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Please make more engaging story boss encounters

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17 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

You're right. The whole game will fix itself , encounters more varied and interesting, story less repetitive. All of this if I change my build. Ok, got it. Im going to metabattle right now thanks everyone!

If you want to provide feedback that's worth anything, be more specific. What's repetitive? Which parts are not interesting for you? Which encounters aren't varied enough (as in which ones are too close to each other mechanically, I guess?)?
Saying "make it more varied and interesting" provides the devs with absolutely nothing.

If you think story bosses take 30 minutes because you're soloing them (which vast majority players do, I'd "risk" a claim that story content is made with solo players in mind by default) then what it means is that you lack understanding of some of the game's mechanics. Which ones? Not sure, because you didn't provide any specifics. Maybe you don't have a coherent build. Maybe you're trying to "outheal yourself through content". Maybe you don't understand the mechanics of the encounters. One way or another, 30 minutes is not the norm. If you want to be helped, provide details. If you don't want to be helped, at least understand that now you're knowingly doing this to yourself.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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10 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

It is not natural for every argument there should be only counter arguments for the sake of counter arguments. Every counter argument in this thread ignores the actual point I'm putting forward and reducing it to "u bad, skill issue". Is that your idea of a strong "counter argument"?

Exactly, your argument don't even hold water against one simple counter argument.

Beware that most story boss fights stands as a check point to test a player's ability in offense and defense, if the fiight's taking longer than intended, then you are not meeting developer expectation of either element of such content.

Therefore the community responded it as a skill gap issue, because veterans usually breeze through with relative ease without spending that much time

Edited by Vilin.8056
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5 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

If you want to provide feedback that's worth anything, be more specific. What's repetitive? Which parts are not interesting for you?

Well that's easy. I can pull a random card out of a hat with any number of things and it would probably be relevant to the topic. That's just how much repetitive stuff there is. But I'm not playing your game, sorry.

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2 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

Well that's easy. I can pull a random card out of a hat with any number of things and it would probably be relevant to the topic. That's just how much repetitive stuff there is. But I'm not playing your game, sorry.

Then start pulling those cards or understand that your feedback isn't a feedback because it says nothing and devs won't change a single thing based on your vague generalizations. Barely saying that "I can!" (or rather... "could"?) also counts for nothing, if that's somehow not clear yet.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Vilin.8056 said:

Therefore the community responded it as a skill gap issue, because veterans usually breeze through with relative ease without spending that much time


The community has spoken, he proclaims.

I've been on GW2 since pre-launch. I have over 6000 hours played, over 7k PVP matches, 13 characters over level 80. GET A GRIP

Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Then start pulling those cards or understand that your feedback isn't a feedback because it says nothing and devs won't change a single thing based on your vague generalizations. Barely saying that "I can!" (or rather... "could"?) also counts for nothing, if that's somehow not clear yet.

I might have pulled a few if you all didn't turn this entire thread into a matter regarding my build. Which is completely pointless because there's nothing wrong with my build. Instead of discussion about the game, all you've tried to do is make me answer for things.

I've told you the content is repetitive, boring, and the playtime is drawn out by HP bloat. But you want to make the argument about something else, and make me spell it all out for you so you can further make this thread about me. I haven't made generalizations at all, I'm describing my experience with much of the game.

Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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6 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:


The community has spoken, he proclaims.

I've been on GW2 since pre-launch. I have over 6000 hours played, over 7k PVP matches, 13 characters over level 80. GET A GRIP

Yet you couldn't beat a casual encounter in less than 15 minutes, that speaks itself.

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45 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

I might have pulled a few if you all didn't turn this entire thread into a matter regarding my build. Which is completely pointless because there's nothing wrong with my build.

Cool, then forget about this one and start pulling out those specifics you say you can pull. I don't get what you're doing right now.

HP of story bosses still isn't bloated btw.


48 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

I've been on GW2 since pre-launch. I have over 6000 hours played, over 7k PVP matches, 13 characters over level 80.

I regret to inform you that these numbers show nothing other than just... you being in the game. And this is not some backhanded remark attempt, clocking hours ingame only requires being logged in. Queuing for pvp match... only requires queuing for pvp match.

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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

HP of story bosses still isn't bloated btw.

Yes it is.

I  fought a boss, it felt bloated. Felt like it took 30 minutes. Maybe it took less than that in reality, but it was so boring and repetitive that it felt like 30. And skill rotations are so short in GW2 I felt like I went through my full rotation like 50 times, at which point my brain actually starts to hurt.

I understand maybe Anet are super proud of the combat system and want us to use it as much as possible but the amount of combat in story instances is simply excessive. EVERY story instance you are fighting a horde of monsters and likely some HP bloated boss. Sometimes I just want a story less combat focused, but we really don't get enough of that because apparently nobody thinks it's a problem except for me, according to the pro's in here.

Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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2 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

Yes it is.

I  fought a boss, it felt bloated. Felt like it took 30 minutes. Maybe it took less than that in reality, but it was so boring and repetitive that it felt like 30. And skill rotations are so short in GW2 I felt like I went through my full rotation like 50 times, at which point my brain actually starts to hurt.


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4 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

Yes it is.

I  fought a boss, it felt bloated. Felt like it took 30 minutes. Maybe it took less than that in reality, but it was so boring and repetitive that it felt like 30. And skill rotations are so short in GW2 I felt like I went through my full rotation like 50 times, at which point my brain actually starts to hurt.

Well, if you thinkg story bosses' hp is bloated and take 30 minutes then that's exactly why you're getting the responses you're getting: becuase it isn't and it's the case of you having bad build/s or not understanding the game's mechanics.

Which boss. And I notice that now it turned into "felt like it took 30 minutes". Like... come on. If you want to provide feedback, maybe stop deliberately overblowing it, how is this supposed to be taken seriously by anyone, including the devs?


1 minute ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:


I hope this one gets us a more specific answer. I tried too 😅

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10 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

See, the thing is that we don't need to work out anything. If you want to see any change, it's on you to provide specific feedback to anet and that's exactly what I keep telling you here. Except I doubt anet will keep playing a guessing game with you, so good luck with that. 🤷‍♂️

Soo, i checked Dagda. The stroy fight.

She has roughly 900k health. 

If Buzzbugs needs 30min to kill her. They are doing 500 dps.


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1 hour ago, Vilin.8056 said:

Yet you couldn't beat a casual encounter in less than 15 minutes, that speaks itself.

With 6k hours played, on top. Like, how. Not even CM raid fights last more than 7-8 minutes.

And this person is so set against introspection that they will stay this bad and blame the game anyways. The game is not perfect, but 30 minutes on a story boss, hell even 10 minutes on a story boss is such a spectacular display of lacking basic understanding of how the game and your class functions.

Is she running a PVT or shaman's scepter mesmer and choosing not to shatter? A pvt mainhand axe torch ranger? What the hell are you doing to put out this little damage?

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Well I don't know about 30 mins, probably exaggeration but we haven't got 1 memorable boss in Soto. Strike Cerus is decent at least mechanically, normal mode is very easy though. And everything else is... I don't even remember.

We got quite a few very good fights in Eod; Soo Won meta, Harvest temple strike and one of my favs, Old Lion's Court strike (not technically Eod). And in general the quality was above Icebrood Saga. So I was hoping for another step up, not 3 steps down.

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1 hour ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:


The community has spoken, he proclaims.

I've been on GW2 since pre-launch. I have over 6000 hours played, over 7k PVP matches, 13 characters over level 80. GET A GRIP

And you're here complaining a story boss is taking you 30 minutes. 

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1 hour ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:


The community has spoken, he proclaims.

I've been on GW2 since pre-launch. I have over 6000 hours played, over 7k PVP matches, 13 characters over level 80. GET A GRIP

And yet it took you 30 minutes to take down a story boss. Time well spent indeed.

I read the rest of your comments here. You might be interested in learning what boss mechanics are and what special action key is.

Edited by BatelGeuce.3591
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10 hours ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

I'm not asking for advice. I'm telling you the bosses have too much health and every encounter is designed this way to pad out the playtime. It is mind-numbingly dull the way Anet designs these encounters. Every single one is the same. Hit boss for 5 minutes -> 2 minute segment doing special ability to break bar -> hit boss for another 5 minutes -> kill minion / thing before it heals the boss -> hit the boss again for 5 minutes. It's been like this for like 3 straight expansions. It's like Anet is trying to bore me to death.

your build is kitten, get a good one and come back later, thats it

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2 hours ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

because apparently nobody thinks it's a problem except for me

Yes. You finally got the correct answer and won the main prize! A ticket to Snowcrows and Metabattle sites. Now get a decent build and chop this story bosses in seconds.

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12 hours ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

As someone who plays solo, it is NOT FUN to have to bash a boss for 30 minutes straight to get their health down. Please come up with something more engaging to lengthen encounters if you have to. Anything would be better than these long drawn out HP bloat fests..

Are you sure you aren't either dying a lot or dealing very low damage?  There are no story bosses that should be taking much more than 5 minutes (at least not due to how much health they have) and most are less than that. 

With more information we may be able to help determine the problem and suggest a solution.  Which bosses are giving you trouble and what build are you using? 

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To the very title of this thread: they do this already with strike missions. They take a story boss, give it mechanics, and make it a 10-man encounter. Then they make challenge versions for those who want 'em even more engaging. At least, that's the idea anyway.

They did this because developing raids wasn't paying off for Anet and because people would complain about story bosses being too difficult before, like Shadow of the Dragon and Mordremoth.

To the actual thread: I got a good laugh.

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