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Roaming Elementalists?

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How do you defeat roaming Elementalists? They seem to have great mobility, great survivability, and great damage. It's like, they have everything and the kitchen sink while everyone else has to choose two of the three. 

What's this an issue of? Celestial? Or is it the Elemental Attunements that give them all of this?

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You can't. We are unbeatable!! Muahahaha...

kidding... just like many other classes, Ele's have a few meme builds available.  Unlike some other classes, it can be countered.  It really depends on what you're playing/skill level vs. their build/skill level.

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1 hour ago, Malus.2184 said:

How do you defeat roaming Elementalists? They seem to have great mobility, great survivability, and great damage. It's like, they have everything and the kitchen sink while everyone else has to choose two of the three. 

What's this an issue of? Celestial? Or is it the Elemental Attunements that give them all of this?

if you see a ele on celestial u just turn around and run off.
not worth to give them a fight not worth your time either.

it takes kittening long to kill in meanwhile u could probably already had 3/4 other good fights somewhere else. if u do wanna blow your time on them u simply keep hammering till they kitten up and u unleash a burst.

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Eles use celestial very well yeah. But the biggest meme-builds out there where i make a smooth 360 and turn the other way are really willys and thiefes.

the biggest issues i personally have with eles are the ones that delete my face in 1 second. But those are not celestials. But that’s more of a „me problem“.

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Port away as soon as you seem them, just like willbenders, all thieves, condi mechas, harbingers. 🤔

They are all only meme builds, that everyone happens to run in wvw. 🤔

They can't win if they can't fight you. 🤔

They can't be carried if they can't fight you. 🤔

They get no content if they can't fight you. 🤔

No need to be extra sweaty or have higher skill to beat fotmy builds if they can't fight you. 🤔

There's thousands of players in wvw, you don't need to be frustrated over that one particular meme build that everyone is running. 🤔

And if you don't like that option, well, just bring more friends to the party like everyone else does in wvw. 🤔


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30 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

You counter cele with cele and then you stalemate after 5 mins or get sniped by a ganker Deadeye.

Nerf deadeye then. Clearly op and the problem in your scenario.

i can fight in peace with my fellow cele-frens for hours.

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4 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

How do you defeat roaming Elementalists? They seem to have great mobility, great survivability, and great damage. It's like, they have everything and the kitchen sink while everyone else has to choose two of the three. 

What's this an issue of? Celestial? Or is it the Elemental Attunements that give them all of this?

Eles are one of the most random classes you will find while roaming. You will never know what you will get when you come across one. Are there generalized tactics? Yes. If you are using a power melee build then bring lots of CC. If you are using a power range build, keep them at range and be ready to break contact if you aren't denting them (I wish I could follow my own advice here). If you are condi range, same kite and keep kiting or get out if you are not doing anything to them. If you are condi melee, stack poison and fire and make sure to use covering condis when possible so that the ones you want to stick have a better chance to do so.

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21 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Eles are one of the most random classes you will find while roaming. You will never know what you will get when you come across one. Are there generalized tactics? Yes. If you are using a power melee build then bring lots of CC. If you are using a power range build, keep them at range and be ready to break contact if you aren't denting them (I wish I could follow my own advice here). If you are condi range, same kite and keep kiting or get out if you are not doing anything to them. If you are condi melee, stack poison and fire and make sure to use covering condis when possible so that the ones you want to stick have a better chance to do so.

In other words, bring 5 friends. 🍦

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imagine having perma stealth thieves that you can't even respond to because they only come out of stealth to hit you for half your health and instantly go back into stealth (very fun to play against having seemingly infinite initiative)... willbenders that you can just never stop unless 20 people gank them... mesmers that 1shot you from full health in 0.1 second... warriors that don't let you play the game because every button they press is a stun, and even if you do anything you see a lot of 0 0 0 0 0 on your screen... unkillable harbingers that with 1 button not only give you a ton of conditions but also convert your boons to conditions on top of that... but you think ELE is an issue??? oh - kittening - please......

here's a hint, unless it's a dagger/dagger ele just walk away... ele has 1 port, 900 range, half an hour cd, not even a stun break, and they just can't catch you or prevent you from leaving in any way so just walk away if you can't kill them... if you can't leave avoid using projectiles because that's one of the very few ele strengths... go mele and 3shot them because they are squishier than a napkin... and if you throw everything you have at their basic dodge that's kinda a you problem...

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1 hour ago, RazieL.5684 said:

imagine having perma stealth thieves that you can't even respond to because they only come out of stealth to hit you for half your health and instantly go back into stealth (very fun to play against having seemingly infinite initiative)... willbenders that you can just never stop unless 20 people gank them... mesmers that 1shot you from full health in 0.1 second... warriors that don't let you play the game because every button they press is a stun, and even if you do anything you see a lot of 0 0 0 0 0 on your screen... unkillable harbingers that with 1 button not only give you a ton of conditions but also convert your boons to conditions on top of that... but you think ELE is an issue??? oh - kittening - please......


Imagine having trouble against WB, War, Thief, Mes and Hb with a celestial ele.

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11 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

In other words, bring 5 friends. 🍦

If possible always bring some battle buddies, roaming is fun, havocing is more laid back and fun, and in both cases, see a friend in need and lend a hand. Or a headbutt. In the best cases your friends will bring you targets, and that's when the goods times really shine! 🙂 

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10 hours ago, CafPow.1542 said:


the rest of your post is cool tho more or less x)

mesmer - blink - 1200 range stun break

thief - shadowstep - 1200 range 2 way 2x stun break

engineer - shift signet - 1200 range stun break

guardian - judges intervention - 1200 range targeted stun break

necro - flesh wurm - 1200 range stun break

revenant - phase traversal - 1200 range, targeted, not a stun break BUT gives unblockable, gives quickness and has 5 seconds cd....

ranger - unnatural traversal - 900 range, targeted, not a stun break BUT gets half cd if it hits someone gives 5 stacks of might, regen and vulnerability on the target

elementalist - lightning flash - 900 range, not a stun break... "but" does 80 damage... OMG BROKEN NERF IT RIGHT NOW HOW THE HELL IS THIS EVEN ALLOWED???



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9 hours ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

Imagine having trouble against WB, War, Thief, Mes and Hb with a celestial ele.

nice argument... let me reply - imagine having trouble against any ele with any of these classes...

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27 minutes ago, RazieL.5684 said:

elementalist - lightning flash - 900 range, not a stun break... "but" does 80 damage... OMG BROKEN NERF IT RIGHT NOW HOW THE HELL IS THIS EVEN ALLOWED???

Ahh you just meant lightning flash has no stun break. Now i understand, i thought for some reason you meant no stun break at all.

my b. ^^

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17 hours ago, reddie.5861 said:

if you see a ele on celestial u just turn around and run off.
not worth to give them a fight not worth your time either.

it takes kittening long to kill in meanwhile u could probably already had 3/4 other good fights somewhere else.

Right. The other day a catalyst engaged me. After 2 minutes I left him alone and killed a willbender passing by in 30 seconds. Was a walk in the park compared to that catalyst. True story.


if u do wanna blow your time on them u simply keep hammering till they kitten up and u unleash a burst.

That's exactly what I do in these encounters for 2 of their skill rotations. If they don't mess up in that amount of time, I just move away, because it's getting dumb. ANet spec design at its best.

Edited by KrHome.1920
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3 hours ago, RazieL.5684 said:

lightning flash - 900 range, not a stun break... "but" does 80 damage... OMG BROKEN NERF IT RIGHT NOW HOW THE HELL IS THIS EVEN ALLOWED???

I figured you were just being the classic 'My class bad' player before, but now it's pretty obvious.  It's not a stun break, but you conveniently left out that it's instant cast, meaning it can be used while stuck by most CC and also mid cast of other skills. 

If you're having trouble as a Cele Ele, then the skill issue is with you.

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17 hours ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

Imagine having trouble against WB, War, Thief, Mes and Hb with a celestial ele.

You got 4 confused reacts for stating facts. There's a lot of confused people around here it seems.

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7 hours ago, RazieL.5684 said:

mesmer - blink - 1200 range stun break

thief - shadowstep - 1200 range 2 way 2x stun break

engineer - shift signet - 1200 range stun break

guardian - judges intervention - 1200 range targeted stun break

necro - flesh wurm - 1200 range stun break

revenant - phase traversal - 1200 range, targeted, not a stun break BUT gives unblockable, gives quickness and has 5 seconds cd....

ranger - unnatural traversal - 900 range, targeted, not a stun break BUT gets half cd if it hits someone gives 5 stacks of might, regen and vulnerability on the target

elementalist - lightning flash - 900 range, not a stun break... "but" does 80 damage... OMG BROKEN NERF IT RIGHT NOW HOW THE HELL IS THIS EVEN ALLOWED???



I don't think pleading for eles to get a 1200 ranged  stunbreak port in a thread complaining about eles being bursty and undying makes a lot of sense.

Edited by Kuya.6495
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