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Idea for new Crafting discipline "Doctor"


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I have an idea for a new Crafting discipline. I call it "Doctor". Instead of, for example, weaponsmith, you are a doctor. Depending on which symptoms a patient has, they are treated with different methods. Surgeries, prescription of medicines and more.

The idea was first that it could be content in a StarTrek game. Where they had collected all the scenarios that the various doctors in all the StarTrek series and movies have dealt with. But then I found out that it had worked in GuildWars too. As a new "crafting" discipline.

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But what will it add to the game? 
I mean we currently don't have any disease system. 
We have conditions, but we have cleanses for that as it is.
And people will never accept being afflicted by a disease debuff that is uncleansable unless you have access to someone with a certain crafting discipline.
Are you proposing it can for example craft consumable "pill" items to instantly cleanse conditions from the inventory?
And craftable  consumable "syringes" to forcibly inject yourself with heals/boons and the enemy in range with conditions/damage? 
So far it sounds like you haven't made it further than 'sounds cool', but have not yet thought about what role it would fill ingame in a gameplay sense.

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But why?  Who would we be healing?  NPCs?  The crafting benefits the player...armor, food, etc.  I don't think it's really needed to be popping potions or syringes or passing a box of tissues in the middle of combat...we already heal.  Not seeing how this would be implemented. 

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Crafting disciplines create products that have at least some nominal value to partially justify the time and tedium of the crafting process itself.

What products would this create that don't duplicate what already exists, and for what purpose would they be used in a game with self-healing?

The answer to both seems to be "none."

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1 hour ago, Ashen.2907 said:

A pharmacist profession to craft healing consumables would make sense thematically, but the abundance of low cooldown self heals would render it largely useless IMO.

Basically this. If pots were a thing in this game, I could see an alchemist or apothecary crafter.

I laughed out loud at the OP. I was looking for the "utility" of the class, and apparently the roleplay fantasy and mini-game would be the only purpose for such a job existing. Which, as @Linken.6345 observed, you can do as much as you like in the Temple of Kormir in the Crystal Oasis map.

I would rather have a judge profession, where we can deliberately tweak the numbers of classes to adjust the "balance". 😛

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2 hours ago, Tom.8029 said:

Ooooooo. And then you can bill other players for your services and if they don’t pay, it gets sent to collections. If they don’t pay the legal fees, they get sent to the Consortium to work it off until who knows when.  Perfect. 

Hmm, and insurance with deductible that must be met a d an annual out of pocket maximum!!!

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8 hours ago, Kiof.5710 said:

I see the Asurans getting into the Tyrian Medical Insurance Industry.


No. The Asurans are all about the eternal alchemy and how you can't profit from it. If it were to be any race, it would be Charr (fat cats, monopolising medicines etc) or Humans (greedy corporate types and snake-oil salesmen).

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12 minutes ago, Funky.4861 said:

No. The Asurans are all about the eternal alchemy and how you can't profit from it. If it were to be any race, it would be Charr (fat cats, monopolising medicines etc) or Humans (greedy corporate types and snake-oil salesmen).

I smell a new business opportunity for Snargle Goldclaw to start an advertising agency...

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