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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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@Styno.4675 said:I would love to see some gem store bundles that include bag and bank tabs without lootbox keys in them. This way players like myself who are not allowed by law in their country to buy these lootbox related items, can actually get some good deals too. I don't mind paying the same amount of gems for the pack without the keys.

Why not just buy the bank tabs and bag slots on your own? When they're not on sale, they are the same price as the bundle. If you wait for them to go on sale, you'll save more money than you would by buying the bundle.

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@Aragon.8254 said:Please bring back Strider's Medium Armor Skin, I'd love to buy this set for my ranger, but it wasn't in shop for a long time.

I just hope they won't do the same thing as last year, available for lunar new years only+1 random day in the middle of the year. Seeing as how it's not available lunar new year this year so far, one can only hope they'll return it in a couple weeks when the next item cycle is out.

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Okay. Pay attention everyone!

  1. Countess Anise's Full Proper outfit.
  2. Exemplar Attire Corset as a standalone armor piece.
  3. Noble dress worn by many human female npcs (The one you have as a background for mesmer Domination traitline).
  4. Long, loose hairstyle for every race.
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It's been a few months so I might as well ask for it again: offer the Inquest Exo-Suit Outfit headpiece as a separate item. You did it for Braham's crappy shoulders, I believe that you can do it for this headpiece and it'll probably be more popular! It still doesn't clip through anything and is still probably super-easy to convert from the outfit. Lots of Asura mains will want it, GW2 streamers will want it, I can promise you that. Just do it, please. Pretty please?

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I was talking with a friend today and we came to the conclusion that having a chair novelty themed as a small campground would be awesome. Have a small cot on the ground that you're sitting on the edge of, a small fire in front of you or just to your side. A little pot hanging over the fire. Maybe put a small pack near you with a ton of little supply items on it like utensils, a mug, a pan, an axe to cut the firewood with, etc. Heck, maybe put a small tent nearby instead of having your character sitting on a cot.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, if you do!

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I would very super duper love if we could get the round/circular glasses from the Queensdale Academy Outfit as a stand-alone armour piece! The Shrine Guardian Outfit got the ears as a stand-alone piece (eg Shrine Guardian Ears) and we desperately need more glasses options in game! I love the Academy outfit and plan to get it when it comes back if I can (please come back soon, outfit!), but I also want to use the glasses on regular armour outfits I come up with!

I used to use Reading Glasses on a number of my characters (including a brother/sister pair I have) before I stopped because they didn't really fit the characters and I didn't have other options for glasses. :( I feel like taking this headpiece from that outfit is good because it looks really nice and could be universally used - all kinds of characters/themes could and DO use glasses, so it could benefit a wide variety of players!

(Aside from the round/circular glasses from that outfit, more styles of glasses are more than welcome, too!)

Anyway, thanks ANet and anyone reading! Have a wonderful day! <3

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I would love to be able to turn the fusion jetpack from living world season one into an actual glider; the legion jetpack is nice (well, when Ill be able to purchase it, I missed it by a few months apparently), but it would still make a transition with my favourite backpack skin. And also, can you bring back the nightspeaker, stained glass, starlight and cube matrix glider skins please ?Otherwise, I would like to see more mounts that are mechanical or golem like...And of course, as Im a big fan of GW1 skins, I would love to see again the celestial compass, envoy scythe staff, peacock scepter skin etc...

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@"Rolok.4201" said:I was talking with a friend today and we came to the conclusion that having a chair novelty themed as a small campground would be awesome. Have a small cot on the ground that you're sitting on the edge of, a small fire in front of you or just to your side. A little pot hanging over the fire. Maybe put a small pack near you with a ton of little supply items on it like utensils, a mug, a pan, an axe to cut the firewood with, etc. Heck, maybe put a small tent nearby instead of having your character sitting on a cot.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, if you do!

I second this. I seem to remember this came up before, last summer, and it's still a good idea. As is getting the "beach towel" chair the npcs use during the Four Winds Festival.

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76UVK0n.jpgI would really like to have the ability to buy those on gemstore ArenaNet if Scribing profession isn't gonna be extended to level 500.

[insert race name] Culture Decoration Pack-The pack would unlock 15 decorations associated to a specific race, 5 related to house, 5 interactive ones and 5 flavor environemental ones.-They come with their recipe sheet, that allow the player who bought the pack to craft them afterward.-The different recipes include a item with the name of the corresponding city. I think about rune of rata sum, of black citadel and so on, so like summit flags.-Each pack is one per account, you have to be part of a guild. The decos and recipes received are consummables.-I've put a price of 800 gems a pack, because it is 15 decos, and 2000 as example would be too much because price of delux upgrade in sale... Price of an outfit seems ok.Note this are in my mind "starter packs", there could be multiple series, like "Charr culture decoration pack 2, 3...." there are so many cool assets...

Detail of the packs:House decos-> Racial house asset. Racial chair asset. Racial table asset. Racial desk. Racial Bed.Interactive ones.-> Stone gate. Force Field gate. Experiment beaker. Lightning Cannon. Asuran Rectangular Console. (Asura)-> Fluorescent Plant light post. Bulb mortat turret. Vine Bridge, Cage or Door. (Sylvari)-> Charr gatling turret. Metal valve door. Huge metal gate. Meat Rack. Ale Cart. (Charr)-> Frozen Ballista. Wooden swing gate. Barrel catapult. Norn Poultry Roasting Spit. Huge pillar brazier. (Norn)-> Simple wooden door. Ebonhawke wall lantern. Apple tree. Queensdale automatic watering with farms. Pirate cannon. (Human)Environmental Ones-> Asuran floor tiles. Asuran purple crystal light post. Pillar console. Asura Lab table. Asura staircase. (Asura)-> Mushroom platform. Huge ferns patch. Flower patch. Coconut Tree. Huge coastal maguuma tree. (Sylvari)-> Charr military tent. Metal cross floor tile. Metal floor tile Ramp. Charr village metal wall. Diesa Plateau orange Bush. (Charr)-> Wooden lounge floor. Huge wooden norn gate. Norn wooden railing. Rudimentary tent. Snowy pine tree . (Norn)-> Ascalonian wall ruins. Ascalonian stone stairs. Street paving. Queensdale Swamp Tree. Greatheart Weald tree. (Human)

This is just a first example, but you can turn it into a series of several decos packs on the gemstore: "Living season 3 deco pack" "Living season 4 deco pack" "HOT deco pack" "POF deco pack" "Icebrood saga deco pack" "NPCS deco pack" "Animal deco pack".... It is easily monetizable, and if it is the fact that gh doesn't generate money, this is the solution for you. This would show to decorators players that you haven't forgotten them. I know I would instantly buy asura, charr and sylvari.

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