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Tired of the 'Stanford Experiment' bullying / harassment

Merica Madman.4695

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On 12/27/2023 at 9:32 AM, Burnfall.9573 said:

My friend, my holiday was great and I hope your holiday was great as well

Was quiet, which sounds bad on paper but, considering I love to cook and overdue it on holidays with guests means I had more time to game. So score?! lol. I enjoy Wintersday reward tracks so been a blast even if quiet.

As far as confused peeps, this is Forum Wars 2, we all can banter and still enjoy various views. It's a game peeps. 

Burn, not sure if you are hunting over New Years, personally it is always a good time personally, but if so have a blast and may your bags be full! Good gaming where you find it!

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7 hours ago, Norseman.4280 said:

Fine but not all of us want to hear the constant barrage of stupid kitten coming out of stoned 19 year old's mouths all night long.

Not everyone falls into that clique nor wants to hear it. I tried. I can't.

I'm sure that 19 year old isn't interested in the "stupid kitten" coming out of your mouth either. Don't want to join voice, don't join the squad.

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On 12/29/2023 at 3:15 AM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Was quiet, which sounds bad on paper but, considering I love to cook and overdue it on holidays with guests means I had more time to game. So score?! lol. I enjoy Wintersday reward tracks so been a blast even if quiet.

As far as confused peeps, this is Forum Wars 2, we all can banter and still enjoy various views. It's a game peeps. 

Burn, not sure if you are hunting over New Years, personally it is always a good time personally, but if so have a blast and may your bags be full! Good gaming where you find it!

That's good to hear, learning how to good is good survival skills. My friend, unfortunately I don't hunt. I only do that in the game with my retired Ranger Profession 

I've been spending a lot of time playing other games because you know why.

Have a good holiday and good gaming as well.

2024 is right around the the corner and will bring us more MMO's gaming options

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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WvW is not a casual game mode it is competitive game mode and some servers are very sweaty. They do not want public tags or pugs because enemy teams will rally on downs and even if they sponge damage it makes it harder to win fights. They spend hours training and doing video review so if they choose to play private and do not want pugs that is their preference. I suggest you find a server that is more friendly to play with. There are a few on twitch that are casual gamers in WvW if that is what you are looking for. IMO there will always be a divide between casual and competitive WvW players and the game mode doesn't have the numbers to split it up between two game modes.

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13 hours ago, Norseman.4280 said:

Fine but not all of us want to hear the constant barrage of stupid kitten coming out of stoned 19 year old's mouths all night long.

Not everyone falls into that clique nor wants to hear it. I tried. I can't.

Perhaps it is time to move to a different server then? 😄

I would save my Gems, though, since servers won't be a thing for much longer, once World Restructuring comes out of beta.

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On 12/23/2023 at 7:25 PM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Tags are not a requirement. Tags are optional.

If you want to join a Tag but don't want to accept their lead and or requirements then you can:

  • Follow along anyway - we have so much boon share you are still flooded with boons while just zerg surfing along



Well many squads dont really like pugs running along for various reasons (rally bots, telegrafing stealth, causing orange swords...). But those will run invis tag anyway.

Also there should be no boon spillage outside of subgroup let alone squad. If theres spillage some are really slacking on movement.

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16 hours ago, Norseman.4280 said:

Fine but not all of us want to hear the constant barrage of stupid kitten coming out of stoned 19 year old's mouths all night long.

Not everyone falls into that clique nor wants to hear it. I tried. I can't.

While there are certainly groups and guilds that lack focus and discipline, I think that's a fairly costly generalization.

One should note the filter goes both ways. You filter out commanders you don't want to follow as much as commanders may not want some people following them.

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33 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

Must be a per-server thing, from what I've seen random chaos is the rule, not the exception.

I probably wasn't very clear in my post. I meant more in response to the post I was replying to of " constant barrage of stupid kitten " which implies that there wasn't much effort to moderate chat. A lot of in-jokes and off color comments that may be acceptable when chatting with guildies may also alienate the general public. A lot of people don't seem to have the social graces (and thus discipline) to realize that. And some people really can't play with too much distraction and yelling.

Granted, the group may not even want "normal people" to follow them anyways, but it does mean less people will follow them for reasons. Of course, everyone is free to run their group in any way they see fit, but there's always consequences.

But regardless, I think most groups I come across do try to moderate themselves a bit and not scare people away too much.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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14 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

I probably wasn't very clear in my post. I meant more in response to the post I was replying to of " constant barrage of stupid kitten " which implies that there wasn't much effort to moderate chat. A lot of in-jokes and off color comments that may be acceptable when chatting with guildies may also alienate the general public. A lot of people don't seem to have the social graces (and thus discipline) to realize that. And some people really can't play with too much distraction and yelling.

Granted, the group may not even want "normal people" to follow them anyways, but it does mean less people will follow them for reasons. Of course, everyone is free to run their group in any way they see fit, but there's always consequences.

But regardless, I think most groups I come across do try to moderate themselves a bit and not scare people away too much.

WVW community is way more polite, welcoming, helpful, and patient than pve community, its way more social too, /t or /m is active, people recognize each other etc, i think most of "Muh toxic" stuff comes from fact that complainers dont really interact with enough players outside of wvw game mode. 

I seen extremely experienced commanders that is considered toxic and disliked by huge parts of wvw molds, putting heroic efforts into explaining newbies of what pip is, and how is important to move together to share damage and do damage at same time, nobody who plays wvw as primary game mode likes the "Pug", but literally everyone will help new guys that want to learn and play the game mode, will give advices, builds etc, 

Most pugs doesnt ask for help to enter the game mode, it seems like majority is not even reading the chat, they behaving exactly the same as they are in pve meta trains, where there is basically 0 coordination, chat is silent and u just get carried in autopilot, they dont understand that they might ruin stealth here and wype whole squad, that they act as rally bot, eat up shared boons and are completely ineffective with their pve builds, some are not only ineffective, but harmful as reflects are everywhere and pugs tends to rely on projectiles. 


Its not man vs world, its also not pure pvp, lot of pvp people struggle with organized zerg fights as they lose their individualism on which they rely in pvp (unless its content where just one blob overblowing another disorganized cloud, which is just pve tier farming and nothing really matters, nobody playing competitive as main mode likes that tho, u want some challenge). 

OP implied that its Commanders decision, but nobody in voice squad wants to play with people that cant even put minimal effort into joining voice, like overall OP wrote nonsense bait, like i really dont understand why this convo is even being entertained, dude might as well just start ranting on why SnowCrows doesn't accept him into their Raid speed runs, or why t4 fractal party kicks him after he comes with 0 agony.

I could rant for hours here now but its pointless, the moment dude said wvw community is toxic was the moment thread should have been ignored, as he either spend years without socialization and team play in this game or complains about every single mode. 

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14 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Well many squads dont really like pugs running along for various reasons (rally bots, telegrafing stealth, causing orange swords...). But those will run invis tag anyway.

Also there should be no boon spillage outside of subgroup let alone squad. If theres spillage some are really slacking on movement.

You should roam more around squads that think they are tight. They aren't. But I agree mileage will vary so maybe you are roaming and see they are running more tight. Haven't seen that. I do run invis havocs tags with options to join when not running solo so as not to draw players from the main tag so I get the invis options, but lean to there is more boon share even while players are not grouped. Personally while not in squad there are ample boons over the last few years since boom spawn has been on the rise. Mileage and group will vary I agree.

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Sorry you feel this way friend. Please understand though that its not personal. Most commanders wont exclude you for not being on voice but will give preference to those that are. understanding where the group is going to move and why is very important in group play and can make or break a squad.

Always remember you don't have to talk, just listen :)

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On 12/29/2023 at 9:40 AM, Cuks.8241 said:

Well many squads dont really like pugs running along for various reasons (rally bots, telegrafing stealth, causing orange swords...). But those will run invis tag anyway.

Also there should be no boon spillage outside of subgroup let alone squad. If theres spillage some are really slacking on movement.

Boon spilling is pretty likely following a pug tag; it is unlikely that it'll be even parties of 5 for everyone and also pugs following by nature do not follow perfectly. Although certain recent mesmer builds may disagree.

Also there is definitely more than enough condi clear and heals for everyone.

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We keep those who aren't in comms in party one, if there are issues with sustain (outnumbered opponents or support having trouble sticking to tag), then we will give ample warning for people to get in discord (it's in the squad message),  then boot those who aren't respectful enough to atleast listen or pretend to listen.  This way the spill over boons prioritize to raid members who are listening on tag before spilling out on those not on comms.

   We have never purged a raid down to guild members only though and have no issues helping new players out as long as they don't disrupt comms during fights.   Most guilds I've tagged along with have been similar, exception being a couple really sweaty and often racist groups  who make the rest of us wvwers look bad.

Edited by neven.3785
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Reasons Why Commanders Request VOIP/Comms, and/or Run Private Squads
1. Commanders in organized groups want to keep organization. Bigger guilds that run may also want uniformity in meta builds, so when they do call outs, they know tools are available. Not fair to ask pugs that you don't know to run a build, they might not have the resources, or know how to use said build. If I call for bubble 2 in a fight, I know I have the 2nd groups bubble coming. Same thing with STAB, blast, etc. 

2. As cringe as it is, there are people that tag watch for other servers. Running private makes it harder to do that, and saves on headaches that come with it. Can't sneak SMC while you know there's someone telling SMC owners exactly where you are. 

3. I've personally had weirdoes we kicked from guild join our tag, and harass myself and other members. Request to join is a great thing, easy to filter. Also, we prioritize getting guildies in. We have a ton that come to our daily runs. If there's room for pugs, cool, but I'd rather deny entry period than let someone in, just to kick them later. 

4. I'm not a chatmander. I'm not typing instructions out, especially during a fight. I'm good, but not that good. Voice just makes life easier. 

You've already stated your solution to it, just run your own tag. It's 100% fair to not want to do what a commander asks, it's 100% not fair to say you want to join someone else's group, but don't want to follow their rules in a "competitive" mode. Because you'll be the one sitting on a warclaw when we're trying to hide around a corner buffing and blasting stealth, that gives us away. You'll be the one squirrel off tag going to a dolyak, and now the enemy knows where we're headed. You'll be the longbow ranger rapid firing into reflects that just stress us out. Not saying these are you specifically, but my guild has had to sit down with a few members and have a heart to heart about things like this, repeatedly. Don't like the rules, run your own tag.

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On 12/29/2023 at 4:52 PM, ArchonWing.9480 said:

I meant more in response to the post I was replying to of " constant barrage of stupid kitten " which implies that there wasn't much effort to moderate chat. A lot of in-jokes and off color comments that may be acceptable when chatting with guildies may also alienate the general public. A lot of people don't seem to have the social graces (and thus discipline) to realize that. And some people really can't play with too much distraction and yelling.

True, I've joined and then quickly left a couple guilds because of that. Except it was never in-game chat, it was always Discord voice (the site chat was used mostly for posting screenshots and image memes). One was exactly like that, an unending distracting stream of someteen and twentysomething vulgarity and inside-joke nonsense with occasional expletive-laced yelling at each other about game stuff. That one didn't last a day before I dropped it. The other was also "Discord required" so I pulled it up for listening only, and nobody ever said or typed anything even in prime time. Dead-silent voice chat required, yeah sure. Makes perfect sense.🤐I eventually left that one from lack of interest.

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On 12/29/2023 at 5:28 PM, ChrisWhitey.9076 said:

WvW is not a casual game mode it is competitive game mode and some servers are very sweaty

I honestly wouldn’t care. If i want to run a „casual roamer cloud blob“ i tag up.

but here’s the thing:

if said sweaty commander asks me nicely if i could consider doing something specific with my squad or even change the map, i would do that if possible.

also: if i join his squad i try my best to adapt to the commanders ideas. If he doesn’t play how i want, I’m free to leave. Sometimes i don’t understand a commander’s decision but i accept it and follow him. Or i leave ofc.

this also is the thing if it’s about joining the voicechat. I don’t get it why this is such a hard concept for some ppl.

some are sweaty, some are not. You don’t have to be a slave to anyone and there are enough people on any given server that are like-minded. But if i want to play with people, i follow their rules and don’t impose mine on them.

Edited by CafPow.1542
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Stanford Experiment isn't about being in prison LOL! It's about having authority over others and people abusing that power for their benefit. Why do you think there's so many people running around outside of an open tag? The same reasons that I'm presenting. They are tired of the harassment. They are tired of the bullying to get on VOIP or be kicked. Or they are just tired of being told what to do. They are avoiding that confrontation and taking control of their situation to just enjoy the game. But it comes at a price of lower game progression because of no xp / bags on boons.

Very similar to why Anet doesn't have GVG in a game called Guildwars. They lost creative control of their product to a handful of the top guilds dictating that development. A battle for control, but very little did they know that going big with WVW presented challenges that they still have not corrected and most likely won't. They created a mode that is not game driven content but community driven. Ask the simple question, 'why', and then think about it.

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You were given a choice to join discord or be kicked, you chose the latter. End of story. There is no abuse, harassment or bullying here. You want to join a squad, you need to abide by their rules (if any) - their squad their rules simple as that. You are always welcome to join another tag or even tag up yourself.

You need to understand a tag's priority are the gamers in their squad or guild - to be in the best position to win fights or just have good fights all around. This includes navigating the squad properly and giving call-outs or commands on the fly. So don't be surprised they require the whole squad to be in comms.

Edited by Crave.4891
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4 hours ago, LordMadman.5812 said:

It's about having authority over others and people abusing that power for their benefit.

You're literally accusing people of abusing their authority and enjoying having power over others.  Your post has got to be a troll post.  Or at least made in very bad faith.

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