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What’s Your Hottest PvP Take?


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23 minutes ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

have the option to /die if you're bleeding out (maybe just a clickable button somewhere). if you die its an instant respawn. i hate being forced to wait for no reason, makes the game slow and me frustrated. there is no reason for this to be the way it is, someone decided its a good idea but its a horrible idea

I'd disagree, but i think they should make your downstate more powerful the longer you are downed to further punish anyone just leaving downstate for a long time

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Bad telegraphs, Floaty telegraphs , random (but not really random) procs , Big kitten scary AoEs doing nothing while almost invisible ones doing 8k. You have dumb kitten face roll kitten with like 6 kill abilities and then you get people playing bunkers cause the previous group does damage while mouth breathing , so you get games where no damage can be done or everyone is down in 0.5 seconds. The game is cluttered with kitten with zero readability and it is not about skill but who has the more insolated build that can handle stupid kitten. 

That isn't even a hot take that is a cold take . 

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6 minutes ago, Sweetbread.3678 said:

There's a reason that every time you go into Heart of the Mists it's just a bunch of pathetic MAGA d----bags flooding map chat.

That's just mmo pvp communities in general tbh
GW2 is pretty tame in comparison to say, classic wow as sad as that is


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1 hour ago, Sweetbread.3678 said:

The more imbalanced/poorly designed a pvp game is, the worse the caliber of person it attracts (and I mean person, not player). There's a reason that every time you go into Heart of the Mists it's just a bunch of pathetic MAGA d----bags flooding map chat.

It's the balanced-obsessed redditor ❄️s that are easily the worst.

Unlike someone expressing a political view, the redditor's hostility directly correlates to the state of the game, throwing out death threats and colorful slurs like halloween candy to everyone playing a class they don't like, complaining about said class endlessly on here to get a reaction, and all done with a desire to weaponize game balance to make up for their own obvious skill issues.

All pointless too. If anyone is obsessed over profession balance, then its clear they already take the game too seriously. I believe you when you say there's poor design that incentivizes toxicity, but its not balance like people are thinking, but things like unpunished serial AFKs, duoq, class-swapping, and match manipulation. Even if someone doesn't give 2 💩s about how the game is balanced, chances are they run into one of these in 1 of every 4 games (maybe even more) and its these easily-correctable fundamental issues that builds resentment and frustration between players. Not balance which they have no control over. All the redditors do is distract from these with their personal problems while remaining the most vocal, emotional, and outwardly aggressive of us all.

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2 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

That's just mmo pvp communities in general tbh
GW2 is pretty tame in comparison to say, classic wow as sad as that is

Perhaps. I'm not sure if the game that's been a literal race war simulator for 95% of its existence while also historically having bad balance/design issues of its own is a great counter-example though.

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Since Anet isn't going to seriously invest in PvP anytime soon, there should at least be an option to create/mod our own maps and modes through hotjoin servers. Much like how source games allow players to host their own.

Also balance should be treated more as an arms race rather than a Geneva Convention. Instead of just nerfing x problem and lowering the skill cap, buff underperforming y & z to kit players so they can counter it.

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7 minutes ago, Sweetbread.3678 said:

Perhaps. I'm not sure if the game that's been a literal race war simulator for 95% of its existence while also historically having bad balance/design issues of its own is a great counter-example though.

It's not like EQ or DAoC or any other older mmo had particularly great people either. 

Even the ones people celebrate as having positive communities like FF14 or GW2 aren't that great, it's just covered by a thin lair of pleasantry because you can't fail like 99% of the content. Even in PvE.

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On 11/23/2023 at 9:48 PM, bethekey.8314 said:

1. Anet has the tools to improve PvP learning and build community (e.g. spectator mode, continuous lobbies) but either chooses not to implement them or is too ignorant to do so.

2. Success in PvP (e.g. titles, gizmos, tournaments) in the olden, more populous days was much more impressive and skillful than today, despite the speeding up of the game. Today, the "top" actively discourage fair competition and diminish the game mode, while having bigger egos and being scared to innovate off generally accepted meta builds. They're embarrassing.

3. Being good at PvP means you can do any other game mode well. This is not true in reverse, and it bothers non-PvPers.

4. Abundant resources on how to play PvP exist, but people care so little about being a good teammate they never try to learn even the basics (like how capping or objectives work) beforehand. Imagine playing any team sport and doing the same. They will queue, ruin a team-based match with their poor play, play the victim when others call them out / give up, then blame the mode.

5. Thieves and Mesmers are favored by the most egotistical ragers because the classes' duel-oriented mechanics carry them. Guardians, Warriors, and Necromancers are the simple, staple classes made for and typically played by simple, normal people. Elementalists roleplay as high skill cap, but 99% of the time they cycle the same set rotations regardless of what's happening. Ranger serves as the degenerate mechanic dumpster class with immob spam, one shots, stealth, and pets, which no one likes and shouldn't exist in PvP. As the least played class by far over 10 years, Engineer has proven itself with hard data to be the most difficult to play / attain regular success on. Therefore, successful Engineers, namely Core, are gigachad god gamers and should be treated as such.


Gigachads that are real gigachads don't have to declare themselves so 😉 

23 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Hate to be the guy to say this but reading a lot of these post it's no suprise games pvp has dissolved into what it has.

My hot takes.

1-downstate should be a pve only mechanic, it adds more complexity to pve combat and allows insta rez skills etc to see skillful use but has 0 place in pvp.

2- stealth should be removed if player takes damage from any source, have a stackable 9 sec cap and thief should be revealed if backstab is attempted successfully or not.

3- longbow shouldn't benefit from arrow drop off if no other ranged weapons do as well.

4- hard cc such as knockdown eyc should have a 2 sec grace period to avoid being hard cc chained with 0 counter play if build doesn't have enough stunbreaks and stab to deal with 2 or 3 players unloading their cc's on one player, this would make classes like thief who can disengage from anything via Shadowstep less annoying to people in general because they would feel less gap in disengagement capabilities. This would also benefit wvw and remove the instances where any class but thief, willbender etc can be pulled into zerg continuously with 0 chance of having enough stab or stunbreaks to escape.

5- class u queue with should be locked.

6- duo/team queue should only be enabled in unranked and organized team play like mats etc.


I agree with everything here except number 4. If that happens give cc damage back completely.

Personal hot take: if they made one of the legendary weapon components account bound and PvP only acquisition, you'd see more population. They'd all suck though, but a few gems would find their way in.

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51 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Gigachads that are real gigachads don't have to declare themselves so 😉 

I agree with everything here except number 4. If that happens give cc damage back completely.

Personal hot take: if they made one of the legendary weapon components account bound and PvP only acquisition, you'd see more population. They'd all suck though, but a few gems would find their way in.

I agree, damage should 100% return to cc skills, it's silly to for example have a cc skill from a hammer do 7 damage. Return damage and balance cc other ways.

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9 hours ago, Master Ketsu.4569 said:

Make all skills require target facing like they do in action camera and disable snap ground targeting in competitive game modes.

The above two changes would teach a large number of players just how much they suck.

Snap to current should most defintely be disabled in competitive modes.

That's target bot simulator mode.

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On 11/24/2023 at 9:06 AM, Eddie.9143 said:

Can make plat on any class. People are bad. The talent is so poor these days on top of such a low population in sPvP, plat of today is the gold of the past. Not many players left these days know how to deal real damage. 

this is so unfair!!! when will the matchmaker recognise Eddie is the best player in the game even tho he only loses!!!


worst thing anet has ever done is take suggestions and read this idiot-kitten forum. actually dunning kruger given form and voice.

Edited by Bunbury.8472
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1 hour ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

this is so unfair!!! when will the matchmaker recognise Eddie is the best player in the game even tho he only loses!!!


worst thing anet has ever done is take suggestions and read this idiot-kitten forum. actually dunning kruger given form and voice.

How on earth did your brain develop that response to my comment lmao!? I don't even play 5v5. 

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8 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

this is so unfair!!! when will the matchmaker recognise Eddie is the best player in the game even tho he only loses!!!


worst thing anet has ever done is take suggestions and read this idiot-kitten forum. actually dunning kruger given form and voice.

that is actually the discord, and you can read most of their names or accounts on NA top 10

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4 hours ago, DragonKnight.5738 said:

After SOTO the damage increased too much (for all classes) while the health still is the same resulting in too many 1 hit kill builds.
It's one of the worst balance in the last 5-6 years.

"You gotta understand that some people never really grow. They never learn their lesson. Never recognize their mistakes, never acknowledge their faults, never admit they were in the wrong. You will never receive an apology from them, and you will never see their behavior change."

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9 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

"You gotta understand that some people never really grow. They never learn their lesson. Never recognize their mistakes, never acknowledge their faults, never admit they were in the wrong. You will never receive an apology from them, and you will never see their behavior change."

Are you quoting something?

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