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What's the point of playing SOTO content?

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1 hour ago, Stx.4857 said:

I mean yeah.. if you’re not interested in the content that’s in the expansion, then I guess that answers your question.  

Personally I am loving this new expansion, because I have no legendary armor yet, so I’m working on that every week.  Also I am enjoying the wizards vault so much more than the old daily system.  Just doing the daily/weekly/special tasks for astral acclaim and doing weekly rifts has been keeping me having fun.  When I’m not doing that stuff I’m working on exploration and achievements in the new zones.  Weaponmaster training hasn’t really been much fun for the classes I play, but for some classes that adds a great deal of new gameplay experience so that’s another reason you may want to try it. 

If you mean that the content is "grind for legendary armor or gtfo"? That's my whole problem. I was hoping I'd missed something and there was some cool content but apparently this "expansion" is only for getting that armor.

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I haven't been able to convince myself to complete the expac yet. Only a few chapters in before I lost interest. Meet new character only for them to die shortly (again) Can't bring myself to care. Then having to listen to an NPC that was originally created to be obnoxious before disappearing for most of a decade whine about how her feelings, something that she never cared about in her dealings with me in the past, are hurt because of the stranger's death....Yeah, that makes her more likeable....

And then the story phases involving rifts. Repetitive, lacking challenge, and next to nothing in terms of rewards....but required to continue the story.

I love so many of the concepts introduced with SotO....but the execution, both in terms of story and gameplay, is not well done in my opinion.

One of the strikes is well done, so I play it with my friends, but otherwise I just pretend that SotO doesn't exist. 

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31 minutes ago, Hasmadad.4293 said:

If you mean that the content is "grind for legendary armor or gtfo"? That's my whole problem. I was hoping I'd missed something and there was some cool content but apparently this "expansion" is only for getting that armor.

Well to be fair whole of EoD was rewards pushing you into aurene gen 3 legendary weapons aswell so not much change there.

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I guess I'll add to say some positives about SotO, and answer a bit of confusion about progression and such.

I'll preface by stating I absolutely hated Cantha. Another "Asian inspired" land, as if that's never been done, god-awful map design for NK, I find the turtle mount pointless, and the story was an absolute train wreck from start to finish. How that storyboard was approved was beyond me.

So really, it comes down to what you like in an expansion. 

Anet prefaced by stating there weren't going to be any more elite specs. So expecting it at this point, is mute. The balance of the game is already teetering, and I think them overhauling the way they balance and produce new playstyles is vital for long-term goals rather than short-term. To me, this change (just like the relic system) are clear signs of the team progressing towards a more flexible system with a lot of growth potential. Elite specs just can't fit into that.

For story, and progression of the characters. This was tough for me to swallow as well, going into SotO... And without giving spoilers, I was pleasantly surprised with the direction the "commander" is going, for themselves. They made some very big shifts in the story, and pulled it off better than I anticipated. It was well worth it for me. And the new characters are just absolutely delightful. 

I will also say, since you stated you did not want legendaries, so what's the point; if you like fashion wars, there are some fantastic skins that came with some of the achievements that have absolutely no business being that good. And because the content is new, there are some great gold-making new items from drops, metas, and crafting.

For masteries; I find the difference in the Skyscale, while subtle, has extreme qol. The fireball and combat launch alone open up a lot of possibilities, and shooting around on the griffon and hitting airdrafts is just so fun. Surprisingly so, coming from someone who got the griffon years ago and never used it until rifts.

New content wise... I agree there isn't a lot. But for me, EoD had nothing special to offer for me either. This is one of those subjective things again. Personally, I love the rifts. I get a cup of hot tea, a snack, put an audiobook on, lower the game music, and just chill for a few hours at a time. So repeatable because it's repetitive. I can check out and destress while murdering demons. What more can I ask for.

So it really depends what you want from the game. While some people adored EoD, it made me question whether I wanted another expansion from the same team. Whereas SotO has restores my faith in humanity.

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5 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Well to be fair whole of EoD was rewards pushing you into aurene gen 3 legendary weapons aswell so not much change there.

well in eod there was a lot to do also strikes dropped some ascended stuff, I liked eod except echovald that place can join TD in a fiery death! On a lighter note Mad king Thorn is at the wizards tower locked in a room guarded by a tengu. if you wait around he will start a dialog thats pretty cool

Edited by Tiviana.2650
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Do you understand that the GEM shop is the real contend? (Because you know… fashion wars) Its their bron of income. Everything else they create outside of the gem store is part of the expansion and so have to be given away because ppl already paid for the expansion. Just compare how often both things get actually new contend. I mean. Compare how often the gemstore is filled with (new) creations and how often you get something else as a new creation, a map, or other activity’s. 

imo new zones are just new grinds for gold and let ppl think they are still busy creating something awesome. But they just want to keep the players and dont want them going away. And because new maps has nothing to offer maybe those players spend in gem store so they actully get something new shiny. Ppl still hoping for something nice. Just expanding time. 

ofc the team is small. But i think it would be more fair for the players that they invest in more devs to make more and faster contend that ppl wanting. Sure that cost alot of money. But you have to take risks as a company. Now they play safe and give less. While players want so much more. Imagine a team creating new races, professions, raids. It can be an even better mmo. 

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10 hours ago, BumboJumbo.1308 said:

You feel scammed?

You literally could have waited for reviews or looked up the gameplay features. This is entirely on you, grow up.

Thats why companys put exclusives in pre-order bundles. Ppl have no choice. You understand a big part of mmo is the show off? 
maybe you dont care about the pre-order items, but others do. Or maybe you just forgot those exclusives. Maybe this was good 20 years ago that you just waited for a game to be released. Nowadays thats not the case anymore. 

and sorry for double post. I tried to edit the post i already made and then quote. But the quote automaticly came in a new post and not the one i would edit. I am on phone and i am not a master in making forum things. So sorry for that. 

Edited by Holmindeboks.3490
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What about the yoga excersises in Amnytas meta, that keep Your character fit and healthy... led by hidious blue monster that is scaring more kittens out of me than the actual boss of this meta that looks like Lovecraftian horror, ey op, EY?! SotO gave our characters a chance to work on ours Jessica Albas bodies during the meta event, can You ask for anything more immersive? Xd

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The only other thing I can think of is achievemenet points (for those who hunt them) and making motivations which can be profitable if you're not actually using them. That and we still haven't seen everything that the game has to offer in SOTO, including the meta of the final map, the new legendary rifts and particularly the new challenge mode strikes which aren't out yet. Saying it's only about armor  means you're only interested in armor. But some people do play challenge mode strikes as well.

So, in EOD, let's look that, there was a lot of complaints about the masteries. The turtle many people found all but useless. Plenty of negative threads about fishing and skiffs. And people complained that the jade bot added power creep the a game that didn't need it.  Some called the jade bot progression and some people think it's awful and bad for game.

But people who don't play EoD can still do DE if they like harder content and get rewards that are worth gold, even if they're not making those legendary weapons. This is true of Soto as well. You either farm rifts for the mats for legendary weapons or you can farm rifts for the mats to make motivations which people are selling and buying on the trading post.

The skyscale masteries are absolutely an improvement for me and mounting in combat is probably more valuable to me than any single mastery in EoD, including the jade bot. I'd rather be able to mount in combat and get on with things than have the turtle full stop.

This idea that there are two zones to farm, with a third coming, and we haven't even see that meta yet in full (and won't for a while), plus having the weapons unlocked and new weapons coming is not making your character somehow more it's just nonsense to me. And the addition of the Wizard's Vault is huge for me too. It has changed the way I feel about the game. Having those shorter term goals that are still profitable, even after playing a long time.

Today I did both the strike missions in SoTo, I like one much better than the other, but I still haven't seen the harder content yet, when the challenge modes are released.

I remember very clearly people complaining there was nothing to do in PoF one month after the expansion launched. We haven't even seen this entire expansion yet. Judge it if you will, but I prefer to wait till something is complete before judging it.

Edited by Vayne.8563
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22 minutes ago, Biziut.3594 said:

What about the yoga excersises in Amnytas meta, that keep Your character fit and healthy... led by hidious blue monster that is scaring more kittens out of me than the actual boss of this meta that looks like Lovecraftian horror, ey op, EY?! SotO gave our characters a chance to work on ours Jessica Albas bodies during the meta event, can You ask for anything more immersive? Xd

There are only strong looking characters and fitt shapes in game (except asura’s but those are animals) 

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3 minutes ago, Biziut.3594 said:

Yes, and now you know both why they are like this and how to keep them that way.

No need to do yoga, just eat a food buff of choice and use that metabolic primer and you dont have to eat for 12 hours. And 1 meta burns enough fat already. You only have to eat more to keep your muscle in shape. 

and there is no mc donalds ingame. 

Edited by Holmindeboks.3490
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16 minutes ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

No need to do yoga, just eat a food buff of choice and use that metabolic primer and you dont have to eat for 12 hours. And 1 meta burns enough fat already. You only have to eat more to keep your muscle in shape. 

With metabolic primers You stray from the path od the Gods of Fitness, and You will probably die from the heart attack at your 40s. We should not encourage the shotrcuts. Normal metas are bad for your health to, hitting that "1" butto... swinging that sword like a mad man is not an proper excersise, You might get your muscles strained and hurt yourself. You are also stressed becouse all of that monsters hunting You.

Only Amnytas meta will give you, fresh, healthy, family friendly and IMMERSIVE, way to stay at your best self.

Once, before SotO, fur on my charr was getting whiter and whiter after every meta, now my fur regained it's glossy black colour, on the top of that my fur is strong and luscious as it was in the day when I made this character at release.

Edit: Eating more won't help much if you won't eat smart. I saw a norn shoving hundrets of candy corn at once. He only made himself vomiting.

Edited by Biziut.3594
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I did SoTO a bit when it launched but just couldn't get into it so rolled a new character and going back through the story and living world segments in order. The flying to broken islands is cool in theory but annoying in reality. I find the skyscale janky to control and while that's probably just a me issue it's enough to make me prefer old maps where I can just run around normally. I am glad they added the Kryptid's to old zone maps so I can still zerg those for currency when I feel like mindlessly grinding something. 

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3 minutes ago, Qys.5937 said:

I did SoTO a bit when it launched but just couldn't get into it so rolled a new character and going back through the story and living world segments in order. The flying to broken islands is cool in theory but annoying in reality. I find the skyscale janky to control and while that's probably just a me issue it's enough to make me prefer old maps where I can just run around normally. I am glad they added the Kryptid's to old zone maps so I can still zerg those for currency when I feel like mindlessly grinding something. 

Don't know how many of those masteries you've unlocked for your skyscale,, but having them makes a huge difference in getting around. 

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1 hour ago, Biziut.3594 said:

With metabolic primers You stray from the path od the Gods of Fitness, and You will probably die from the heart attack at your 40s. We should not encourage the shotrcuts. Normal metas are bad for your health to, hitting that "1" butto... swinging that sword like a mad man is not an proper excersise, You might get your muscles strained and hurt yourself. You are also stressed becouse all of that monsters hunting You.

Only Amnytas meta will give you, fresh, healthy, family friendly and IMMERSIVE, way to stay at your best self.

Once, before SotO, fur on my charr was getting whiter and whiter after every meta, now my fur regained it's glossy black colour, on the top of that my fur is strong and luscious as it was in the day when I made this character at release.

Edit: Eating more won't help much if you won't eat smart. I saw a norn shoving hundrets of candy corn at once. He only made himself vomiting.

Good that the info you mention is roleplaying info. But irl i am fitt 😊 10,4/11% fat  so i only have to lose till 6% thats needed fat  

my characters are mostly all lvl 80 so not much a problem. 

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3 hours ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

Thats why companys put exclusives in pre-order bundles. Ppl have no choice. You understand a big part of mmo is the show off? 
maybe you dont care about the pre-order items, but others do. Or maybe you just forgot those exclusives. Maybe this was good 20 years ago that you just waited for a game to be released. Nowadays thats not the case anymore. 

and sorry for double post. I tried to edit the post i already made and then quote. But the quote automaticly came in a new post and not the one i would edit. I am on phone and i am not a master in making forum things. So sorry for that. 

Just because you care about pre order items you are not forced to pre order. You are the one who chooses to pre order for a single item.


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I'm loving SotO so far.  It is the only story in GW or GW2 that I finished (still more to come).  I love the events and rift hunting. About half my time is spent running SotO just having fun, the other half of my time is with my World Boss Portal (best gem purchase ever). 

I do not know or care about the legendaries or achievements.  I am playing because it is fun.

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11 minutes ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

I'm loving SotO so far.  It is the only story in GW or GW2 that I finished (still more to come).  I love the events and rift hunting. About half my time is spent running SotO just having fun, the other half of my time is with my World Boss Portal (best gem purchase ever). 

I do not know or care about the legendaries or achievements.  I am playing because it is fun.

I think sometimes players forget it's just supposed to be fun.  It's a time killer.   It's something to do to relax.  Good reminder.  

Fun of course is subjective, and what one chooses to do with their time.  But what does OP find fun?  If you already "have it all" and evidently aren't interested in achievements, then what did you expect in the mini expansion?  Genuinely curious what you would consider to be something worth investing your time in at this point in the game?

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