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November 28 Skills and Balance Update Preview

Rubi Bayer.8493

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On 11/13/2023 at 4:35 AM, Loke.1429 said:

Too much hard cc (and stealth) is toxic, especially combined with fast spikes. Especially when the games doesnt have diminishing returns, or proximity stealth reveal. This is also even more true when fighting in smaller numbers, without the boon spam (of stab) to hide these game mechanic problems.

Chain CC; One of few game mechanics which gives user a chance to win against some of cheese bunker metas out there is tOxIc? Things are already near impossible with damage nerf. Out of all the professions, you complain about CC and stealth on ranger? Last time I've checked major grief people had against ranger was the 1500+ range attacks. What's healthy gameplay in this game now? Farting out million conditions with few clicks of buttons as Harb or playing undying cele untamed?

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3 hours ago, Lalary.3561 said:

Chain CC; One of few game mechanics which gives user a chance to win against some of cheese bunker metas out there is tOxIc? Things are already near impossible with damage nerf. Out of all the professions, you complain about CC and stealth on ranger? Last time I've checked major grief people had against ranger was the 1500+ range attacks. What's healthy gameplay in this game now? Farting out million conditions with few clicks of buttons as Harb or playing undying cele untamed?

Asking for more Chain CC because balance is bad will just make the game worse (negative spiral).

The stealth comment was in general and not for ranger specifically. In ranger stealth is only a problem in certain druid bunker builds where the total survivability is just stupid.

I agree that the meta is much worse after continuous too large damage nerfs to everything except a few latest and greatest (with expac). They have a lot of problems to fix in the current meta as you mention. I have never before seen so many untouched cheese builds and so weak core professions in this game. WvW balance is much worse than pve and pvp as always.

Edited by Loke.1429
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I have the game installed for the sliver of hope you'll fix the absolute mess you made of scourge's shades. But I'm fooling myself. I haven't touched the game since you completely destroyed the totem them of scourge gameplay. For those who think "You quit the game because of that little thing?", no its a culmination of a lot of little things. That was the final straw. I might come back when there's a main build I love again, but there just isn't any. All of them have long since been butchered and had the fun removed out of them for the sake of balance..

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9 hours ago, Lily.1935 said:

I have the game installed for the sliver of hope you'll fix the absolute mess you made of scourge's shades. But I'm fooling myself. I haven't touched the game since you completely destroyed the totem them of scourge gameplay. For those who think "You quit the game because of that little thing?", no its a culmination of a lot of little things. That was the final straw. I might come back when there's a main build I love again, but there just isn't any. All of them have long since been butchered and had the fun removed out of them for the sake of balance..


This is what I have been advocating for years; the new Anet team does not care about Profession roles and their Identitiy. Anet has proven throughout the years that, Toxic game design with removing Profession roles, lores and their identity is what considers 'balance'

Have you seen the weapons that the Professions are getting? It baffling and insulting at the core. 

At this state of the game; everything is a joke, A Big Fat Joke!!

Lily, I encouarage anyone to Prove me wrong, to call me a Liar; when they were laughing at our faces in the latest live balance patch stream

I want to say this to the remaining Community; we were all deceived, manipulated and lied to by Anet to believe that we are playing a sequel to Guild Wars (1) and that, we matter.

We don't! and never did  that was the Lie, that was the Illusion

“Deception is one of the quickest ways to gain little things and lose big things.”


"Secrets and lies kill relationships. No matter how careful you are, you will get caught."

This is why Anet is losing players at an enormous rate, Truth revealed everything.

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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45 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


This is what I have been advocating for years; the new Anet team does not care about Profession roles and their Identitiy. Anet has proven throughout the years that, Toxic game design with removing Profession roles, lores and their identity is what considers 'balance'

Have you seen the weapons that the Professions are getting? It baffling and insulting at the core. 

At this state of the game; everything is a joke, A Big Fat Joke!!

Lily, I encouarage anyone to Prove me wrong, to call me a Liar; when they were laughing at our faces in the latest live balance patch stream

I want to say this to the remaining Community; we were all deceived, manipulated and lied to by Anet to believe that we are playing a sequel to Guild Wars (1) and that, we matter.

We don't! and never did  that was the Lie, that was the Illusion

“Deception is one of the quickest ways to gain little things and lose big things.”


"Secrets and lies kill relationships. No matter how careful you are, you will get caught."

This is why Anet is losing players at an enormous rate, Truth revealed everything.

If there's something I've learned from following other game companies like Larian Studios and Fromsoft its that its that a real passion for the game the company is working on and maintaining a consistent staff creates quality above and beyond anything on the market. Arena net has a revolving door of developers and it really shows in the product with the identity of Guild Wars 2 being subtly reworked every few years.

Worse still, the new devs, as talented as they might be, don't seem to understand what the original intention of previous design was or why, they don't seem to understand what was good about it or what was bad about it.

Scourge for example had some bad design. Its bad design was the fact that it had such strong area control with no drawbacks. A persistent AoE zone that lasted a long time. What was the solution to that? Well, they first stripped away its ability to cripple foes. Something that strips part of its identity. Then, many ears later they strip that duration, further stripping its identity.

What solution to this problem would have worked far more elegantly? Making the shades Objects which could be destroyed but otherwise function the exact same way and keep the power it once had. Suddenly its still quite powerful in WvW but now Scourges spamming shades more cancel each other out and the counter play can be more interesting rather than just allowing scourge to control large sections of the battlefield uncontested.

But instead of looking at that, arena net doesn't want to do that they hyper buff the scourge's damage output without recognizing why the scourge community loved the build inspite of its previous low damage.

I can't with this company. I've been sitting on this for a while because I played GW1&2 since 2006... Of course its upsetting to quit a game series I've played for 17 years..

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All variants of Bladesworn's dragon slash do not trigger relic of the thief. This is a seemingly small "bug" has made playing bladesworn rather clunky - you're forced to pad an extra gunsaber skills between dragon slashes to upkeep your relic. Again, it's not ruining anyone's life but it does hurt flow of Bladesworn's rotation for many people.


The class is already challenging to make work (as evidenced by its play rate...) and having to accomodate for an awkward, boring relic is a bit disappointing.


Bladesworn is has such an amazing class fantasy and dopamine-inducing gameplay, but is held back by these little annoyances that chew away at your enjoyment. I'm really hoping this will get some visibility and be given some consideration. 🙏

Edited by Friend.2837
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On 11/14/2023 at 8:07 PM, Lily.1935 said:

I have the game installed for the sliver of hope you'll fix the absolute mess you made of scourge's shades. But I'm fooling myself. I haven't touched the game since you completely destroyed the totem them of scourge gameplay. For those who think "You quit the game because of that little thing?", no its a culmination of a lot of little things. That was the final straw. I might come back when there's a main build I love again, but there just isn't any. All of them have long since been butchered and had the fun removed out of them for the sake of balance..

Turrets were my thing. I come back to check now and then, but they still don't care.

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On 10/27/2023 at 10:50 PM, Milotnuis.8341 said:

I really wish dragonhunter got more love, you can't just look at the benchmark for its damage and say its okay because a lot of it is very contingent on 3 things:

1. You need 100% aegis uptime

2. You need to have 10 boons permanently on you

3. You need to be above 90% health

And if you do magically somehow meet all 3 of these conditions in an actual encounter you get out performed by someone playing soulbeast for half the effort. It just feels really bad that soulbeast has more burst AND more sustain without it being so dependent any annoying conditions. I'm not saying I want to see a soulbeast nerf, I just wish I didn't have to worry so much meeting those conditions to deal damage. It'd be nice if you had to struggle to decide between playing dragonhunter or soulbeast in endgame pve but at the moment it's not even close.

I mean I think the two first points are being adressed by this patch. 

Is the third still relevant now that DH does not use scholar anymore ? 

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I just thought of the vindicator.
In fact, it's even worse than I first thought for "Song of Arboreum".
Before: Grant vigor to yourself and nearby allies after dodging. Vigor has an increased effect on you.
After: Energy meld grants more endurance and grants its endurance and vigor to nearby allies.

What I didn't understand was that it completely removes vigor from dodging, which is even worse. It reduces the quality of vigor + the percentage of recovery for a mandatory F2, which has a long 20s CD in PvE and WvW, for PvP it's 30s. It's no longer a nerve, it's a truck in the face. It completely destroys everything Major Grandmaster.

The F2 could just have been a buff to give to allies without touching Song of Arboreum. That way, Anet was happy to keep his Kitten button. To keep it polite.

If you wanted to destroy the vindicator, you couldn't do better.

Edited by Angesombre.4630
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I enjoyed the fact that Elementalists, the most ridiculously overpowered pvp class in the game BY FAR, receive BUFFS instead of NERFS and the Ranger, not even considered a good PvP class, has some pet skills that got NERFED. L O L!!! This development team needs some serious help cause it's the most ridiculous development team I've encountered in my life.

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Anet, I Am Not Your Enemey nor do I Hate You. Focus your target to imporant threads filled with never-ending  11 years+ issues that is continually, constantly having a negative consequences to your profit and to your reputation

Thank You Very Much!


Edited by Burnfall.9573
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On 11/25/2023 at 3:38 PM, recipesw.7453 said:

I enjoyed the fact that Elementalists, the most ridiculously overpowered pvp class in the game BY FAR, receive BUFFS instead of NERFS and the Ranger, not even considered a good PvP class, has some pet skills that got NERFED. L O L!!! This development team needs some serious help cause it's the most ridiculous development team I've encountered in my life.

>Ele op

>Ranger needs buff

Can't make this stuff up

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I'm not sure rifle for engi has received that much of a buff. Tying more damage into rifle 3 doesn't help much. If the boss has a break bar you'd likely need to save it for the break bar. It'd make more sense to add damage to auto, rifle 2 or even significantly buff rifle 5. 

A huge issue with power engi and especially rifle builds in general is that the power bonus from the firearms final trait is tied to debuffs. Like you must bring a strong condition build to pair with them to get full throughput on the damage per condi trait. Does that make sense in a world where bosses tend to favor one or the other that you have to mix damage types for max throughput?

Also breaking up the mech's attack that triggers on weapon 3 into 2 separate triggers for the cc and damage components could help as well.

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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On 10/27/2023 at 5:12 PM, SleepyBat.9034 said:

Shield Master is making Bladesworn Unkillable in WvW, Please Fix. Ty

  • Relic of the Demon Queen will totally ruin WvW.
  • Sustain nerfs to Harb/Bladesworn/Salvation Revs.

Imagine breaking warrior aegis with an melee attack or your pet(the only people complaining about warrior shield mastery are ranged folks too afraid to get in Melee range).

also don't ranger with untamed and mini siege turtle have an annoying projectile block?

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On 10/26/2023 at 2:40 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:


  • Shattershot: This skill now pierces.
  • Bloodbane Path: This skill now pierces.
  • Sevenshot: This skill now pierces.



Considering I just got my Jormag's Wing SB skin yesterday and kinda want to camp my flashy bow for a bit, sweet 🙂
But yeah, liking this for my Rev.

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The Berserker changes are absolutely incredible QoL. If I mess up my rotation it's entirely possible to lose Berserk, and Quickness feels like it sometimes doesn't trigger when using Primal Burst, but just the sheer QoL makes it feel incredible! Night and day compared to yesterday.

Opportunist makes it so Longbow by itself can quickly generate enough Adrenaline to slam into Berserk without relying on Headbutt for PvE.


I understand nerfs do happen but please please please tinker with the condi application/duration/coefficients and keep this level of QoL on Berserker

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