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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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With all the Abyss Stalker things lately, I am honestly surprised we have no actually seen the Abyss Stalker Outfit in what feels like a century.

Also I wouldn't mind seeing the Largos wing combo back soon. And just the uncommonly sold gliders in general like the raven spirit glider and the roaring dragon glider.

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Can we please get an animated flowing lava cape, with the same cape shape as the shatterspark cape? I love the shape of the shatterspark cape, but wish there was an animated flowing lava version to match my fire themed elementalist 😞


Edit: I assume this is where we suggest "new gemstore items"? If it's in the wrong place then please move it to the right thread

Edited by Zaoda.1653
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The Lava Lounge Pass is the most useless of all lounge passes. Its features are duplicated by all other passes. Its usefulness as a portal to Ember Bay is already covered by the Season 3 Ember Bay portal. All other lounge passes are useful in one way or another, at the very least as a portal for doing dailies eg. even the Captain's Airship pass still has some use, as a quick teleport for Kryta gathering dailies, quick access to Swashbuckler's Cove jumping puzzle daily, Lady Derwena Pact Supply Network Agent, Gendarran Fields sunken chest for the repeatable Master Diver ... even as a non WvW/PvP player I find Armistice Bastion useful for the Big Spender daily and its jumping puzzle was fun (the latter ***should*** have an achievement btw, it would be a selling point !)

In conclusion there's zero temptation to spend gems buying the Lava Lounge Pass, add some temptation to increase sales.

My Solution: Add a feature or two to it to make it unique and useful ....

I would add a scribe trainer and station, players from small guilds and achievement hunters would find it very tempting to buy.


Edited by Shadamehr.1284
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 Just asking for a while now, please put the storage expander on sale and maybe the bank tabs & bag expander again soon? when you put the bag expander & bank tabs expander on sale you completely missed the storage expander, could you please put it up for sale more often than not? I haven't seen it on sale fora very long time,

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2 hours ago, aershea.1389 said:

 Just asking for a while now, please put the storage expander on sale and maybe the bank tabs & bag expander again soon? when you put the bag expander & bank tabs expander on sale you completely missed the storage expander, could you please put it up for sale more often than not? I haven't seen it on sale fora very long time,

After BF 2021 in November there have been some sale on at least Shared Inventory slots (as I purchased a second account and had to upgrade it to be more like my main account and bought those SI slots and some other expanders), on Bag Slot Expander and I belive it was also on Storage Expander, but not on Bank expander.

Some sales lasted for around one week , other where rather short and lasted 24 hours, so you can not see all sales that have been on GW2 wiki's historical data as those isn't worth to mention when they last only 24 hours (and it is easy to miss if you don't log in or keep an eye out for which items that are on sale from this thread).

I would recommend to use Follow button on that thread linked and make sure you will get email sent to your email account that you read daily (use re-redirect or auto sent it to your main email account, if you have several email account for GW2 accounts).

Also we have already a wish list for Gem Store items, so maybe use that instead (it is right now 244 pages long so make sure to go to the last page as it will probably be more pages after this have been posted):


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Checkout for 3 biggest sales of the year,

1. March Sale


2. Anniversary Sale (happens in august)


3. November Sale


All these sales wont guarentee you will have bank/storage/char expan, also you cant know if its in store, during these sales log on everyday to check. This august 2021 we had bank and storage sales but with low discounts, lets hope we get in this march.

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I had a funny idea about "Tea time" chair, but is it possible to make such a chair for a mesmer so that you can put your clone in front of it? ) I think it would be funny, there are also two basic buttons for tea time. And the mesmer would have a third button - seat the clone opposite)
Ideally, add buttons so that the clone can drink tea in two ways, or when the button is pressed, as soon as the clone brings the mug to his lips, he breaks up into butterflies)

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