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Are we really comfortable paying for unfinished expansions?


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7 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

one excuse after another this don't count that don't count. so long the name is gw2 and not wow it all does not count ok u win 

jade bot, infusion, better gear stats all not count ok ok

The systems aren't progressive tho. Lol, you don't actually progress anything 😂 thejr just handed to tbe players. 

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11 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

You haven't played alot of MMOs if you think all of them have subscription fees. Right from the top of the head I could even name you three titles, that launched as subscription based games, that had to downgrade to freemium within first year of the game, because they were unable get enough players otherwise to survive. And if you claim equivalence between subscription, and a battlepass system, it only goes to show how little you know on different monetization schemes

I'm aware there's dozens of dying f2p games lol. Lol there's the difference. 

The sub games are alive and capable of bringing 6million players minimum in, lol while these other games fail to bring a million. 

WoW hardcore classic, brought more players then SoTo or EoD did. Keep beleive ye games alive. 

Edited by Puck.3697
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13 minutes ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

25 for a year worth of content comes down to 2.08 a month. 

Plus this game as no subscription

ANY comparising with WoW (where you have to pay monthly on TOP of that expansion) goes broke REALLY fast

Tbh, WoW makes more money then it really needs, we know that. The question is however. Is there any actual longevity in a game costing so little. 

And answers No. 

That's why we have SoTo. Lower production double the yearly income, make everything sellable to encourage buying gold. And hold on through meta farmers realistically. 

Gw2 makes less then ESO, which is another f2p. 

Edited by Puck.3697
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2 hours ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

25 for a year worth of content comes down to 2.08 a month. 

Plus this game as no subscription

ANY comparising with WoW (where you have to pay monthly on TOP of that expansion) goes broke REALLY fast

Well its more like 1 month of content spread over a year but ok

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Re content, it is worth keeping in mind that lack of content is only a veteran player problem. For new GW2 players there is a massive amount of content which is all relevant and generally has a good number of players playing it.

I think GW2 stacks up well in this regard for new players. Games like WoW might have more total content but their vertical progression model means most of that content is completely abandoned as only the very latest content is worth playing for veteran players. (Because the rewards from the slightly older content are to underpowered to be relevant in the latest WoW expansion)

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Just gonna pull a hot take here, for all these "BUT IT ONLY COSTS $25, IT'S VALUE REALLY!" crowd.


Who would be willing to pay/wait a little longer for a bigger/better/more complete expansion? Because I think people have a right to be upset. Let's be real, there's probably less content than a living world episode, and this isn't a cyberpunk 2077 situation where a mediocre/okay-ish product will get developed into something awesome. Let's be real, what you see now is what you're going to continue to get.

Edited by Westenev.5289
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I am not unhappy with the amount of content we got. 
I am still chewing on the achievement list from the first SotO release. 
I enjoyed the maps, there's plenty of people around and I enjoy the metas. 

For me two things really soured the experience: the relics which have done away with flavor in favor of a more homogenized approach.  The story itself is just terrible. 

But that isn't quite what was asked. This is about Dollar spent vs Worth gained. 
Did I get my money's worth? Based on how I play, and I am still not finished the content, yes, it is still worth it. 
But moving forward I would be more likely not to pre-order. 

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7 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Well its more like 1 month of content spread over a year but ok

Depends how much you do realistically there. And how many hours a day you play. 

Playing around with weapons masters

New balancing changing up build


New meta event


New map


Are all apart of SoTo realistically, the issue is, we got out moneys worth, its like buying a £5 mouse and wondering why its made of cheap plastic and no additions. 

6 hours ago, Westenev.5289 said:

Just gonna pull a hot take here, for all these "BUT IT ONLY COSTS $25, IT'S VALUE REALLY!" crowd.


Who would be willing to pay/wait a little longer for a bigger/better/more complete expansion? Because I think people have a right to be upset. Let's be real, there's probably less content than a living world episode, and this isn't a cyberpunk 2077 situation where a mediocre/okay-ish product will get developed into something awesome. Let's be real, what you see now is what you're going to continue to get

I would. 

But I'm sorry I disagree with you. You get what ur paid for, u can be annoyed at it sure, but that doesnt change the fact of philosphy. 

Here's the facts. 

The company budget is based on earnings made in the prior quarter. So the less money a game costs, by default means less money in the pot. 

A game is never gonna use 100% of the money earned on development, more likely 30% of what the game earns. 

And when a company has a small team. It means during high work times such as a expansion, overtime absolutely munches through budgets. But the game doesn't make enough to expand that crew for those peak times. 

You can be as upset as you want, it doesn't change the fact you got what you paid for, 

I'm unhappy, because I want to opt into paying more for more content, I'd rather pay a 10 a month subscription, with £60 box prices and in turn have a much larger game. 

I'd rather pay sub fees and larger prices, and have outfits mount skins and more in the game and avaliable to farm. Now that's a personal opinon, others would be horrified at a sub fee. 

That doesn't change the fact I got what I paid for, but it means I'm getting what I paid for weather I like it or not. I can't opt into spending more money for more content. I'm stuck with the decision thst was made for me. 

Anet need to expand their income, and maybe BP ain't that fix, I aint a dev I don't think about these things enough. But anet need to sort its monetization out so it can push more content. There are millions who actively spend more a month on games then GW2 demands in a year, and aint gonna touch the game til its content fits their budgets. 

Edited by Puck.3697
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10 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

The question is however. Is there any actual longevity in a game costing so little.

You do realize, you are discussing longevity of a game that has lasted on the market for over a decade already?

10 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

Gw2 makes less then ESO, which is another f2p. 

Funny that you mention ESO. The game that launched as subscription only, but very fast had to downgrade to buy-to-play with optional sub, and even after that, they adopted same yearly stories schedule AN is adopting only now, like 5 years ago. Same ESO that is younger game, can be argued on amount of content comparatively to GW2 (GW2 has way more OW content, but ESO on another hand has more dungeon and raid content). The same ESO that employs a number of predatory monetization schemes, including but not limited to lootboxes, and where despite all that cash flow, if you went by moods in the community is perpetually in state of dying. The same ESO, that has regular service downtimes lasting anywhere between 4h and 12h, with not so infrequent schedule overruns. And that without even considering the service disruptions, where login server just decides to act up, and require another of those "maintenances" to fix.

Oh and the complaints about ESO on their forums are essentially the same - lack of balancing, not enough new content, the only major difference is that ESO players also complain about craftbag being locked behind sub. And alot of people believe, that the only reason ESO earns it's money and didn't sink yet, is because it is Elder Scrolls game, and since skyrim, the only TES game that receives any new stuff for it.

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On 11/14/2023 at 10:38 PM, Puck.3697 said:

Gw2 makes less then ESO, which is another f2p. 

GW2 is not F2P but B2P.  The F2P in GW2 is basically just a larger demo version based on the core game, but does not even have the full range of functions of the original core game.

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On 11/14/2023 at 10:31 AM, Balsa.3951 said:

2014 already had viper stats? 

heart of thorn was introduced October 2015

so u are plain wrong just with ur statement.

so ask u again does gw2 has vertical progression?

getting confused reaction from ppl who ignore facts bcs opinion is what they count on.

This would have been a really good gotcha if I mentioned stats like Rabid, which is mostly outperformed in Condi builds by Viper. However, I used Berserker, which has been the exact same since the release of the game.

Then again, if we go down the route of Rabid or Viper we hit the roadblock that is free accounts and paid accounts. Free accounts have access to the same level of gear as you and me. 

If you want to discuss vertical progression the "but paid accounts have access to different combination compared to free accounts" isn't it. 

A year ago I was capable of playing DPS in Raids, both condi and power along with some boonDPS builds just by having an unrestricted free alt account. I could play WvW the same as well. Why? Well, mostly because free accounts have access to Ascended gear, just like paid accounts.


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On 11/9/2023 at 3:39 PM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

SotO is 20 bucks. What did you expect? 

That not even 2 hours of work here. Even on a low paying job. 

20 euros is simply not much money and we get what we pay for. 

Remember that most games are 70 euros + now. 

Look at the money blizzard is asking for its games. 

It's unreasonable to expect the world for this little money.


gem store?

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On 11/14/2023 at 10:31 AM, Balsa.3951 said:

so ask u again does gw2 has vertical progression?

Exactly one part of GW2 has vertical progression: Fractals. The progression consists of earning more and more agony resistance infusions in order to then be able to play higher level fractals. This is also the only area in the game where you really need ascended (or Legy, has the same stats) stuff. All other content in the game can be experienced using cheap exotic gear and basic stats (berserker, soldier, etc.).

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5 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

GW2 is not F2P but B2P.  The F2P in GW2 is basically just a larger demo version based on the core game, but does not even have the full range of functions of the original core game.

Everything except core is b2p with gw2. Lol. 

ESO just bever made the base game f2p. I'm sorry but their basically the same under alot of situations. 

The fact eso can capture more players without making core game f2p only speaks badly about gw2. Gw2 csnt even get em through the door for free lol

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3 hours ago, Assolador.3598 said:

gem store?

a gem store, thats very accessible through gold, with a vault supplying most of the main demanded things such as Template slots.

Yeah, im sure it goes far Lol, WHen a gem store doesnt sell anything that is Power focused, amazingly enough it wont captivate as many to buy in, what in gods name is worth my money on the gem store x). why would i bother spending money on outfits i'll get bored of once the novelty wares off lmfao. Spending money to only ever be As strong as the Lowest spender aint worth my time lol. 

I buy bags through gems, i've bought a few black lion keys over my time. but, Theres quite litterally nothing past that worth buying into. 

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Considering how most game expansions these days cost nearly as much as full game releases, SoTO seems alright for 25 bucks.

On 11/15/2023 at 1:32 AM, Westenev.5289 said:

Who would be willing to pay/wait a little longer for a bigger/better/more complete expansion? Because I think people have a right to be upset. Let's be real, there's probably less content than a living world episode, and this isn't a cyberpunk 2077 situation where a mediocre/okay-ish product will get developed into something awesome. Let's be real, what you see now is what you're going to continue to get.

And you know what? That's still more than what some AAA games offer. Case in point, recent COD game which was an absolute nothing burger sold at full price

Seriously for 25 bucks there's more to SoTO than what most "modern" games offer for 70

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28 minutes ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

Seriously for 25 bucks there's more to SoTO than what most "modern" games offer for 70

Indeed.  It's a bargain for me and also why I haven't gotten into the whole Baldur's Gate phenomenon.  Just don't want to spend that much right now with the economy and such.

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3 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

The fact eso can capture more players without making core game f2p only speaks badly about gw2.

No, it only means ESO is attached to a big and loved franchise and is not tragic in it's implementation of things (just in case you tried to pull SWTOR on me :P)

2 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

a gem store, thats very accessible through gold,

Since you seem ignorant on how gem exchange works, every gem you buy with gold, was a gem that someone bought with money and then sold for gold. It is a known fact for nearly (or over?) a decade now, if you are curious about source of that information, wiki has the links.

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how did you people even forgive and forget mountgate lmao

wp with a maxed account convinced you its a cute little long term goal to spend gold on and vote with your wallet haha there are so many things completely and utterly kittened for the game and they will do nothing unless a person with any value and reach like preach comes and is exposed to it and covers it

Edited by Incurve Giidis.7829
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