to the relic system , especially for the one with spécial effects like the fractal one , and also the number of them available.

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in addition to agreeing with what some others said, I don't like how the boxes stack so you have to pick a category before being able to tooltip over the relics (yeah, i know wiki exists but with tooltip I don't have to tab out)

I opened a survival box as I thought there would be some relic in there that would be useful for any build, but they are highly specific (triggers on heal, or well, or so on) or else gated to a long CD (elite skill). There were zero relics in the box that I wanted to use with my current build. 

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There are some fun relics, actually.
Personally, I always found the passive +% effects pretty boring.

Instead, now with Fireworks on dps-scrapper, you get a constant +10% bonus up, if you switch use the right skills to trigger the effect with correct timing.
It feels challenging, but also rewarding with the little icon. could have gone without the visual firework, though. ^^'
The elite-skill triggered relics, like pack, zyphrit and ceres feel also rewarding in some of the playmodes and classes.
Most relics are too weak, though, in my opinion.

Ceres could hit more than 5 times before vanishing, since you can easily avoid it. Even just standing still would make it hit you only once. Maybe 1 rotation with no target limit?
Wizard Tower has a 2s pull delay for a 240 radius and a 1s duration of reflect in WvW with a 30s CD. Improving all the numbers by factor 2 would still not break anything.
Durability could affect the group instead of only you.

Others are pretty strong already, even though they are pretty boring because passive (antitoxin).
Or there is a trigger-condition, but there is no way to adjust the play to optimize its effect, since you do that by playing normal anyway (thief, monk)

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On 9/6/2023 at 6:36 PM, Elricht Kaltwind.8796 said:

Probably literally like 10% of them lmao, mostly the rune bonuses that haven't made the conversion over to relics just yet are niche gimmick rune sets like the pirate or ogre one. 


I mean yeah I had to "re-learn" a build element too on my condition reaper, however the change have me a substantial DPS buff over what I had before. Re-learning something better isn't a negative 

Sure bro. Only dps golem builds matter. 

Everyone who plays builds outside the "instanced content bubble" doesn't matter. 

Maybe that's news to you but people playing instanced content are the true niche here.


I don't have a Boon support up my butt like in Raids, so I have to build for boons myself. 

Runes helped with that. 

I don't have a healer 24/7. Runes helped people surviving. 

Who cares about dps numbers when thats the least of the problem people face in Openworld? 

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I was expecting a different system:
- the ability to continue using those sixth bonuses we've used up to now
- the ability to interchange them with new combinations.

3/4 of the stuff is gone.
I played Soulbeast and Dragon Hunter with trapper runes, I liked playing them that way and now I don't play them anymore.

If we talk in terms of build diversity and/or variety, as far as I'm concerned it was completely the opposite of what I expected: instead of increasing the options available to me it reduced them .... by 2 characters

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1 hour ago, rune.9572 said:

trapper runes being deleted is the only good part of the new system, actually. You can't argue this because it's true.

Disliking a certain type of runes is fine. Nothing wrong about it
Trying to gaslight is an other thing. 🤪

I loved to roam on those two classes with a trappers setup, and trappers rune gave a different way to play thoses classes and this is the only fact that matter in this specific situation ofc.
If you are saying that trappers runes were OP, i could agree with you only if we are talking back in the days when rangers could throw traps... 

But after that trappers were good only to engage and disengage if heavily outnubered.

Edited by ilMasa.2546
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3 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Sure bro. Only dps golem builds matter. 

Everyone who plays builds outside the "instanced content bubble" doesn't matter. 

Maybe that's news to you but people playing instanced content are the true niche here.


I don't have a Boon support up my butt like in Raids, so I have to build for boons myself. 

Runes helped with that. 

I don't have a healer 24/7. Runes helped people surviving. 

Who cares about dps numbers when thats the least of the problem people face in Openworld? 

I literally said nothing about what does and doesn't matter, she asked "how many players" fit into these categories and I said probably a very small number.

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3 hours ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

I was expecting a different system:
- the ability to continue using those sixth bonuses we've used up to now
- the ability to interchange them with new combinations.

3/4 of the stuff is gone.
I played Soulbeast and Dragon Hunter with trapper runes, I liked playing them that way and now I don't play them anymore.

If we talk in terms of build diversity and/or variety, as far as I'm concerned it was completely the opposite of what I expected: instead of increasing the options available to me it reduced them .... by 2 characters

We do, in fact, have less options. You are exactly right about that.

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  • 1 month later...

I had a set of 6 legendary runes. Now I do not. I haven't played since a week or two before the SOTO expansion even though I bought it..  It was a disheartening change and don't care to fix what was broken. Day 1 account with nearly everything unlocked, this relic change was a good way to push me away. I realize I have my opinion, just wanted to add to this since I randomly looked up gw2 relic info today and came across this. 

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