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About time to fix underwater combat ?


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Hello there, I was really disappointed when there was no underwater combat in EoD while fighting the water dragon. However recent updates gave me hope that anet is fixing old content such for example the dungeons and their entrance. Also they gave me hope when they added underwater wepons and breather in the new WvW exotic stat selectable items. IDK why they abandoned it , maybe remove from PvP sure but why PvE ? Gradually they stopped releasing  underwater weapon skins for black lion sets and after HoT they stopped releasing Breathers. Underwater combat is one of the thing that attracted me to gw2 in the first place and it can be made great with very simple and small updates.

Only three simple fixes will be enough to bring underwater back from dead and will give anet the ablity to create strike / fractal or other type of underwater content in the future. However of these three, the first one is most important.

1. There are 3 kinds of underwater weapons (Trident, Spear, Harpoon). Let every class have access to them just like the new weapons that are coming to each class. Also make these 3 weapon cratering to different builds such as one for power dps one for condi dps and another support oriented. Also some existing weapons needs to be retuned aswell. What do I mean ? For example , the Warrior has access to spear with is power oriented and resembles greatsword , also has acess to harpoon which is condi oriented all anet has to do add trident to warrior and mimic the skills from warhorn and make it support oriented. Another example the guardian has spear which is like the greatsword power oriented and aslo have trident which is like the staff and is support oriented, now anet can add harpoon gun for guardian which is condi oriented. Doing this will help and and all the viable builds and playstyle go underwater and do underwater content.
2. Add craftable breather recipes to the fractal merchant for post HoT recipes. So if you have an ascended breather you can stat swap it to any Core or HoT recipes because those item exists trough crafting or item codes. However Post HoT recopies such as (Diviner's, Harrier's, Ritualist's etc) cant be stat swapped into because their recipe or item code does not exist so the mystic forge cant make items out of thin air that does not exist in the game. The Svaard's (Marauder) breathers from HoT dont have recipe but they can be stat swapped because their item codes exist. They can add the post HoT breathers like this aswell. I am aware you can buy stat selectable ones from Bitterfrost and Lion's Arch but even if you get them if you want to swap them later you are stuck.

3. Start releasing underwater wepon skins for black lion skins sets. Maybe too late for all the sets released before but starting from now is not too late 😄

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You were disappointed there was no underwater combat fighting the water dragon. How'd you feel about the underwater combat in Icebrood Saga? Oh...right. I meant how'd you feel about the underwater combat in Living World Season 4? Oh right...Path of Fire? No, no...Living World Season 3? Oh, yeah.......

Look, you're not the first to ask this, but to make this very simple: They're not going to do it. They're never going to do it. They haven't done underwater mission in LITERAL YEARS and they're not about to stop now. You can actually judge someones intentions really easily by their actions, actions being the purest form of thought. We will never go back in the water, they're not interested. In fact there's a greater and greater emphasis on mounted combat, taking us into the air rather than the water. I think that Anet might even regret making the game amphibious in the first place, but that'sjust my speculation.

If you're one of those people that really likes to be underwater, I feel for you, but for the most part most players don't like it and that's kinda been reflected by the devs making the game. Unfortunately you're a minority here, and sorry to say but the game panders to the majority.

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1 hour ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

They're not going to do it. They're never going to do it. They haven't done underwater mission in LITERAL YEARS and they're not about to stop now. 

I think I forgot to write this in my post which would have been more clarifying. The thing is they don't have to go back to old stuff to fix underwater combat. They can introduce it with the weapon patches or better get a expansion themed at underwater. And all the fixes that required in it can be just byproduct. Win Win for everyone as anet can work in it as a part of expansion. 

1 hour ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

If you're one of those people that really likes to be underwater, I feel for you, but for the most part most players don't like it and that's kinda been reflected by the devs making the game. Unfortunately you're a minority here, and sorry to say but the game panders to the majority.

Maybe I am one of those minority, however if they reintroduce its and fix it don't you think majority will love it ? People hate underwater combat due to the fact that there are very few viable builds, the weapons' don't match play style or build style etc. If they reintroduce it and fix things I am sure more people will like it if there is more underwater content not to mention it will be a breath of fresh water 😄


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42 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Your last 2 ideas where:

- make gen2 not account bound any longer

- require ascended items in slots for legendary armory to be usable in those slots

I'm pretty sure this one will be just as successful. 👍

I am just a rando with less than 25 post on forums. Of course anet does not call me and look up my post to update their game. Not even MightyTeapot or WoodenPotato has this luxury. WoodenPotato complained around 8-9  years in his videos about LWS1 integration to story. And also  Isn't it the purpose of forums to share your ideas and see what people think about it when you don't have big YouTube channel ? Isn't the purpose of forums to make discussions with other players who are not part of your guild or Region. Or is it the purpose is to go trough someone else profile and find a way to insult them , if so then I might point you out to QoL Ideas Topic with about 9K+ post. I am unsure where the hostility is coming from, maybe you don't like my ideas, you can just ignore rather than insulting 😄

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7 hours ago, GHOST.8609 said:

I am just a rando with less than 25 post on forums. Of course anet does not call me and look up my post to update their game. Not even MightyTeapot or WoodenPotato has this luxury. WoodenPotato complained around 8-9  years in his videos about LWS1 integration to story. And also  Isn't it the purpose of forums to share your ideas and see what people think about it when you don't have big YouTube channel ? Isn't the purpose of forums to make discussions with other players who are not part of your guild or Region. Or is it the purpose is to go trough someone else profile and find a way to insult them , if so then I might point you out to QoL Ideas Topic with about 9K+ post. I am unsure where the hostility is coming from, maybe you don't like my ideas, you can just ignore rather than insulting 😄

Oh you misunderstand, I wasn't being hostile. I was questioning your general approach to ideas in hope you might approach your critical thinking in a different way.

Let's look at these 3 ideas for a moment shall we?

1. make generation 2 legendaries trade able:

whom does this serve, besides players being able to credit card warrior these instead of spending time playing the game (a game mind you which has been increasing grind left and right)? The entire idea behind gen2s was to make them more unique (and more expensive).

2. require ascended pieces on slots to be able to use the legendary armory:

The legendary armory is Arenanet approach to encourage the average player to grind more. It's their "creative" way to sidestep the issue of gearing and time to gear. The approach here is to increase quality of life so much that the additional time spent seems reasonable to players who otherwise would not have gone for legendary gear. Requiring ascended gear on top reduces the quality of life immensely and undermines the system.

3. underwater combat balance and new weapons

First off, we got an underwater rework a few years back. That's pretty much the extent you can expect for something like this to be. Have you seen the time frame the developers need to even implement 1 set of new weapons? We have a new set coming into the game "shortly" and development time for those has been significant. To rework 16 underwater weapons AND add in the remaining 11 is at least twice or 3 times that scope, more if you actually want them balanced. Which then begs the question: is this really the most effective way to spend developer resources?

That's what I was summarizing with my original 3 sentence approach.

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Underwater combat is awful, I hated it in other games and i hate it here. You can put a pretty ribbon on a pig but its still just a pig in the end. oh but i would like to see land spears , impaling people while throwing a spear would be fun.

Edited by Artemis.8034
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A large part of the problem is that several classes are terrible at underwater combat.  Utterly useless.

Mechanics that were implemented after that long ago water balance patch are missing.  The torment condition for example.  You can inflict torment underwater, you just can't use weapons to do it.  I can understand burn being absent, I don't know why torment would require air.


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Before EoD, I also kinda hoped for one extra zone that would be primarily aquatic. Its not that they forgot about underwater stuff, over time we got the aquabreather infusions and underwater skimmer mastery, then the tease that we will do something with "Bubbles", so I really had a feeling that something was cookin in that direction. There were also some talks between players about a new underwater mount or even a submarine mastery where we would venture into deep sea, so it is not really that people would not like the idea. In Cantha there is allready that idea in small scale when fighting the leviathan when we can use skiffs during combat from above as well, so maybe we might actually see more of it in the future. Depends on the direction they want to take and player feedback I guess, but creative ways to enrich aerial combat will eventually run out I think.

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WvW Archipielago Borderline.

The third Borderline is a massive Archipielago with 3 landsmasses acting as Spawn/Keep and then a main island with Towers, Camps and Temples.
A new multiplayer mount is added - The Great Ship.

The Great Ship posseses a big array of siege weapons - equivalents to typical cannons, trebuchets and arrow-carts but they all come with their own Mastery.
Any server can have up to one Great Ship on the map at anytime, and sinking one gives a significant reward.

The Great Ships all have their own WvW Mastery lines which will include the Captain profiencies for those who plan the routes of the Ship, Quartermaster for those who decide which upgrades the Great Ship will adquire before doing its Route and finally and the Crew proficiences for Cannons, Shields, Trebuchets and other Carts, finally the Maintenance proficiency for Doctors and Carpenters which in fact are one and the same and they can use Supplies to heal players and repair ships (Leveling woodworking is a must for roleplayers).

The Great Ships leave port each 15 minutes for a period of 45 minutes: During those 45 minutes several "Stations" arround the map will be visited in order (Setup by Captain) and will leave port with predefined upgrades (Setup by Quartermaster) - Then the other roles will have to work arround the mission of fulfilling the voyage. Great Ships work like a mobile Stonemist castle in terms of durability and potential for siege-anti-player capabilities: Plenty of Supply in the cargo allows Great Ships to deal inmense damage and area control most points of the map, being their only actual threat another Great Ships. This will be a ecosystem where factions control the main insland - which generates the most supplies and then supporting the voyages of the Great Ships is the main goal.

New Masteries for existing Mounts.
Naval Warfare for Skimmer: Mastery allows skimmers to fire an harpoon to dismount other players from any of other mount (Great Ship, Siege Turtle, Skimmer and Warclaw even if they close to the shore), this also can hook onto Great Ships and sea structures and do light to moderate structure damage.

Submarine Warfare for Skimmer: Underwater Skimmer's harpoon becomes a guided torpedo that hunts for much range and is the only option to take control points full of resources and supplies, with challenging legendary enemies that fight underwater. 

Shore Warfare for Siege Turtle:  Siege Turtle will deploy a mobile shield arround itself and also their guns will do increased damage to structures.

Supply Routes for Skiff: Skiff will be able to load much needed Supplies and take them quickly to any beachhead, station or the Great Ship that needs it. on their own though, they are quite vulnerable.

Next Update will be to the Alpine Borderland.
Which will get a full level re-design and gain a lot in verticallity and be actually Alpine. Springer will get a new Mastery for this Borderline and also Warclaw will get a new movement skill to "crawl" upward certain stonewalls of both structures and the mountains themselves.

Next next Update will be to the Desert Borderland.
Raptors and Bettles will get new Masteries and the map will get "flattened" to allow high speed mounted combat. 

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