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Lack of Vault reward creativity is disappointing

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I'll preface by saying I'm not even talking about the quality of the skins, or the noob traps (obsidian shards, vision shards, tier 5 bags, etc.).

Reward wise, the wizard's vault has a lot of potential that isn't being realized. Seeing the same okay-ish rewards (coins, clovers), legendary weapon kit aside, being repeated without any interesting or compelling competition for the eventual strict gold option is disappointing. I'd like to see more rewards in the spirit of the ascended weapon/armor kits, things that might not be universally useful, but a portion of the player base would consider useful, especially for the convenience of just doing the dailies/weeklies. Provisioner tokens, bundles of LS currencies, legendary shard chests, maybe even a limited amount of LIs. I think there is room for creativity here, and a lot of disappointment is going to come from making the same rough reward choices as last season.

Edit: I can't spell

Edited by bigbobpataki.4796
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I suspect lower selling gemstore items will go in the vault. The equipment template system allows for diff social looks and I bet is a massive money spinner for them compared to builds.

I have to say, this season's rewards were uninspiring. And all it really does it increase the number of people buying gold with AA. Which Im not sure is healthy

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I think that shard do not deserve noob trap title, as they are so obscure that avarage noob will have no idea what it is even, so they will not pick it.

Bag V, i think that is problematic that it sounds as something cool and useful. But Bag V are overriced, as you are better just getting gold for 30ap andbuying this materials from TP. Bag 5 isnt particularry useful, as enought ppl runs end game content anyway. So the game does not lack tier V materials.

III and IV, are probably bigger issue, as it is not an endgame, but no longer starting zone.

Also gear templates for character would be nice. Lion Chest Keys to much all the chest we get. Teleport to friend is nice utility.


Edited by evilcat.6817
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  • bigbobpataki.4796 changed the title to Lack of Vault reward creativity is disappointing
37 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

I suspect lower selling gemstore items will go in the vault. The equipment template system allows for diff social looks and I bet is a massive money spinner for them compared to builds.

I have to say, this season's rewards were uninspiring. And all it really does it increase the number of people buying gold with AA. Which Im not sure is healthy

I also think it is the gem store factor for equipment templates. Which is a shame, they could offer just 1 instead of 2 even, considering its more useful, and I don't think it would put a huge dip in their numbers while being a nice gesture. 

And the new coat, infusion, I think are nice too. Like the poster above me said, you quickly hit a wall where you just get gold, and I think thats where the lost potential is. There are so many rewards in this game, getting just gold seems a little weak.

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1 hour ago, SatyricL.2784 said:

I was kind of hoping for some equipment templates along side the build templates this time around.

I don't think they will do it at least not a generous amount. Build templates were the most criticised implementation they made and a step back for some that used mods. I think many were assuming these will be either free or more abundant. And they are remedying it. But equipment templates are additional storage slots and compete with other gem store items. These we will not see plenty if any. 

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4 hours ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

Even 11 weeks had me getting 30aa gold pretty early in the period. So 16 weeks now... It certainly would have been nice to have some more stuff to spend aa on.

Really.  End up buying gold from the WV to convert to gems to buy things from the BLTC ... which is kinda what we were doing with the previous daily system.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

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If one day we get the ability to work up to Gift of Battle PvE with Astral Vault I'd be so pleased honestly... I'm happy that you can claim astral acclaim now from daily/weekly if the number makes you go over the cap honestly. I'm sure more will be added, and once things start adding up in legacy rewards it'll be good to see the selection grow. For now I'm enjoying the ability to get ascended gear and stuff for legendary weapons. I'm really a casual PvE player so I am pleased to see the ability to get gold and materials and stuff from this! I'm sure more will be added as time passes- we're only on season 2 or whatever they're calling the cycles of stuff. 🙂

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20 hours ago, evilcat.6817 said:


Bag V, i think that is problematic that it sounds as something cool and useful. But Bag V are overriced, as you are better just getting gold for 30ap andbuying this materials from TP. Bag 5 isnt particularry useful, as enought ppl runs end game content anyway. So the game does not lack tier V materials.


This is the most puzzling thing in the vault: 40 AA for a bag of mats that on the tp is worth few silvers VS. 30 AA for 1 gold. Just who came up with this ratio? It's ridiculous.

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The new version of the wepon set ... does not seem interesting. But I do not care about that much in general. At least it saves us big planning/calculations. Can go for the same plan as previous season. For the smaller stuff I'd ast least hoped for some changes. Instead of the revive orb something else. They might need more time to plan this to get it ready to be on term with their plans. (To not offer too much gem store stuff and impact the sales.)

I bet the whole vault itself will lead to less gem purchases. Maybe the will totally remove all good stuff in the future. 😄 (At least the gem store exclusive items.)

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Uninspiring, copy/paste.

And not even modified for the longer season. 
Last season 11 weeks, new season 16 weeks (according to counter) Yet same amount of Mystic Coins, Clovers, Laurels. 
So this season, the amount you can get over that 16 week period, compared to daily login rewards previously, is dissapointingly low. 

I am often dissapointed in the lack of proper math on Anet side, and this is yet another example.

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I'm disappointed with the lack of variety as well, I was hoping for a few more things from the previous login rewards to come back (like Mystic Forge Stones and Black Lion Salvage Kits).

But I suppose if it's almost all the same stuff each season that makes it easier to plan and further reduces FOMO. If you know that after a few weeks you'll be down to just getting gold or things you don't really want and that there won't be much different in the next season that means you can safely skip any achievements you don't want to do, even the more rewarding ones, without really missing anything. (Especially if you're just getting gold, because you could use the time to do something more fun which also gives gold.)

Also if we keep getting ascended armour and weapon chests I might finally get all my level 80 characters into ascended.

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On 11/7/2023 at 8:49 PM, Randulf.7614 said:

I suspect lower selling gemstore items will go in the vault. The equipment template system allows for diff social looks and I bet is a massive money spinner for them compared to builds.

I have to say, this season's rewards were uninspiring. And all it really does it increase the number of people buying gold with AA. Which Im not sure is healthy

Big agree on this. What has always bothered me is that every character by default gets 3 build slots and 2 equipment slots. They know you will want a different equipment set for each build.

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